Fascismo Trump Shill Whines To Fox News About the ‘Erosion of Freedom’

The foremost personality trait of right-wing politcos is their unreserved devotion to shameless hypocrisy. They will start a sentence and manage to contradict themselves before they reach the period. It’s a skill that requires practice and commitment, but then what else do they have to do? It’s not like they ever do research or fact-checking.

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Fox News, Stephen Miller

On Sunday morning’s episode of Maria Bartiromo’s Fox News Trump-Fluffing Hour, the host welcomed longtime Donald Trump mouthpiece and Senior White Nationalist Advisor, Stephen Miller. Like his führer, Miller still hasn’t figured out that he lost the election. And like so many other whiny conservatives, he believes that he’s a victim of a massive, invisible, liberal cabal that is suppressing him and censoring his speech. They generally make this complaint while on one of the most watched cable news networks or in the pages of national newspapers.

Despite Miller’s acute hatred for Democrats in general, and President Joe Biden in particular, he had the gall to offer Biden some typically self-serving and utterly useless advice (video below):

“President Biden has missed an historic opportunity to make good on his pledge to be a president for all Americans and to stand up and say the censorship must stop. The blacklisting must stop. We have to listen to and respect all viewpoints in America. But he has not done that.”

Never mind that even though Biden has only been in office for eleven days, he has repeatedly reached out to Republicans who snubbed him and continue to deny that he’s really president. And if Biden hasn’t called for an end to Republican censorship, it might be because he isn’t suffering from the delusions of victimhood that the Trump cultists are consumed by.

What’s more, Miller’s insistence that “We have to listen to and respect all viewpoints in America,” could not be more ridiculous. We most assuredly do not have to respect the opinions of QAnon crackpots who claim that Democrats are sex-trafficking baby-eaters. We do not – must not – respect the opinions of GOP cranks like Marjorie Taylor Greene, who believes that the mass murders of children were staged. And no sane person should respect the opinions of Rudy Giuliani, who blames the Trump Insurrection on Antifa. And we must never show respect for Fox News seditionists like Tucker Carlson who are openly advocating for a violent civil war.

But Miller wasn’t through whining yet (video below). Miller, who is best known for his affinity for the Third Reich, was compelled to deliver a lecture on “freedom” to Biden and the Democrats. “Freedom is a way of being,” he blurted out as if he were proud of his insightfulness. Then he elaborated…

“If we as Americans get to the point where we’re willing to discriminate against people based on their point of view, being whether they’re Republican or Democrat, conservative or liberal, we have fundamentally abandoned our core values. And you’re right, it’s gonna lead to we’re not gonna bank with you; we’re not gonna give you a mortgage; we’re not gonna lease you a car; we’re not gonna represent you in a court of law.

Miller might have extended that to say “We’re no not gonna bake you a wedding cake; we’re not not gonna rent you an apartment; we’re not gonna admit you to college.” But, of course, those are all things that he wants to prohibit people who don’t look like him from doing. His hypocrisy is like an avalanche barreling down the side of Bigotry Mountain. And Bartiromo just sits there and gawks at him adoringly. This is what it’s come to. The oppressors are complaining about being oppressed on their national television networks. Poor things. Don’t ya feel so sorry them?

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Tucker Carlson of Fox News is Fomenting Civil War With Insanely Paranoid Lies

The purposeful betrayal of traditional American values by ultra-conservative shills marches on despite the electoral defeat and departure of the Traitor-in-Chief, Donald Trump. The parade is led, of course, by Fox News and their goose-stepping pack of lying propagandists whose mission is to advance the authoritarian interests of the GOP (Greedy One Percent).

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, Q Shaman

On Friday evening Fox’s Senior White Nationalist, Tucker Carlson, launched into another of his hallmark rants promoting hatred and division based on poorly constructed contrivances and deliberately repellent crock plots (video below). The only discernible purpose for this smug soliloquy is Carlson’s intentional aspiration to rile up his mentally unstable viewers. He plainly would like to see them reprise the violent insurrection they carried out on January 6th, but this time with even more casualties.

Carlson led off by attributing all manner of illicit behavior to Democrats that was concocted entirely within the confines of his diseased cranium. For instance, referring to the legal crackdown on Trump’s Seditionist Brigades, Carlson whined that…

“Democrats began crushing even the mildest dissent. They shut down an entire social media company called Parler, not because Parler had done anything wrong, but simply because they couldn’t control it. They couldn’t take the chance that somebody on Parler might criticize them, so they eliminated it.”

