Trump’s Raging Fear is on Vivid Display as He Hurls Infantile Insults at New York Prosecutor

The surest sign that Donald Trump is being kept awake nights with agonizing anxiety over his precarious prosecutorial problems are the late night comments he posts on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social. And on Friday he was raging until after midnight about what a pathetic victim he is of the “Radical Left Democrats” that he also regards as incompetent.

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Donald Trump Circling the Drain

The demonstrative fear that Trump exudes is evident in how his plaintive whining becomes increasingly frenzied and steeped in childish cheap shots. He throws tantrums aimed at his perceived persecutors that he seems to think will cause them to scurry off and leave him alone. How he comes to that conclusion is a mystery. But it is clearly driven by his malignant narcissism and it is nothing new.

RELATED: Poor Trump is Oozing Fear Over the Looming Legal Consequences of His Treasonous Crimes

Friday’s fury was likely triggered by the news that Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, has been interviewing Trump insiders such as his former lawyer, Michael Cohen, and his White House Counselor, Kellyanne Conway.

Trumps knows what they know and is obviously concerned that the D.A. will soon know it too. Consequently, he lashed out frantically online in a flurry of late night tirades, beginning with some particularly personal attacks…

“The Racist Manhattan District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, who is presiding over one of the most dangerous and violent cities in the U.S., and doing NOTHING about it, is being pushed relentlessly by the Radical Left Democrats, the Fake News Media, and the Department of ‘Injustice,’ to bring charges against me for the now ancient ‘no affair’ story of Stormy ‘Horseface’ Danials, where there is no crime and charges have NEVER been brought on such a case before. In the meantime, Hunter & Joe Biden skate!”

There’s a lot to unpack in that barrage of bullshittery. First of all, Trump routinely accuses black prosecutors like Bragg of being racist. He has done it repeatedly when complaining about New York Attorney General Leticia James. Although his harangues have only succeeded in getting him and his lawyers sanctioned for millions of dollars for filing frivolous claims.

SEE THIS: Trump Drops Lawsuit Against NY Attorney General to Avoid More Sanctions for Frivolous Filings

Trump also likes to deflect from his own legal peril by accusing prosecutors of trying to “get Trump” instead of addressing other violent crimes. Setting aside that that’s a terrible reason to let him off the hook, Trump is apparently unaware that the D.A.’s office is staffed by hundreds of lawyers who are fully engaged in public safety matters.

Trump’s downplaying of the case against him is a lame attempt to slither out of accountability. The case is neither “ancient” – it involves hush money payments made in 2015 – nor about an “affair.” Trump’s interaction with Stormy Daniels was a one-time sex-for-hire arrangement. However, the charges Trump is facing are related to his payment of $130,000.00 to buy her silence as he was preparing to run for president.

What’s more, Trump’s impotent insult of Daniels suggests that he paid thousands of dollars for sex to a woman he regards as having a “horseface.” Is that some sort of obscure fetish he has? Is he revealing his latent bestiality?

However, Trump was just getting started. His late night rampage continued with a post accusing Bragg of being backed by George Soros, because that’s the goto criticism of every MAGA defendant. He then segued to attacking Cohen again, and reprising his complaint that Bragg is ignoring New York crime.

And if that wasn’t enough, Trump was still awake an hour later, posting another comment whining that the D.A. was “threatening and harassing many people that work for me.” Also known as deposing witnesses. Then he closed by calling the Grand Jury the “modern day Gestapo,” that is practicing a “Soviet style of ‘Justice’ [that] is going to take down the U.S.A.”

Of course, the only thing that this prosecution has the capability of bringing down is Trump and his crime syndicate. And he’s well aware of that. It’s why he’s so frightened that he’s unable to sleep. And it’s why he reached out in desperation to his former White House flunky, Kellyanne Conway in the last of his comments.

Trump congratulated Conway on her divorce from her husband George, because Trump regards failed marriages as occasions to celebrate. Mr. Conway is frequent Trump critic, and Trump’s insufferable pettiness produced his complaint that he is a “wacko” and an “extremely unattractive loser.” Which is another example of Trump accusing others of what he knows himself to be.

