‘COVID 4 ALL’: The Healthcare Plan From Trump and Fox News

The United States is notching ever higher records for coronavirus infections, hospitalizations, and deaths with each passing day. And experts predict that this winter it is likely to get worse before it gets better. Meanwhile, Donald Trump is furiously tweeting deranged rants about having won an election that he decisively lost to Joe Biden. In fact, Trump’s last 100 tweets have all been about what he calls the “election hoax,” but not one tweet about the pandemic that is hurting so many millions of Americans.

Donald Trump, Fox News, Coronavirus

Naturally, Fox News is fulfilling its mission to serve as Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda. They are supporting his delusional election victory fantasies. They malign Biden and other Democrats at every opportunity. They are even attacking Dr. Fauci. But worst of all, they persist in disinforming the American people about the deadly pandemic that is ravaging the nation. No wonder studies have proven that watching Fox News actually increases coronavirus fatalities.

On Friday morning the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends delivered yet another segment that trivializes the coronavirus. This time they melded it with lies about Biden as well. Co-host Brian Kilmeade sought to criticize Biden’s recent remarks about his intention to ask Americans to wear masks for the first 100 days of his administration. That’s a small sacrifice that is estimated will save up to 70,000 lives and would culminate just as vaccines are expected to become available to the general public. Apparently that’s too much to ask of the pseudo-patriots who believe that such a request is an imposition on their freedom to infect and murder their fellow Americans. Here’s just a taste of Kilmeade’s rant:

Let’s breakdown this dishonest, dystopian diatribe.

“You people want to go down with a fight, that’s the American spirit.”

Kilmeade is apparently referring to the mask resisters and the bar owners who refuse to participate in a real world solution to this health crisis. So Kilmeade glorifies violence as a response to common sense public safety regulations. He continued…

“Number one, the President-elect, if he becomes President of the United States…”

Notice that Kilmeade is questioning whether Biden will ever be sworn in as president. He’s pacifying the Trump cultists who still believe that millions of votes were manufactured by thousands of conspirators who managed to keep the whole criminal conspiracy secret without even a shred of evidence escaping. He continued…

[Biden] “…cannot mandate masks for 50 states.”

Here Kilmeade is inventing an outrage where none exists in reality. Biden has never proposed mandating masks for all 50 states. What he’s proposing are mandates for federal facilities and requests for cooperation from governors and for citizens to voluntarily comply. He continued…

“Thirty seven states already have mask mandates.”

This is actually true. That’s a milestone that should be acknowledged for Fox News. However, Kilmeade thinks that 37 states are enough, even though it means that 13 states – all with Republican governors – still do not have mask mandates. That means tens of millions of people in states where the pandemic surge is at its highest point. But Fox isn’t concerned about that. He continued…

“Nobody’s gonna make you put a mask on in your car, or sit alone on a beach, or in your backyard. So good luck with that.”

This is another strawman argument that isn’t being proposed by anyone. He continued…

“We’re already doing almost everything they told us to do. So I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

This is half true. Kilmeade certainly does not know what Biden is talking about. As for the other half, Many Republicans and Trump supporters are pointedly not doing what they are asked. And at the beginning of this rant Kilmeade praised them for it as a demonstration of the American “fighting” spirit. He continued…

“The election’s over, as they try to find out what actually happened.”

Finally, Kilmeade threw in a last jab at the election results. Notice that, even though he concedes that the election is over, he contradicts himself by implying the opposite – that we still don’t know what happened. We do. Trump lost!

This segment is typical of what Fox News presents to its viewers throughout the day. They simply don’t care that their lies are producing more grief and hardship, so long as it reinforces the lies dispensed by Trump. The negligence, incompetence, and deliberate malfeasance of Trump has resulted in an unprecedented human catastrophe. And Trump is personally responsible. But so are the Republican politicians who haven’t had the guts to oppose him. And so are the bootlickers at Fox News who have eagerly backed him up.

And let’s not forget the glassy-eyed disciples in Trump World who blindly embrace everything he says. They are the sheep who allow him to pretend to have a base of support to carry out his atrocities. They nod along obliviously very much like this inadvertently accurate meme posted by the MyPillow con artist and Trump backer, Mike Lindell:

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.