First of all, The Democratic Party did not shut down Parler, the abhorrent Twitter alternative for repulsive right-wingers. No political party has the legal authority to suppress the operation of a private business. And its demise had nothing to do with criticisms of Democrats. Parler was shut down when the company that hosted its website (Amazon Web Services) revoked their contract after they failed to comply with the terms of service and were found to be “a very real risk to public safety.” Despite repeated requests, Parler would not, or could not, moderate the content of their users who posted messages containing threats, harmful disinformation, and advocacy of violence. Apparently Carlson is now opposed to the free market. But he was just getting started…

“Then, two days ago, they arrested a man, threw him in handcuffs, brought him up on federal charges, because he made fun of Hillary Clinton on Twitter. That man is now facing ten years in prison.”

Of course Carlson’s horror story reconstruction is teetering on the flimsiest foundation of watered down, alternative facts. For the record, it was the Department of Justice (not Democrats) that arrested Douglass Mackey, alias “Ricky Vaughn,” an avowed white nationalist, on charges of interfering with the 2016 election. According to Media Matters “Mackey allegedly conspired to use social media to spread false information about voting in 2016 – specifically, claiming that people could text in their votes. Parts of the misinformation campaign appeared to target Black and Latino people.”

Once again, Carlson’s allegation – this time incorporating a bizarre swipe at Hillary Clinton – had no basis in reality. And then he continued…

“Democrats then declared war on their rival political party. Not, by the way, a metaphorical war, but an actual one, with soldiers, paramilitary law enforcement, and the world’s most powerful intelligence agencies. They denounced Republicans, even fairly moderate establishment figures who posed no conceivable threat to anyone, they denounced them as dangerous terrorists. They likened them to ISIS and Al Qaeda. And anyone who complained about this or fought back in any way was threatened with expulsion from Congress.”

Really? Carlson is asserting that Democrats engaged in an actual war against Republicans. He really needs to put down the crack pipe. What he is so badly misinterpreting is the police response to Trump’s Seditionist Brigades as they assaulted the United States Congress in an attempt to overthrow the government. They brutally beat police officers (so much for Blue Lives Matter), killing one, and openly sought members of Congress to assassinate them as well. Carlson describes these criminals as posing “no conceivable threat to anyone.” Well, to anyone but the five who were killed and the scores of others who were seriously injured.

The denunciation of these cretins as “terrorists” was entirely appropriate, by definition. And any member of Congress who supported them deserves to be expelled. Carlson is likely upset because, among other things, the Department of Homeland Security just released a report detailing the threat posed by right-wing extremists. It wasn’t ISIS or Al Qaeda who stormed the seat of American democracy. Finally, Carlson closed with this ironic thought…

“In other words, it doesn’t matter what voters decided in November, in the name of democracy you can longer serve in the Congress. That’s what they said.”

Nope, they never said that. Carlson is dredging up an utterly preposterous claim of attacking democracy, when that’s precisely what the hostile insurrectionists he’s defending were doing. Not to mention their Dear Leader Trump, who spent months attempting to overturn the democratic will of the people in dozens of lawsuits (that he lost), and the reckless and inflammatory rhetoric he spewed for months on end that produced the Capitol riots.

None of this is new for Carlson. He has frequently engaged in screeds that incite violence. He recently devoted a segment to defending the rights of his deranged audience to believe that Democrats are sex-trafficking baby-eaters. But in the end he will surely argue that he can’t be held liable for any of it because – and this is the actual defense his Fox News lawyers used – given his reputation, no reasonable person would believe anything he says. That is certainly true. The problem is that none of his viewers are reasonable, and they believe everything he says like the obedient and increasingly dangerous sheep that they are.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Rudy Giuliani Feebly Blames Trump Insurrection on the Lincoln Project and Antifa

Three weeks after Donald Trump sent his seditionist hordes to assault the United States Congress, he and his confederates in the Republican Party and right-wing press are continuing their cowardly and dishonest evasion of responsibility. They assert that the American people should just “move on” and forget about the treasonous storming of the Capitol that killed five people, injured scores of others, and defiled democracy.

