Trump is Losing to Kamala Harris, Who He Says is Dumb, Low IQ – What Does that Say About Trump?

If anyone is looking for something to praise Donald Trump for, they would find it in his extraordinary ability to praise himself for anything and everything that he might undertake. He is his own walking ego fluffer with an inexhaustible supply of narcissistic adoration. No one thinks more of Trump than Trump. Not even his glassy-eyed cult disciples who revere him as their messiah.

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Donald Trump, Mocking Disability

Consequently, Trump is incapable of processing any information that portrays him as less than omnipotent and infallible. And he envisions himself as the victor of every challenge that he encounters. That’s why he is still claiming that he won the 2020 presidential election despite the reality that he lost and that every other sentient being recognizes. It’s why he can’t accept the results of polls unless they show him beating every opponent.

SEE THIS: Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

Whenever Trump is confronted by negative news that triggers his anxiety, he ducks behind his shield of delusions in order to avoid the emotional trauma of exposure to his phalanx of flaws. From that defensive position Trump fires off slanderous spitballs at his foes that inevitably fall short of their target. Even worse, they often blow up in his face.

Ever since Kamala Harris took the leadership baton from President Biden, she has executed with near perfection. She has driven unprecedented enthusiasm, raised record amounts of money, and unified the Democratic base. Meanwhile, Trump has holed up in his Mar-a-Lago Bunker lobbing infantile insults (“Laffin'”, “Lyin'”, and/or “Crazy” Kamala) and distracting himself with golf and brunch buffets.

Among Trump’s desperate and impotent pejorative rants are his attempts to demean the intelligence of Vice-President Harris – a UCSF Law graduate, former Attorney General, and U.S. Senator. Trump calls her “dumb” and a “low IQ individual.” Of course, that’s what he calls everyone he doesn’t like. On the other hand, he says that Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un are “brilliant.”

There’s one problem, however, with Trump’s kindergarten taunts. (Well, a lot more than one, but we don’t have all day). Trump apparently hasn’t noticed that the person he is belittling as “dumb” is beating the pants off of him. He is losing to someone he thinks can’t put two sentences together. And, yes, he said the same thing about Biden, who also beat him four years ago.

So what does it say about Trump if he can’t prevail over people he thinks are stupid? And what does he do? He resorts to denying reality again. Just like his election denialism, he is now refuting the polls that just a few weeks ago he was hailing as evidence of his superiority. He posted on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, that…

“The NYT/Siena Poll has way over sampled Democrat voters, and way under sampled people who voted for me in 2020. The Fake News York Times insisted they do this so that it would look as bad as possible in comparison to their last poll, which was very good for me, way up, and made the very biased Times look ‘stupid,’ just like in 2016. I am actually up on the San Francisco Liberal, despite all of Crooked Media. She would DESTROY AMERICA, just like she destroyed San Francisco!”

All of that is utter nonsense. Especially the part about the Times “insisting” that they deliberately made Trump look bad. He doesn’t need anyone’s help to do that. And the people of San Francisco might be surprised to learn that their city was destroyed twenty years ago when she was elected District Attorney.

What’s more, it isn’t just the New York Times poll that shows Trump trailing. The trends in almost all the polls show him behind Harris, the woman he regards as “dumb.” Which is a striking turnaround from just a couple of week prior when those polls had Trump ahead.

No wonder Trump is losing his mind over this. But bragging that a “low IQ individual” is beating you isn’t the flex that he thinks it is. Unless, that is, he is a “low IQ individual” himself, or just a low life, failed businessman, and former reality TV game show host, with delusions of grandeur and futile authoritarian aspirations.


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Polls Show Trump Losing to Kamala Harris Now, So He’s Calling them ‘Fake’ and ‘Dishonest’

The evidence of Donald Trump’s aversion to anything that remotely resembles the truth is abundant and unarguable. Particularly when that evidence comes from Trump himself. For instance, in the book that he lies about having written – “The Art of the Deal” – Trump said via his ghost writer that “People want to believe that something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular. I call it truthful hyperbole.”

