Rupert Murdoch Slinks Into the Oval Office to Take His Punishment for Criticizing Trump

Cataloguing the crimes that Donald Trump has committed against the nation (and the world) in the short time since his reoccupation of the White House is already a mammoth operation that will require a team of dedicated documentarians. His assault on the most basic principles of democracy and respect for the law should worry every American patriot.

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Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch

Trump’s campaign of contempt for the Constitution includes his illegal federal spending freeze that starves critical services of necessary funding; his wholesale termination of prosecutors and FBI agents who worked on the January 6th Capitol attack and Trump-related investigations; his storming of independent government agencies that warehouse confidential data about every citizen; his pardons for January 6th rioters who assaulted police officers; his threats of tariffs and invasions and annexations of American allies; and so much more…

SEE THIS: Trump is a Terrorist at War with the US Government, and the American People are His Hostages

In addition to that abridged account of Trump’s official atrocities, he has waged a war against the media that he refers to in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” However, his massive yet fragile ego compels him to cling to the attention he garners from the press even while he is disparaging it in the most vile manner.

On Monday morning Trump staged another of his reality TV-style photo-ops contrived solely to venerate himself. The affair was typical in that respect, although there was a curious detail that nearly went unnoticed. Seated with Trump in the Oval Office was Rupert Murdoch, the owner of Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, and a variety of other extremist right-wing media.

The reason for Murdoch’s presence at this publicity stunt was not revealed, although it is known that he met privately with Trump beforehand. However, when reporters were permitted to ask questions, one of them sought to learn whether Trump’s agreement with Mexico to pause his threatened tariffs was a response to the stock market’s precipitous decline following the announcement of his trade war…

Reporter: Was that partially related to the market reaction and a criticism from Mr. Murdoch’s own newspaper? He called it the “Dumbest Trade War [in History]
Trump: I’m going to have to talk to him. I’ve been right over the Wall Street Journal many times. I don’t agree with him on some things.

First of all, the alleged agreement that Trump claims got Mexico to deploy 10,000 troops to the U.S. Mexico border, is likely as real as a diploma from Trump University. Trump bragged about having secured the same deal in 2019. And Biden actually did negotiate such a deal in 2021, without making hostile and unproductive threats against a friendly neighbor.

As to the matter of the Wall Street Journal article, Trump’s response was a rather jovial dismissal that didn’t much ruffle the feathers of Murdoch, who was sitting a few feet away. That’s a stark contrast from Trump’s comments the day before, when he posted on his failing Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, that…

“Anybody that’s against Tariffs, including the Fake News Wall Street Journal, and Hedge Funds, is only against them because these people or entities are controlled by China, or other foreign or domestic companies.”

So yesterday Murdoch was “controlled by China,” and he was a purveyor of “Fake News.” What changed in the few hours since then that softened Trump’s opinion of Murdoch to one of a mere disagreement? Did Trump threaten him with a lawsuit for publishing the truth about Trump?

Is this just another example of the mainstream media capitulating to Trump out of cowardice and fear? Is Murdoch following in the footsteps of ABC News, who settled a meritless lawsuit by agreeing to contribute $15 million to Trump’s presidential library? Or the similar settlement by META (Facebook’s owner) for $25 million? Or what looks to be the makings of another similar settlement of another equally frivolous lawsuit against CBS News’s 60 Minutes?

Two years ago Trump sued CNN for defamation. CNN fought the suit and it was eventually thrown out of court because truth is not defamation. But more recently CNN also kowtowed to Trump by parting ways with one of their most honest journalists, Jim Acosta, who wasn’t afraid to criticize Trump. And unfortunately, it looks like the media isn’t heeding Acosta, who offered his colleagues some sage advice in his final segment on CNN saying “Don’t give in to the lies. Don’t give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth and to hope,” and warning that “It is never a good time to bow down to a tyrant.” Sadly, many in the media seem determined to learn this lesson the hard way.

Jim Acosta announces on air that he's leaving CNN and says, "it is never a good time to bow down to a tyrant … don't give in to the lies."

Aaron Rupar ( 2025-01-28T16:01:17.662Z


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This Is Impeachable: Trump is Now Governing By Secret Initiatives with Foreign Leaders

There is already an abundance of evidence that Donald Trump has broken numerous laws that warrant, at the very least, an impeachment inquiry. They include over 127 communications with Russian operatives during the 2016 campaign, at least ten instances of obstruction of justice, multiple cases of financial and tax fraud, and much more. Many of these criminal breaches were spelled out in the report by special counsel Robert Mueller. And even Fox News has stated unequivocally that there is evidence of both collusion and obstruction.

Donald Trump

Nevertheless, it seems that Trump commits new crimes everyday. And the startling part of that is that he often admits on television. Which is precisely what happened on Tuesday morning during one of his now infamous helicopter press conferences. There were many absurdities and lies during this live mental breakdown, but on a couple of occasions Trump actually incriminated himself as something of a dictator and/or traitor.

