Join A Fox News Focus Group

Republican pollster and message crafter, Frank Luntz, is seeking participants for a series of focus groups that will be held around the country. The purpose appears to be to study public opinions on presidential politics. Fox News will likely be the client for these studies as Luntz promoted the project yesterday on Hannity and Colmes.

Here’s the fun part. You can be a member of the focus group. Luntz is soliciting participants on his web site with an application form. Fill it out and, in a few days, you will know if you have been accepted. The pitch for subjects says that they “want to know what you think,” and that you could “potentially see your comments aired on national television.”

So let’s tell them what we think. Sign up and see if you can secure a place for yourself on a panel near you. The application form asks a range of questions that include political viewpoints. I don’t know if they are looking for righty sycophants or if they are going for a “fair and balanced” sample. You might try different approaches to see if one is more likely to get approved than another. I would also suggest that you not access the application through this link as they may check the referrer sites and reject those that come from a blog such as this. Instead, simply cut and paste this URL…

…into your browser from or or something else non-controversial.

The site encourages you to “FORWARD THIS EMAIL to friends, family or colleagues who you think may be interested,” so they should not mind if we do so. I think it would be good for Fox News to start getting opinion data that more accurately reflects the nation’s view of politics, government and the world. Here’s our chance to help them see the light.


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