There has been some good news recently about the progress being made with regard to the COVID-19 pandemic. The rates of new cases, hospitalizations, and fatalities have declined to the lowest rates seen in many months. And the Biden administration’s management of vaccine distribution and implementation has been extraordinarily effective.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 50% of U.S. adults have received at least one dose of vaccine, and 30% have been fully vaccinated. This could bring about a state of herd immunity much sooner than previously estimated.
However, there are still some hurdles in the way. For one thing, The least vaccinated U.S. counties are, not surprisingly, mostly dominated by Trump voters. That is likely due to the recklessly negative propaganda promulgated by Fox News, where vaccine conspiracy theories proliferate. Tucker Carlson has been especially active in driving up anti-vax hysteria.
Joining Fox News is their sister publication owned by Rupert Murdoch, the New York Post. They have been engaged in a dishonest and deadly campaign aimed at magnifying doubts about the vaccines and frightening the public away from getting vaccinated. Case in point, the right-wing “news” paper published an article fear mongering about a college student in Cincinnati who died shortly after being vaccinated:
The Post appears to have deleted this tweet, which, progress, I suppose?
— Dave Levitan (@davelevitan) April 16, 2021
The Post’s own reporting eventually (four paragraphs in) admitted that there was no evidence that the death had anything to do with the vaccine. They later deleted both the article and the tweet promoting it. But they never issued a retraction or an apology, or made any effort to correct the record for those readers who were unnecessarily panicked. And what makes this irresponsibility all the more reprehensible is that this wasn’t the first time that the Post engaged in this sort of disinformation and perilously inflammatory – and flagrantly false – hyperbole. Just in the past few months…
- December 29, 2020: Israeli man reportedly dies of heart attack hours after getting COVID vaccine
- January 24, 2021: Californian dies hours after getting COVID-19 vaccine, prompting probe
- February 7, 2021: Elderly man collapses, dies shortly after getting COVID-19 vaccine at Javits Center
- April 16, 2021: NJ man hospitalized after J&J COVID-19 vaccine placed on ventilator
In every one of those stories the Post either acknowledged that there were no connections between the vaccine and the fatality, or they failed to provide any evidence of a connection. It was simply their attempt needlessly scare people to satisfy some perverse, political agenda. Never mind that last December Rupert Murdoch jetted off to the U.K. to get vaccinated himself by their socialist National Health Service.
The New York Post is unambiguously acting as anti-health terrorists. They are endangering the lives of both those who will be dissuaded from getting vaccinated, and the rest of the nation’s population that will be vulnerable to the consequences of delaying herd immunity and increasing the opportunity for new variants to emerge. It is criminal deceit and there ought to be a price to be paid.
NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
The Trumps, Rupert Murdoch… wonder who else, publicly speaking out AGAINST getting the vaccine, are secretly protecting themselves by getting vaccinated? That has to be the ultimate in callousness & hypocrisy ~ to use position of power & influence to discourage others from getting vaccine that could save their lives, while secretly getting vaccinated themselves.
How many of those at FauxNotNews have been vaccinated?
How many Rethuglicans saying they refuse to get vaccinated, are secretly doing so? Or are they really so stupid, not to?
I admit that I don’t get it: what’s the agenda here? Why put your own moronic supporters in jeopardy? With the mercenary Murdochs, it’s got to be about money, but I can’t see it.