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Donald Trump

There is, of course, nothing truthful about hyperbole, which is defined as “an exaggerated statement not meant to be taken literally.” In other words, it is a claim that has been deliberately falsified. And Trump is so proud of his use of it that he not only bragged about it in his book, he employs it in his commentaries almost daily. Whatever he is engaged in is the biggest and best in the history of humankind. And anything his foes do is the worst since time began.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Dementia Dives Deeper as He Regurgitates Conspiracy Theories About Kamala Harris’ Crowds

Among Trump’s most frequent deployments of his hyperbolic lies is his obsession with polling that places him in positive territory. His floundering social media scam, Truth Social, is littered with his posts declaring that he has insurmountable leads over his adversaries, even if only by insignificant amounts within the margin of error.

However, most recent polls show Kamala Harris in the lead. It is a small lead at this point, but a substantial move in her direction from prior polls. As a result, Trump has abandoned his celebration of surveys. With the exception of a couple of Trump-fluffing outfits (e.g. Rasmussen, Trafalgar), he has quit his posting of polls. Instead, he is now bashing the whole profession as “fake” and “dishonest.” On Monday morning he whined

“A Major, and highly respected, Pollster: ‘Don’t let the embargo of other polling fool anyone – Democrats are in real trouble.’ Fake Polls are changing their methods and standards from 3 weeks ago. Highly inaccurate (dishonest!).”

Notice that Trump didn’t bother to identify this mysterious “Major, and highly respected, Pollster.” That’s a common tactic of his when he’s quoting someone that almost certainly isn’t highly respected. Nevertheless, he is comforted by his fantasy that “Democrats are in real trouble,” despite the reality that he is in a downward spiral as all the trends are against him. [Update: The pollster Trump was covertly quoting is Rasmussen]

None of that has tempered Trump’s political dementia. This weekend he posted an acutely deranged comment wherein he insisted that “I’m doing really well in the Presidential Race, leading in almost all of the REAL polls.” In Trump World, “real” is defined by whatever feeds Trump’s ego.

On Friday Trump held what he pretended was a press conference wherein he replied to a question about why he hasn’t been campaigning by insulting the reporter and lying: “What a stupid question. Because I’m leading by a lot. And I’m letting their convention go through.”

In the real world, Trump is not leading by a lot – or at all. And if he’s refraining from campaigning until the Democratic National Convention is over, he’s gonna have to wait another two weeks. That makes no sense. He’s trending down now, but he thinks it’s a good idea to lounge at his Mar-a-Lago bunker until after Democrats get an expected bounce from their convention? It must be some kind of brilliant, “stable genius,” 3D Checkers.

Trump is behaving like someone who knows that he has no chance of winning. He’s essentially giving up. And since he can’t boast about his polling, he’s attacking the pollsters. It’s all so transparently driven by fear and desperation. And it’s turning his maniacal hyperbole up from eleven to forty-something. The next stop for Trump might be a room at Shady Pines.


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Fox News is APPALLED that Kamala Harris is a Disciplined Orator Who Can Actually Stay on Message

In the short time since Kamala Harris has become the Democratic nominee for president, Republicans have had plenty to be upset about. Not the least of which is how quickly she has consolidated support across a broad spectrum of Americans, raised record amounts of money, and signed up hundreds of thousands of volunteers.

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

The Kamala phenomena has not been lost on the GOP and its addled and anxiety-ridden standard bearer, Donald Trump. They have expressed their concerns about the surging Harris candidacy by lashing out wildly with impotent attacks centered on preposterous allegations that she is a “far left lunatic,” who isn’t really Black, and has the audacity to engage in bizarre human behavior such as laughing…

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump: I Hate it When People Laugh at Me, and When Kamala Harris Laughs at All

On Friday morning Trump’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) aired a segment that addressed yet another pressing issue that is uppermost on the minds of America’s voters. The co-host of Fox’s Outnumbered, Kayleigh McEnany (formerly Trump’s White House press secretary), played a montage of Harris speaking before some of the cheering crowds she has been attracting. But what bothered McEnany was not anything related to the policies Harris advocated, which are mostly aligned with the majority of the American people.

