Fox News Gushes Over Trump’s ‘Hot’ Nominees – Trashes Liberals as ‘Fat, Out of Shape Losers’

It has been ten years since Donald Trump began his political career by riding down a gold-plated escalator from his Manhattan penthouse, and promising to represent the forgotten people of America by catering to the whims of the wealthy and corporations, and punishing immigrants and minorities who he maligned as criminals.

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Trump in Bed, Eating, Sad

In the decade that has transpired, some people may have forgotten what Trump did for a living prior to his occupation in the White House. He was not a real estate developer, or a dealmaker, or a marketer. For most of that time he was the host of a reality TV game show, “The Apprentice,” where he pretended to be a successful businessman despite his actual record of multiple failures and bankruptcies. And to this day he leans on that past and those who helped him craft his fake identity.

SEE THIS: Trump Picks His ‘Apprentice’ Producer, Mark Burnett, for Diplomatic Post – To Buy His Silence?

The superficiality of Trump’s long occupation as a television performer has been evident in everything he has done as a politician. Appearances were always paramount over substance. It’s why he was so obsessed about crowd size, and lying about having lost the 2020 election to President Biden. It’s why he chose White House staffers who looked good on TV, but had little to no experience in the jobs they were hired to do. That shallowness also continues to this day and dominates his hiring for Trump 2.0.

Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, is also on the job of plastering superficial facades on him and his new brood of bootlickers. That was brilliantly demonstrated by Fox’s resident wannabe schlock-jock, Greg Gutfeld. In a segment on Friday’s episode of “The Five,” Gutfeld sought to extol the “hotness” of Trump’s toadies, while insulting Democrats as dawgs. He began by comparing Biden’s Homeland Security secretary, Alejandro Mayorkas, to Trump’s nominee for the post…

“Mayorkas to Kristi. You’re going from a garden gnome to Kristi Noem. I mean, she’s so hot that shooting a dog isn’t a deal breaker. And I’m telling you this, you look at this crop of nominees and the party, there’s something there, man. They’re all in great shape. You’ve got to look at people who preserve and maintain what’s important in their lives. If they’re going to do that with their physical self, they’re going to do that in other areas. This is why like a lot of liberals are just fat, out of shape losers, because they don’t believe in structure, discipline.”

Notice that Gutfeld is unfavorably comparing a man who has spent his life in law enforcement and national security, to a small state governor who murders her pets and gets away with it. And Gutfeld absurdly believes that people whose egos demand most of their attention will somehow be more attentive to the less glamorous matters of state.

The rest of Gutfeld’s rant was devoted to praising Trump for hiring critical staffers based on their looks. He makes broad generalizations about the alleged attractiveness of Trump’s nominees, and equally unfair and insulting assessments of Biden’s team. Never mind that Trump’s picks are dreadfully unqualified for the jobs he’s proposing to give them.

For example, alcoholic sexual abuser, Pete Hegseth, conspiracy crackpot and anti-vaxxer, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Russian asset, Tulsi Gabbard, and QAnon kook, Kash Patel. None have the experience, knowledge, or skills to manage massive bureaucracies of government, many of which deal with matters of life and death.

If they look good on TV, which is where Trump found most of them, they meet his prerequisites. Which may be why seventeen (so far) of his nominees are current or former Fox News squawking heads.

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Nominees Are Largely Fox News Alum, Mar-a-Lago Patrons, and Billionaires

What Gutfeld is conveniently ignoring are the physical attributes of the captain of this cabal of catwalkers (or is that cat eaters?). He doesn’t bother to compare the alluring and intelligent Kamala Harris to the stomach-churning hideousness of Trump. In fact, Dear Leader Trump is hardly a beacon of beauty. He’s a shuffling, wrinkled, orange-glazed, geezer, who is morbidly obese, with resting scowl-face. But sure, he’s in great shape – for a putrefied ham that’s been out on the porch for several weeks.


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Anti-American Fox News Says Democrats Who Move to Red States ‘Shouldn’t Be Allowed to Vote’

No major news network is more obsessed with flaunting their alleged patriotism than Fox News. Virtually every minute of airtime is festooned with flags and other visual and aural manifestations of cliché Americana. Their hosts and guests regurgitate nationalistic rhetoric in a non-stop display of partisan and self-serving jingoism.

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Fox News, Constitution

However, this feverish facade of fidelity to the fatherland is wholly disingenuous. The Fox News crowd routinely opposes many of the most basic principles of the nation as enshrined in the Constitution. They recoil from equality, mock freedom of the press, force religious doctrine, and embrace insurrection on behalf of their wannabe dictator, Donald Trump.