Both of these confessions involved Trump revealing that he has been secretly engaging in foreign policy affairs and making agreements that have not been vetted, ratified, or even seen by Congress. What’s more, he still refuses to disclose the substance of these agreements to anyone. Take for instance his declaration of a secretly negotiated agreement with Mexico. In a dramatic moment, Trump pulled a single piece of paper from his pocket and said…

“That’s the agreement that everybody says I don’t have. [Reporter asks to see it] No, because I’m gonna let Mexico do the announcement at the right time. But here’s the agreement. It’s a very simple agreement.

First of all, there’s a reason everybody says he doesn’t have an agreement. It’s because Mexico said so, along with multi-sourced reporting that the terms Trump is celebrating were actually negotiated months ago. It’s also highly suspicious that Trump just happened to be carrying this alleged agreement with him on his way to his helicopter. not to mention that one piece of paper hardly represents what would have to be a complex treaty.

The second item was Trump’s disclosure that he had just received another love letter from Kim Jong Un. This time he didn’t produce a paper prop as proof of the correspondence, but he was clearly moved:

“I just received a beautiful letter from Kim Jong Un. I can’t show you the letter obviously. But it was a very personal, very warm, very nice letter. I appreciate it. And I’ll say it again, I think that North Korea has tremendous potential…under his leadership.”

This is the sort of mushy romance that Trump previously revealed when he said last year that he and Kim fell in love.” But why can’t he show it to reporters – and the American people? After all, he is merely our representative, not a king. If he is getting letters from hostile foreign leaders, they are part of the public record of the Office of the President, not his personal stash.

By admitting that he is conducting these negotiations in secret, and committing the nation to agreements that haven’t been seen by anyone but him, Trump is confessing to yet another set of impeachable offenses. He doesn’t have the authority to negotiate in that capacity, nor to obligate the nation to the terms of an undisclosed agreement. Congress needs to put an end to this tyrannical behavior. And the only way to do that is by including these offenses in the Articles of Impeachment that they should already be drafting.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.

WINNING? Donald Trump’s Presidency Affirms his Mastery of the Art of Destroying Deals

Last week Donald Trump made a big deal about his dealmaking prowess. After petulantly threatening to impose ill-advised tariffs on Mexico if they didn’t obediently comply with his demands on immigration, Trump triumphantly declared that he had won this manufactured showdown with the announcement of a new border agreement. Needles to say, this is more of his typical bluster and bragging about something he had not actually done.

Donald Trump

In reality, the terms to which Mexico agreed were negotiated months ago and had nothing to do with his recent tariff temper tantrum. Additionally, there was no agreement for Mexico to buy more agricultural products from the U.S. as Trump dishonestly tweeted. What’s more, Trump’s assertion that there is a secret pending agreement with further concessions has been flatly denied by Mexico’s foreign minister.

Trump disgorged an extended tweetstorm on Monday morning complaining that the media was misrepresenting his alleged achievement. He naturally focused on his perennial foe, the New York Times, which he once again referred to in Stalinist terms as “enemy of the people.” He said, without support, that their story had “been proven shockingly false,” and asked when they would admit that the story was a fraud and “Sick Journalism.” Instead, the Times responded saying:

So Trump’s made up controversy over Mexico was resolved with a made up victory celebration. That is a repeating pattern in Trump’s presidency. In fact, the self-proclaimed master of the “Art of the Deal” (which was ghost written for him by Tony Schwartz), is actually a notorious failure. A recap of his half term in office reads like a resume of flops. Trump has now…

  • Failed to secure an immigration deal with Mexico.
  • Pulled out of a denuclearization deal with Iran.
  • Failed to get a deal with China on trade.
  • Abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty.
  • Ditched the Paris Accords on Climate Change.
  • Backed a bungled Brexit.

In addition, Trump has been an epic washout with Congress, failing to secure…

  • A bill to build and repair infrastructure.
  • An agreement on reducing drug prices.
  • Funding for his vanity border wall.
  • Any progress on improving healthcare.

If this is the record of Trump when he’s winning, we should all be terrified of what will happen when he’s losing, or at least when he can no longer deny it. The only initiative that Trump can claim to have prevailed on is his Tax Scam that was passed by a deeply partisan, GOP controlled Congress. And on that he only succeeded in getting it passed. The actual consequences of the bill have been devastating for most Americans, specifically those who aren’t among the ultra-rich. Trump’s deal fumbling is so conspicuous that even his pals in the Kremlin are mocking him:

Trump’s vain self-promotion will undoubtedly continue as he sinks ever further into the abyss of failure. And remember, he was a recidivist loser before he became President. He had at least four bankruptcies (including casinos) and numerous product flops like Trump Vodka, Trump Shuttle, Trump Steaks, and Trump University.

You can always tell what is stirring the most anxiety in the crybaby President by what he tweets about with the most frequency and ferocity. This weekend he tweeted about Mexico more than twenty times. The only thing that he’s more obsessed with is trying to convince everyone that there was “no collusion, no obstruction” in the Russia scandal. Which, of course, the Mueller report has plenty of evidence of both. Even Fox News says so. And if that isn’t a signal that Trump’s winter is coming, nothing is.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.