Fox News Spinner Michelle Malkin: Bosses Rule, Workers Drool

Mitt Romney’s Tour of Whine Country continues today as the furor over his dishonest characterization of his Bain Capital tenure shows no signs of letting up.

Michelle MalkinFox & Friends, as usual, embarked on a full-throated defense of Romney. They brought in right-wing fabulist Michelle Malkin to buttress their case against President Obama. But Malkin actually blew up her own camp with what she obviously thought was a cutesy distinction between the supporters of Romney and those of Obama:

“The Romney types, of course, are the ones who sign the front of the paycheck, and the Obama types are the ones who have spent their entire lives signing the back of them.”

Malkin is quite right. Romney’s supporters are the bosses – the industrialists, financiers, and elitist upper-crusters. Obama is supported by the vast majority of people who work for a living, who Malkin has just grievously insulted. Everyone in America who gets a paycheck – even those who lean Republican – should be outraged at this comment implying that they are unfit to serve their country.

Malkin’s remarks are not a gaffe. They are an inadvertent eruption of truth-telling. They reveal the aversion that the right has for those they regard as commoners. The little people disgust them. They get in the way of their tax cuts and subsidies, while burdening them with selfish appeals for health care, education, safe workplaces, and a clean, sustainable environment. That’s why people like Romney resort to spewing their pseudo-patriotism, even while they exhibit an overt preference for third world nations whose laws permit them to horde more wealth and whose people are easier to exploit.

However, if you’re running for president you would be a fool to choose the few bosses over the tens of millions of workers who make up the electorate. True, the bosses have abundant wealth with which they can try to deceive the people, but the aggregate wealth of the masses, plus their indomitable will, makes betting against them a risky proposition. But that’s the bet Romney has made, and it’s why he is going to lose. Especially if his surrogates keep exposing their true feelings as Malkin did today.


One thought on “Fox News Spinner Michelle Malkin: Bosses Rule, Workers Drool

  1. “True, the bosses have abundant wealth with which they can try to deceive the people, but the aggregate wealth of the masses”

    What aggregate wealth? The top 1% in America owns 34% of its wealth, and the next 10% owns 40% more.

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