SEE ALSO: Trump Literally Calls for Termination of the Constitution and FREAKS OUT Over Bogus Fox News Story

On Thursday’s episode of Fox’s “The Five,” the panel engaged in a discussion about a supposed “Red State Boom.” Never mind that it was an invention of their imaginations. Blue states have been financially supporting red states for decades. Nevertheless, the segment asserted that there was some sort of mass migration to red states by disaffected Democrats in blue havens like New York and California.

Greg Gutfeld built on that fallacy to praise the independence of the country’s politically divided states. He made the old, racist argument for “states’ rights.” saying that people can choose which state they want to live in based on the rights available there. But he’s ignoring the fact that Constitutional rights are guaranteed nationally. They are not a smorgasbord that states can pick and choose from. By his logic the U.S. could still have slavery in some states, if that’s what residents of that state wanted.

Gutfeld’s perverse misinterpretation of federalism amounted to a virtual dissolution of the republic. He used the recent Supreme Court ruling reversing Roe v Wade as a positive example of how the several states can decide their own rules, even when they deny long held rights for families to make their own choices. And apparently he hasn’t heard that Republicans in Congress are seeking to nationalize their prohibition of abortion, so that no state can have the free choice that he pretends to be championing.

This led to an exchange that is even more troubling. Charles Hurt of the “Moonie” Washington Times, was disturbed that there are people from blue states moving to red states, and bringing their political opinions with them. But Gutfeld has the solution to that problem…

Hurt: One of the problems, though, with this migration is that all of the — and people talk about — they worry that voters are going to vote the same way when they move to these red states. Another concern is the fact that they’re deadbeat voters. They voted for all of this nonsense in the state they left, and then they leave and they don’t get stuck with the bill.
Gutfeld: They shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
Hurt: They shouldn’t be allowed to vote until they pay back all of the taxes they voted for in California or New York.

First of all, many Republicans have been touting this purported migration to red states as evidence that conservative politics were winning, and that Democrats and Republicans were choosing red states because they were aligned with them ideologically. But Hurt’s nonsensical argument is that Democrats are moving out of blue states so that they can vote for the same policies in their new reddish homes that caused them to leave the blue states in the first place. Seriously?

More importantly, Hurt and Gutfeld and their Fox News confederates think it would be appropriate to prohibit these new red staters from voting based solely on their political opinions. And these are the same Fox News numbskulls who profess to be patriots. Hurt’s suggestion that Democrats be prohibited from voting “until they pay back all of the taxes they voted for in California or New York,” is preposterous and bass ackwards. How about blue states prohibiting Republicans from voting until they pay back all of the tax revenues they mooched from Blue America?

It’s a distinctly unconstitutional, anti-democratic position that permeates the the American right. And this isn’t the first time that they’ve said so. Earlier this year Marjorie Taylor Greene made exactly the same proposal…

SEE THIS: Marjorie Taylor Greene Floats Fascist Proposal for Red States to Prohibit Democrats From Voting

So the next time you see the flamboyant flourish of flag-waving on Fox News, recall that their real motivations are more attuned to tyranny and oppression of any dissent from their ultra-right agenda. They not only want Democrats in prosperous blue states to fund the failing red regimes, they want to take away their voting rights as well. And despite the propaganda from Fox News, that’s not America.

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HUH? Fox News Host Ridiculously Redefines ‘Equity’ as Evil and the Cause of Communism

Watching Fox News provides a living lesson in how right-wing propagandists use and abuse language to indoctrinate weak minds. They carefully craft how they frame issues in order to manipulate their already deluded audience into embracing their conservative biases and conspiracy theories.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Among the rhetorical carrots that Fox News and Republicans have been dangling temptingly before their screed-starved supplicants is the newly coined “woke” polemic that the right defines broadly as any passingly liberal sounding policy that can be spun into a pseudo-scandal.

Everything from Critical Race Theory to voting rights to progressive taxation to climate change, and more can be lumped into what the right regards as “wokism.” It’s become a catch-all pejorative for whatever is bothering them at any particular moment. Never mind that it’s original meaning, as used in the Black community, was simply to be informed, educated and conscious of social injustice. And those are qualities that are anathema to conservatives.

RELATED: GOP Creates an ‘Anti-Woke’ Caucus to Take on the ‘Greatest Domestic Threat to America Today’

On Tuesday Greg Gutfeld of Fox News added another word to the wingnut lexicon that required redefinition by the the right. Gutfeld presented his candidate for politically correcting verbiage: “Equity.”

Gutfeld’s conspiracy theory is that there is a coordinated effort by some nefarious unnamed liberal cabal to replace the word “equality” with the word “equity.” He warns that “it’s really important that people understand what the difference is, because one is about peace and the other is about war.” And how does he justify that bizarre distinction? With a tortured illogic that mauls the definitions of both words (video below).

“Equality simply defined is that people have the same opportunities to achieve the same goals. We’re all at the same starting place. Equity though is we enforce limits on achievement so no one achieves more than anyone else. That will punish the really hard workers. That leads to war. That is socialism.”

