Fox Nation Plays To The Stupidity Of Their Audience By Mocking Bill Maher

You can tell a lot about an enterprise by the way it engages their own audience. For Fox News it is imperative that they talk down to the morons who watch in order to perpetuate the lies and disinformation. And their web site, Fox Nation, is no less bound by a confederacy of dunces. Here is how they routinely portray comedian Bill Maher:

Fox Nation on Bill Maher

Repeatedly calling him Pig Maher is the Fox Nationalist’s way of demonstrating their maturity and devotion to ethical journalism. It’s all you can expect from an organization whose audience was obsessed with idiotic notions about death panels and birth certificates.

This isn’t the first time Fox Nation has plumbed these depths of daftness. A couple of years ago the Foxies thought they were hilarious as they skewered Senator Al Franken as Stuart Smalley (the name of a character he played on Saturday Night Live ten years prior). At that time I wrote…

“I suppose that, in order for Fox Nation (and Fox News) to be successful, they have to cater to the diminished mental capacity of their audience. And after reading some of the comments posted on their site, I’d say they still have some ways down to go. Remember, this is a community that reveres ignorance, as illustrated by their adoration of Sarah Palin, and college dropout Glenn Beck. They proudly display their overt disdain for people with demonstrated intelligence.”

We can now add to the list of Fox’s idols the current front-runner in the GOP presidential primary, Rick Perry. His college transcripts reveal that he barely graduated with a 2.2 grade-point average. This presidential hopeful received C’s in U.S. History; D’s in Principles of Economics; and for someone who doesn’t believe in evolution and discounts the peer-reviewed research of hundreds of scientists affirming Climate Change, Perry failed Organic Chemistry.

Still, Perry and Fox may be too advanced for the Fox audience and Tea Partyers. It is, nevertheless, comforting to see them at least trying to communicate at a level their audience can understand.


15 thoughts on “Fox Nation Plays To The Stupidity Of Their Audience By Mocking Bill Maher

  1. Who’s behind this? Faggot Hannity, Retard Doocy, or Whore Carlson?

    • Boy, you guys really know how to take the high road…”faggot, retard, whore” well done.

      • Boy, you really don’t get irony. Godslayer is obviously mocking Fox’s use of the Pig Maher label to illustrate how stupid it is.

        • Mark, I’ve read numerous articles you’ve written deriding the use of terms like this by people who don’t agree with you. Is it different here because Godslayer thinks like you – ie it’s ok for libs to use those terms but no one else. If this person wants to use these terms, so be it, but don’t lecture anyone in the future if someone uses any derogatory terms to make a point. Typical hypocrisy.

          • Are you being deliberately obtuse?

            There is a difference between using that language literally directed at a person (as Fox did to Maher) and using it facetiously in satire. There is no hypocrisy because the two things are not the same.

            And it’s funny, I haven’t seen you condemn Fox yet. And they are doing exactly the same thing you are complaining about. Hypocrisy?

            • He’s a troll Mark. Read the August 24, 2011 Karl Rove email to his “Keyboard Kommandoes” for an explanation of what “steve in york” is doing. Rove even explains what his “Kommandoes” should do when they get outed!

          • Yet again more proof that rightwingers lack the intellectual ability to understand sarcasm, irony and satire. Everything must be taken literally, without any conception that words can be used to mean their opposite depending on the context. You saw this illustrated when Chris Wallace interviewed Jon Stewart over a fake Palin ad that was made to look like a pharmaceutical commercial. As Stewart replied, “Are you insane?”
            No, Jon, they’re not insane, just STOOPID.

  2. It’s a little disconcerting to see a web site that went ballistic over the use of a photo of Michelle Bachmann on grounds of “journalistic fairness” use such a blatantly opinionated appellation. Pig Maher? Are their headline writers 12 years old?

    • “Are their headline writers 12 years old?”

      No. 12 year olds are more mature. And good point about Bachmann.

  3. They are much more mature than Bill Maher will ever be. This is the same Bill Maher that kept saying that if Dick Cheney had been assassinated over in Afghanistan, the world would have been a lot better off. It’s the same Bill Maher that cracked a “joke” about D.C. police shooting and killing Glenn Beck.

    • “Scott” = Keybord Kommando. Hi KK Scott!

      • excuse the typo… “Keyboard”…

    • Hey Scott, if you are going to claim said something please link as I am pretty sure your accusations once put into context translate to the opposite. Keep on watching fox so that we can continue to be ammused.

  4. This reminds me of a Coulter column during the outing the CIA operative scandal referring to Joe Wilson as “Clown” Wilson. Cleverness was never done so badly.

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