Nope, what ruffled Fox’s feathers was that Harris repeated some of the same things in a couple of different speeches. Apparently that consistency is abhorrent to the MAGA Fox “News” clan. McEnany complained that…

“Look, I know this is a stump speech. Over and over, I can recite most of it. But the unison – you’ve gotta get off script. Every politician has a stump speech, but that’s a lot of the same.”

Actually, it was not really “a lot of the same.” It was just about six sentence fragments extracted from speeches that were closer to an hour long. But more to the point…WHO F**KING CARES?

McEnany acknowledges that Harris was delivering common, ordinary stump speeches. By definition that is an address that is retold at a variety of campaign stops. Candidates don’t write entire new speeches for every city they visit. So what McEnany is really whining about is that Harris has the good judgment and discipline to stay on message in order to execute a successful campaign plan, and to communicate effectively with her audiences.

Perhaps the reason that Fox News is so disturbed by this is that it is such a pronounced departure from the wandering ramblings of their Dear Leader Trump. Not that he doesn’t disgorge relentlessly repetitious rants at every one of his cult rallies. He does. In fact, his ponderous prattle often puts his parish to sleep.

However, Trump is also notorious for swerving off script frequently to disinform his devotees of important matters such as being electrocuted or devoured by sharks; or the heartbreak of windmill cancer; or the vastness of his crowds that are thousands more than his venue even holds; or his romance with brutal dictators; or whatever his perverse relationship with the fictional cannibal Hannibal Lecter is.

To Fox News a speech isn’t worthwhile unless the speaker proves that they are incapable of sticking to the subject or remaining moderately coherent. So naturally they revere Trump, but they are furious with Harris for showing that she has focus and intellect, as well as being relatable and even joyful.

And speaking of joy, that’s another thing that Fox News isn’t going to tolerate in a political leader. Julie Banderas, on the same episode of Outnumbered, blasted the sunny disposition of the Harris campaign saying that “There is nothing to be joyful about.” What an inspiring nod to the doom and gloom of Trump, whose MAGA movement is a promise of dystopian despair. And to their credit, it’s a promise that they have been remarkably adept at fulfilling.


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UH-OH! Trump Meltdown Reveals Kamala Harris Plot to ‘Destroy’ the ‘County’ of America

One thing for which Donald Trump can always be relied on, is his unwavering commitment to disseminating the most ludicrous hyperbole about any subject that comes up. Whatever or whoever he’s talking about is the most, worst, biggest, dumbest, craziest whatever or whoever in history on a level that nobody has ever seen before. No really!

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Donald Trump, Insane, Straight Jacket

A recent example of this gloom-casting is Trump’s reaction to a stock market decline this week that he said was just the beginning of a worldwide economic catastrophe that would lead to a Great Depression even worse than the one in 1929. At least that was his hope as he tried to create a panic in order to produce the very catastrophe that he was predicting.

SEE THIS: Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign

Of course Trump’s predictions were as successful as his bankrupt casinos. Three days after the market decline, the market has recovered more than it had lost and is now higher than it was before Trump’s fear mongering. And you might think that that humiliating failure would temper his confidence in making any more predictions. If so, you don’t know Trump. Because on Thursday he posted the following alarming warning on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social

“If [Kamala Harris] is Elected, our County, and indeed the World, will suffer a 1929 Style Great Depression. It will be the Worst in history and AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED!”

OH NOES! Trump has assessed the wobbly condition of the nation’s economy and concluded that the “County” of America is doomed to fail if Kamala Harris triumphs in November. And it won’t merely be bad, but it will be “the Worst in history” and that “AMERICA WILL BE DESTROYED!”

Never mind that Trump has made the very same portentous prophecies before every election for many years. He said that Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden, would all drive the nation into everlasting ruin. And now he’s really pouring it on with Harris. In a press conference from his Mar-a-Lago bunker he said that…

“If [Kamala Harris] becomes president our country is going to be a giant fail. It’s gonna fail. It’s gonna be a failure the likes of which this world has never seen.”

