I just can’t let this go by…
Shepard Smith is the Fox anchor most hated by entrenched Fox viewers. This video is a good example of why. Smith takes a principled stand against torture and in favor of living up to our national values when he says:
“We are America. I don’t give a rat’s ass if it helps. We. Are. America. We do not fucking torture. We don’t do it.”
This is video from Fox’s Strategy Room, which is a webcast that takes place when the network goes to commercial. So this was never on the air. I think the most embarrassing part has nothing to do with Shep’s language. It is when Trace Gallagher says that he is not saying that torture is right or wrong. That doesn’t seem like something that a moral person would be ambiguous about.
strategy room is confined to the web and IT DOESNT air during network commercials and the webcast is commercial free
Shepard Smith is the Fox anchor most hated by entrenched Fox viewers- wheres the proof??
Just visit Hot Air or RedState or Little Green Footballs and do a search for Shep.
Fox Haters Week in Review (04/19/09 – 04/25/09)
Comment by Mark
2009-04-26 17:59:45
Just visit Hot Air or RedState or Little Green Footballs and do a search for Shep.
i asked for proof-and mark delivered it