News Corpse Sells Out

Beginning today, News Corpse is a member of the Liberal Advertising BlogAd Network. The LBAN is a group of progressive blogs that have coalesced under this banner to support, through advertising, blogging and bloggers who promote “the national progressive zeitgeist”.

For the New Media revolution to remain a viable challenger to the corporate-dominated Conventional Media, we need to be able to sustain our ourselves and our operations. Businesses and other enterprises can participate in this mission by including New Media in their marketing strategy. In addition to advancing the progressive dialog, advertisers would gain access to a uniquely engaged and motivated audience.

If you have a product, service, campaign, or other enterprise, please consider advertising on News Corpse via LBAN, the News Media Blog Network or individually. It’s a great way to help both your business and your country. You don’t hate America, do you?

To kick off today’s inauguration activities, please take a few minutes to fill out my Blog Reader Project survey. This will help us to define our audience and, thus, to better serve them and our advertisers as well.


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