RELATED: Donald Trump is The Biggest Loser: Post-Midterm Poll Affirms What Everyone Already Knows

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Fox News Blames Jewish Philanthropists for Gun Violence in 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Cities

Last week anti-Semitism rose to the top of the news cycle after Donald Trump dined with Ye (aka Kanye West) and the infamous Holocaust denying, white nationalist, Nick Fuentes, at Mar-a-Lago. Trump claims that he doesn’t know who Fuentes is, but several days later he still hasn’t renounced the repulsive bigotry of Fuentes and Ye.

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Fox News, Guns Logo

Trump is almost certainly lying when he says that he doesn’t know who Fuentes is. But if true it would be even worse. It would mean that the leading figure in the Republican Party is pitifully ignorant about the most prominent hate monger in America. Well, the most prominent other than Fox News hosts…

RELATED: Tucker Carlson’s Race War Dreams are Evident in His Hateful Rant Against a Black MSNBC Host

It didn’t take long for the seething prejudices of Trump and his dinner guests to surface again on Fox News. Monday morning’s episode of “Outnumbered” twisted a segment on crime into an attack on Jewish billionaires who donate money to politicians and initiatives that seek to reduce gun violence in America, a goal that is popular among the majority of Americans.

The discussion was triggered by comments that Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy made on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday. He noted that states with stronger gun laws have much less gun crime than the so-called “2nd Amendment sanctuary cities” that take pride in letting gun violence proliferate. Then he elaborated asking…

“Do we want to continue to supply funding to law enforcement in counties that refuse to implement state and federal gun laws? Red flag laws are wildly popular.”

Good question. Why should the federal government subsidize cities that refuse to enforce laws that are already on the books? Particularly when there is so much evidence that such laws are effective and that, when they are ignored, gun violence increases. However, that rational observation was lost on the hosts of Fox’s Outnumbered. They used the subject to launch into the following foul exchange…

Harris Faulkner: “I think about that George Soros cash that has poured in and how many people have been damaged and hurt in those neighborhoods where they need the most protection. Of course the soft-on-crime is not going to go away, those liberal DAs. He poured a ton of cash through his entities in there.”
Mercedes Schlapp: Soros, Bloomberg, I mean there’s such a large number of these leftist groups that focused on gun control.”

Once again, these hacks are impervious to the facts about gun violence and crime. But what’s worse is that they went out of their way to put all of the blame for the imaginary crime waves on Jewish philanthropists. That isn’t accidental.

Fox News is carrying out its mission to advance the putrid rhetoric of hate that is integral to the Republican agenda. They are brazenly insulting the good intentions and generosity of Jewish Americans who care about their country and its citizens. So it’s no wonder that they don’t bother to call out the anti-Semitism of Trump and his malicious Mar-a-Lago goon squad. They are too busy reinforcing it. And when they aren’t embracing the vile biases of the GOP, they are promoting their spokespersons. For instance…

SEE THIS: Rachel Maddow Unmasks the Virulent Racism of Marjorie Taylor Green and Christian Nationalism

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Rudy Giuliani Blasts ‘Fascist’ Fox News for Not Booking Him to Spread More of Trump’s Lies

The right-wing mediasphere has been struggling of late to keep from blowing itself apart. And the disintegration has been most prominently observable with Fox News, where many of Donald Trump’s most devoted disciples have taken to lambasting his longtime Ministry of Propaganda.

Rudy Giuliani

Trump himself has been throwing tantrums over what he regards is insufficient adoration from Fox. But the latest bomb thrower is Trump’s personal (unlicensed) attorney, Rudy Giuliani, who appeared Monday on the fringe conservative network, Real America’s Voice. Giuliani was interviewed by David Brody, who is also the chief political analyst for the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN). During the segment (video below) Giuliani expressed his dismay at having been banned from Fox News. He whined that…

“I made a lot of money on that channel from Fox. But they would not have been on in New York if it wasn’t for me having the courage to put them on against tremendous criticism. So they forget their friends pretty damn fast, I must tell you.”

