The Mental Case of Mar-a-Lago is melting down again. Donald Trump isn’t satisfied with just being an impotent loser. He isn’t content with having incited a violent insurrection on Capitol Hill. Nope. Trump’s ambitions are far more demented than that.
With both federal and state prosecutors bearing down on Trump’s crime sprees, and President Biden taunting him with his surging popularity, the former reality TV game show host is suffering a severe escalation of his psychotic breakdown. On Thursday Trump took to his pitifully lame blog to further propagate the “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from him. And his “Breaking News” was emblematic of his sickness:
“Breaking News! Massive numbers of dead people ‘voted’ in the 2020 Presidential Election, far greater than anyone has known or seen before. Some of these ‘dead people’ even applied for an application to vote. This is just one of the many fraudulent aspects of the 2020 Presidential Election. People are just now beginning to understand!”
Unfortunately for Trump, what people are beginning to understand is just how acutely debilitated the twice-impeached washout has become. His posting doesn’t cite any source for the assertion that “Massive numbers of dead people ‘voted'” because there isn’t any evidence of it in the real world. Although there was a single incident wherein a voter cast a ballot for Trump in his dead mother’s name. But that hardly represents a rash of voter fraud that is “far greater than anyone has known or seen before.”
While Trump is whining about his delusional massive number of dead voters, he is oblivious to the massive margin of his electoral defeat (more than 7,000,000). He refuses to acknowledge the massive number of lies he’s told (more than 40,000). And worst of all, he’s still ignoring the massive number of dead Americans (nearly 600,000) due to his negligent and incompetent mismanagement of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Just like Bruce Willis in “The Sixth Sense,” (“I see dead voters?”), Trump doesn’t realize that it’s his political life that is deceased. And if he isn’t stopped, his departure from reality is likely to result in more dead Americans at the hands of his treasonous confederates. Matt Gaetz (R-QAnon) is already issuing threats, saying that “We have a 2nd Amendment in this country, and I think we have an obligation to use it.”
Matt Gaetz to loud standing ovation tonight: “The 2nd Amendment is about maintaining within the citizenry the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government of the United States, if that becomes necessary.”
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) May 27, 2021
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