WHUT? Gutfeld is not even close to the actual meanings of either word. Equality has nothing to do with “opportunities” or “starting places.” For the record, equality is the state in which people have the same stature and/or class. And while that sounds admirable, it can mean that two people can be discriminated against in the same measure and that would still be considered equality.

Equity means fairness and impartiality. So it requires that there be no discrimination. The words are complimentary, not contradictory. Of course, none of that matters to Gutfeld or Fox News. All they are interested in is smoothing a path to express their inherent racism. However, Gutfeld went even farther to demonize equity as something harmful and associated with oppression.

“So equality gives everybody a step up, and equity crushes from above. And you have to remind yourself of this. Whenever you run into this situation because people are gonna are always try to replace equality with equity and you can see it in news reports. They’ll just let the word equity fly by. That is an evil word. It is a word that caused communism. It’s part of socialism.”

One would have to have a pretty twisted perspective to link equity with something that “crushes from above.” And to characterize equity as “evil” is evidence of a perverse misunderstanding of the English language, if not a wholly warped worldview. Embracing such a depraved paradigm would naturally lead Gutfeld to the ludicrous conclusion that “equity” begets communism.

Gutfeld is Fox’s court jester. He is supposed to be their comic relief. But he isn’t joking about this. And conservatives have never been known for their sense of humor anyway.

RELATED: Trump is Silent About the Insurrection in Brazil, But is Very Upset About Late Night Comedy TV

Nevertheless, this is emblematic of how right-wing media and Republican politicians communicate. They take words that are already in common use and distort them to express something entirely different and utterly deplorable. Then they accuse anyone who engages in whatever practice it is that they have absurdly redefined, of being corrupt or dishonest or otherwise undesirable. Which, ironically, is a strikingly accurate definition of themselves.

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Trump is Silent About the Insurrection in Brazil, But is Very Upset About Late Night Comedy TV

Two years after the violent and deadly January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C., that was incited by Donald Trump, supporters of his compadre in Brazil, ousted president Jair Bolsonaro, launched an eerily similar assault against their own government. Ironically, Bolsonaro was in Florida at the time.

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The parallels are too alike to ignore. The anti-democratic Bolsonaro seditionists were protesting what they believe to be a stolen election, despite having zero evidence of any irregularities. Even some of the key players are the same. Trump and two of his advisors, Steve Bannon and Jason Miller, met last month with Bolsonaro’s son at Trump’s resort/home, Mar-a-Lago. Bannon is currently appealing his felony conviction for contempt of Congress.

RELATED: Fox News on Steve Bannon Sentence: It’s Tyranny and Total BS – And We Need to Do It

In the 24 hours since the attempted coup in Brazil, Trump has been uncharacteristically silent. Perhaps his advisors managed to persuade him that speaking out in support of Bolsonaro would only remind everyone of his own traitorous behavior. The only time that Trump was so reticent to rant was during the January 6th insurrection when he didn’t say a word for nearly three hours as his StormTrumpers were besieging the Capitol.

Meanwhile, Trump had no problem spouting off about other matters that were bouncing around in his perpetually embittered brain. For instance, he rattled off a long series of exaltations of himself as the mastermind of Kevin McCarthy’s selection as Speaker of the House. And he took another swipe at Senate Republican leader “Mitch McConnell and his China flagrant boss, Coco Chow,” a racist reference to McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao. Then Trump broadened his attack to include any senator that voted with McConnell, saying “PRIMARY THEM ALL!!!”

However, Trump truly demonstrated his comprehension (or lack thereof) of the political zeitgeist that most stirs the souls of the American people in a comment concerning a subject that he ought to more about – television. As someone who starred as a reality TV game show host for 14 years, Trump is embarrassingly ignorant of the medium. He posted on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, the following foolishness…

“Wow, those TRUMP Hating Late Night Network ‘Shows’ are doing really badly…The worst ratings that those time slots have had (in Television History!). Why are the untalented fools who ‘host’ paid so much? Does the DNC make a $contribution as a wing of the Democrat Party? They are all a total joke – Not Talent, No Laughs!”

There’s a remarkable quantity of wrongness in that brief paragraph. Beginning with the fact that just about every TV program has suffered in the ratings due increased competition from streaming and the reemergence of movie theaters and other out-of-home entertainment after two years COVID.

It goes without saying that Trump’s opinion of the late night hosts as “untalented fools” is driven by his massive, yet fragile, ego that is incapable of tolerating jokes at his own expense. And of course he is jealous of their high salaries that are justified by the revenue they generate from advertising. Not to mention his envy that they are TV five nights a week, but he can’t get reporters to show up for his infrequent press conferences.