Apparently Giuliani believes that unethically granting favors while he was mayor of New York City earned him perpetual appearance rights on Fox. And Fox is demonstrating an appalling lack of gratitude by failing to recognize that Mafia-style mentality of doing business. But he was just getting started…

“The thing I resent most is they won’t tell me why. I’m not being told why I’m not being allowed on. I’d like to know what it is that I said that they regard as not being true. We take the same position with regard to Dominion. We’re in the same lawsuit. I know they seem very frightened of George Soros, because I’ve seen other people interrupted and basically taken off because of George Soros.”

Giuliani actually seems to have answered his own question. He certainly does know why he isn’t being allowed on. His wholehearted embrace of Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was rife with fraud (for which they have been unable to produce a shred of evidence) has resulted in billion dollar lawsuits against Giuliani and Fox News by voting systems companies Dominion and Smartmatic And asserting things like his claim that he and Fox have the same position is precisely why Fox doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.

Then Giuliani goes further to insinuate the anti-Semitic trope that Jews like George Soros have some omnipotent control over the media and are responsible for his banishment and that of unnamed others. He doesn’t offer any proof, of course. And what rational person would believe that the ultra-rightist media baron, Rupert Murdoch, would bend to Soros on guest bookings or any other editorial decisions? But Giuliani still wasn’t done…

“It leaves me completely in a quandary to know why they’re playing kind of the fascist game that I’m used to with CNN. I mean, I don’t even consider them a news sources any more. They’re basically organs of the Democrat Party.”

Setting aside the obligatory insults aimed at CNN and Democrats, Giuliani actually hit on something truthful: That Fox News is fascist! Which is a statement that isn’t likely to make Fox more interested in inviting him back. For which he will still blame Soros.

Giuliani’s record is one of relentless lies and legal idiocies. After all, he lost more than sixty court cases asserting election fraud. And who could forget his affair at Four Seasons Landscaping? It’s a record that has already resulted in his law license being suspended in New York and Washington, D.C. And in addition to the lawsuits by Dominion and Smartmatic, he is also being sued by two election workers in Georgia who he viciously defamed. With a record like that, the only Fox show he can expected to be booked on is “Cops.”

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Matt Gaetz Embraces Tucker Carlson’s Vulgar and Racist ‘Great Replacement Theory’ Rant

Florida’s QAnon supporting, alleged sex trafficking congressman, Matt Gaetz, seems more determined than ever to dig himself deeper into a pit of scandal with his every public utterance. After all, this is the cretin whose perversions, lies and criminality are so toxic that even Fox News has blacklisted him.

Matt Gaetz, Prison

Gaetz’s legal and ethical problems may have temporarily receded from the headlines, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t still drowning in the muck of his swampiness. The Daily Beast is reporting that his defensive maneuvers have revealed a “scorched earth” strategy that indicates just how worried he is about his future:

“Gaetz is personally represented by Marc Mukasey, who has defended the Trump Organization in several high-profile disputes […] Separately, the Gaetz campaign—Friends of Matt Gaetz—also looked north when in June it retained New York-based trial lawyer Marc Fernich. Fernich’s client list includes child sex offender Jeffrey Epstein, Mexican drug lord Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, and convicted sex trafficker Keith Raniere.”

You’ve got to be pretty desperate to hire the same lawyers who represented Donald Trump and Jeffrey Epstein – and lost. In the meantime, Gaetz is reaching out to the Trump cultists who are the foundation of his moral and financial support. On Saturday he tweeted a shout-out to the Fox News Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson. His message was a blatant embrace of a Nazi-inspired campaign to foment fear and racist violence:

“@TuckerCarlson is CORRECT about Replacement Theory as he explains what is happening to America.

The ADL is a racist organization.”

Tucker Carlson has been peddling the white replacement theory for months. It’s an abhorrent lie that propounds a plot, often attributed to Jews, that foreigners are being imported to overwhelm the White population socially and politically.

In a recent tirade by Carlson, he specifically targeted George Soros, a billionaire philanthropist who is one of the right’s favorite foils. He was also a Jewish refugee from Nazi anti-Semitism. Carlson’s harangue focused on Soros’ efforts to help resettle our Afghan allies in the United States, which Carlson said was just another means of replacing his White majority with foreign “invaders”.