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Rudy Giuliani

Chief among the Trump apologists is Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s addled attorney who can’t even represent him because he’s also likely to be indicted. Giuliani was interviewed on Steve Bannon’s radio show where he demonstrated why no one in their right mind would hire him as their lawyer. He sought to dismiss the charges against Trump by pointing his bony finger of blame toward others and constructing a thoroughly fictional scenario for which he provided zero evidence. His babbling led to this exchange with a rather baffled Bannon:

Giuliani: The biggest problems were caused by Antifa. That’s where the shooting took place. That was surrounded by all Antifa people. So how can he be held responsible for a whole thing that was planned days before he was gonna speak, that has a mixture of people that hate him and people that support him.
Bannon: But who’s the guy working with the Lincoln Project?
Giuliani: I don’t know if I can reveal his name because we have that from anonymous sources. But he worked in the past for Romney.
Bannon: Okay, hang on for a second. This is why we’re getting blown up all the time. You can’t throw a charge out there like that and then say I got a double-secret probation guy that I can’t mention, but he worked for Romney and worked for the Lincoln Project.

In Trumplandia, if you’ve lost Bannon you’ve sailed off the edge of the flat Earth and fallen into a black hole of conspiracy crackpottery. Giuliani’s accusations against Antifa fall flat, mainly because it’s an organization that is as real as the Legion of Doom. And his libel of the Lincoln Project doesn’t go anywhere either because there isn’t a scintilla of proof to back it up. To the contrary, most of the seditionists who have been arrested have already affirmed their devotion to Trump as the motivation for their crimes.

Furthermore, Giuliani wonders how Trump could be held responsible for a violent uprising that was planned prior to his speech at the rally. That’s an easy one. Trump was a participant in those planning sessions and his campaign even paid the organizers. The rally address wasn’t a coincidental public appearance. It was the climax of a collaborative plot.

It’s also notable that Giuliani refused to name his alleged source because he was “anonymous.” He might want to confer with his client who has distinct opinions about anonymous sources. In August of 2018 Trump tweeted, “When you see ‘anonymous source,’ stop reading the story, it is fiction!”

So this is what it’s come to. Rudy Giuliani is disgorging preposterous conspiracy theories to absolve Trump of his obvious criminal culpability. He can’t prove a word of it, much like his sixty plus lawsuits trying to to overturn the election, for which he claimed that losing was actually part of his master plan. And for his trouble he’s getting slapped down by veteran Trump-fluffer Steve Bannon. What a world.

UPDATE: The Lincoln Project responds…

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Biden Neglects Presidential Duty to Tweet and Post Flattering Videos of Himself

Joe Biden has only been President for one week, but already the radical conservative scolds at Fox News and other right-wing lie factories are hounding him for not having solved all of the country’s problems. After all, they are merely minor difficulties like a deadly pandemic, a cratering economy, and a seditious horde of Trump deadenders trying to overthrow the American democracy.

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Joe Biden, Tweet

Perhaps that’s why the Biden administration’s press office has articulated a criteria for media access to the White House that, if strictly applied, would prohibit Fox News, the former Ministry of Propaganda for Trump and Company. Over at Fox they continue to tow the Trumpian lies. They recently defended the rights of QAnon crackpots to believe that Democrats are sex-trafficking baby eaters. They denied that there was a post-holiday COVID surge. They appear to be determined to incite more violent Trump riots. And all the while they are steering their programming to ever more noxious conspiracy loving hosts.

In the week that Biden has served so far, he has aggressively moved to undo the worst of Trump’s atrocities on consequential matters such CIVID-19, climate change, healthcare, immigration and much more. But the oblivious cult disciples of the Trump/Republican Purity Party, in a rush to misjudgment, have deemed him an utter failure. As evidence of Biden’s bungling of the job, he has posted a measly average of 6.7 tweets a day. Trump pounded out more than 38 tweets daily on average. Some days he exceeded a hundred. What’s more, Biden has not posted a single video clip of some TV pundit delivering a slobbering dose of flattery. He has no equivalent of suck-ups like Sean Hannity, Jeanine Pirro, Lou Dobbs, Maria Bartiromo, or the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends.

Biden has not called into one television program hosted by a shameless sycophant the whole week. Consequently, we have no videos of him rambling incoherently for forty minutes without ever making an intelligible point. Considering that the nation just spent a year watching a seemingly endless parade of such blather, the sudden shift to experience, compassion, and intelligence is rather jarring.

WTF is Biden doing instead of these critical presidential duties? He certainly isn’t golfing, like a responsible president would be. It’s downright depressing seeing how far the country has succumbed to the siren call of competency in just one week.