Trump also ignores the reality that Biden and Harris have presided over one of the most economically successful administrations in decades. Millions of jobs were created. Profits are at record highs. Wages have increased faster than inflation. Manufacturers returned from foreign shores. Infrastructure improvements have been funded. And leading edge industries in technology and climate crisis mitigation have been supported.

In the meantime, Trump has been off the campaign trail. As Harris and her new VP running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, travel the country exciting voters, Trump remains holed up at Mar-a-Lago where he does call-ins to Fox News and now a babbling press conference that highlights his incoherence. Among the absurdities he spewed were that on January 6, 2021, there was a peaceful transfer of power, and that his base of supporters is 75% of the country.

The media made the mistake – again – of airing Trump’s press conference live. They should have learned by now that he is only exploiting these opportunities to spread lies. It’s an extended campaign infomercial that he gets for free. Although in his case, it’s also a live televised meltdown of a severely disturbed mental patient. At least MSNBC did a decent, if only partial, fact check afterward.


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GREAT NEWS! Trump Says that ‘Every One of Us are Gonna Be Leaving’ If Kamala Harris Wins

Anyone who listens to Donald Trump for any length of time has to wonder why he bothers to run for office, or even live in the United States. His speeches are a non-stop torrent of antipathy toward the nation that he repeatedly demeans as “failing,” and disparages most of its residents who he regards as “animals.”

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Donald Trump, Wah

The only time Trump ever says anything good about America is when he’s lying about his abysmal stewardship of it, or when he’s lauding the “very fine people” who promote neo-Nazi initiatives and confederate statues. He has adopted a rather bizarre campaign theme that is overtly anti-American and relies on tearing down the country in the most vile terms. For instance, he posted the following absurd pitch for votes on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social:


MORE HERE: Trump’s 2024 Campaign Theme: America Sucks. Vote Trump, What the Hell Do You Have to Lose?

Now that the 2024 presidential race is in full swing, Trump is slithering farther out on the limb of sanity as he becomes utterly incapable of dealing with his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris (who for some reason he keeps calling “Kamabla”) And on Wednesday, while Harris and her new running mate, Tim Walz, were out stumping across the country, Trump did another one of his lazy Fox News phone-in “interviews” in his jammies, from his Mar-a-Lago bunker, with the sycophantic Trump-fluffers on Fox & Friends. It consisted of the typical and tedious playlist of substanceless blather that Trump has been spinning for months.

Much of Trump’s whining was related to the recent volatility in the stock market. Trump has been ranting that it’s all President Biden’s fault. Or even Harris’ fault. And he repeated his prediction that a Democratic victory would result in a market crash worse than 1929. Of course, he’s been making the same ludicrous prediction since 2015. But now he is purposefully trying to create a panic by fear mongering that the world is coming to an end. In the Fox segment (video below) Trump warned his glassy-eyed cult followers that…

“Our whole country, our whole system is gonna collapse. Even the talk about her has driven the stock market down. You know when the stock market goes down, when you see it go down, that’s because she gets a decent poll number. She gets bounces in the poll, the market goes down. The stock market will collapse like in 1929 if they’re elected.’

Needless to say, that is all pure Trumpian bullshittery. The market did go down after some polls showed Harris tightening the race. But the market went back up after some more polls showed her taking the lead. Obviously, stock market performance has little to do with election polling. But Trump is desperate enough to exploit anything in order to avoid facing the reality that he’s a loser.

SEE THIS: Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign

There is, however, some good news that Trump provided in this Fox segment. Just prior to his wacko statement above, Trump said that…

“If [Harris] does this to America, every one of us are either gonna be leaving or we’re gonna be living like dogs.”

Is that a promise? Will Trump, and every one of his cult disciples, really leave if Harris wins the election? That would be a fantastic addendum to the Democratic victory. It would be so much winning. And those of us who remain will “be living like dogs.” Which, if Trump knew anything about a dog’s life, would be pretty damn sweet. There’s even an old saying – “It’s a dog’s life” – that is used to describe times of pleasantness and leisure. Which the country, and the world, would enjoy in abundance if Trump and his ilk would just go away.