RELATED: LOL: Trump Starts 2023 with a New Year’s Eve Press Conference at Mar-a-Lago but Nobody Came

Trump’s crack about the DNC contributing to the pay for these hosts is a rather lame attempt to malign them politically. He seems oblivious to the fact that, if these late night comedy programs can be accused of being financial donors to Democrats, then what does that make Fox News, where the entire network is the Ministry of Propaganda for Trump and the GOP?

Trump and other right-wingnuts like to compare the ratings of the network late night shows to Greg Gutfeld on Fox News. However, that’s a blatantly dishonest comparison. The network shows air at 11:30pm local time (tape delayed) across the country. Gutfeld airs at 11:00pm Eastern time nationwide. That means that Gutfeld is on at 8:00pm in Pacific time, 9:00pm Central, etc. Therefore, most of the nation sees Gutfeld in primetime when there are more people watching television. Plus, Fox has their built-in cult audience that never changes channels.

Finally, Trump’s description of these shows as having “no laughs” raises the question: How does he know? Does he watch them? And if so, would he know a funny joke if he heard one? After all, has anyone ever actually seen him laugh? His face appears to be stuck in a permanent scowl. So he’s not exactly the best person to be criticizing comedy.

SEE ALSO: Crybaby Trump Bares His Ultra-Thin Skin in Tantrum Against Late Night Comedy Shows

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Crybaby Trump Bares His Ultra-Thin Skin in Tantrum Against Late Night Comedy Shows

Poor Donald Trump has suffered long from the trials and tribulations of being a malignant narcissist. His inability to cope with trifling jokes at his rather modest expense has been one of his most pronounced personality disorders. By some estimations, it is the reason he chose to enter politics, following jabs by Seth Meyers at the White House Correspondents Dinner (WHCD) (Video below).

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Stephen Colbert & Trump Baby

During Trump’s occupation of the white House, he refused to attend the charity dinner all four years. That’s because he’s too big a baby to sit through a program where he might be the butt of a few jokes. Which is funny because he doesn’t seem otherwise opposed to being or having a big butt. Last year, for the first time in six years (it was postponed twice due to COVID), the dinner was attended by the President of the United States, Joe Biden. Trevor Noah was the featured comedian, and he didn’t shy away from Trump jokes.

NOR DID BIDEN: The Condensed White House Correspondent’s Dinner Remarks About Fox News and Crybaby Trump

On Monday morning, Trump took time away from his brooding and whining about having lost the 2020 election to complain again about the state of comedy in America. In a post on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump linked to an article on Fox News that roasted late night comedy as a declining format, which Fox blamed on the hosts mocking Trump. He wrote that…

“It was my great honor to have destroyed the ratings of Late Night “Comedy” shows. There is nothing funny about the shows, the three hosts have very little talent, and when Jimmy Fallon apologized for having humanized “Trump,” and his ratings soared, the Radical Left forced him to apologize—that was effectively the end of The Tonight Show. In any event, congratulations to Greg Gutfield!”

Once again, Trump is attempting to take credit for something that he had nothing to do with. He’s also assuming incorrectly that anyone regards his analysis of comedy as having any merit or insight. What’s more, the article he links to is profoundly lacking in any grasp of the TV business or program performance.

In order to make their argument work, Fox compared the current ratings of the late night shows hosted by Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Fallon, and Jimmy Kimmel, to their ratings – not last year – but six years ago, before Trump took office. That’s a long time in TV land. Fox completely ignored the fact that the television landscape had changed significantly during that time frame, with the advent of streaming and other methods of time-shifting. That’s what had the biggest impact on ratings. And it was an impact that occurred across every part of the TV schedule.

The article asserts instead that the ratings decline was due to the abundance of Trump jokes. However, it contradicts its own premise by noting that Colbert and Kimmel substantially increased their ratings when they told more jokes about Trump. Fallon, on the other hand, lost viewers with his less political style.

The Fox News article also took this opportunity to promote their own show with right-wing pseudo-comic, Greg Gutfeld. But it is deliberately dishonest to compare his ratings to the network late night shows. Those shows are shown at 11:30pm local time (tape delayed) across the country. Fox News airs Gutfeld at 11:00pm Eastern time nationwide. That means that Gutfeld is on at 8:00pm in Pacific time, 9:00pm Central, etc. Therefore, most of the nation sees Gutfeld in prime time when there are more people watching television. So when the article brags that Gutfeld’s 2.2 million viewers edged out Colbert’s 2.1 million, it’s missing the fact that Colbert actually drew a much higher percentage of the available audience.

Throughout the article Fox accuses the late night hosts of delivering Democratic talking points. But they never offer a single example to support that charge. If Fox has a problem with the leftward slant of the humor by these hosts, then their real problem is that, as Colbert once noted (at the WHCD in 2006), “Reality has a well known liberal bias.”

