Last week Donald Trump made a big deal about his dealmaking prowess. After petulantly threatening to impose ill-advised tariffs on Mexico if they didn’t obediently comply with his demands on immigration, Trump triumphantly declared that he had won this manufactured showdown with the announcement of a new border agreement. Needles to say, this is more of his typical bluster and bragging about something he had not actually done.
In reality, the terms to which Mexico agreed were negotiated months ago and had nothing to do with his recent tariff temper tantrum. Additionally, there was no agreement for Mexico to buy more agricultural products from the U.S. as Trump dishonestly tweeted. What’s more, Trump’s assertion that there is a secret pending agreement with further concessions has been flatly denied by Mexico’s foreign minister.
Trump disgorged an extended tweetstorm on Monday morning complaining that the media was misrepresenting his alleged achievement. He naturally focused on his perennial foe, the New York Times, which he once again referred to in Stalinist terms as “enemy of the people.” He said, without support, that their story had “been proven shockingly false,” and asked when they would admit that the story was a fraud and “Sick Journalism.” Instead, the Times responded saying:
Reupping this from @NYTimesPR in case there's any confusion: "We are confident in our reporting, and as with so many other occasions, our stories stand up over time and the president's denials of them do not. Calling the press the enemy is undemocratic and dangerous."
— Peter Baker (@peterbakernyt) June 9, 2019
So Trump’s made up controversy over Mexico was resolved with a made up victory celebration. That is a repeating pattern in Trump’s presidency. In fact, the self-proclaimed master of the “Art of the Deal” (which was ghost written for him by Tony Schwartz), is actually a notorious failure. A recap of his half term in office reads like a resume of flops. Trump has now…
- Failed to secure an immigration deal with Mexico.
- Pulled out of a denuclearization deal with Iran.
- Failed to get a deal with China on trade.
- Abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership treaty.
- Ditched the Paris Accords on Climate Change.
- Backed a bungled Brexit.
In addition, Trump has been an epic washout with Congress, failing to secure…
- A bill to build and repair infrastructure.
- An agreement on reducing drug prices.
- Funding for his vanity border wall.
- Any progress on improving healthcare.
If this is the record of Trump when he’s winning, we should all be terrified of what will happen when he’s losing, or at least when he can no longer deny it. The only initiative that Trump can claim to have prevailed on is his Tax Scam that was passed by a deeply partisan, GOP controlled Congress. And on that he only succeeded in getting it passed. The actual consequences of the bill have been devastating for most Americans, specifically those who aren’t among the ultra-rich. Trump’s deal fumbling is so conspicuous that even his pals in the Kremlin are mocking him:
#Russia’s state TV describes Trump as a self-proclaimed master of the deal, with no deals to speak of. “You will laugh, but Trump doesn’t have a single ratified deal under his belt. He's only destroying existing deals & agreements,” says top Kremlin propagandist Dmitry Kiselyov.
— Julia Davis (@JuliaDavisNews) June 9, 2019
Trump’s vain self-promotion will undoubtedly continue as he sinks ever further into the abyss of failure. And remember, he was a recidivist loser before he became President. He had at least four bankruptcies (including casinos) and numerous product flops like Trump Vodka, Trump Shuttle, Trump Steaks, and Trump University.
You can always tell what is stirring the most anxiety in the crybaby President by what he tweets about with the most frequency and ferocity. This weekend he tweeted about Mexico more than twenty times. The only thing that he’s more obsessed with is trying to convince everyone that there was “no collusion, no obstruction” in the Russia scandal. Which, of course, the Mueller report has plenty of evidence of both. Even Fox News says so. And if that isn’t a signal that Trump’s winter is coming, nothing is.
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It is insane to believe this can ever get better, with him in our White House. He truly represents the epitome of the “Family Values Republicans.” The Republicans seem to hate our Country with their attempts to remove Legal voters from their right to vote. The Republicans will never admit what Trumpf (R) is doing is destroying all civility for his own financial greed, and his placating Vladimir Putin. Trumpf (R) beged Russia in front of America, to hack Hillary Clinton’s E-mail, and then Russia did just a few hours later. That is a well documented Fact, as well as viewed by all Americans during his ‘campaign’. Trumpf (R) begged Julian Assange, a Vladimir Putin puppet, to use his “wikileaks” to again attack our Nation’s Election. If any America votes for any Republican they are doing exactly what Vladimir Putin wants, and that should be a warning to all Americans about the Republicans. The Republican Politicians in 2016 were all intimidated by the ability of the Russians to expose their own liabilities for Public view, so the Family Values Republicans rolled over for Putin. It was only last Fourth of July when Republicans Senators and Congress members went to Communist Russia to praise Vladimir Putin, just like the ‘general’ Flynn, and beg for Vladimir Putin’s help in our next American Election. That is another Fact of the Republican’s plans for their “P.N.A.C.”, which they wrote up in the 1990’s. Vote for our Democracy, and against Republican machinations to surrender our Nation to Vladimir Putin.