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Fox News Runs a Hit Piece on Tim Walz that the Kamala Harris Team Could Run as a Campaign Ad

It’s only been a couple of weeks since President Biden passed the torch to Vice-President Kamala Harris. And in that short time, Harris moved at lightening speed to assemble her campaign team, raise record amounts of money, and establish herself as the candidate with the greatest enthusiasm and momentum. Naturally, this is driving Donald Trump crazy(er).

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Fox News, Kamala Harris

Perhaps the most highly anticipated undertaking of her aborning campaign has been who she would select as her vice-presidential running mate. Now that question has been answered with the announcement that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz would join the ticket. Harris had a remarkably strong roster of prospective candidates, so she could not have made a bad choice. Of course, whoever she chose was certain to be tagged as a radical leftist by Trump and his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

Shortly after the announcement by Harris, Fox News wasted no time living down to their expectation as a flagrantly biased mouthpiece for MAGA media. Fox host Kayleigh McEnany (who is Trump’s former press secretary) rushed to put out a hit piece on Walz to define in the worst possible light before much of the nation got to know him. It was McEnany’s attempt at a brutally disparaging profile that would leave Walz a broken man and destroy the Harris campaign. Or at least she thought so. It went something like this (video below)

McEnany: “Facts still matter, so let’s look back at his record.”
Not a bad start, actually. But there was more to come.

McEnany: “Walz’s first executive order as Governor was to create a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Council.”
The HORROR! Walz is in favor of non-discrimination in the workplace and housing. Just like most Americans, and even Fox News. Someone needs to tell McEnany about the Fox News Corporate Responsibility Report that boasts that the company is “committed to diversity from the very top.”

McEnany: “He also supported open borders.”
As “proof” of this McEnany played a video clip of Walz pointing out that Trump’s border wall is a costly and useless vanity project because anyone could climb over it with a common ladder.

McEnany: “And he pushed socialism.”
Then McEnany played a video of Walz not “pushing” socialism at all. In fact, he was mocking right-wing hacks who attach that label to any policy that benefits people, such as school lunches and public libraries and interstate highways.

McEnany: “Oh wait, and there’s more. He signed an executive order protecting gender affirming care, or surgery, for minors in his state.”
So now McEnany is appalled that Walz supports freedom – that’s right, freedom! – for parents and families to make their own choices about healthcare, rather than government forcing its mandates on them.

McEnany: “And in 2020 he was the Governor of Minnesota during the George Floyd riots that burned part of Minneapolis to the ground. It was so bad that Walz himself callout his own response.”
McEnany is criticizing Walz for condemning the violence and having the integrity and honesty to accept responsibility for any faults in the state’s response. That refreshing display of decency in a politician is anathema to MAGA Republicans, but will likely endear Walz to most voters who appreciate the strength in honesty and humility.

This Fox News segment could be edited into a Harris campaign ad without much work. It shows Walz to be a man of honor with principles that are closely aligned with a majority of the American people. And while Fox News is trying to stuff a well-rounded Walz into a their pre-fab, square hole spin that any Democrat is a “far left radical,” Trump’s VP pick, JD Vance (who Trump is already regretting) continues to make a fool of himself…


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Trump is Trying to Provoke Panic Over a Common Stock Market Drop to Save His Failing Campaign

President Biden is going to go down in history as patriot who always put his country before his own personal interests. That display of character was recently demonstrated again when he stepped aside and endorsed his Vice-President, Kamala Harris, to succeed him as the Democratic candidate for president.

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Donald Trump, Stock Market

For contrast, Donald Trump has always put himself before country and every other concern that wasn’t directly associated with his selfish aspirations for money or power or self-aggrandizement. Not to mention his compulsion to avoid going to prison. His malignant narcissism is so severe that he has openly expressed an explicit desire for catastrophes that would harm millions of Americans if it helped him in some way.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Cult Cheers His Hope that Americans Suffer a ‘Great Depression’ While Biden is President

On Monday morning Trump sought to exploit a decline in the stock market for his personal, political benefit. He posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, whose purpose could only be interpreted as a deliberate attempt to stoke needless panic and turn a small market dip into major disaster. He wrote that…

“Of course there is a massive market downturn. Kamala is even worse than Crooked Joe. Markets will NEVER accept the Radical Left Lunatic that DESTROYED San Francisco and California, as a whole. Next move, THE GREAT DEPRESSION OF 2024! You can’t play games with MARKETS. KAMALA CRASH!!!”

