20 Years of Unearthing Major Revelations

The National Security Archive, located at George Washington University, has released a list of 20 of its greatest hits . These are declassified documents that the Archive has published that have had an impact around the world. Here’s the top 10:

  1. Pentagon Photographs of Iraq War Casualties, 4/05
  2. Clarke to Rice, “Presidential Policy Initiative/Review — The Al-Qida Network,” 1/25/01
  3. Briefing Notes for Rumsfeld Visit to Baghdad, 3/24/84
  4. Telecon, Secretary Laird, 11/21/69
  5. Guatemala Death Squad Diary, (uncovered 1999)
  6. Oliver North Notebooks, 6/25/86 & 8/6/86
  7. Caribbean Map and Deck Log Book of USS Beale, 10/62
  8. Activities of Cuban Exile Leader Orlando Bosch during His Stay in Venezuela, 10/14/76
  9. DRV Reports Shooting at Two Enemy Aircraft, 8/4/64, and White House Staff Meeting, 5 August 1964
  10. White House E-Mail on Iran-Iraq War (2 versions with different deletions), 1/21/87

Go to their site for the rest. The list is being released in conjunction with their 20th anniversary celebration. Bill Moyers gave the keynote speech at the event commemorating this milestone. The speech, and the subsequent Q & A, are well worth listening to, which you can do here.

Congratulations to the Archives. Keep up the good work.