Scaredy Trump Flees to Fox News After Biden Chooses Kamala Harris

On Tuesday Joe Biden announced the selection of Kamala Harris as his vice-presidential running mate. The choice was universally acclaimed by all those not affiliated with the Trump Cult or Fox News. For his part, Donald Trump – the KKK’s favorite president – slandered Biden as a racist for choosing a Black woman to join his ticket. And he’s trying on “phony” as his latest infantile nickname for Harris.

Donald Trump, Fox News

The stench of fear and desperation coming from the Trump camp is unmistakable. He is getting crushed by Biden in every national poll, as well as all of the crucial swing states. He has no substantive criticism of either Biden or Harris, so he resorts to elementary school taunts, shameless lies, and pitiful whining.

Naturally, the first place Trump went after getting the bad news about Harris was his safe place in the arms of coronavirus spreader, Sean Hannity at Fox News. He knows that Harris is unquestionably a strong, experienced woman with a sharp intellect and tongue. And there is nothing that scares Trump more. He also knew that Hannity would comfort him in his hour of need, and feed him potential attack lines for the days ahead as the Biden/Harris ticket rolls out.

In fact, that’s exactly what Hannity did with his opening wet kiss to Trump on the subject of race (video below). Unfortunately, Trump is too unfocused and mentally infirm to concentrate on anything for more than ten seconds. Consequently, his response lurched manically into unrelated topics, ignoring the far more relevant subject matter that Hannity hoped he could corral Trump into. Trump’s meandering reply touched on the few topics that his fractured mind is capable of retaining. Remember, these are responses to a question about race:

“Well, first of all, what you said about Russia, the New York Times is fake reporting. And the Washington Post likewise. I always try to figure out which is worse. And then you have CNN and, frankly, ABC, CBS, NBC. […] But you know the sad thing is you [Hannity} have so many incredibly talented writers, journalists, frankly, including yourself, cause I consider you really a journalist to the largest extent.”

“They got it [the Russia “hoax”] wrong and they got Pulitzer prizes. The Pulitzer Prize is worthless as far as I’m concerned.”

“Now it finds out that we caught Obama, Biden. That’s why I didn’t think that Susan Rice could get it because she’s part of this whole illegal thing that happened.”

“Look at Hillary Clinton where she paid for the fake dossier.”

Huh? These are just a robotic recycling of Trump’s Lamest Hits. He’s on auto-play, rewinding through the nightmares that have lodged like neuro-parasites in his diseased brain, feasting on what’s left of his frontal lobe. Even Hannity – who Trump considers a journalist – was utterly incapable of guiding Trump into a coherent cognitive dialogue.

The remainder of this “interview” weaved through a soggy morass of subject matter that had little to do with Biden or Harris. Trump shoveled nonsense about windmills lowering property values, rigged mail-in voting, and his paranoid obsession with Obama’s “crimes” against him. However, he only managed to address the coronavirus pandemic for about thirty seconds at the close, and only to lie about nonexistent vaccines and therapies.

This is the current state of America’s political leadership. It’s resting in the tiny hands of a sociopathic narcissist who can’t complete a thought, or stay on topic, even when guided by a bootlicking sycophant. It would be hysterical if there weren’t already so many tragic consequences for so many suffering Americans.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News: Lying or Stupid? Hosts Falsely Claim that Trump is Second in Donations By Women

When America is suffering through a presidency that has achieved the rare milestone of having told more than 10,000 lies since it began, it may not be an earth shattering revelation that this president’s media mouthpiece traffics just as flagrantly in deliberate falsehoods. But, sadly, that’s what we are enduring in the era of Donald Trump and Fox News.

Fox News, Donald Trump Baby

The latest example of this occured on Saturday morning’s episode of Fox and Friends, Trump’s favorite morning show. and a significant source of data for his executive decision making. The “Curvy Couch” potatoes raised the subject of the 2020 race for the White House and sought to reveal some financial statistics that they thought would help boost Trump’s prospects in the upcoming election. Their typically partisan and shallow discussion resulted in this exchange (video below):

Jedediah Bila: In 2020, donations for the first quarter in 2019 – Gillibrand, $1,271,135. Kamala Harris, $3,661,680. And third is President Trump at $1,473,830.
Ed Henry: So he’s number two for female donations.
Bila: Right. These are women donations. So everyone that’s out there on the left making the talking point that women are anti-Trump, or Trump is anti-woman, have to remember that the chief issue that drives women to the polls is the same thing that drives everyone to polls. And that is jobs and the economy.
Pete Hegseth: Also, a lot of women, they are our culture warriors. They see what is happening in our schools, in our churches and elsewhere, and they look at this President’s willingness to focus on patriotism.