And as for Fox News, it’s rather bizarre that they are responding to these presidential deficiencies by doubling down on crazy. Their ratings have taken a brutal hit ever since the November 3rd election. In the meantime, CNN and MSNBC have been enjoying record setting gains:

Fox is obviously concerned about their declining status. For the first time in twenty years they are not the number one cable news network. They aren’t number two either. And they have apparently concluded that they are losing viewers to upstart wingnets Newsmax and OANN. The problem with that, however, is that those other channels have not gained nearly as many viewers as Fox has lost. So Fox’s audience is either going somewhere else, or turning off the television.

What this means is that Fox’s reaction to the ratings turmoil is all wrong. They are trying to emulate Newsmax and OANN, the losers in the ratings race, rather than CNN and MSNBC, far and away the ratings leaders. But if they stole back all of the viewers that Newsmax and OANN gained, Fox would still be in third place. The only rational business plan under the circumstances would be for Fox News to adopt a more progressive editorial policy and hire some liberal hosts.

But don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen. The hospitals are too full of COVID patients to treat your asphyxiation. We can expect Fox to persist on a path toward wackier wingnuttery for the foreseeable future. It is baked into their mission statement as a disinformation enterprise. And spreading the lies and hostility of the rancid right is their paramount duty. It takes priority even over profits.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Skips First Press Briefing By Biden’s COVID-19 Response Team For…

One of the most prominent narratives in right-wing media today is a contrivance that they call “cancel culture.” It’s a thoroughly phony gimmick that they exploit to claim victimhood by a nefarious and shadowy cabal of techie leftists who are out to get them. Poor things!

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Fox NOT News

Amidst this pure and puerile propaganda, it’s the right that is actually engaging in the cancel culture that they pretend to abhor. They have a knee-jerk reaction to any person or entity that is mildly objectionable to them. They demand expulsions and boycotts and the harshest forms of ostracism possible for the offenders. Former conservative heroes like Bill Barr and John Bolton and even Mike Pence are now scorned as “RINOS.” And just look at what they’re doing to Donald Trump’s Ministry of Disinformation (aka Fox News), led by Trump himself.

The latest example of craven cancelation was committed by Fox News on Wednesday morning. Pres. Joe Biden assembled his COVID-19 Response Team for its first public press briefing. CNN and MSNBC aired it live. However, Fox News ignored the whole thing, despite (or due to) its focus on science and the expertise of people like Dr. Anthony Fauci. In its place Fox news aired their regular Democratic-bashing programming with segments about alleged “Big Tech” censorship (which isn’t happening), Antifa (which doesn’t exist), and criticisms of Biden’s executive orders (which have overwhelming public approval).

This is the same Fox News that aired almost every public address by Trump, live and uninterrupted, for four years. That included his self-serving Coronavirus Task Force briefings that were nothing more than thinly veiled 2020 reelection campaign events and were riddled with lies and hostility toward his critics and the media.

Among the programs that Fox, in its considered judgment, deemed more important than the COVID team’s briefing was “Outnumbered,” a show whose title was intended as a reference to the fact that it had four female co-hosts and one male guest. In fact, it also had four rightist hacks and one liberal patsy. But on this episode they didn’t even bother to seat an alleged liberal. This is further evidence that Fox News is venturing ever deeper into the wasteland of wingnuttery since Trump’s humiliating defeat, and his treasonous orchestration and support for of an assault on Congress.

We can expect this sort of “news” “judgment” by Fox for the foreseeable future. They have never been concerned with facts or journalistic integrity. Which is surely why they would fail to meet the criteria for being granted press credentials in the Biden White House. For Fox News everything is about advancing the conservative agenda. And if that means pretending that a newsmaking conference about a national health crisis is ignored in favor of more asinine blather by right-wing imbeciles, then so be it. Fox will be Fox.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Biden’s Criteria for White House Press Credentials Rules Out Fox News

After four years of Donald Trump, a childish and ignorant “president” who repeatedly maligned the press in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people,” it’s refreshing to see the White House actually demonstrate respect for the Fourth Estate as a critical partner in our democracy.

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Fox News, Joe Biden

Trump’s White House press office was a hostile work environment for journalists who strived to bring truthful information to the public. His press secretaries were more likely to bark ferociously at reporters than to provide honest answers to legitimate questions. And for much of his administration they didn’t hold any press briefings at all.

