Alan Grayson Exposes Greedy Media Leeches

Ten years ago George W. Bush signed a bill to cut taxes that was so controversial at the time that it included a provision to expire in ten years. It was regarded by many as too costly and likely to produce massive deficits. Ten years later the worst fears of the critics were borne out and the nation is struggling under its largest debt burden in history.

Somehow Republicans are still defending those tax cuts and demanding that they be extended. Democrats have conceded to extend them for 98% of the American people excluding only income over $250,000. But that isn’t enough for the GOP. They are presently holding the cuts for the vast majority hostage on behalf of the wealthy 2%. It is an unconscionable and irresponsible position that reveals their inflexibility and greed.

Congressman Alan Grayson took to the floor of the House last week to address this issue and delivered a brilliant and damning critique that explains what’s behind the Republican obstructionism.

Grayson: [Y]ou have to wonder why they persist in this mania, this obsession of theirs that we need to have tax cuts for the rich when the economy is flat on its back and unemployment is almost 10%. I think I have the answer. The answer turns out to be very simple.

They want tax cuts for the rich because they want a tax cut for themselves. What do I mean by that? Let’s take a look at the people who are really in charge, the ones who actually run the Republican party.

With that Rep. Grayson ran through a list of wealthy right-wing media hogs who will benefit handsomely from the positions they are taking on taxes:

Greedy Bastard Annual Income Tax Benefit
Rush Limbaugh $58,700,000 $2,700,000
Glenn Beck $33,000,000 $1,500,000
Sean Hannity $22,000,000 $1,000,000
Bill O’Reilly $20,000,000 $914,000
Sarah Palin $14,000,000 $638,000
Newt Gingrich $5,000,000 $250,000
George W. Bush $4,200,000 $187,000

These are just some of the more prominent beneficiaries of the Republican plan to give $700 Billion to the richest people in America. The Republicans, who can’t bring themselves to extend unemployment benefits while the unemployment rate is nearing 10%, have no problem with helping those poor millionaires and billionaires to struggle through these tough times. And it is no coincidence that many of the rightist advocates of this millionaire giveaway are wealthy television and radio stars or politicians themselves.

This is one of those times when words like greedy, selfish, and even shameless, simply do not suffice. But Rep. Grayson has provided as good an explanation for what is happening this week in Congress as any I’ve heard.


32 thoughts on “Alan Grayson Exposes Greedy Media Leeches

  1. Thank God Grayson is taking his circus act out of Washington.
    Maybe he can now get the help he seriously needs.

    • Welcome to the wonderful world of the “ad hominem” attack….

    • The truth hurts, doesn’t it? I guess you wing nuts just want liars in the Congress.

  2. I’ll never understand how it can be considered “greedy” to want to keep your own money – regardless of how much you make. I realize there is some government that needs to exist, but when did our desire to keep our money become greed? So what if someone earns millions per year, why shouldn’t they keep most of it for themselves vs giving it to the government to waste – as they most often do. I don’t care if someone makes billions, if they want to bury it in the ground – let them. They don’t owe it to anyone!

    • Thank you. You’ve just defined greed. It’s the attitude that it is OK for a billionaire to bury his wealth in the ground while his fellow citizens are sick or starving.

      From a practical standpoint, the increase faced by the wealthy is from 35% to 39.5%. In the Reagan years the top tax bracket was closer to 70%, so it would still be at historical lows.

      I’ll never understand how people can have so little regard for their country that they can’t pay a little more to help get us out of debt and improve the economic conditions for the long term. Especially when it won’t impact their fancy, privileged, elitist, lifestyle one damn bit. They didn’t get rich entirely on their own. This country created the opportunity for them and they owe the country something for that. Everyone else is sacrificing, and the rich shouldn’t be exempt from that.

      • I’m glad I could help. It is perfectly fine to bury their wealth if they want – Bottom line – it’s not your money! It’s also not the governments money. Maybe they have some responsibility, but that’s between them and their conscience. If these “rich” folks want to roll in their money vs. giving it to charity – so what – it’s theirs so long as this remains a free country. They don’t owe anyone else one red cent. Sorry, you can keep the marxism, I’ll keep my freedom even if i need to work a bit harder to feed my own family. I dont’ want one penny from any “rich” people and i certainly don’t want the government taking it from anyone on my account.

        • Like I said…Greedy assholes.

          And you might want to look up the word Marxism. When you throw it around not knowing what it means it just makes you look ignorant and proves you can’t make a coherent argument.

