Big Baby Trump Resorts to Whining and Lying When Fellow Republican Says He’s Impeachable

Nothing is more predictable than the response from Donald Trump whenever anyone has the audacity to challenge or criticize him. He lashes out uncontrollably like a petulant child who doesn’t get his way. And his assaults are always slathered in impotent insults and seasoned with the hate of a wounded narcissist.

Donald Trump

So naturally when Republican congressman Justin Amash of Michigan made the courageous decision to put his country before his party. Trump went ballistic. Amash is one of the few Republican members of Congress who read the report by special counsel Robert Mueller with an independent eye. Consequently he came away with the objective realization that Trump has engaged in impeachable conduct.” The report is rife with evidence of the unsavory connections to Russia by Trump and his campaign, as well as multiple documented incidents of obstruction of justice.

Trump typically chose Twitter as his preferred presidential communications platform to strike back at Amash. Lately Trump has been spectacularly deranged, even for him. But Trump’s pitiful retort to Amash is just further evidence of his mental infirmity and unfitness for office. He tweeted that he was…

The pattern of Trump’s attack is typified by first maligning his foe as an inferior with ulterior motives. Thus, Amash is a “lightweight” who is just looking for attention. But then Trump made the laughable charge that Amash had not read the Mueller report, which Trump absolutely didn’t read. At best he had one of his nannies summarize it with a few charts and pictures that made him look like a superhero.

In what might ordinarily be considered a hysterical satire, Trump dismissed the Mueller report as the “biased” product of “18 Angry Dems who hated Trump.” (For the record, there are more like 65 million angry Democrats who hate Trump). However, he also said that it found “NO COLLUSION and, ultimately, NO OBSTRUCTION.” But if the report that allegedly exonerated him was biased, doesn’t that mean that it DID find collusion and obstruction? And typical of any Trump tirade, it was overflowing with lies:

  • It’s absurd to suggest that Amash, a conservative Republican, was looking to advance himself by defying his own party and its leader.
  • Amash’s detailed commentary proves that he did read the Mueller report, despite Trump’s implying that he didn’t.
  • The report was produced by a lifelong Republican who was chosen by a Republican acting Attorney General who Trump appointed.
  • It was neither “strong on no collusion” nor “ultimately no obstruction.”
  • You can charge obstruction of justice even if there is no underlying crime. Obstruction is a crime in itself.
  • There no discernible crimes by “the other side” despite repeated attempts by the GOP to find something.

You have to hand to Trump. Not many people could squeeze that many falsehoods into two measly tweets. But he had inspiration. He was driven by the fact that someone chose to be disobedient by criticizing Dear Leader. That is the deadly sin of the Trump Era. And such impudence must be met head on with whining and crying and lying and the throwing of tantrums. Thankfully, those are the only skills that Trump has been shown to have in abundance.

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