Joe Biden’s press office, on the other hand, is returning the media relations functions of the White House to its traditional role as a venue for communicating with the public. And that means taking questions from all interested parties and providing answers that advance the people’s right to know what their government is up to. But that doesn’t mean that they will be doormats or allow themselves to be exploited by alleged “news” operations that are nothing more than attack dogs for the radical right. As reported by Politico:

“White House officials promise a sea change from how the Trump White House interacted with the press. Biden’s team plans to lay out clear criteria for qualifying for a so-called ‘hard pass’ to access the grounds in consultation with the WHCA, officials told POLITICO. If current passholders in the media continue to meet the criteria determined together with the correspondents’ association, they will continue to have hard passes. […] But Biden’s aides also promised not to allow outlets to use the briefings to spread baseless conspiracies.”

“‘We expect reporters covering the White House to operate in good faith and tell their audience the truth, and this White House will do the same. We are moving forward with that mutual understanding,’ said T.J. Ducklo, the deputy White House press secretary. ‘Organizations or individuals who traffic in conspiracy theories, propaganda and lies to spread disinformation will not be tolerated, and we’ll work with the WHCA to decide how to handle those instances moving forward.'”

If the Biden Press team sticks to those principles, they will have to ban to Fox News from the White House Press Room. The ultra-conservative network has always been a fount of “conspiracy theories, propaganda and lies,” and they are determined to continue that stance going forward. Of course, Biden’s press office isn’t going to expel Fox News no matter how much it is deserved. But the specific articulation of what they find intolerable is an arrow shot at the heart of Fox’s destructive and deceptive defiling of journalism.

Fox News is already making programming changes that further minimize hard news in favor of more wingnut blather. What’s more, there are reports that Trump-fluffers are migrating from his team to Fox News. They include the perpetually wrong Larry Kudlow, and the shameless lie peddler Kayleigh McEnany (although Fox is refuting her claim of having been hired by the network).

These moves are not entirely surprising. Fox News has new competition from even more extremist right-wing spews channels like Newsmax and One America News Network (OANN). And Trump has been viciously attacking his former Fox Friends and ordering his cult disciples to switch channels to the competition. Consequently, Fox is acting out of pure terror as they have seen their ratings plunge ever since the election in November.

As welcome as it is to see Fox News flounder, it is concerning that they are turning up the fascismo to eleven in order to compete. And the channels that are eating up Fox’s audience are building an even more unhinged viewer base. All of them are singing from the same hymnal that Democrats are evil and the mainstream media is going soft on Biden. The latter is an especially entertaining hypocrisy considering how Fox News and the rest of the rightward ramblers have dealt with Trump for the past four years…


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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Tucker Carlson Defends Your Right To Believe That Democrats Eat Babies

The founding mission of Fox News was to advance the ultra-conservative agenda of its owner, Rupert Murdoch, and the Republican Party he supported. But in recent years it has shifted to an even more radical disseminator of propaganda on behalf of Donald Trump. And that has not waned in the weeks since Trump got his clock cleaned by Joe Biden.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

To the contrary, Fox News has actually made an even sharper turn to the right since the November election. They are devolving into paranoid whiners and elevating their most noxious Trump sycophants. And they have persisted in propagating Trump’s Big Lie of election fraud that resulted in the January 6th assault on Congress by Trump’s insurrectionists. It’s gotten so bad at Fox that even Rupert’s son, James, publicly denounced its “disinformation” and “toxic politics.”

No one on Fox News is more guilty of toxic, dishonest politics than Tucker Carlson. And on Monday night he seemed determined to prove that once and for all. Carlson aired a chilling monologue that he presented as an appeal for free speech and thought. And in a sick and twisted way, it was (video below).

Carlson’s segment sported a graphic that read “DEMS ARE TRYING TO CONTROL WHAT YOU BELIEVE,” although he never presented a single example of that. He began his demented dissertation on the dangers of censorship by sarcastically pronouncing that “The real threat is a forbidden idea, it’s something called QAnon.” Whereupon he played a video compilation of the media accurately condemning the conspiracy crackpottery of QAnon, a shadowy, dark web cabal of lunatics who believe that Democrats are sex-trafficking baby-eaters.

Carlson, however, has a different opinion. In his diseased mind he is protecting the freedom to malign public servants with bizarre and baseless accusations that would be preposterous in D- horror flick. To Carlson, the freedom to defame is a foundational American principle for which “the stakes could not be higher.”

