Clinton Paranoia Endures At Fox Nation

The most frightening thing to a Fox Nationalist must be the countenance of a Clinton. They are still trembling at the very thought of the Big Dog. That’s why they were spooked by rumors that Clinton was plotting some dastardly assault on their beloved Tea Partiers. They featured a headline story lamenting their perilous fate.

That’s right. Bill Clinton is plotting a Tea Party attack. The headline linked to a story on Andrew Breitbart’s hilarious parody of a news web site, But they are deadly serious when they accuse the former president of concocting fiendish schemes aimed at the teatotaling Crusaders:

“Big Government has learned that Clintonistas are plotting a ‘push/pull’ strategy. They plan to identify 7-8 national figures active in the tea party movement and engage in deep opposition research on them. If possible, they will identify one or two they can perhaps ‘turn’, either with money or threats, to create a mole in the movement. The others will be subjected to a full-on smear campaign.”

Imagine that. The Tea Crusaders may be subject to a ghastly attempt to oppose their racist, corporate-funded, circus masquerading as a grassroots movement. The Fox Nationalists and BigGovernees must have gotten the impression somewhere that political activities were never supposed to be criticized or countered.

Even more appalling, Breitbart’s deep opposition research has turned up evidence that Clintonistas might engage in deep opposition research. How dare they? Never mind that Breitbart doesn’t bother to disclose the source of his “evidence.” He doesn’t even cite the ubiquitous “anonymous” source who seems to see everything in Washington. He merely says that he’s “learned” of these aborning plots. And to make matters worse, he’s “learned” that Clinton ally James Carville will be heading up the mission.

Breitbart’s pseudonymous stooge further exclaims his surprise that Clinton would go to bat for Obama. He implies that the President’s animosity toward the Clinton clan ought to have prevented that. Much in the way that it prevented Obama from naming Hillary Clinton his Secretary of State.

Oops…Scratch that. In fact, scratch the whole thing. The fact that Fox Nation is getting its scoops from Breitbart should have been the signal to stop paying attention.


One thought on “Clinton Paranoia Endures At Fox Nation

  1. Corporate tools,comparable to slaves fighting the civil war in place of the plantation owners

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