    • And a couple more points…

      The same people in the their penthouses and limos who object so strenuously to paying 4.5% more in taxes also want to deny people who are unemployed, and facing foreclosures, a few more weeks of assistance.

      And the same selfish jerks would deny 98% of the people some tax relief if the wealthiest 2%, who need it least, don’t also get it.

      They are not just greedy. They are greedy assholes.

      • We’re free to be greedy and assholes at the same time – so long as you don’t run the country. If the government can take all the money they want, what’s to stop them there, why not take your house, cars, etc. Maybe we should all just have enough to have a small apartment and we can all dress the same and eat the same and not have one thing more than our neighbor – screw that. Stay out of my pockets – there isn’t much money there anyway.

        • Wow. Pretty delusional. No one is talking about confiscating all private property. Are you capable of having an honest discussion? Like I said above, the increased tax rate would still be historically low.

          And by the way, if you want government to stay out of your pockets move to Somalia. In America we have a tax system to aggregate funds to benefit our society.

          • So this is a discussion of good conscience – These “rich” people should be happy to give more of what they earn to the government because some people don’t have as much and it’s the governments job to share the wealth – sounds like marxism to me. How does it all start and stop? It’s “rich” peoples money now, but it can easily become personal property next. What level of taxation do you think is fair? How much money am I permitted to keep in your opinion? When is enough enough? isn’t this the question people have been debating for so long? We’re talking about money here, but the conversation – yours specifically – steers toward greedy peoples fancy, privileged, elitist, lifestyle and what you think they can or should live with. Who are you or anyone else to decide how anyone else should live. maybe the government should look at how it spends our hard earned money first and then clean up their act before just taking more in. Yeah, I get pretty hot when it comes to this type of issue – I’m not rich, but I don’t want anyone telling me how I should live or what I should be giving to others, etc. etc. I like making my own decisions.

            • if you really care to turn that “never understand” into “ever” here are some clues: stop putting words into Mark’s mouth, stop thinking on a binary level, and watch those slippery slope arguments. The law exists to draw lines. Not always as distinct as desirable but they’re definitely there.

            • You keep talking in abstracts and inventing scenarios that do not exist. Why don’t you try responding to specifics and reality? Is 39.5% too much? Was Reagan a Marxist? Should Congress deny 98% of the people tax relief if the richest 2% don’t get it at the same time?

              And if you think that taxation by government sounds Marxist, you really have no comprehension of economic theory. We are a capitalist democratic republic and taxation has always been a part of our system, and usually at much higher levels than it is today. Freedom isn’t free. You have to pay for this system to function. Why do you hate America?

            • Except you’re not making your own decisions.

              The rich are making them for you.

          • So I’m not being abstract – yes, the governmetn does need moeny to operate, but maybe it’s too big and expensive for the money that’s available. I don’t beleive in the progressive tax system where the more you make the higher you tax percentage is. It’s wrong in my book that the more successful you become, the more of your money you need to send to DC to support our government and their irresponsible spending and our “precious” social programs – yes I’m generally conemptous of government social programs. That penalizes success and 39+% is a lot of tax – sorry, that is wrong and it stinks. I also don’t believe it’s the governments job to save people from their own bad decisions. I also find your view that the greeedy rich people should be forced to buck up more to save us – what will you do when all their money is gone and peoople will actually need to do for themselves. I expect people will be woefully unprepared to deal with the adversity – why should the government act as peoples backstop for bad decisions. Your line of thinking suggests we shouldn’t be so greedy in keeping our own money – sorry, if it’s mine, then I shoudl decide what to do with it. By extension, if you want to use the tax system to penalize people for being too rich, what’s to stop it all there. Maybe confiscating our personal wealth is th next step to be sure we’re not being too greedy. When are we no longer greedy assholes – you must have some idea as to what you think people should keep. It’s easy to spend other peoples money isn’t it?

            • Sorry MARK – i missed your questions…I find your “why do you hate America” question funny – It should read like this “Why do you hate MY vision of America” Answer – Because I still like my freedom – yours too. I don’t see you vision of this country as anything I would want – and clearly after the november election, no one else does either. As far as Ronald Reagan and the progressive tax system – he didn’t create it – but he didn’t change it either. He did cut the top tax rate from 70% to %50 in 1981 – still a high percentage, but a lot better than 70%. When that rate changed to 28% in 1986, better still. But not cutting spending and keeping the budget under control wasn’t so hot – a problem we live with today.

    • Taxes are what one pays for living in a civilized society.