This is just plain weird, as well as flagrantly untrue. First of all, if Trump wants to blame Harris for the wealth and prosperity of San Francisco and California, she probably won’t mind. Secondly, if the performance of the stock market is a reflection of the Biden/Harris administration, then it’s pretty good reason to vote for Harris and every other Democrat on the ballot. Thirdly, Trump is crawling out onto a pretty weak limb with his fear mongering about a “GREAT DEPRESSION.”

For the record, there was a real stock market crash in late 2008 during the GW Bush term that took the markets down 37%. The S&P index is down only about 2% today, and only 6% from its all time high. That’s a minor and expected correction from the 17% rise in the past year, and the 36% gain since Biden and Harris took office. What’s more, markets worldwide are also down about 2%. Does Trump think that Biden and Harris are also the leaders of every other country on the planet?

Financial experts know that markets are not driven by presidential politics. The gains and losses are due to the performance of the companies that comprise the indexes and the broader state of the economy. Which in this case is firing on all cylinders. Profits are at record highs. More jobs have been created than at any time in modern history. Manufacturing has returned to the U.S. from foreign shores. Wages are rising faster than inflation.

For a look at what bad management does to a company on the stock exchange, take a look at Trump Media and Technology Group (TMTG: ticker DJT) that is the parent corporation of Truth Social. While the broader markets are down about 2% today, DJT is down 8%. Furthermore, it is down a whopping 34% since it went public just four moths ago.

MORE HERE: Trump’s Truth Social is Shedding Users Like a Miserable Childless Woman’s Mangy Cat

Trump’s fear mongering is not just purposefully dishonest, it’s downright dangerous. He is trying to create a worse outcome by driving people to panic. He actually wants America to fail, and for people to get hurt, in order to prop himself up politically. And his cronies in Congress are playing along.

Trump seems to know that the only way he can win is for the American people to suffer. So he’s doing everything he can to produce that result. And anyone who is considering voting for him better reconsider. He’s not on your side. He’s only for himself. And he has no solutions to any of the problems that real people are facing. He has only whining, lying and fear mongering.

UPDATE I: The day following the “massive market downturn” that Trump said was leading to a “GREAT DEPRESSION,” the market gained back more than half of the prior day’s decline.
UPDATE II: Three days after Trump’s “GREAT DEPRESSION,” prediction, the market has recovered more than its losses. It is now higher than it was on before his gloomy and ridiculous prediction.


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Trump Chickens Out of the Debate with Kamala Harris and Proposes a New One on Fox News

The 2024 presidential election cycle promises to be historically significant for many reasons that historians will recall with awe and wonder. That will not be just because it led to the election of Kamala Harris, America’s first woman president, who is also Black and South Asian. It will be partly because these historians will also recall 2024 with anguish, and too often, laughter, due solely to efforts of Donald Trump and his acutely psychotic narcissism and authoritarian aspirations.

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Donald Trump Chicken

The core personal feature that Trump has struggled to present to the nation for the past several years is what he regards as his uncommon strength and bravery for taking on the forces of evil on behalf of the peasants that he seeks to lead and protect. Never mind that he relentlessly acts out his pitiful victimhood and has literally bragged about being “the most fabulous whiner.”

SEE THIS: Victim-in-Chief: Trump is the most Cowardly, Whining, Crybaby to Ever Be President
Trump: “I am the most fabulous whiner. I do whine, because I want to win. I am a whiner and I keep whining and whining until I win.”

Trump has now offered another example of his innate cowardice by backing out of a previously agreed upon debate with Harris. And he did so with his typically incoherent and egomaniacal flair that has become a hallmark of his severely flawed character. The manner of his retreat is worth a deeper dive because it says so much about him and his self-serving motivations that belie any claim to courage.

