Fox News Embarks on a Campaign of Shameless Exaltation of Donald and Melania Trump

From its inception 28 years ago, Fox News has relentlessly pursued its mission to advance the interests of ultra right-wing politicians and policies. That mission has been unencumbered by the principles of ethical journalism or honesty. The network’s objective of promoting arch-conservativism on behalf of the wealthy and corporations has been paramount in their “reporting” at all times.

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Donald Trump baby with Fox News logo

With the emergence of Donald Trump and the cult that has arisen around him, Fox News has managed to do what many may have thought impossible. They got even worse. Their devotional embrace of Trump has exceeded the adulation of history’s most notorious cult leaders. Fox News has helped Trump to prove that he was right when he said that he could “shoot someone on 5th Avenue” without losing any support. And as a result of Fox’s reverential propaganda, Trump’s clan regards him as their only source of truth.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

This week Fox News has outdone itself. On Thursday their Fox Nation streaming network aired an awards ceremony wherein Trump was declared the “Patriot of the Year.” To be clear, that’s a choice that is honoring a convicted felon, adjudicated rapist, draft dodger, who incited a coup, and said he would terminate the Constitution, as the most patriotic person in America. You have to wonder who the runner-ups were. Steve Bannon? Vladimir Putin? Hannibal Lector?

This award could be in appreciation of Trump’s nominees to his still forming administration. At least 14 of them (so far) are Fox News hosts, contributors, or frequent guests. Among these unqualified, morally bankrupt appointments is his embattled nominee for Secretary of Defense, Pete Hegseth.

MORE HERE: CNN Report: Trump’s Nominees Are Largely Fox News Alum, Mar-a-Lago Patrons, and Billionaires

As if that weren’t enough, Fox News also invited Melania Trump on to chat with the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends (Hegseth’s old haunt). That segment actually turned out to be their version of a right-wing Home Shopping Network where viewers could purchase grossly overpriced trinkets designed by Melania herself. Who wouldn’t want a $90.00 Christmas tree ornament by the woman who once said “Who gives a f**k about Christmas stuff?”

This combination of Trump getting a made up award by his Fox News disciples, and giving valuable airtime to Melania to cash in on the rubes who watch Fox, is just the beginning of the media supplication to Dear Leader Trump and his attempt to transform the United States into an authoritarian dystopia. And if you think it’s bad now, just wait. Or better yet, don’t wait – RESIST! If there is one thing that Trump has shown us throughout his public life, it’s that he is incompetent and defeatable. LFG!


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Leaked Video of Tucker Carlson Bashing Fox Nation as a Site that ‘Sucks’ and ‘Nobody Watches’

It’s been a week since the shocking announcement that Fox News had fired their biggest star, and most repugnant personality, Tucker Carlson. And in the interim there has been much speculation about the reasons for his termination, which were never spelled out by either Fox News. Carlson didn’t even mention it in his pathetic, post-pink-slipped video.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Not that it requires much imagination to explain why Carlson was summarily banished from his soap box on Fox. His programs featured his blatantly racist commentaries attacking Black politicians and private citizens; his crackpot conspiracy theories accusing the FBI of orchestrating the January 6th insurrection, and M&Ms of desexualizing their cartoon mascots; his embrace of authoritarian dictators like Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orbán; and his propagation of Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” that the 2020 presidential election was “rigged and stolen” from him.

RELATED: A Post-Mortem on Tucker Carlson Following His Unusually Abrupt Departure From Fox News

Of course, none of those transgressions from reality and decency had anything to do with Carlson losing his job. They probably prevented him from losing it even sooner. His dismissal was more likely due to his trashing of his Fox colleagues and bosses. He is reported to have referred to a senior Fox News executive as a “C-word” on numerous occasions. He disparaged the “Brain Room” staff who called the state of Arizona for Joe Biden. And he generally strutted around like he was invincible and bigger than Fox.

Now a new leaked video (see below) exposes Carlson trashing the Fox Nation streaming service that runs his own programs. In the video Carlson was discussing an upcoming interview that was to appear on both his Fox News program and a longer version on Fox Nation. According to Media Matters

[Carlson was] doing some image rehab for misogynistic social media influencer Andrew Tate. [who is currently in Romania] being investigated on allegations of rape, people trafficking and forming an organised crime group..”