      Living in a representative republic is far better than living in a corporate oligarchy.
      America is rapidly becoming the latter; and after every last bit of money is sucked
      up by the richest 2% robber-barons, they’ll live happily ever after in their tropical
      paradises. And the rest of us will be eating shit sandwiches.

      Unless you’re a multi-millionaire, you’re a fool to buy into their con game.

    • I believe you. Clearly, you never will understand though not for the reason you may think.

  3. “I guess you wingnuts just want liars in Congress…”

    Keep in mind Grayson’s despicable little “Taliban Dan ‘submit to me'” election ad that slandered Danial Webster, and then realize the following: The people of Florida made sure there was one less liar in Congress.

  4. hey, yeah,you, dork in steve, ahh,i mean, steve in york,the ‘trickle down’ has a funny stink to it, or appearantly where your head is, not only stinks, buts’damn dark too! remember, the truth can ‘pull’ you free!! building your own gallows for the ‘unproductive’class…dumbass…

    • I’ll take my chances with the private sector over government any day. If the government is your first choice – good luck with that – you’ll need it. I do enjoy getting under your skin…you made my day.

  5. Does anyone have a clue as to how the financial system really works?? Watch a few of the documentaries out there, Collapse, Speaking freely Chalmers Johnson, Speaking freely John Perkins, Iraq for Sale, The end of America, OutFoxed and many others reporting the real news not the stuff shoved down our throats by the Media controlled by the Gov. There is nothing wrong with getting rich if done ethically. Many of these people are commiting crimes to make their money. Take a look at Enron. When the big corporations are stealing from us then no it is not ok. Why should I pay 17% or more on my measly $27,000 a year and a billionare pays 3-6%. Why not have a flat rate tax, say 10% across the board? So if you think that it is ok for the rich to hoard money and let the rest of us eat crumbs then you have a slave mentality.

    • Your final line was great:

      So if you think that it is ok for the rich to hoard money and let the rest of us eat crumbs then you have a slave mentality.

      actually – you have the slave mentality if your great hope is for the governemtn to come to your rescue by taking the money from those evil millionaires and helping you out. I’m sure that will work out great if living low is your goal! keep waiting for others to help you out – I’m sure it will work poorly knowing the government.

  6. okayyy, who is receiving the ‘700 billion’ aaand from what source is this ‘tax cut’…also, ‘who’ initiated them in the first place? (my o’my look at all these jobs)…10 years and counting. if it’s broken (not functioning correctly) fix it!…dumbass…

    • dumbass??? you’re going to need to do better than that smart guy. I see you have all kinds of suggestions to offer. please, enlighten me as to why more taxes going to our government will fix whatever you think is broken. I’m always looking to hear a good joke, I’m sure I’ve heard this one before, but what the heck, you may present it in a uniquely funny way.

  7. hmmm,took a couple times,but you figured it out! i have been referring to you as …dumbass…see? i realize there is an awful lot to this ‘thinking on your own’ stuff,(it’s scary…)you’re out there, on your own,deciding ‘right from wrong’,in your little, ego crushed, world. have you ever heard of ‘divide and conquer?’this is the strategy being used today by the mega-rich. it’s working,as you can see. i did vote for president obama .he has let me down,along with the other 85% of the ‘united states people’. public option, gone!it’s not even mentioned anymore.(proof that i don’t just blindly follow) i’m pissed about this. anyway as the type of animal we have evolved into, our unique characteristics, recognizing ‘self’, an ability to learn from our,[or collectively]the simple terms, teach each other how to approach events etc.’great depression’ it should sound an alarm to us,(the little people)and just in case it is; this is why ‘they’ are building blackwater boys right here in america

    • I’m going to try to bring you down off your angry rant before you hurt yourself. Here’s another suggestion – don’t put so much faith in the government or our politicians, you’ll be way better off. Have faith in yourself and you’ll do much better and you’ll probably be less angry.

    • Looks like the evil rich are keeping the lower tax rate – of course nothing is definite. I assume this makes you mad as heck. maybe someone will actually try to change the tax system so we all get treated equally, but you may not like that since the rotten rich people may not be taken to the cleaners – yes, this is nothing more than a contemptuous response to your thoughts on how rich people should be treated, thank God you’re not in charge.

  8. Wow, that was a lot of time and words saying a lot of nothing except you’re mad about not getting your way. Sorry to be you, it must be difficult to hold that much anger and hate. I’ll give you a sugggestion – let it go or it will consume you.

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