Shortly afterwards the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) called for Fox News to fire Carlson. That led to this vulgar exchange between Carlson and former Fox News host Megyn Kelly:

Kelly: Today there’s more blowback on whether you’ve been pushing for the “Great Replacement Theory.” You said that this was gonna happen on your show last night. Sure enough, the ADL comes out and comes after you.
Carlson: F**k them! What liars.

When Gaetz tweeted that “TuckerCarlson is CORRECT about Replacement Theory,” this crude and bigoted boorishness is what he was responding to. And his appended charge that “The ADL is a racist organization,” is a nauseating and baseless insult to an organization that has been fighting discrimination and racism for over a hundred years. However, it is precisely what you would expect from a desperate and hateful sleazeball who is struggling to stay out of prison.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump’s Attorney Genuflect Bill Barr is Turning the DOJ Into an Internet Troll Farm.

The devolution of American politics has been noticeable on social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for some time. The rancid outbursts and shrill animosity is inescapable. Much of what is posted is flagrantly false and rooted in crackpot conspiracy theories concocted by foreign, adversarial governments like Russia. And sadly, Donald Trump is one of the foremost diseminaters of this toxic dialog,

Donald Trump, Bill Barr

This online divisiveness and hatred has also been adopted by official representatives of the Trump regime. The wild assertions that many of them make in public – and particularly on Fox News – are indistinguishable from the trolls that inhabit the darkest recesses of the Intertubes. A perfect example of that occurred in a commentary by Trump’s Attorney General, William Barr, during a recent interview with Martha MacCallum of Fox News. Barr seems to be making a habit of these appearances. On this occasion, MacCallum asked him about remarks he made during a speech that was rife with the stench of political partisanship (video below):

MacCallum: You talked in your piece about “social justice DAs” … What does that mean?
Barr: Well, there’s this recent development where George Soros has been coming in, in largely Democratic primaries where there has not been much voter turnout and putting in a lot of money to elect people who are not very supportive of law enforcement and don’t view the office as bringing to trial and prosecuting criminals but pursuing other social agendas. And they have started to win in a number of cities and they have, in my view, not given the proper support to the police. And they’re following policies that are ultimately gonna lead to an increase in violent crime and more victims.

There’s a lot of ugliness to unpack in that diatribe, beginning with Barr’s reference to George Soros. The right-wing Internet has been attacking Soros for years with vile inferences of evil intent and world domination. The attacks were typically comprised of common anti-Semitic tropes that accuse Jews of seeking to control everything from the banks to the media to the moral fabric of society. And as a self-made billionaire, Soros was used by the right to symbolize the most repulsive lies propagated by conservative hate groups. And now Barr is doing the same thing by asserting that Soros has some otherworldly power to shape society in terrible and frightening ways.

Barr’s accusation naturally springs from Soros’ wealth as the tool of his dastardly deeds. Great wealth, however, is only seen as the Devil’s plaything when it’s held by liberals. According to Barr, Soros is “putting in a lot of money” to install his minions in the upper ranks of law enforcement. And from there, Barr believes, they will implement an agenda that frees up villains to embark on unfettered crime sprees.

What’s more, Barr also says that any effort to hold the police accountable for bad behavior is an expression of disrespect. Of course, the opposite is the truth. Wanting the police to have the best reputations for honorable service is far more respectful than ignoring and excusing their faults. But to Barr, any constructive criticism should be viewed as “not supporting the police” for which the result could be that citizens “may not get the police protection they need.” That’s an overt and irresponsible threat that shouldn’t be tolerated coming from the chief law enforcement officer of the United States.

The assertion that Democrats are hostile to law enforcement is demonstrably false, but it’s been a longstanding plank in the Republican platform. Trump himself has alleged that Democrats actually want more crime. He tweeted earlier this year that “the Radical Democrats are a Party of open borders and crime.” And that’s just one example of many.

