Rush Limbaugh entered the post-Oscar analysis circus to add to the ludicrous accusations directed at the First Lady’s perfectly harmless appearance to present the award for Best Picture. Limbaugh charged her with “hijacking the Academy Awards” because of some unintelligible conspiracy having to do with the Obamas being “snubbed” by the Academy. See if you can decipher what he’s talking about:
“They had to throw the Obamas a crumb cause I think, in truth, the Obamas got snubbed. Not only did his campaign ad, Zero Dark Thirty, not win, but his semi-autobiography lost out too. […] Lincoln? That’s about Obama. Everybody knows that.”
![Rush Limbaugh](
So they had to mollify the Obamas because Zero Dark Thirty and Lincoln didn’t win? And they did this by inviting Michelle to present an award? But that invitation was sent two weeks before anyone other than the Academy’s outside accounting firm knew who the winners were.
What makes Limbaugh think that the Obamas care whether or not Zero Dark Thirty won is never explained. Even worse, Limbaugh thinks that President Obama wrote Lincoln – about himself! And everybody knows it? What part of that film depicts anything associated with Obama? As close as I can figure it is just Limbaugh’s fantasy that Obama will meet the same end as Lincoln.
A little later in his rant, Limbaugh totally loses his mind. He confesses that “I can’t figure Twitter out,” and elaborates on that for several minutes. He also discusses the old “1984” TV ad for Apple, about which he says “you can’t find this ad on the Internet.” He is referring to this one – that I found on the Internet:
Limbaugh manages to find similarities between the dour Big Brother character in the ad with Obama’s cheerful and positive presentation on the Oscar broadcast. And he speculates that the Oscar gig was “a giant propaganda effort by the White House to put ‘Moo-chelle’ up there,” and that “this was the opening salvo of a Michelle Obama for president effort.” Somehow, he doesn’t find any irony in the fact that he is stretching reason to cast Mrs. Obama as a would-be dictator with robotic disciples, while he forgets that he proudly refers to his own followers as “dittoheads.”
If there was any doubt before, it is now indisputable that Limbaugh is in an advanced stage of dementia, perhaps brought on by age, Oxy-Contin, and/or exposure to dangerous levels of Teabaggery. His abnormally enlarged ego couldn’t be helping matters either.
Not surprising coming from a man who once wildly accused Bill Clinton of planning to declare martial law by manufacturing a national crisis and install himself as dictator toward the end of his second term. I’m sure his mindless ‘ditto heads’ all shit their pants in fright at the great one’s analysis. Anyone who takes this man seriously about anything is a total fool. Nothing he has ever said or will ever say will enlighten or educate anyone in the least. All of the people who listen to him seriously are dumber and worse off for it. It’s one thing to give your political opposition justified and constructive criticism but the shit this maniac has been spewing for 20 years or more is absolutely sickening. He is a racist, bigoted, misogynistic, divisive egomaniacal personality who never has said nor done anything constructive. He is the ultimate anti-American.
Rush Limbaugh has truly lost it. He’s become a stark, raving lunatic – truly sad and pathetic. That he has an audience says a lot about those who listen to him.
Say what you will about Limburger but the reality is this; he has a large and willing audience that not only follows but believes.
Belief is what gives him the ability to comment on anything he so wishes. All anyone has to do is look at those foolish GOP’s who dared go against him. I don’t think any single one of them lasted more than 48 hours before apologizing and begging forgiveness.
That’s power.
Limpbaugh will continue to obfuscate, lie, and cajole his audience for the sole purpose of fleecing them for his own benefit.
What is odd is that Michelle Obama isn’t the first First Lady to attend the Oscars. That was Eleanore Roosevelt.Ronald Reagan delivered a taped message, and Laura Bush did the same. So the big deal is reserved for the Obamas, again.