The article also ignores its own brazenly partisan perspective. The only quotes the author bothered to include were exclusively from washed up conservative “comedians” (Jimmy Failla, Tim Young, Joe Piscopo, Rob Schneider). There was no effort to get any statements from the shows that the author was maligning, their hosts, or their networks.

That won’t surprise anyone who is familiar with the purposeful dishonesty of Fox News. And it’s affirmation of the popular meme that has circulate for many years that says “I get my news from Comedy Central and my comedy from Fox News.”

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Fox News is SHOCKED that MSNBC’s Joy Reid Rightly Berated Them for Killing Off Their Audience

The faux “journalists” at Fox News have long demonstrated that they have a virtually inexhaustible supply of contrived indignation. They stockpile it for occasions when they are justly accused of moral or ethical wrongdoing for which they have no plausible excuse. Then they unleash their manufactured wrath on those who have correctly criticized them.

Joy Reid, MSNBC

On Sunday’s episode of Fox’s MediaBuzz, host Howard Kurtz was worked up about a segment of MSNBC’s The Reidout wherein Joy Reid made an entirely appropriate observation about how Fox News has exacerbated the COVID pandemic by repeatedly lying about its severity and discouraging – and even mocking – common sense mitigating behavior such as wearing masks and getting vaccinated.

For instance, one of their top shills, Greg Gutfeld, recently upchucked a rancid rant advising his already deluded viewers to forego getting vaccinated or getting boosted because so-called “natural immunity” was better. Never mind that “doctor” Gutfeld’s diagnosis is contrary to all of the medical science on the subject. Likewise, Fox’s relentless campaign of coronavirus disinformation has resulted in a pandemic disparity wherein “counties that went heavily for Donald Trump have seen much lower vaccination rates and much higher death rates from COVID.

Which makes the segment on Sunday’s show all the more loathsome. Kurtz began by acknowledging that “the distrust of vaccines by some on the right is so deeply embedded that even Donald Trump can’t convince people that otherwise support him or follow him to get the shots.” Indeed, Trump was recently booed by his “fans” for admitting that he got the booster shot.

However, Kurtz did not acknowledge that the primary cause of the distrust he spoke of was lies propagated by Fox News. Then Kurtz entered into the following exchange with Emily Jashinsky of the ultra-rightist Federalist:

Kurtz: In his speech, Biden said people’s choices are affected by the dangerous misinformation on cable TV and social media. Okay, but here MSNBC’s Joy Reid went way further than that. Let’s take a look.
Reid (video): Probably the most vaccinated company in America is Fox News. They’re all vaccinated. They’re gonna live through this and let their viewers and their fans die. Because they don’t give a damn. It’s just clicks to them. They don’t care what happens. It’s just fun for them.
Kurtz: So Joy Reid says says Fox News wants you to die. What?
Jashinsky: And that’s exactly what she said. And this is just one of the many fireable offences she commits regularly on that show. Even though under normal standards those would be considered fireable offences. And she gets very little criticism from her peers. This isn’t normal. If somebody on the right said said this it would be a huge story because it’s so outrageous. It’s so extreme. And it’s a great example of why the left, why the Biden White House, why Democrats actually struggle to get those vaccine numbers up.

Kurtz’s response to Reid’s commentary materially misrepresented what she said. Reid didn’t say that “Fox News wants you to die.” She said that Fox is “let]ting] their viewers and their fans die. Because they don’t give a damn.” Letting them die is different than wanting it. Reid was making the point that Fox News was irresponsible and unconcerned with the deadly consequences of their politically motivated lies.

Jashinsky’s remarks were even more removed from reality. Since Reid’s commentary could be supported just by quoting Fox News hacks like Gutfeld and Tucker Carlson (who told viewers that the vaccines don’t work), it could hardly be grounds for termination. On the other hand, no one on Kurtz’s program bothered to mention the nauseating and truly fireable offences of Fox Newsers like Lara Logan (who compared Dr. Fauci to the sadistic and murderous Nazi “doctor” Josef Mengele), or Jesse Watters (who urged his viewers to confront Dr. Fauci and to go in with the kill shot. The kill shot with an ambush […] BOOM! He is dead.”).

The hypocrisy of Fox News is nothing new. It is a network that was founded with a mission to deceive and to advance the interests of the GOP (Greedy One Percent). And it has now evolved into the mouthpiece for the Cult of Trump and the authoritarian dystopia he aspires to rule over. What Reid said about Fox News is unarguably true, and Fox’s denial doesn’t come close to disproving it.

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Fox News Clown Greg Gutfeld Pushes ‘Nature’s Vaccination’: Getting Infected with COVID

In its continuing pro-COVID mission, Fox News has unleashed another in their efforts to infect as many of their own viewers as possible. The disinformation spread by Trump and Fox News is affirmed in recent studies that prove that “Counties that went heavily for Donald Trump have seen much lower vaccination rates and much higher death rates from COVID.”