Carlson is seen saying that “I’m like a representative of the American media now, speaking to an exile in Romania and welcoming [Tate] back into the brotherhood of journalists.” Really? Journalists? That word doesn’t describe Tate or Carlson. But even worse from the standpoint of his employment status, Carlson says that…

“I don’t want to be a slave to Fox Nation. [and that] Nobody watches Fox Nation because the site sucks. So I’d really like to just put the – dump the whole thing on YouTube. [… I don’t know why they’re not fixing it. It’s driving me insane.”

This is representative of the loathsome character of Carlson. He has alienated his associates and insulted his superiors. And it was likely that – not his abhorrent, hateful, and anti-American views – that cost him his propaganda perch on Fox.

It will be interesting to see if any other media enterprise (other than Russian TV or Steve Bannon’s War Room) will be willing to risk adopting this malevolent misfit. Because no one with any credibility takes Carlson seriously. Even Carlson doesn’t doesn’t take Carlson seriously.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson Finally Admits that ‘I Have No Freaking Idea What Goes On in American Politics’

UPDATE: More revelations of Carlson’s heinousness were disclosed in racist text messages wherein he describes a group of “Trump guys” brutally assaulting an “Antifa kid” and remarks that “It’s not how white men fight.” He said that he hoped they would kill him. He was also captured on video whining about his deposition in the Dominion Voting Systems lawsuit, maligning their lawyer as “a slimy little motherf**ker” who “triggered the shit out of me.”

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CNN’s Jim Acosta Renames the Tucker Carlson, Fox News False Flag Flick: ‘Proud Boy Porn’

This week Tucker Carlson announced the premiere of his Fox News produced crocumentary, “Patriot Purge.” And judging by the trailer that he released, it is a cornucopia of conspiracy crackpottery. Carlson is promoting the program as “The True Story Behind January 6.” Which, of course, is a lie. What it is is rancid wingnut code intended to incite further violence.

Fox News, Tucker Carlson, QAnon

Carlson’s “propaganda flick” compiles much of what he has said in recent weeks on his primetime Fox News Hour of Ultra-Rightist Rancor into an indigestible pile of manure. His focus is on his baseless accusation that the January 6th insurrection was a “false flag” operation orchestrated by the FBI and other agencies of the mythical “Deep State.”

On Saturday afternoon CNN’s Jim Acosta delivered a scathing review of Carlson’s demagoguery (video below). It was so complete and accurate that it hardly needs any commentary. So without further ado, Acosta said that…

“The reason why federal investigators and millions of Americans are terrified by right-wing violence in this country is because it keeps happening. and Tucker Carlson is inciting more of it. Tucker is calling his propaganda flick “The Patriot Purge!” It’s nothing more than Proud Boy porn. And the worst part is that a major corporation in America, Fox News, is bankrolling it.

[For more on Carlson’s lie-riddled agitprop, see this: Breaking Down the Crocumentary By Tucker Carlson that Glorifies ‘False Flag’ Insurrection.]

“Now Fox is insisting that Tucker’s manifesto will only be seen on its streaming service, Fox Nation. Please. No matter how you slice it the Murdoch family is cashing in as American democracy is being set ablaze. The fact that the Murdoch-run Wall Street Journal just ran a letter to the editor peddling the “Big Lie” again is hardly the worst thing that they’ve done this week. And that’s saying a lot.”

[Fox News pretending that they aren’t responsible for what Carlson does on Fox Nation is precious. Fox Nation is the streaming subsidiary of Fox News. And they are using Carlson’s seditionist sermonizing to drive up subscriptions to the service. What’s more, at least some of Carlson’s “false flag” screed will surely be aired on Fox News]

“As the Anti-Defamation League wrote in a letter to Fox executive chairman and CEO, Lachlan Murdoch, how many more people need to die? My question to the Murdochs is this: Why are you doing this to us? Why are you doing this to America? You came to this country and built a media empire. Isn’t that enough? During Trump you became American State TV. Now you seem like ‘End of America State TV.’ People like to say the Murdochs, ‘Oh, they’re just like that HBO show, Succession.’ Close. It’s more like Secession. The Murdochs and Tucker Carlson, their primetime pyromaniac, appear to be hell bent on dragging this country into a civil war. Jefferson Davis would be proud.”

The only part of Acosta’s monologue that is slightly off base is his assumption that the Murdochs came to the U.S. with intentions of building a media empire and nothing else. The truth is that Rupert Murdoch was a right-wing propagandist in Britain, and in his homeland, Australia, before that. So no, building a media empire in the U.S. would not be enough for him and his family.