What we’re seeing from these officials in Washington today is the sort of extremist garbage that was once reserved for the likes of Glenn Beck and Alex Jones. But now it has been openly taken up by Trump and Barr. It is worse than merely insulting and dishonest. It is insane and dangerous. And yet, it is now routinely a part of the discourse by the White House and its surrogates. This needs to stop ASAP. If not by impeachment and removal from office, than at the ballot box in November.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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A Tale of Two Foundations: Trump’s Sham is Shutdown, George Soros is FT’s ‘Person of the Year’

The real picture of Donald Trump’s relentless pursuit of self-serving corruption got another section colored in on Tuesday. The New York Attorney General found that his Trump Foundation was a criminal enterprise devoted to enriching himself with other people’s donations (Here’s a quick primer on Trump’s scam foundation). Trump was forced to agree to shut it down under the supervision of the court.

George Soros, Donald Trump

Despite Trump’s concession to the indisputable facts, Trump lashed out in fit of conspiracy mongering, blame-shifting, and paranoia on Twitter. However, he never rationally refuted what the NY Attorney General, Barbara Underwood, called “a shocking pattern of illegality involving the Trump Foundation.” The ruling went on to declare that Trump’s sham included…

“…unlawful coordination with the Trump presidential campaign, repeated and willful self-dealing, and much more. This amounted to the Trump Foundation functioning as little more than a checkbook to serve Mr. Trump’s business and political interests.”

What’s more, the lawsuit Trump faces continues to seek millions in restitution and prohibits Trump and his evil spawn from serving on the boards of other New York charities. Imagine that: Trump is barred from running a charitable foundation, but not from serving as president. There’s something horribly wrong with that picture.

And naturally, while making lame excuses for himself, Trump had to interject his obsessive animus toward his long-standing foes by taking a swing (and a miss) at the Clinton Foundation. There is really no comparison since the Clinton Foundation is a model for philanthropic enterprise and has received the top ratings from charity watchdog groups.

Meanwhile, another Trump nemesis, George Soros, was named Person of the Year by the Financial Times. Soros is a true self-made billionaire (as opposed to Trump’s accident of birth and incompetent business skills), who is also renowned worldwide for his philanthropy. The Financial Times opened their tribute to Soros saying:

“The Financial Times’s choice of Person of the Year is usually a reflection of their achievements. In the case of Mr Soros this year, his selection is also about the values he represents. He is the standard bearer of liberal democracy and open society. These are the ideas which triumphed in the cold war. Today, they are under siege from all sides, from Vladimir Putin’s Russia to Donald Trump’s America.”

Indeed, Trump’s America is a regression toward the authoritarian regimes of the past that he openly admires. Trump abhors open societies wherein wannabe dictators like himself are denied the power they crave. And while Trump strives to use his position for personal gain, Soros has suffered as a result of what FT says is his “long commitment to openness, media freedom and human rights.” That suffering recently hit an extreme when he received a mail bomb from a right-wing domestic terrorist. But if that weren’t enough, he has also been falsely accused of collaborating with Nazis, although he was just fourteen years old when they occupied his native Hungary.

Fox News has been a major contributor to the coordinated hate campaigns against Soros. Their top hosts frequently portray him as something akin to the Antichrist, and as someone who is responsible for everything they regard as evil. Trump himself has exacerbated the hate-mongering aimed at Soros. Just a couple of months ago he tweeted a blatant lie that Soros was funding “very rude elevator screamers” who were protesting the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. He has also been accused of funding the Central American refugees seeking asylum in the U.S. That charge was cited as a possible motive in the mass shooting at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh in October. Even Facebook’s CEO went after Soros in a despicable, anti-Semitic disinformation campaign.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

However, through it all Soros has remained a steadfast champion of freedom and charity. His Open Society Foundation is the beneficiary of $32 billion of his own money. Those funds are being put to work in more than 100 countries to support democracy, transparency and freedom of expression. Thats a striking contrast to the corruption and greed of Trump’s phony charitable efforts. And it’s fitting that the recognition of Soros by the Financial Times comes the day after Trump is fingered as a crook by the NY Attorney General.

Bonus Tweet from Clinton Foundation executive:

The GOP News Network (aka Fox News) Is SHOCKED that Billionaires Donate to Democratic Campaigns

It’s just about three weeks until the midterm elections that are forecasting a massive Blue Wave. Most campaign analysts agree that Democrats will secure a majority in the House of Representatives, and some believe the Senate is in play as well. Consequently, Fox News is pulling out all the stops to obstruct that outcome by loading up their schedule with Republican politicians and pundits sermonizing on the urgency of saving the Trump regime’s grip on unchallenged power.