Elaborating, Carlson said that “There’s a clear line between democracy and tyranny. Between self-government and dictatorship. And here’s what that line is: That line is your conscience.” He said that while government can tell people what to do, it cannot tell people what to think. “Once politicians attempt to tell you what to believe,” Carlson warned, “they are no longer politicians. They are, by definition, dictators. And if they succeed in controlling what you believe you are no longer a citizen. You are not a free man. You are a slave.”

Carlson clearly likes to imagine that he’s an intellectual thinker with profound insights. But it’s obvious that he’s teetering on the edge of clinical imbecility. Telling people what to believe is not a defining characteristic of dictatorships, that lean more toward force than belief. What Carlson is describing is a cult. Which is what Fox News viewers – including Carlson’s – are willing and pathetic members of.

Carlson’s tirade accused Democrats of having “joined the mob of censors and hysterics and Jacobin destroyers, all working on behalf of entrenched power, to take control of everything.” Never mind that he couldn’t cite any Democrats who espoused that alleged aspiration of tyranny. But then again, he doesn’t have to. Fox News lawyers actually argued successfully in court that Carlson cannot not be held liable for the lies he tells because he “cannot be understood to have been stating facts,” and that “given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer ‘arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism’ about the statements he makes.”

In other words, No reasonable viewer would believe Carlson’s BS. That’s according to the Fox News lawyer speaking on Carlson’s behalf. The problem is that Carlson doesn’t have any reasonable viewers. So the cult disciples he’s disinforming on a nightly basis will blindly buy into whatever he says.

The same goes for the rest of the professional liars at Fox News. And as Carlson said above, “If they succeed in controlling what you believe you are no longer a citizen. You are not a free man. You are a slave.” Sadly, Fox News has been pretty successful at controlling what their audience believes. As has Donald Trump. Even sadder, they enjoy being slaves.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox News Denies There Was A Post-Holiday COVID Surge In Bid To Kill More Americans

Fox News is struggling to construct a new foundation for the their rightist propaganda network now that they have lost Donald Trump as the deified focus of their cult movement. Not only was Trump humiliated in his decisive loss to Joe Biden, but he is now inextricably bound to the violent insurrection in Washington, D.C. that he provoked through his purposefully inflammatory rhetoric.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Coronavirus

Consequently, Fox News has begun testing noxious strategies to maintain their media campaign of lies and hate in the post-Trump era. Most conspicuous among these trial strategies is their sharp shift from being a knee-jerk, pro-Trump network, to being an anti-Biden dispenser of contrived scandals. Unfortunately for Fox, the best they’ve been able to do so far is catching Biden wearing an expensive wrist watch (OMG!), and feigning offense to his opposition to white supremacy. Yo, Fox… If you’re offended by criticisms of racism, you’re a racist.

On Monday morning Fox News tried out a unique angle on the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Host Bill Hemmer and Fox News medical analyst Marc Siegel discussed the subject in terms that typically downplayed the severity of the international health crisis that has already taken the lives of more than 420,000 Americans. Hemmer led off by brazenly lying about the recent surge in infections, hospitalizations, and fatalities (video below):

Hemmer: We were told at Christmas time everybody was gonna be getting together, we were gonna see a major spike. We were told at New Year’s we were gonna see a major spike. I check the New York Times website every morning to watch the number of cases. We’re down 33% on the 24th of January, which is yesterday. We were told it’s going the other way. Deaths are down 5%. Why were we told one thing and the opposite happened?
Siegal: Well, that happens a lot, doesn’t it, Bill? It’s because of fear mongering and we report only the scary news.

This is profoundly dishonest. What Fox News did was to wait until after the surge peaked to report numbers that have plateaued or begun to decline. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t a surge wherein thousands more people died. Fox News is insulting the memory of those souls.

The truth is clear that there was a severe post-holiday surge, and they know it. The increase in cases and deaths was documented and reported in real time by the New York Times that Hemmer claimed to check:

“The anticipated surge following holiday gatherings has now arrived, leading to a stunning number of cases, hospitalizations and deaths rising every day.

“On Tuesday alone, a record 4,327 people in the U.S. died from the virus, according to Johns Hopkins University. In just the past week, a New York Times tracker showed the seven-day average for deaths rose from about 2,600 per day to about 3,300. And the numbers keep climbing.”