If only civil war and secession were what they wanted. But it is clear that they want much more. They do not want a splintered America. They want to rule all of it. And with a puppet seated at the top that they can control. Which explains why they got behind an ignorant, unprincipled, business failure like Donald Trump in the first place.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Crybaby Trump Considers Probing Imaginary Anti-Conservative Bias Online

After ignoring the deadly risks of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic for months, Trump failed to respond with anything that remotely resembled leadership. He dismissed, and even mocked, the health experts. And he continues to pursue a strategy that is focused solely on boosting his ego and his reelection prospects, rather than on human lives. As a result, more than 1.5 million Americans have contracted the virus and nearly 100,000 have died.

Donald Trump Pacifier Fox

On Saturday morning Trump returned to the pastime that has been the priority for most of his presidency: Golf. But that wasn’t until after he revealed that he is embarking on an initiative that virtually no one considers relevant or even rational. As reported in the Wall Street Journal

“…sources said the plans may include establishing a ‘White House-created commission’ that would work in conjunction with agencies like the Federal Elections Commission and Federal Communications Commission to examine bias and censorship online. A White House official told the WSJ that ‘left wing bias in the tech world is a concern that definitely needs to be addressed.’”

That’s right. Trump is suiting up to fight fictional foes and other figments of his fertile but frayed imagination. Note that the White House source explicitly states that only alleged “left wing bias” is the subject of this phony commission. That’s proof that the whole thing is a cheesy political stunt that has no credibility whatsoever. It’s just Snowflake Trump demonstrating how fragile his ego is and how determined he is to seek vengeance for his perceived delusions of persecution.

Trump, and the Paranoid Wingnut Confederacy he leads, is convinced that virtually every institution in America is biased against them. Whether it’s the Internet, the media, colleges, science, Hollywood, etc., he shivers in the wake of clandestine villains lurking under his bed. For the so-called “leader of the free world” Trump sure spends an awful lot of time whining like a colicky infant and throwing petulant tantrums.

Last week Trump tweeted that “The Radical Left is in total command & control of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google,” and that “The Administration is working to remedy this illegal situation.” Like most of Trump’s assertions of secret cabals ruling the planet from some underground bunker, Trump has no evidence to support his deranged ranting. Likewise, he is incapable of backing up his reckless accusations of illegality by citing any breach of a law that actually exists.

However, this isn’t a recent mental short-circuiting by Trump. News Corpse reported on it a year ago when Trump was defending his bootlicking sycophants, Diamond and Silk, who falsely claimed they were being censored by Facebook. They weren’t. And exactly one year ago today Trump tweeted…

The problem with the “conservative voices” Trump is advocating for was not their conservatism. It was their repeated insistence on engaging in racist hate speech and inciting violence. The aforementioned Diamond and Silk were recently booted from Fox’s Fox Nation streaming platform for spreading disinformation about the coronavirus. Their bizarre conspiracy theories included advising people to deliberately expose themselves to the virus in order to develop immunity, and warning against getting a vaccination because it was part of a plot by Bill Gates to impose population control.

These are typical of the sources Trump relies on for his policy development. He rejects science and academia in favor of crackpots with ludicrous and unfounded schemes and ultra rightist agendas. Trump adopts these lunatics and passes their dangerous blather on to his cult followers. Then he publicly whimpers and sulks about how unfairly he is treated by the liberal overlords who he believes secretly control the destiny of the world. Poor baby. It must be so hard being the weakest holder ever of the most powerful position on Earth.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The Fox News Boycott of Twitter Enters its 4th Pointless, Spiteful, Self-Defeating, Glorious Week

If you’ve noticed a slight change in the ordinarily divisive environment that permeates the Twittersphere, it may be due to the absence of one of its chief generators of disinformation and antagonism. Back on November 8, Fox News began a boycott of Twitter to express their displeasure with the social media platform’s allegedly insufficient response to a situation involving one of their program hosts.

Fox News, Twitter

Fox News said that their boycott was a reaction to how Twitter handled a protest at the home of Fox’s primetime host Tucker Carlson. The protesters were demonstrating against Carlson’s fervent advocacy of white nationalism and his incendiary and racist views on immigration. Carlson later claimed that protesters had “cracked” his front door, but the police found no evidence of that. What appears to have set off Fox News is a video that someone posted on Twitter that showed a protester’s sign with Carlson’s home address on it. So Fox demanded an apology and the removal of the video.

