Winning? Donald Trump Brags that He’s the Leader of a Beautiful New ‘Master Race’

This has been coming for months now. When Donald Trump rode down his golden escalator to announce his candidacy for president, he immediately struck a tone of superiority. His political introduction included a flagrantly racist characterization of Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals. And thus was born America’s first mainstream movement of white nationalism.

Donald Trump

Through a combination of feigned populism, media blindness, Democratic incompetence, and Russian collusion, Trump actually made it to the White House. Now he is fulfilling his mission to revive the Third Reich in the New World. And if you think that’s somewhat over the top, take a look at what he tweeted Saturday:

This is the statement of a full-on, Nazi-style, wannabe dictator. It’s asserting the “supremacy” of his followers as a “Master Race” of mentally advanced physical specimens with a blind loyalty to a totalitarian demagogue. It further threatens the wrath of their surging strength as they gain more power. What’s more, the President refers to his StormTrumpers as “my supporters” rather than voters or citizens. And this isn’t the first time that Trump has portrayed the yokels he commands as being advanced models of humanity. At a campaign rally in August of 2016 he said:

“I mean, we have great people. We have the most loyal people. We have the smartest people. You know, so many of my people, they’re so smart. They like to say, well, Trump, I don’t know if he’s got this right — let me tell you, we have the smartest people. We have the people that are the smartest, and the strongest, and the best and the hardest working.”

The funny thing about this is that Trump’s disciples hardly match the description he tweeted, with the exception of their unquestioning loyalty. They are not exactly geniuses by any measure. That’s proven simply by their support for someone as uncommonly ignorant as Trump (who doesn’t know the difference between “countries” and “country’s”). And their fabled physicality is best portrayed by morbidly obese, toothless hicks in unwashed overalls.

What Trump is really depicting in this tweet is what his followers are like in his narcissistic fantasies. And failing that, he flatters his congregation of losers in an attempt to secure their undying devotion. He also pretends that he is leading a movement of electoral victories, despite the rash of embarrassing losses Republicans have suffered most of this year, and the looming “blue wave” being predicted this coming November (but don’t get cocky, Democrats). So the message in his tweet, while outwardly celebrating a Hitlerian crusade, is actually the delusions of a pathetic, Fuehrer wannabe. It’s just #Sad and more than a little #Nauseating.

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