The New Improved News Corpse

Happy Birthday News CorpseDon’t panic! You haven’t been hijacked to some alien web destination. This is still News Corpse, but with a brand new look. It has been over five years since there has been a significant overhaul of the aesthetics of this site, so I figured it was about time. And July also happens to be the birthday of News Corpse, which turns six years old this month.

I apologize in advance for any of the little glitches and anomalies that may erupt in the next few days as I continue to smooth out the rough edges. Please let me know in the comments section if you encounter any problems.

Hopefully you will find the new interface engaging and intuitive. You will definitely find the the same commentary and, as NewsBusters called it, “vicious media criticism” that I have always endeavored to provide.

There is still so much to do to transform the media into the honest and useful institution it needs to be in order for democracy to flourish. And it always helps to look at the world with fresh eyes, fresh thinking, and a persistent optimism that hard work and determination will produce positive change.

Thanks for your continued patronage and your commitment to diverse and independent media.


3 thoughts on “The New Improved News Corpse

  1. Good work Mark. We appreciate your work with all this weasel wrangling to get the info for stories. You listen and watch so we don’t have to. How can you stand it?

    • Over time I’ve built up an immunity.

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