Well, Twitter complied with both of those demands, and also suspended the account of SmashRacismDC, the group that organized the protest. But it’s been nearly a month and Fox News still hasn’t posted a single tweet. And it isn’t just the main Fox News Twitter account. Fox and Friends, Fox News Research, Fox Business, Fox News Insider, Fox News Politics, and Tucker Carlson himself have all ceased to tweet. Perhaps most surprisingly, the account of Fox Nation is also dark, even as it launches its new incarnation as a subscription streaming service this week.

The boycott apparently doesn’t extend to individual Fox News hosts. Carlson’s fellow primetimers Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham are both still tweeting. But the exodus of the network’s primary Twitter feeds for this extended period of time is still curious. There is no indication of when the Twit-fast will end, or what will trigger the conclusion. But in the meantime, Fox news is neglecting a significant method of disseminating their right-wing, pro-Trump propaganda.

On the other hand, since most of the news for Donald Trump has been bad, Fox is getting away with not reporting some seriously damaging stories. For instance, there have been no tweets about Trump’s former attorney, Michael Cohen, pleading guilty to lying about his work on Trump Tower Moscow. Nor have have there been any tweets about Trump’s pathetic foreign affairs in France and Argentina. Nor have have there been any tweets about refugees being teargassed by Trump’s ICE thugs. Nor have have there been any tweets about the massive “Blue Wave” that swept a record number of Democrats into Congress and statehouses across the nation.

The good news is that Twitter is less littered with the lies and Trump-fluffing that Fox News would otherwise be engaging in. And some small portion of the Trump cult may have less exposure to the pre-masticated spin that Fox News serves up to their glassy-eyed sheeple by the barrel. And ironically, the last tweet posted before the boycott is one that announces a federal court ruling against the Trump administration’s assault on the DACA program. Consequently, that message is getting extra play that Fox would likely have suppressed otherwise.

So enjoy this respite from the anger and falsehoods that we would be subject to without this boycott for as long as it lasts. Because when it’s over we will be wishing we had appreciated it more when we had the chance.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Fox Nation is Morphing into a Streaming Video Feeding Tube for the Fox News Cult’s Superfans

In its ongoing mission to brainwash weak minds, Fox News is taking a major step into the video streaming business. They have announced that their community website and right-wing news aggregator, Fox Nation will soon become a subscription service that Fox’s glassy-eyed disciples can pay for without a cable account.

Fox Nation vs. Reality

The announcement states that the new Fox Nation will launch by the end of the year with original programming rather than reruns of Fox News Channel content. But that doesn’t mean that Fox favorites like Sean Hannity and Tomi Lahren won’t be featured frequently to spin the news and stir outrage. These and other Fox regulars will be producing exclusive commentaries for the new venture. John Finley, Fox News senior vice president, described the new offering saying that…

“Fox Nation is designed to appeal to the Fox superfan. These are the folks who watch Fox News every night for hours at a time, the dedicated audience that really wants more of what we have to offer.”

In other words, the network that is devoted to misinforming America is providing their wingnut junkies with an endless supply of moonbat juice to keep them riled up and free from the emotional complexities of reality. This is just what the person who already watches Fox News for hours needs. And the persons they are most likely catering to are superfans like Donald Trump. These zealots will surely appreciate how the new Fox Nation will “take a further look at the big issues of the day” and provide an opportunity for “interaction with all of FNC’s popular opinion hosts and personalities.”

The Fox News announcement heralded this new enterprise in terms that will be familiar and comfortable for their faithful devotees, noting that “insiders consider Fox Nation another step toward digital supremacy.” And whatever other types of supremacy they favor will be icing on the cake.

Fox Nation has long been a website that catered to the most extreme rightist crackpottery. They have posted links to articles by notorious conspiracy theorists and dedicated propagandists. They have altered headlines and content to comply with the conservative doctrines they espouse. And they have not been averse to spewing outright lies, as documented in my two books: “Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Community’s Assault On Truth” and “Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.” (Both available on Amazon). And there is no reason not to expect exactly the same sort of news distortion and purposeful deception from whatever the new Fox Nation turns out to be.