What could be the incentive of Fox News to spread such blatant disinformation? They no longer have to back up Trump’s lies. There isn’t any ratings benefit to underreporting the statistics. There is no rational motivation for this deliberate misreporting. All it does is give their viewers a false sense of security that will lull them into complacency and make them more likely to contract the disease. is that what Fox News wants?

Well, let’s take a look at Fox’s history on this matter. Last June the Washington Post reported that three separate studies concluded that watching Fox News increased coronavirus fatalities:

“In recent weeks, three studies have focused on conservative media’s role in fostering confusion about the seriousness of the coronavirus. Taken together, they paint a picture of a media ecosystem that amplifies misinformation, entertains conspiracy theories and discourages audiences from taking concrete steps to protect themselves and others.”

Another study by the University of Chicago was more specific in naming Fox’s Sean Hannity as a COVID-19 super-spreader. It found that “Fox viewers who watched Hannity … had higher local rates of infection and death.”

This is a pattern of deception that suggests that Fox News either doesn’t care at all about the well being of their viewers, or that they have some sort of sick vendetta against. Why would Fox want to kill off their own audience? That same question could be asked of Trump with regard to killing off his supporters. None of it makes sense. It’s just the grotesque behavior of sociopaths with an agenda that is only known to them. But the rest of us need to steer clear of these wackos and work to shut down their lie factories.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.


How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Newt Gingrich Issues an Asinine Threat Over Making Trump a Martyr

The floundering Fox News Trumpskyites are getting more desperate with each day that passes since Joe Biden decisively defeated their hero Donald Trump. It wasn’t enough that their inflammatory, seditious rhetoric incited a violent attack on Congress that resulted in five deaths and dozens more injured. Nope. They are recklessly persisting in the dissemination of the Big Lie that the election was stolen, knowing the harm that it’s done and will do.

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Newt Gingrich, Donald Trump

Notable among the Trump Insurrection Squad is Fox News contributor and larcenous ex-Congress-critter, Newt Gingrich. He has not paused for a moment his campaign to overturn the 2020 presidential election, or to rip apart America’s democracy trying. In pursuit of those treasonous goals, Gingrich took to Twitter to post a preposterous comment that could only make sense to a crack-addled cretin with habitual evil intent. Gingrich tweeted that…

SERIOUSLY? Gingrich is attempting to draw a comparison between Trump, a cowardly hulk of blubber, and the courageous Putin critic Alexei Navalny. Never mind that Trump is more like an aspiring Putin-esque dictator who is desperately clinging to power, while Navalny is a fighter against everything that Trump stands for. And Nalvalny is willing to put his life on the line for the principles of free and fair elections that respect the will of the people, while Trump has been struggling for months to undermine democracy from his White House bunker, aided and abetted by authoritarian cohorts like Rudy Giuliani, Ted Cruz, and Gingrich’s confederates at Fox News.

Gingrich’s comparison of Trump to someone who survived prison and poisoning is ludicrous on its face. Trump is infamous for evading military service during the Vietnam War by claiming to have nonexistent bone spurs. Trump could never be a martyr because the only cause to which he is loyal is himself.

What’s more, Gingrich’s idea of “unity” is actually the surrender of Democrats to the losers in November’s election. He believes that it’s necessary to let criminals go free rather than risk riling up the criminal’s supporters and accomplices. In reality, unity and the healing that Americans yearn for, is only possible when the traitors have been appropriately punished. But Gingrich would rather portray the perpetrators of a violent insurrection as victims who deserve some perverse manifestation of mercy.

Gingrich even refers to “cries for exterminating Republicans,” when he is the only one who ever raised that cry. He whined to Sean Hannity, without any justification, that Biden associates were “radicals who believe if they could exterminate the Republicans that would be one way to get to unity.” And now he’s relying on his own lie to further the attack he himself invented.

Make no mistake… What Gingrich is really doing is issuing a threat. He is insinuating that any attempt to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, via impeachment and/or prosecution, will result in more violence on the part of Trump’s glassy-eyed disciples, spurred on by provocateurs like Gingrich. That’s the same thing that Trump has done, and that Fox News has done, in the weeks since the American people chose Biden over Trump.

