Fox News Liberal Marc Lamont Hill Harassed By Police

Dr. Marc Lamont Hill, an Associate Professor at Columbia University has filed a $1 million lawsuit against the Philadelphia police department alleging harassment and violation of civil liberties.

The incident took place when Hill was stopped by police and asked to produce his vehicle registration. After complying he asked why he had been stopped, and then…

…[Officer] DeCoatsworth and his partner searched his car without a warrant or permission and that DeCoatsworth went through his pockets and drug him out of the car by his left arm. DeCoatsworth then slammed Hill against his vehicle, pushed his fist into Hill’s back and threatened to take him to jail, the suit alleges. Hill claims that DeCoatsworth also asked whether he could afford his car and went through his checkbook.

Hill was eventually let go and told to get out of the neighborhood without ever being cited or arrested, the suit said.

Hill has been a frequent guest on The O’Reilly Factor and other Fox programs. He is one of the network’s most effective representatives of liberal viewpoints. On a network that presents phonies like Doug Schoen and Pat Caddell as Democrats, Hill stands apart as the genuine article (although I still object to his appearances and think that all Democrats and progressives should avoid Fox News).

Something tells me that this would never have happened to Dick Morris or Charles Krauthammer. And if it did it would be front page news at Fox. So if anyone tries to tell you that America has shed itself of racial discrimination, remember the story of this respected educator and know that there are many similar stories about people who aren’t college professors or TV pundits.

Fired By Fox News: Marc Lamont Hill Gets What He Deserves

Marc Lamont Hill is described on his web site as “one of the leading hip-hop generation intellectuals.” He is an author and a professor at Columbia University. For the past few years he has also been a paid contributor at Fox News.

Hill’s appearances on Fox have been almost exclusively with Bill O’Reilly. He is actually one of the few foils who has demonstrated an ability to hold his own, to not get railroaded by O’Reilly, and to hold fast to true liberal arguments. In other words, he is no Juan Williams (aka Right-Wing Tool/Fool).

The news out of this morning’s annual meeting of News Corp shareholders is that Hill has been fired. This announcement came right from Murdoch himself. Murdoch was responding to a question about why he would employ a radical leftist defender of cop killers.

It appears that Hill was getting the Van Jones treatment and that Murdoch was as thin-skinned as President Obama. The question was presumably from Cliff Kincaid of the uber-rightist Accuracy in Media. Kincaid had issued a press release prior to the meeting announcing that he would be posing this challenge to Murdoch. Kincaid is so far to the right that he has railed against what he views as the “leftward drift” of both Matt Drudge and Fox News.

Well, now those drifting pinkos at Fox have set Prof. Hill adrift. They certainly couldn’t tolerate the presence of an intelligent, articulate, black man, spoiling the fun of the 24 hour Tea Party people at Fox. It will be interesting to see if O’Reilly has anything to say about the blackballing of one of his most frequent guests.

But Hill ought to have known better. He was crossing a river with a scorpion on his back. Did he think he would not get stung? Had he not taken the time to look around at the pathetic husks of Juan Williams, Kirsten Powers, Alan Colmes, or the rest of the limp losers who Fox allows to represent their version of the left? It was just a matter of time.

This is further evidence that it is a complete waste of breath to appear on Fox News. It only lends them credibility that they haven’t earned on their own. It permits the false claim of fairness and balance to persist. It boosts their ratings. The fireworks sparked by the conflict and manufactured debate is what Fox thrives on. I couldn’t be happier that Hill was fired. I hope that he’s learned something from the experience, and I hope that others take it as a warning.

No good can come from fraternizing with scorpions.