Impeachment Talk Spurs Fox News and Right-Wing Media to Ask Anti-Trump States to Secede

The Trump Train is continuing on its collision course with history. Each new day brings with it more evidence that Donald Trump and Company had distinctly unsavory connections to Russian operatives. Their complicity with the documented proof that Russia tampered with our presidential election is becoming impossible to credibly deny.

Donald Trump

Not surprisingly, as the evidence grows, so does the prospect of impeachment. While Congress has only dipped its toes into the subject, across the country there are municipalities that are diving in. Newsweek is reporting that the movement is gaining steam:

“Last Thursday Brookline, Massachusetts, became the latest in a list of nearly a dozen American cities demanding the country’s top lawmakers examine whether the president is breaking government rules barring public officials from enriching themselves with foreign money.”

Los Angeles is among the cities that have passed resolutions calling on Congress to commence hearings. Chicago is currently debating their own proposal. And the grounds for the President’s removal from office are expanding as well. It’s no longer just issues related to the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause. Though that would be more than enough. Obstruction of Justice and espionage are rapidly becoming plausible charges.

The roster of legal heavyweights making the case for impeachment is impressive and bipartisan. They include constitutional lawyer and Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe, Obama’s former chief ethics counsel Norman Eisen, and the same staffer in George W. Bush’s administration, Prof. Richard Painter.

Naturally, this is where Fox News steps in to paper over scandalous activities with trite and absurd diversions. On Fox’s community website, Fox Nation, they posted a link to an article in the “Moonie” Washington Times. It sported the tabloidy headline, “Massachusetts, California, Take Your Anti-Trumpness and Secede.“. The author, Cheryl K. Chumley, took the well worn path of insisting that Trump has “not committed any offense that’s impeachable.” But that’s irrelevant because it is the purpose of the hearings to ascertain whether an impeachable offense occurred. And there are mountains of evidence that justify holding such hearings. Chumley continued in a snarky manner saying that:

“Elizabeth Warren can be queen, Bernie Sanders, king. And all the subjects can band together to grow their own food and stitch together clothing items from oak tree leaves and orange peels and create grand pronouncements against Trump to distribute amongst themselves and discuss.” […]

“Why suffer to live among a Trump nation? Massachusetts, California: Just take your anti-Trump campaigns and go. Don’t look back; don’t let the door hit you. […] In the name of peace, it’s a sacrifice we’re willing to make.”

First of all, Chumley’s juvenile characterization of these two states ignores the reality of their place in the country. Sure, there may be some crunchy types who value nature and good health, but is that a bad thing? Plus, Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders are nationally beloved figures who represent the best of democratic leadership.

More to the point, these are two of the most modern, technologically advanced states in the union. Massachusetts is the home of Harvard and MIT. California’s Silicon Valley is the world capital of all things digital. And both states economically surpass most of the rest of the nation. They excel in industry, agriculture, defense, education, and tourism. So stick that in your granola and pour almond milk on it.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

The loss of these states to the union would be devastating. They pay the bills for much of the debt-ridden southern and mid-west states. If California were an independent nation it would be the sixth richest in the world with a healthy, diversified economy. Chumley’s article, therefore, does nothing but prove that she is an ill-informed and incompetent columnist. Which is probably how she got the job at the Washington Times in the first place. And Fox News had better hope that these states never take the suggestion of secession seriously. Because they just may find it an appealing opportunity.

Fox News Hideously Twists Loretta Lynch’s Inspiring Message As Calling For ‘Blood and Death’

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch broke many barriers during her tenure as head of the Justice Department. Not the least of which was being the first African American woman to hold the position. She has been a committed advocate of civil rights for decades. And she has always supported peaceful, legal efforts to advance the cause.

Loretta lynch

That makes the recent headlines in the right-wing media all the more troubling. Lynch recorded a video message (posted below) upon leaving the Justice Department when President Obama’s term as president expired. It is an inspiring appeal to all Americans to continue the struggle for equal justice under the law. The brief statement serves as a reminder that the fight for equality has “never been easy.” Here are her remarks in full:

“I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people. I know it’s a time of concern for people who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on, even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult. But I remind you that this has never been easy.

“We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great ideals of our founding fathers. And it has been people, individuals, who have banded together. Ordinary people who simply saw what needed to be done and came together and supported those ideals who have made the difference.”

“They’ve marched, they’ve bled and yes, some of them died. This is hard. Every good thing is. We have done this before. We can do this again.”

It seems hard to believe that anyone could find fault in that positive message that exalts American values. But conservative bigots and their media outlets would not be deterred from doing just that.