Fox News, Greg Gutfeld

These horrific statistics would justify referring to the surging coronavirus crisis as the “Pandemic of the Fox News.” And yet, the network is still advancing flagrant falsehoods that will assuredly lead to more suffering and fatalities. The latest example of that sociopathic disregard for life came during Friday’s episode of Fox’s The Five. Co-host Greg Gutfeld was compelled to relieve himself of some of the most ignorant commentary ever unleashed on the program. Which is really saying something.

In a monologue (video below) about the new Omicron variant that is rapidly spreading throughout the nation and the world, Gutfeld advised the already deluded Fox audience to forego getting vaccinated or getting the booster if they had already been vaccinated. He gushed…

“If you urge a booster for Omicron, does that mean you are actually going to end up preventing a more effective kind of vaccination – nature’s vaccination – which would raise the natural immunity in a safe way? But with a booster, that may not be that effective. Why would you get a booster against what is, effectively, could be a booster. Call me a quack, I don’t care.”

Fake Dr. Gutfeld is, as usual, talking out of his assumptions drawn from his utter stupidity. The notion of getting infected and recovering from COVID as “nature’s vaccination” is a potentially deadly option that has been debunked repeatedly. While an infection does produce antibodies, their strength and longevity do not compare with that of the actual vaccine. What’s more, you have to risk your life and the lives of others in order to go that route. But Gutfeld isn’t a quack. He’s a murderer. And he wasn’t through…

“Here’s the poop, literally. In Florida they looked at the samples of wastewater in Florida sewage and they found that 100% of the samples had Omicron in it. But not in the hospitals because people weren’t going to the hospitals with Omicron. Which means that everybody has it, but it’s so mild that people are handling it on their own.

Gutfeld’s analysis couldn’t be more ridiculous and dangerous. The data to which he is referring describes the results of wastewater testing where the Omicron variant was found in samples of the coronavirus. That doesn’t mean that “everybody has it.” It only means that where the virus was found it was of the Omicron variety. It wasn’t found in everybody.

Furthermore, the data doesn’t suggest that being infected with the Omicron variant would necessarily result in a mild illness. Gutfeld doesn’t bother to consider that the samples found might be from people who had been fully vaccinated, and that’s the reason the illness was mild. But Gutfeld’s advice is to reject vaccination, which would likely result in much more severe illness and possibly death. He also doesn’t consider the potentially tragic consequences for people who could be infected with the Delta variant that is still infecting and killing thousands. His toxic advice will only make that worse. He then went on to malign President Biden saying that…

“That’s what makes Joe Biden kind of a despicable non-leader. He hears of Omicron, high-transmission, low severity, and instead of trying to help America regain its sense of normalcy, he redefines it as a ‘winter of death.'”

So what Gutfeld considers a “despicable non-leader” is someone who cares about people and aspires to keep them from unnecessary harm and to save their lives. While Omicron is highly transmissible, it has not been found to be low severity. The data available at this early stage isn’t sufficient to draw that conclusion. Many of those infected by Omicron were vaccinated, which would lessen the severity. But one thing that has been determined is that those who have received the booster have a high degree of protection from serious illness, hospitalization, or death.

Gutfeld is putting lives at risk with his thoroughly unqualified medical advice. He even went further to disparage other methods of mitigating the harm from the virus, saying that “We know that masks aren’t necessary.” That’s the sort of idiocy that is all too rampant on Fox News. And it is unconscionable that the network – where everyone is required to be vaccinated, or tested daily – would disseminate such dangerous lies to their viewers. But then, it’s Fox News. And they subscribe to the pledge made by Gutfeld above: “Call me a quack, I don’t care.” They obviously don’t care.

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How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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Fox News Court Jester Callously Insults People Injured During Trump’s Insurrection

A few weeks ago Fox “News” debuted “Gutfeld,” an alleged “comedy” program that they positioned as their answer to The Daily Show or the network late night offerings from Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, and Jimmy Fallon. It would have been considered a bizarre departure for a news network, but fortunately, no one really considers Fox to be one of those.

Fox News Bozo

Guess what? Fox is also not a comedy network. And Greg Gutfeld is only a comedian if you think that crude mockery of people who are disadvantaged or suffering is funny. As a committed elitist, he has still not learned one of the most basic principles of comedy: You do not punch down. And he regards jokes about child abuse, drug addiction, and Alzheimer’s as comedy gold.

On Wednesday Gutfeld led his program with a monologue that mined the same sort of cruelty that is the hallmark of his character, or lack thereof. The subject was Trump’s January 6th insurrection in Washington, D.C. On that day more than a hundred police officers were injured, some with permanent disabilities. At least three are deceased. They were protecting America’s seat of democratic government, but their sacrifices have been dismissed by Republicans who refuse to investigate what happened and why.

