Fox News Has Not Earned A Front Row Seat

The White House Correspondent’s Association is deciding this weekend what news agency will get the seat in the White House Press Briefing Room that was vacated by Helen Thomas. One of those seeking the seat is Fox News.

The timing of this could not be more significant. Coming on the heels of Fox’s disgraceful promotion of Andrew Breitbart’s phony video that accused an honorable woman of being a racist, how could the WHCA even entertain the notion of giving a front row seat of honor to Fox? This latest embarrassment just serves to remind people of past disgraceful acts on the part of Fox News: the smearing of Van Jones; the lies about ACORN; the fabricated controversy over the New Black Panthers; the list goes on.

Fox News is NOT news. It is a blatantly partisan operation that promotes the interests of the Republican Party and conservative ideology. Giving this seat to Fox after they have so recently demonstrated how undeserving they are would be a slap in the face to journalists who work hard to uphold the ethics that their profession requires.

Credo has a petition to the WHCA urging them to give the seat to National Public Radio. NPR has been working this beat for 40 years (compared to 14 for Fox), and they serve an audience that is almost 14 times larger than Fox. Please sign the petition ASAP and let the WHCA know that we do not want Fox to be rewarded for their dishonesty.


8 thoughts on “Fox News Has Not Earned A Front Row Seat

  1. I saw this petition posted over at News Hounds and signed up but, on 2nd thought, maybe Fox News needs to be on the 1st row. They don’t seem to hear so well at press conferences because their crap news always seems to get it wrong. ;^)

    • Yeah, they it wrong. But it’s not because they have trouble hearing.

      They really don’t need to be in the Briefing Room at. They are just going to make up shit anyway.

  2. The seat should go to the news organization who deserves the seat the most. That should be the critiria. I know many of you are less concerned with who gets the seat, and more concerned with who doesn’t: FOX news. Currently the front row has six center/left news outfits, and no center/right outfits. Even though FOX news is the top ranked news channel in the country, they don’t deserve the seat? People’s lack of fairness is appalling.

    Liberals are all over the Internet trying to keep FOX news off the front row. They feel that only liberals like themselves should occupy the front row. Kind of like Stalin only wanted Communists to be in the Politboro.

    It is time for FOX news to take it’s rightful place, front row center….

    • OK, if the seat should go to the news organization who deserves the seat the most, then Fox shouldn’t get it because it isn’t a news organization. That’s not just a slam on Fox, it is the official position of Fox News, whose Sr. VP of News, Michael Clemente, said that only the hours between 9:00am to 4:00pm, and 6:00pm to 8:00pm are news (nine hours total). That means that a majority of the day is consumed by something other than news.

      Furthermore, if the seat should go to the news organization who deserves it most, then NPR beats Fox because it has more news content, it has been around longer (waiting for the seat longer), and it serves a much larger audience.

      Also, I need to correct a couple of your statements: 1) The front row has no (zero) center/left news outfits (that’s the myth of the liberal media). 2) Fox is NOT the top ranked news in the country (it has less than a third the viewers of NBC). What’s more, News Corp, the parent company of Fox has FOUR seats in the room already (and is petitioning for two more), while no other news enterprise has more than two seats.

      You really want to talk about fairness?

      • Why do liberal sheep always parrot the same old tired statement “FOX is not a news organization”. Just because the White house was pushing this talking point, doesn’t mean it is true. No SERIOUS person would claim that FOX news is not the #1 news channel, with the most viewership in the nation.

        NPR is finianced by the Government, therefore it should not be in the front row asking the government questions.

        The front row does not have any center/left news outlets? HUH? That doesn’t pass the laugh test. That says more about your ignorance, than the obvious truth.

        • Talk about sheep…

          You obviously didn’t read my comment. It is filled with documented, verifiable facts. Yet you chose to believe myths and lies. Good luck with that.

        • This CNN article addresses FOX News’ credibility as a news source. From the article, as quoted by FOX News Senior VP:

          “An increasing number of viewers are relying on Fox News for both news and opinion,” Fox News Senior VP Michael Clemente said in the statement, “and the average news consumer can certainly distinguish between the A-section of the newspaper and the editorial page, which is what our programming represents.
          “So with all due respect to anyone who might still be confused about the difference between news reporting and vibrant opinion, my suggestion would be to talk about the stories and the facts rather than the attack the messenger . . . which over time has never worked.”

          An article here on News Corpse sums things up pretty well.

          These articles might be from 2009, but I haven’t seen much of a change in the FOX News format in the last 9-12 months that would make these points any less valid.

  3. NPR would be a good choice. And Fox is a party organ. And NBC is the leading news on TV.

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