CPAC In The House And The Party Don’t Stop

This is a followup to my column on CPAC’s efforts to make their conference and the conservative movement more appealing to young people. The key component of their strategy was the XPAC lounge, a slammin crib stocked with video games and junk food where Yaffie playas can chill. The “X” is for “Xtreme”. But then there was also this: From the CPAC schedule of events…

XPAC Rap/Jam Session

Washington Rooms 1-4
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Live music and special performances by Rappers: Hi-Caliber, Young Cons, and many more!
Open to all XPAC ticket holders

Well…Talking Points Memo attended this highly anticipated throwdown and came away with some compelling video of hip, young, right-wing activists.

Liberals are in BIG trouble now. So throw your tea bags in the air. And wave em like you’re on Medicare. You been served a steaming brew of FAIL.