Let’s set aside Hegseth’s tangential and condescending remarks and the fact that Trump is a notorious abuser of women. Instead, let’s focus on the fact that Fox News got everything about their story horribly wrong. To begin with, the data Fox was citing was from the campaign finance research website, Open Secrets. However, the Open Secrets report was about the “gender distribution” of the donations. In other words, it was studying the percentage of the donations that were from women, not the total receipts. And that’s how the table they posted was sorted.

So contrary to Fox’s claim, Trump was not the second biggest recipient of donations from women. He was not even close. The study they were citing actually just noted that he ranked third in the percentage of female donors. All it took was a glance to see that Trump was actually sixth in terms of total female donations. And that’s despite the fact that many of the female donors were divided among four Democratic women (Gillibrand, Harris, Klobuchar, and Warren) who were less well known than the current president. Trump’s total take from women even ranked lower than Beto O’Rourke and Cory Booker.

It took a prodigious amount of ignorance, carelessness, and/or dishonesty for the Foxies to screw up this simple story so badly. But those are “skills” that they work on every day. Don’t expect Fox News to acknowledge this error, or to offer a retraction or apology. They knew what they were doing and they’re proud of their efforts to mislead their already pitifully ill-informed audience. It’s what they were created to do.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

SRSLY? Fox News Complains About ‘Embarrassing’ Coverage of Kamala Harris Shopping

You have to hand it To the Trump-fluffers at Fox News. It hardly matters what the substance of any story is, they will twist it into a positive propaganda piece for Donald Trump, or a lame criticism of of his opponents. They have staff on call 24/7 to massage the news of the day into something utterly dishonest so that it would fit nicely into a Trump campaign ad.

Fox News, Brit Hume, Donald Trump

Take for instance Brit Hume, the Sr. Political Analyst at Fox News (and former chief news anchor). On Saturday morning he was riffling through the Twitter-verse on the hunt for anything he could spin to tickle the fancy of of Fox’s fave fascismo, Donald Trump. And, lo and behold, he stumbled onto a video of Sen. Kamala Harris campaigning in Columbia, South Carolina.

This video shows Harris visiting a boutique during a campaign swing that featured small businesses owned by women. Ordinarily that would seem to be an admirable recognition of an important, and too often neglected, constituency. It is certainly a sector of the electorate that both Trump and Fox News generally ignore, when they aren’t insulting them. But for Hume to complain that this was somehow “embarrassing” just boggles the mind.

Hume was triggered by what is merely a human interest clip of a candidate interacting with voters. The video was posted by CBS News reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns. There was nothing “glowing” about it. It was a typical observation of a candidate in the field. There are thousands of these presented in every election for every candidate.

Someone needs to remind Hume that he works for the network that serves as the dedicated PR division of the Trump White House. Everyone from their morning suck-ups on Fox and Friends, to their primetime knob polishers, do nothing but deliver video wet kisses to Trump (which hasn’t been working out very well for them in the ratings). The biggest star on Fox News, Sean Hannity, unleashes slobbering poems of political devotion every night. He has even appeared on stage with Trump at his cult rallies (and Trump has returned the favor with promotional tweets). That’s true for several other Foxies also, including Brian Kilmeade, Pete Hegseth, Laura Ingraham, and Jeanine Pirro. These are people who unambiguously campaign for Trump.

If Hume is so concerned about an eleven second video of Harris in a local shop, what does he have to say about hours of Fox News cameras focused on a stationary plane that Trump was expected to come out of? What does he have to say about hours of uninterrupted broadcasts of Trump’s hate-filled and that contained zero newsworthiness? What does he have to say about the dozens of interviews (more than forty so far) that Trump has done with Fox News as President, while doing none with CNN or MSNBC during that time?

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

This is a superb example of the tunnel-blindness of Fox News. They lash out at Democrats and liberals for the most innocent activities, but ignore the the flagrant crimes committed by Trump and his nefarious associates. A perfect recent example is Trump’s Hannity-inspired declaration of a national emergency. Just the sort of thing they said Obama should be impeached for. If you strung Fox’s hypocrisies together, they would encircle the Earth a few hundred times, while still insisting that the Earth is flat.