Fox News, Maria Bartiromo

Republicans have abdicated their constitutional role as a check and balance on the other branches of government, particularly the executive branch. Instead, they have been brazenly shielding Trump and company from any legal accountability for their many crimes. And Fox News is aiding and abetting that betrayal of American values. Fox host Maria Bartiromo secured her status as the chief Sunday morning Trump-fluffer with an “interview” of Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy. The segment was pretty much a monologue by the GOP hack intended to boost Republican voter turnout and malign Democrats.

However, one subject dominated the discussion more than the typical gaslighting we’re accustomed to by Republicans. McCarthy raised his “real concern” about former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s donations to Democratic candidates (video below):

“There is a real concern that I have though, because Michael Bloomberg, if you watched who recently registered a Democrat, he is trying to buy the Democrat nomination to run against President Trump. So he has put in $80 million to try and win the House.”

Bartiromo, naturally, agreed with McCarthy. She went on to misstate the truth about which party is getting the most donations from average Americans, and she complained about “a handful of big, deep pocketed donors like a Michael Bloomberg, like a Tom Steyer.” McCarthy took that handoff and ran with it saying that:

“Just think the three individuals who are funding the Democratic Party. George Soros. You’ve got Michael Bloomberg, is not just $80 million into the House, he put another $20 million to try to win the senate. Then Tom Steyer. More than $120 million trying to win. But his main goal is trying to impeach President Trump. He brags that his impeachment list is bigger than the NRA list. Those three individuals are trying to buy our government in this process. It’s very disturbing.”

Why McCarthy correctly noted that there are more people supporting Trump’s impeachment than there are members of the NRA is puzzling, but appreciated. But more to the point, he itemized the contributions of some wealthy Democratic donors and noted how disturbed he was by it. And was it just a coincidence that all three of the rich Dems are Jewish?

What McCarthy didn’t bother to mention is that just one single wealthy donor to the Republicans, Charles Koch, is spending $400 million, more than the total McCarthy said was being donated by all of the Democratic supporters combined. And that isn’t even counting all the other GOP big money donors like the Adelsons and Uihleins. For some reason McCarthy and Bartiromo don’t find that disturbing.

Bartiromo goes on to praise a GOP campaign slogan saying “Build the wall, enforce the law. Yeah.” Then she gives McCarthy an open ended question about where Republicans are running close races with Democrats. And McCarthy took that baton and launched a two minute sprint of races that he wanted to promote on national television to an audience of obedient cult worshipers. It could not have been a more obvious contribution of valuable TV airtime to a political party than if it were branded with a big GOP elephant in place of the Fox News logo.

And this political assist to the Republican Party comes at just the right time. With the midterms approaching, Trump’s frequent cult rallies were boring the Fox News audience so much that Fox cut back on airing them live. The network was also losing a ton of ad revenue because Trump’s speeches could not be interrupted for commercial breaks. So to compensate for the loss of that TV exposure, Fox News is increasing their donations of airtime to GOP shills who will proselytize the right-wing doctrine in a more profitable, TV-friendly format. All in a desperate effort to stave off an electoral bloodbath next month that they probably can’t avoid. Well, as long as Democrats stay focused and turn out at the polls.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Implores His Deplorables to Vote for Republicans to Defend ‘Everything We Hold Sacred’

The confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the newly “Supine” Court represents just how dangerous Donald Trump’s rule of ignorance and hostility can and will continue to be. Along with his accomplices in the Republican controlled Congress, America is becoming more divided and less free. And given the opportunity to demonstrate leadership by uniting the nation after his ill gotten victory, Trump chose rub salt in nation’s wounds.

