Fox News recently announce that “The Five,” the program that replaced Glenn Beck temporarily, will be given that slot permanently. This just proves that it takes five morons to fill the shoes of Super-Moron Beck.
Yesterday on The Five, co-host Greg Gutfeld advanced a theory that only a dimwitted Fox News viewer could love. In an attempt to hijack the untimely passing of Steve Jobs, Gutfeld turned his commentary into a screed on abortion that made no sense when fully thought out. He said…
“The big story isn’t Steve Jobs’ death, but his life. Jobs died Wednesday at the age of 56, was given up for adoption after his birth to an American mom and a Syrian-born father. Apparently, the mom’s father didn’t want his daughter to marry a Syrian, so the baby was adopted by working class couple who encourage the child’s later interest in electronics. Their names were Paul and Clara jobs.
“So, one hero in all of this is Steve’s birth mother who gave him up for adoption instead of choosing a more finite alternative. Imagine what a hole there would be in this world if she went the other way. Lucky for us, the choice she made was the one she made. In that sense, Steve Jobs makes me think not just of the people here but people who aren’t.”
The notion that by having made a decision against an abortion, Jobs’ birth mother insured a future of Macs and iPhones, is utterly ludicrous. Only the most shallow thinker could entertain such nonsense. Gutfeld is merely exploiting a personal tragedy in order to advance his right-wing, anti-choice agenda.
He is arguing that Jobs’ birth mother made the right choice by not having an abortion, and that resulted in the life of an historic technological innovator. But if Jobs’ mother had done what the right really advocates there would have been no Steve Jobs at all. That’s because the right’s answer to unwanted pregnancies is abstinence. By Gutfeld’s logic Jobs’ birth mother should not have had premarital sex in the first place and become pregnant with the future Apple founder. So while Gutfeld attempts to credit conservative dogma for Jobs’ existence, in reality it would have been the conservative path that would have insured an Apple-less future.
Extending Gutfeld’s ravings, you would also have to conclude that abortion would have been the right choice for the mothers of Timothy McVeigh and Charles Manson. So is Gutfeld now advocating a pro-choice position? Of course this is all speculation that ignores the fact that no one can predict the future, nor can anyone predict an unrealized future that might have occurred had events transpired differently.
It is easy to see why Fox News awarded Gutfeld and The Five a permanent place on their schedule. While they have a ways to go before achieving Glenn Beck status, they are clearly making a respectable start down the road to utter lunacy and extremist political exploitation and bias. Good work, guys.
Jobs’ birth mother didn’t actually have a choice — abortion being illegal in all fifty states when he was born.
And I do hate that maybe “you’re aborting another Beethoven” which is no more likely than “you’re aborting another Jeffrey Dahmer.”
What an utterly ludicrous and illogical argument. Never mind the mothers of McVeigh and Manson, what about Hitler, Stalin and the list goes on and on. You can speculate on this nonsense all you want, it means nothing! If Steve Jobs had never been born someone else or a combination of persons could have achieved similar things. Technological progress would have happened regardless of who was born or not. If Gutdeld had never been born there would be some other idiot sitting on this program spewing this nonsense!!!
ummm… abortion wasn’t legal in 1955