In addition to the police and the members of Congress, journalists were among the victims. They were also, therefore, the targets of Gutfeld’s wrath. His monologue (video below) attacked reporters who are now struggling with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder caused by Trump’s Capitol Hill rioters. He callously belittles the emotionally bruising experience saying of reporters that…

“Apparently seeing a clown in a Viking hat knocking over a bottle of white-out on Dick Durban’s desk is tantamount to being mauled by ISIS in your kitchen.” [and that] “They’re more distraught than the Kardashians during a silicon [sic] shortage.”

Like many in the Trumpian/Fox News World, the rioters who violently assaulted the police, bashed in the doors and windows of the Congress, vandalized property with feces, and chanted about killing Nancy Pelosi and hanging Mike Pence, were invisible. Gutfeld refuses to acknowledge that reality, while characterizing the rioters who assaulted reporters and destroyed their equipment as merely “A group of largely unarmed housewives and dads.”

Gutfeld goes on to sarcastically dismiss the injuries of the journalists. He refers to them contemptuously as “these poor souls” and maligns them for thinking that January 6th was worse than 9/11. But that’s a notion that Gutfeld applied to everyone because a single reporter drew an association. Gutfeld quoted Matthew Dowd saying that…

“To me, though there was less loss of life on January 6, January 6 was worse than 9/11, because it’s continued to rip our country apart and give permission for people to pursue autocratic means.”

Which is an excellent point. Dowd wasn’t saying the loss of life was worse, but that the aftermath socially was. Gutfeld completely missed the point that after 9/11, the country came together to console and to heal and to seek to respond to the assault on America. But after January 6th, conservatives like Gutfeld sought only to divide the nation and defend the perpetrators who attacked it, as well as the citizens who condemned the attack. Trump confessed his “love” for the rioters. And others at Fox News, like Tucker Carlson, denied and/or excused the violence.

And remember, to Gutfeld and his Fox News confederates, all of this was hysterically funny. Dead and maimed cops, traumatized congressional representatives and their staffs, emotionally scarred journalists, were all the innocent targets of his vicious and infantile sense of humor. A regular laugh riot.

NOTE: Twitter suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Racist Fox News ‘Comedian’ Bashes Biden for Promoting Inclusive Education

A few weeks ago Fox News debuted a nightly, primetime program that they thought would compete with Stephen Colbert or Comedy Central’s The Daily Show. Because what could be better suited for an alleged “news” network that is widely viewed as a joke? “Gutfeld!” landed with a thud as it’s brand of comedy was both mean-spirited and childish.

Fox News, Greg Gutfeld

The program has only gone downhill from there. Its host and guests appear to be devoted to lowbrow “humor” that callously attacks the underprivileged from the comfort of their ivory tower. Their most recent episode featured such specimens of hilarity as these swipes at President Biden (video below, if you have the stomach for it):

“He’s not sure if he is [President]. They installed the Waze app on his phone so he could find the west wing.” [and…]

“The only thing middle of the road about Joe is his hair, which resembles a crushed squirrel.” [and…]

“It’s only April and he’s swallowed more anti-American crap than Michael Moore’s septic tank.”

Comedy gold, isn’t it? Gutfeld began by maligning Biden’s mental acuity, something that the American people already assessed as superior to Donald Trump. Then he segued to a slam on Biden’s hair. Seriously! And naturally he winds up in the sewer, where Fox News and Republicans customarily reside.

However, the central focus of the segment was education. Gutfeld was appalled that the Biden administration is supportive of Critical Race Theory (that Trump tried to eliminate), and is pursuing an agenda that seeks to “incorporate teaching and learning practices that reflect the diversity, identities, histories, contributions, and experiences of all students.” Gutfeld condemned that noble and inclusive initiative saying that “it’s not an education they’re after, but indoctrination.” Indeed. You certainly don’t want to poison children’s minds with the notion that America benefited from its diversity.

As usual, Gutfeld is deploying a frequently used Republican propaganda tactic wherein they accuse their foes of what they are doing themselves. It was Trump who created a “1776 Commission” whose purpose was to indoctrinate children with what he called “Patriotic Education.” It was his reaction to the widely praised 1619 Project that aimed to make America’s historical curriculum more racially inclusive and accurate.

Thankfully, Biden revoked the report produced by Trump’s flagrantly biased commission. That commission and its report had already been rejected by historians as political propaganda. What’s more, Trump’s task farce had notable beginnings as Vladimir Putin’s “Patriotic Education” amendments to Russia’s education laws. So once again, Trump was taking direction from his mentor/boss. And Fox News is regurgitating it whole.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

Greg Gutfeld’s New Fox News ‘Comedy’ Show is a Bad Joke

If anyone still wonders why there isn’t very much conservative comedy, Fox News has helpfully provided an object lesson in why right-wingers just aren’t funny. Comedy requires a certain finesse and an understanding of your audience. It is a maxim of professional humorists that you cannot make fun of the under-privileged without exposing yourself as callous and cruel. In other words, you don’t punch down.

