Fox News: Generals Betray Us

Col. David Hunt, a Fox News military analyst, has a column posted at with the headline, Top Military Officials are a Disgrace to Those They Lead.” The article begins by saying, “Our generals are betraying our soldiers … again.”

FoxFan Military Matters

It’s rather astonishing that so soon after the MoveOn controversy, wherein the advocacy group was assailed by indignant, grandstanding politicians for “dishonoring” our brave military leaders, Fox can publish Col. Hunt’s article without acknowledging the tiniest bit of irony.

In the column, Hunt feigns a measure of desperation that drove him to use this provocative rhetoric. But upon reading the story it is clear that he means what he says. He accuses the generals of caring “more about their precious careers and reputations than their soldiers and Marines under them.” He insists that, “We should be putting these generals on trial.” And he lashes out at them for being a, “poor excuse for officers [who] do not deserve the soldiers they dare claim they lead.”

Just last week, both the House and the Senate passed resolutions condemning MoveOn for their “General Petraeus or General betray Us” ad in the New York Times. Both bills expressed strong condemnation for any effort to attack the honor and integrity of General Petraeus and all the members of the United States Armed Forces. Members of Congress form both parties spoke out against what they considered unconscionable disrespect for military leaders who were risking their lives for their country in a time of war.

It didn’t take long for cracks to appear in their self-righteous indignation. Last week Rush Limbaugh hurled an insult at troops who oppose the war in Iraq calling them “phony soldiers.” No resolution was offered to condemn that attack on the honor and integrity of the Armed Forces. And now we will watch as they disregard this new attack by Col. Hunt and his editorial facilitator, Fox News. Sadly, we are just beginning to see the depths of their hypocrisy.


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