Donald Trump Messiah

Immediately following the Senate’s confirmation vote, Trump boarded Air Force One, headed for yet another of his cult rallies, this time in Kansas. It’s what he promised Sean Hannity he would do a couple of months ago, despite railing against such flagrant and wasteful abuse of the taxpayer when President Obama did it:

Trump told Hannity that “I am going to work very hard. I’ll go six or seven days a week when we’re sixty days out.” Of course Trump has never worked hard in his life, and he isn’t starting now. While he has been doing a lot of these cult rallies, it’s been nowhere near six or seven days a week. But they have all been nearly identical presentations of Trump’s “Golden Shower of Hits,” including “Build the Wall,” “Lock Her Up,” and the epic “Witch Hunt.” They have been so tediously repetitive that even Fox News has cut back on airing them live. But that’s probably just to protect him from the increasingly embarrassing and stupid things he says. Plus, their regular cast of sycophants do a better job of fluffing him than he does.

At the Kansas “Take our Country Back – to 1860” revival meeting, Trump did his best to alienate everyone in the nation that isn’t sufficiently worshipful of him. In particular, the opponents of Kavanaugh’s confirmation who are mostly women who are sick and tired of being abused and ignored, and the men who care about them. He told his dimwitted disciples that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and the other women who came forward, were liars and that the Democrats in the Senate who supported them were bent on destroying the country. He also maligned protesters as an “angry mob” of professionals who were paid by George Soros. And as a bonus treat for this news cycle, Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, called Soros the Anti-Christ.

As if all of that deranged babbling weren’t enough crackpottery for one evening, Trump also unleashed a brief sermonette on the assholiness of his perversion of Republican Party politics. He ragaled his glassy-eyed followers with this divine declaration (video below):

“You have the power, with your vote, to defend your family, your community, your country – and everything we hold sacred and righteous and true. Loyal citizens like you helped build this country and together we are taking back our country. Returning power to every day great American patriots.”

In that pious pontification Trump clearly established his intent to sanctify the mission he believes he’s on. Now voting Republican isn’t merely an expression of preference for a set of political ideas. It’s the defense of your family and country. It’s a “sacred and righteous” obligation by all God-fearing patriots. And anyone not complying is in league with Satan.

This is a demagogic tactic that has been a favorite of dictators throughout history. They insist that supporting them isn’t a personal choice, but a demand by the Lord Almighty. And woe be unto anyone who defies these commandments. The fact that Trump issues these maniacal screeds is reason enough to be worried. But what’s worse is that there are Americans who buy into it like the “good Nazis” of the 1930’s and 1940’s. And those of us who still value little things like logic, reason, and liberty, must not allow them to prevail.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Says George Soros is the Anti-Christ, Freeze His Assets

If you’re looking for more evidence of the civil libertarian bona fides of Donald Trump and his inner circle, you’re going to be looking for a long time. The brazen affinity that Trump has for totalitarian rule, however, just keeps being reaffirmed by his tweets and his sycophants. On Friday Trump-fluffer Sean Hannity proposed a prohibition on citizens access to their representatives in Congress. And today the devolution of American democracy continues courtesy of Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

Rudy Giuliani

The saga of Giuliani’s gaffe prone advocacy of his presidential client is filled to the brim with embarrassing episodes that frequently incriminate Trump. Giuliani is the one who said on national television that Trump paid hush money to Stormy Daniels while Trump was denying it. And he once implied that the reason Trump can’t interview with special prosecutor Robert Mueller is that he’s either a liar or a mental defective. With friends like Rudy, who needs enemas?

Which brings us to Saturday morning’s Twitter romp with Rudy. In an attempt to shore up the hostility of the Trump Brigades, Giuliani retweeted the comments of a random Twidiot who had a perverse notion of how to combat anyone who protests against Dear Leader Trump: “Follow the money. I think Soros is the anti-Christ! He must go! Freeze his assets & I bet the protests stop.”

Let this sink in. Giuliani, a lawyer and former U.S. Attorney, thinks it’s acceptable to seize the assets of a private citizen who has done nothing illegal. He thinks that someone who donates money to legitimate non-profits and educational/activist organizations can have his funds confiscated only because they were given to groups that Giuliani opposes. So this is the President’s personal attorney who is advocating the sort of oppressive behavior of outright tyrants.