Fox News Bozo

Conservatives, however, still haven’t figured out that simple rule. And since their whole political ideology is one of fealty to the filthy rich and powerful, down is the only direction that they can punch. This wasteland of wit was perfectly illustrated in Monday’s premiere of “GUTFELD!” on Fox News (video below). Let’s set aside the unseemly blunder of programming a “comedy” on a so-called “news” network. It didn’t work for CNN’s “D.L. Hughley Show” or Fox’s doomed “Half-Hour Comedy Hour,” And from its debut, it doesn’t bode well for Greg Gutfeld either.

Gutfeld starts off with what appears to be a deliberate intention to offend. His first joke was about immigrant children in cages. He then segues to the always hilarious subject of child abuse. From that inauspicious beginning Gutfeld further embarrasses himself by making disparaging remarks about the cognitive state of seniors and the funny side of drug addiction. That’s comedy gold by conservative standards.

Continuing on a theme, Gutfeld runs a tedious video about MSNBC’s Brian Williams anchoring his program from Mars. Then he mocks Black CNN host, Don Lemon, for reporting on racism. Then he rattles off a series of lame attacks on those he considers his competition: Stephen Colbert (who Gutfeld complains doesn’t “ruffle feathers”), Jimmy Kimmel (who Gutfeld mocks for crying, a reference to episodes where Kimmel spoke eloquently and heart wrenchingly about his infant son who almost died), as well as Jimmy Fallon, Seth Myers, and Trevor Noah. That’s a move that exposes his insecurity and fear of comedians with real talent.

Gutfeld asserts that all of the late night comedians have “got the market cornered for calling Americans stupid”. The truth is, however, that they all respect the intelligence of their audience by presenting comedy that assumes they are well informed, otherwise they wouldn’t get the jokes. Gutfeld, on the other hand, is lashing out with ad hominin attacks against his foes on a network famous for lying to its viewers and that assumes they are dimwitted enough to believe their propaganda.

Well, Gutfeld they might be right about that. Fox News viewers actually believe their nonsense about cancel culture, radical Democratic socialism, and flagrant falsehoods about the severity of the COVID pandemic that are downright dangerous. They also believe everything that their cult leader, Donald Trump, says, including his recent reality-defying claim that the Capitol riots on January 6th were all “hugging and kissing” and “posed zero threat.” Except for the 140+ cops who were assaulted and injured, three of whom died. Fox’s relentless lies on that subject have resulted in half of Republicans believing those riots were “mostly peaceful.”

Gutfeld claims that he likes “bashing creeps in power,” but apparently that only applies to personal insults aimed at powerful people like … Hunter Biden? He proves that point by calling them “stupid talking piñatas.” And he asserts that “The only way they make money is by making people hate each other.” But isn’t the Fox News business model? All they do all day is divisive and insulting. And yet, Gutfeld has the nerve to talk about “respectful disagreement” during this disrespectful tirade. And in addition to these childish antics, Gutfeld went on a Mitch McConnell inspired, extended harangue triggered by the business backlash to Georgia’s voter suppression legislation. He ranted…

“Screw all corporations. You stupid execs are cowards and bad golfers. You cheat on your taxes and you cheat on each other. I hope Dems raise taxes to 99%. Except for Fox which should be tax exempt. Maybe I’m turning socialist, but after years of proclaiming corporations as engines of free markets, I realize they’re locomotives run by meth heads who’ll do anything to save their own hides. It’s profit over people no matter how many inclusion coordinators they hire.”

If it weren’t for his infantile insults, Gutfeld might have scored some points regarding the self-serving greed of corporations and their bosses. The problem is that he only realized this after those corporations responded appropriately to the concerns of consumers who objected to their voting rights being trampled in Georgia. So once again, Gutfeld was punching down on the people who had expressed themselves and successfully persuaded some powerful companies to act responsibly.

Gutfeld and his ilk repeatedly prove that all they care about are the privileged classes that generally includes themselves. They insist on demonstrating their innate hatred of average Americans. And in the process of expressing those repugnant views they think they’re being funny. The problem is that knee-jerk right-wingers like Gutfeld are too desperate to have a foothold in humor. And since they can’t grasp why their biases aren’t funny, they keep putting their foot up their own ass.

NOTE: Twitter recently suspended the News Corpse account after 11 years without giving a reason. So if anyone wants to tweet articles from my website, please feel free to do so often and repeatedly. Also, Be sure to visit and follow News Corpse on Instagram. Thanks for your support.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.