The ultra-rightist, conspiracy theory website, WorldNetDaily, took the lead with an article that heinously misrepresented Lynch. They maliciously turned her words into a call for blood and death. WND clipped the part where Lynch honored those who sacrificed so much to bring about equality and gave it a new and hateful meaning. They headlined their story “Loretta Lynch: Need more marching, blood, death on streets.”

Obviously Lynch was not advocating for more blood and death. That’s an interpretation that can only be made by a blindly partisan and deliberately dishonest bigot. She was saluting heroes from the past who advanced the cause of liberty. People like Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, whose mission was always one of peaceful protest. The violence came from the opponents of equal rights for all.

After WND published their hit piece it circulated throughout the right-wing echo chamber. Most prominently, it was featured on the Fox News community website (and lie factory), Fox Nation, with the same headline. And it didn’t stop there. The wingnut network embraced this slanderous theme. It was also published on a variety of right-wing sites including Alex Jones’ Infowars, the Gateway Pundit, and the Drudge Report.

This is how the alt-right, white supremacists distribute their hate-speech. And it isn’t a coincidence that all of these outlets are on Donald Trump’s favorites list. His presidency has emboldened the worst elements of our national character. When Klan groups openly celebrate the election of Trump, someone they regard as one of their own, it should set off alarms. But Trump’s tepid response to his most fervent and vile followers continues to serve as encouragement to the racist right. And the smears against Lynch are just the latest examples of how committed bigots will distort reality to further their mission of hate.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Surprising Fox News Poll On Whether To Investigate Trump’s Contacts With Russia

Donald Trump has been desperately deploying weapons of mass distraction aimed at diverting attention from his mounting failures. His goal is to keep the public and the press occupied with fictional stories of terrorism in Sweden and allegations of fake news. Meanwhile, his national security team is falling apart, his immigration initiative was ruled unconstitutional, and controversy surrounds his cabinet appointees.

The most troubling scandal enveloping Trump’s nascent administration concerns his curious connections to Russia and Vladimir Putin. New incriminating evidence of collusion continues to seep out every day. His disgraced former National Security Advisor, Michael Flynn, was discovered to have held talks with Russian agents during the campaign. That led to his dismissal by the President. But it still isn’t known what Trump and his White House staff knew during and after those talks.

Trump’s response to these inquiries is that it’s all “fake news” meant to harm his presidency. He even went so far as to accuse the media of being the “enemy of the American people.” But the American people may have a different opinion.

Donald Trump

A new poll was just posted on the Fox News community website, Fox Nation, on this subject. It asks “Do you think there should be a deeper investigation into Trump administration contacts with Russian officials?” The response as of this writing might not be what the editors at Fox were expecting. An overwhelming majority (74%) say that “Yes,” there should be such an investigation. In fact, it’s 3-to-1 in favor of a deeper probe. See the current results of the poll here, and cast your own vote.

While this is not a scientific poll, it’s an online survey of the most right-wing, true-believers in the Fox News universe. Even if some lefty trolls sneaked in to tilt the results, it’s unlikely that they could or would have done so in such huge numbers. The total number of respondents at this time is over 60,000. That’s a significant chunk of opinions, and we have to assume that most of them are Fox’s audience.

What this tells us is that there is substantial skepticism about Trump’s dealings with Russia. Even conservatives are anxious about his relationship with a hostile foreign power. They want to know if their president is a traitor. Trump has been unusually tight-lipped about these matters. He still refuses to release his tax returns, which could show a financial connection. And what he has said often contradicts prior statements. He literally has said that he has spoken and worked with Putin. But he also insisted that he has nothing to do with him or Russia.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

These contradictions, and efforts to suppress information, are probably why so many Fox News patrons want to know more. They can’t trust him any more than the Democrats can. And while Trump will try to dance around these issues, he can’t keep dancing indefinitely. Like Richard Nixon, the truth will come out in its own time, and his dodgy behavior will only affirm his guilt. If he were smart he would heed the results of this poll among his most loyal supporters. Of course, if he were smart we wouldn’t be discussing this at all. Sad.

Fox News Desperately Lashes Out At Hillary With Fake ‘Endorsement’ By Hate Leader

Desperation is often best measured by the ludicrous lengths one will go to in order to attack an opponent. And by that measure Fox News is off the charts desperate. They appear to have made the calculation that Hillary Clinton’s prospects for beating the pants off of Donald Trump are so great that there is no depth too low for them to sink to. Case in point, the story they posted Saturday on their Fox Nation website: “KKK Grand Dragon Endorses Hillary Clinton.”

