Liberals Are The Mainstream

The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released a new study that should put an end to the media fiction that liberals are some sort of fringe group that are out of touch with mainstream America. It should put an end to that, but will it?

The report reveals that the public has been growing more concerned about social programs, income inequality, and militaristic national security policies, and less interested in the so-called traditional social values promoted by conservatives. That values divide corresponds with a shift in political affiliation as well:

“In 2002, the country was equally divided along partisan lines: 43% identified with the Republican Party or leaned to the GOP, while an identical proportion said they were Democrats. Today, half of the public (50%) either identifies as a Democrat or says they lean to the Democratic Party, compared with 35% who align with the GOP.”

That’s a 15% divergence in 5 years. Following the Democratic electoral victories last November and the consistently low approval ratings of the Bush administration, one might think that the press would start to approach issues in a manner that reflects this reality. Instead, they persist in characterizing liberals as peaceniks and welfare moms. Partisans like Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity can’t say the word “Left” without appending “ultra-far” to the front of it. Even if they are talking about confirmed moderates like John Murtha.

Whether it’s the anti-troops leftists seeking a sane foreign policy, or the radical liberals who scotched the Fox News attempt to sabotage the debate in Nevada, or the mockery of Al Gore’s congressional testimony on global warming, or the loony netroots activists that have taken over the Democratic Party, the subtle, and sometimes obvious, defamation ought to be wearing thin. It’s the stenographers and spokesmodels who pass for the “mainstream” media who are out of touch. In poll after poll it has been shown that more Americans agree with the positions of liberals on almost every issue. That includes the economy, healthcare, the environment, civil rights, and most notably, the war. But the media continues to force their utterly misrepresentative narrative on a public that knows better.

This seems like a good time to remind and encourage people to let the press know that we know that they are being dishonest. If ABC News makes disparaging comments about “left-wing special interests,” call their newsroom. If USA Today belittles progressive congresspersons as not being aligned with their constituents, fire off an email. Do this every time you witness their bad behavior and point them to this Pew study. If we hit them over the head with the truth enough times, they might finally start to get it.

We can only hope.


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