The White House Correspondents’ Comedy Hour

The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is an annual event that places members of the media in close proximity to the subjects they are supposed to be covering. It’s a little like the philosophy behind modern zoo design, where they attempt to show animals in their native habitat. The event generally features comedy routines from both the President and a professional comic.

In the past there have been some memorable moments, particularly Stephen Colbert’s devastating assault on the stenographers in the audience who fancy themselves as journalists. This weekend’s affair ranks fairly well by virtue of having a president who isn’t an inarticulate, emotionally stunted frat boy who thinks he’s a cowboy superhero.

Perhaps the funniest thing about this year’s dinner is the reaction to it afterwords from comedically-challenged right-wingers who simply can’t focus on anything other than their hatred of all things Obama. If they aren’t whining about Wanda Sykes being over-the-top in her remarks, they are shocked that President Obama laughed at them. The right seems obsessed with the President laughing. Recall his appearance on 60 Minutes when he laughed at a question from Steve Kroft. Conservatives went into a full-tilt frenzy. Much the same thing is happening now. Here are a couple of samples:

Ben Shapiro: “[Sykes is] the most gutless and feckless performer ever to grace the White House Correspondents Dinner.”

Michelle Malkin: “Liberal comedian Wanda Sykes indulged in Palin-bashing, Rush Derangement Syndrome, and post-Bush/Cheney-induced psychosis while leftist journalists rubbed elbows with politicos and Tinseltown eye candy.”

Roy Edroso of the Village Voice has compiled a fun and fascinating collection of the conservative umbrage taken at the comedy stylings of Obama and Sykes. Edroso harvested critical gems from the comedy experts at the Weekly Standard, NewsBusters, the always hilarious Wall Street Journal, and more. Here is how Edroso summed up his travels in Rightville:

“So, to recap, Wanda Sykes’ routine was a hate crime abetted by Obama’s hateful laughter, and Obama’s routine was Not Funny except to the liberal media (which in its heart of hearts knows George Bush is actually funnier), as well as an assault on free speech. Plus Obama is prejudiced against black people. Oh, and by noting these rightblogger reactions to the event, we are overreacting, which is an automatic win for conservatism. Given all that good news, you’d think they’d be more cheerful.”

To get the full benefit of that summation, go read the full article. It affirms just how pathetic the right is when it comes to being funny. Not that further affirmation was needed. Just try digging up some old episodes of Fox News’ Half-Hour Comedy Hour. Or Check out Tucker Carlson (whom Jon Stewart demolished on the defunct Crossfire) giving Jon Stewart tips on comedy. or, if you can stand it, wait for Glenn Beck’s upcoming comedy tour: The Acute Paranoia Revue. And since Beck is amongst those so incensed by Sykes’ alleged hostility, perhaps he will include in his act the bit he performed on his radio show wherein he fantasized about strangling Michael Moore to death with his bare hands.

Here are the YouTube videos of Obama and Sykes at the WHCA dinner:
Barack Obama / Wanda Sykes