What’s more, Giuliani is promoting the lie that Soros is funding citizens engaging lawful protests. There is zero evidence of that, and it wouldn’t be illegal if he were. If Giuliani wants to support legislation to prohibit such funding, he would find significant support from progressives who are troubled by the financial gifts of the Koch brothers to right-wing people and issues. But that isn’t Giuliani’s goal. He wants to silence only the progressive voices in America.

Giuliani is not alone in attacking Soros. He has long been a regarded by the right as the supervillain behind everything that is wrong with America. Never mind that he is the model of the capitalist dream, a man who rose up from a childhood under Nazi occupation, to become one of America’s wealthiest citizens. That’s why he was recently attacked by Sen. Chuck Grassley, who charged him with backing Brett Kavanaugh’s protesters; and by Rep. Louie Gohmert who gave out a “Heil Soros” on Fox News; and by Trump himself in tweet that lashed out at him with no support for his claims.

And let’s not forget the part about the “Anti-Christ.” Of all the comments that Giulian might find to retweet, he picks one that calls a Holocaust survivor a name that’s akin to “Christ killer” and foreshadows the end of civilization. It’s a full blown dog whistle, nay fog horn, of the anti-Semitism and bigotry that is rampant throughout the Cult of Trump. And Trump’s glassy-eyed disciples will will eat it up like they do all the other racist tropes that spew from Trump and his shills.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Donald Trump Can’t Silence the ‘Rude Elevator Screamers’ By Putting His Hand Over Their Mouths

Here’s another item for the “Just when you thought Donald Trump hit rock Bottom” file. As the battle for the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh stumbles drunkenly to a close, the President assumed his post at the Twitter machine to bellow like the old man shaking his tiny fist at the clouds. His latest display of social mediangst managed to squeeze a surprising quantity of ignorant hostility into a single tweet.

The inspiration for Trump’s twitteruption was, as usual, something he saw on Fox News. Their allegedly business host, Maria Bartiromo, was interviewing Chuck Grassley about the American citizens protesting Kavanaugh’s nomination when she asked him, “Do you believe that George Soros is behind all of this?” He isn’t. But Grassley obediently said that he does. More importantly, Trump posted this tweet a little more than an hour later:

If this appeared under the name of any other public figure you might be tempted to triple check that it wasn’t a satirical fake. But sadly for the nation, it fits Trump’s personality perfectly. He actually is the sort of tone deaf cretin who would call sexual assault survivors “very rude elevator screamers.” He has no perception that his characterization of women screaming might reflect on the real life reactions they have had to their violent experiences in their bedrooms, their offices, on street corners, in cars, and even in elevators. What on Earth was he thinking when he posted that?

And if that weren’t bad enough, Trump also dismissed the horror these victims faced by calling them “paid professionals” without any evidence to support that charge. But he still wasn’t done making a total ass of himself. He then had to assert that the source of the alleged payments was George Soros, a Jewish holocaust survivor who suffered as a child under Nazi occupation. What might really upset Trump is the fact that Soros later went on to become a real billionaire whose assets are more than triple Trump’s. And the fact that he’s a philanthropist who dedicates hundreds of millions of dollars to making the world more free must really gnaw at Trump, who is famoulsy known as the world’s least charitable billionaire.

Finally, Trump’s tweet made a ludicrous point about the signs held by citizens at the Kavanaugh protests. Most of them were of the handmade variety, but there were some that had been provided by non-profit organizations opposing Kavanaugh’s confirmation. However, Trump focused on the pre-printed signs as a means of dismissing the genuine expressions of opposition to putting an accused sex offender, liar, and ultra-partisan fruitcake on the Supreme Court. He said that “professionally made identical signs” are somehow less sincere than the “signs made in the basement from love.” By which I assume he means these ones:

Donald Trump, Rally Signs

Don’t fall for it! Trump hasn’t said who pays for the signs at his cult rallies. Nor has he released his tax returns; or disclosed the funds he’s received from foreigners and special interest groups who stay at his hotels; or disputed the New York Times story about his decades of being a tax cheat. He hasn’t even come clean about all the money he’s paid to silence women that he has abused. But now he’s trying to put his hand over the mouths of the women finally speaking out about the epidemic of sexual assault. That’s something he probably learned from Brett Kavanaugh.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.