As with all “Best/Worst Of…” lists, you can argue over names that were included, left off, or ranked incorrectly. But all in all, this is a pretty good list from
About The Hack Thirty
We’re listing the worst columnists and cable news commentators America has to offer. Think of this as our all-star team — of the most predictable, dishonest and just plain stupid pundits in the media.
1. Richard Cohen 2. Mark Halperin 3. Thomas Friedman 4. David Broder 5. Marty Peretz 6. Marc Thiessen 7. Jonah Goldberg 8. Maureen Dowd 9. Laura Ingraham 10. Peggy Noonan |
11. George Will 12. John Fund 13. Roger Simon 14. David Ignatius 15. Mort Zuckerman 16. Michael Barone 17. Bill Kristol 18. Tina Brown 19. Joe Klein 20. Howard Fineman |
21. S.E. Cupp 22. Tucker Carlson 23. Howard Kurtz 24. Dana Milbank 25. Mickey Kaus 26. Jeffrey Goldberg 27. Pat Caddell 28. Andrew Malcolm 29. Matt Bai 30. David Brooks |
Some of my additions would be Pat Buchanan, Monica Crowley, Alex Castellanos, Bernie Goldberg, Stephen Moore, Charles Krauthammer, Dick Morris, Juan Williams, Judith Miller, and Ann Coulter. I’m sure there are more I’ve mentally blocked. Feel free to submit your own.
I think David Brooks should be in the top 10 – assuming the top 10 are the worst of the list.
A handful of ones that should be on any hack list – David Sirota, Paul Krugman, Bill Press, Joan Walsh. Many others, to be sure, but those are the main ones that come to mind.