Gingrich is sending a signal to Trump’s Seditionists to stand by in case Trump is held to the same legal standard that all Americans are held to. He is preparing them to stage another attack on American democracy, in defense of the wannabe Tyrant of Mar-a-Lago. And that is behavior that is purposefully treasonous and subject to prosecution itself. So the Biden Justice Department should be prepared to indict Gingrich and his ilk shortly after Trump’s Senate impeachment trial. That’s the path to the unity and justice and healing that our nation needs so badly.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Rand Paul Gets Spanked as He Continues to Push the Big Lie that the Election Was Stolen

To Republican deadenders still fighting to overturn Joe Biden’s decisive victory over Donald Trump, there are an endless stream of lies and alternative facts to disseminate. Never mind that doing so incited a violent insurrection in Washington, D.C., by Trump’s glassy-eyed cult disciples. To Republicans the battle to install an authoritarian dictatorship is an overwhelming compulsion.

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Rand Paul, Republican Brand

Confirmation of the GOP’s tyrannical aspirations was provided by Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky. On Sunday morning he appeared for an interview on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos. And he was as determined as ever to advance the Big Lie that the election was stolen from Trump. Stephanopoulos should have ended this interview after the first thirty seconds.

Paul didn’t add anything new in the six minutes that followed to his primary argument that consisted of two points: 1) There was massive fraud for which there is no evidence, and 2) Liberals are being mean to him by calling him a liar when he lies about there being massive fraud. (Full video below if you have the stomach for it).

Paul repeatedly whined that Stephanopoulos was calling all Republicans who pushed the Big Lie liars. But there’s a simple way to prevent being called a liar: Stop Lying! Paul never considered that option and throughout the interview continually reiterated the Big Lie that the election was stolen. That’s the same lie that resulted in the Capitol riots where five people died, dozens more injured, and American democracy fouled by the stench of Trump and Republican treason. Not that Paul cared about any of that, as demonstrated in this exchange:

Stephanopoulos: I want to begin with a threshold question for you. This election was not stolen. Do you accept that fact?
Paul: Well, what I would say is that the debate over whether or not there was fraud should occur. We never had any presentation in court where we actually looked at the evidence since most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing, which is a procedural way of not actually hearing the question.

Notice that Paul does not accept the fact that “This election was not stolen.” Even worse, he expands on the lie by asserting that the matter was never adjudicated in court. It is patently false that “most of the cases were thrown out for lack of standing.” In fact, very few were dismissed for that reason. Most of the cases – 86 of them – were thrown out after the evidence was presented and found to be wholly without merit. Paul went on to lie that…

“There were several states in which the law was changed by the Secretary of State, and not the state legislature. To me those are clearly unconstitutional.”

Actually, making decision of that sort is what secretaries of state were elected to do. And Paul is hallucinating if he sees anything in the Constitution that says otherwise. But he still wasn’t through lying…

“Were there people who voted twice? Were there dead people who voted? Were there illegal aliens who voted? Yes, and we should get to the bottom of it.”

There probably were some instances of invalid votes, just as there are in every election. But all fifty states, including those with Republican governors and election officials, certified the election results. Even Trump’s own Attorney General, Bill Barr, said there was no evidence of voter fraud that could have had any impact on the outcome. Yet that wasn’t enough for Paul either. He continued his lying…

“What I would suggest is that if we want greater confidence in our elections – and 75% of Republicans agree with me – is that we do need to look at election integrity, and we do need to see if we can restore confidence in the elections. […] Where you make a mistake is that people coming from the liberal side like you, you immediately say that everything’s a lie instead of saying there are two sides to everything.

First of all, the only reason that 75% of weak and impressionable Republicans agree with Paul and lack confidence in the election is because of Paul and Trump and the rest of the liars who have been hammering the blatantly false conspiracy nonsense that the election was stolen. If he wants to restore the people’s confidence in elections, he should try telling them the truth, that the election was fair and accurate.

Secondly, Paul’s contention that “there are two sides to everything” is pitifully idiotic. There are not two sides to facts. For instance, there isn’t another side to the fact that the Earth is round. And there isn’t another side to the facts that have been established by both Democratic and Republican officials that the election was not altered by fraud.

Paul’s reckless dishonesty is not just another incident of radical right-wing distortions of reality. The deadly consequences of his lies were seen by the world three weeks ago as his confederates sought to invade Congress and assassinate its members. People like Paul need to be held accountable and expelled from Congress for their deliberate and dangerous deceit. And the determination of these cretins to continue to spread their lies makes the impeachment conviction of Trump all the more necessary in order to preserve the integrity of our democracy.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. And you can follow this surrogate Twitter account here. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.