Fox Nation

Fox Nation has never been known for honest reporting (see the ebook Fox Nation vs. Reality that catalogs their blatant lies). And this story affirms their shameful reputation. It was published just as Trump is vainly attempting to deflect the racism that is central to his campaign. His futile strategy has been to try to turn the tables by calling Clinton a bigot. Never mind that her support among African-Americans is over eighty percent compared to his in the low single digits.

Fox Nation’s article was sourced to a posting by Gateway Pundit Jim Hoft, aka the Dumbest Man on the Internet (serioulsy, Google it)). The epic wrongness of it is readily apparent to anyone with an IQ higher than their age.

First of all, Hoft had to reach back to a story that was published almost six months ago. The original story was about a confrontation between Ku Klux Klan members in Anaheim, CA, with Klan protesters and police. There was no current event that might have justified reprising the story. It was essentially just a memory he felt like revisiting. So of course Fox links to it as if it were breaking. The only commentary attached to it was an excerpted exchange between a professor who videotaped the affair and the leader of the tiny Klan chapter that organized it.

In that video Prof. Brian Levin, director of the Center for the Study of Hate and
Extremism at California State University in San Bernardino, asked Grand Dragon Will Quigg who he was supporting for president. Quigg answered simply “Hillary Clinton.” And on the basis of that, Hoft and Fox News composed headlines that proclaimed the Klan’s endorsement of Clinton.

However, much was left out of Fox’s reporting. For instance, the Huffington Post published an article last March on this wherein they got a more complete explanation of Quigg’s alleged endorsement. He said at the time that he believes Clinton has a secret agenda that is aligned with his white supremacist hate group:

“She is telling everybody one thing, but she has a hidden agenda,” said Quigg. “She’s telling everybody what they want to hear so she can get elected, because she’s Bill Clinton’s wife, she’s close to the Bushes. Once she’s in the presidency, she’s going to come out and her true colors are going to show. Border policies are going to be put in place. Our Second Amendment rights that she’s saying she’s against now, she’s not against. She’s just our choice for the presidency.”

Sounds like Quigg is describing Trump’s platform perfectly. Where he got the idea that Clinton is a Klan double agent is a mystery that is confined to his diseased brain. However, Prof. Levin, an expert on racial hate groups, had something to say about Quigg’s “endorsement” that was also missing from Fox’s reporting:

“It’s not true,” Levin said. “His recent publicized change of heart stands in sharp contrast to his consistent and effusive support over the last six months for Mr. Trump. I just totally don’t buy it. Quigg is playing everybody. […] These guys play the press all the time. Quigg is just pivoting. He’ll get some attention and he knows it’ll take a little heat off Trump.”

Further analysis holds that Quigg is distancing himself from a Klan rival, David Duke, who has endorsed Trump. Additionally, Quigg may be trying to avoid undermining Trump while simultaneously tarnishing Clinton. He knows that the Klan’s support would hurt whomever receives it, so he is doling it out strategically. However, he has been expressing his devotion to Trump for over a year, as evidenced by this tweet:

This isn’t the first time that Fox has tried to draw the dishonest connection between Clinton and the Klan. Just a couple of days ago Fox Nation posted an article with this headline: “Flashback: Hillary Clinton Praised Former KKK Member Robert Byrd as ‘Friend and Mentor'” That was another retread that was just as deceptive. It referenced a six month old column in the ultra-rightist Daily Caller that itself referenced a video from 2010 of Clinton offering condolences following the death of Sen. Byrd. Conservatives frequently try to smear the late senator despite the fact that he renounced his youthful Klan membership decades ago. In no uncertain terms he apologized and condemned racism and the groups that espouse it. He was honored by the NAACP in a letter after he died as a “Champion for Civil Rights and Liberties.”

In light of the above, it’s clear that Fox News is frantically trying to defame Clinton by inventing an utterly false association with a despised organization. It’s a far-fetched effort, particularly since many other Klan groups have already pledged their allegiance to Donald Trump. Many white supremacists are actively campaigning for him. And no amount of lies and race-baiting by Fox can erase the stain of Trump’s bigotry that has been so much a part of his campaign for the past year.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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