It all began with a pair of posts (here and here) on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social that started off with – surprise – a lie. He then continued to misrepresent everything related to him backing out of the only debate that was actually agreed upon. What follows is a point-by-point factual breakdown of Trump’s emotional breakdown.

“I have agreed with FoxNews to debate Kamala Harris on Wednesday, September 4th.”

While Trump may have agreed with Fox News, he did not agree with Harris. He didn’t even discuss it with her. He merely stated his desire to schedule a debate hosted by his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, on his preferred date, with his choice of moderators (Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum), and his conditions that it be held in an arena with a live audience. That’s because he requires constant feedback from his cult disciples to nourish his ego and waste airtime with sycophantic cheering. He went on…

“The Debate was previously scheduled against Sleepy Joe Biden on ABC, but has been terminated in that Biden will no longer be a participant, and I am in litigation against ABC Network and George Slopadopoulos, thereby creating a conflict of interest.”

Trump claims that the original debate agreement “has been terminated,” as if someone other than he himself has terminated it. In other words, he’s quitting. Also, his complaint that the ABC debate can’t go forward because of a lawsuit he has filed against ABC and George Stephanopoulos (whose name Trump mangles in his typically infantile manner) is ridiculous. That lawsuit was already in progress when he agreed to the debate in the first place. Why wasn’t it a conflict of interest then?

MORE HERE: Trump Sues ABC and Stephanopoulos for Accurately Reporting a Judicial Opinion that He’s a Rapist
“[Trump] is asserting that Stephanopoulos defamed him by referencing the rape charge. But Stephanopoulos was merely reporting the findings by the judge in the case where Trump was recently found liable for sexually assaulting writer, E. Jean Carroll.”

“As everyone knows, the Democrats have Unconstitutionally taken a Candidate, who was acknowledged to be defeated, and unceremoniously replaced him with a new Candidate.”

“As everyone knows” there is nothing unconstitutional about the Democratic Party choosing its own candidates in a manner they see fit. The Constitution doesn’t even mention how parties select their candidates. What’s more, Biden voluntarily stepped aside, putting the country before his personal interests, and endorsed Harris. Which doesn’t require a ceremony. It was an act of selflessness that was greeted with unprecedented enthusiasm from Democrats, Independents, and even some disaffected Republicans.

“This has never been done before, and is a Threat to Democracy, but I am totally prepared to accept the results of this ‘coup,’ and replace Joe on the Debate stage with Crazy Kamala Harris.”

Trump is the “Threat to Democracy” and only accuses Democrats of it as part of his childish “I know you are but what am I” campaign strategy. And his willingness to “accept” Harris as his opponent is hysterical. He has no choice in the matter. Although his reference to a “coup” is rather curious because it will just remind people of the one that he instigated on January 6, 2021. Also, he has apparently settled on his witless nickname for Harris as “Crazy,” after “Laffin'” and “Lyin'” fell flat. But “Crazy” is a recycled nickname that he has previously attached to women such as Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, and Mika Brzezinski.

I spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars, Time, and Effort fighting Joe, and when I won the Debate, they threw a new Candidate into the ring. Not fair.”

Trump closes by complaining about the money he’s spent so far on his campaign, which almost surely was not “Hundreds of Millions of Dollars.” He’s spent most of his campaign funds on his lawyers and the multimillion dollar judgments against him for financial fraud and sexual assault. But he makes sure to whine at the very end by saying that it – like everything else that doesn’t go his way – was “Not fair.” Now Trump is using this to chicken out and invent another debate, which appears to be on the advice of Sean Hannity of Fox News.

MORE HERE: Hannity Thinks Trump Shouldn’t Debate Kamala Harris Because the Moderators Will Be Mean to Him
Hannity: “Maybe it’s time for Trump to reject any appearance at ABC. For example, why would he show up at their debate if these ‘journalists’ clearly have opinion want to debate Trump themselves? Maybe he should just accept the Fox News Channel’s offer to debate?”

UPDATE: Trump posted yet another comment about the debate that reeks of fear. In it he says that “Kamala Harris doesn’t have the mental capacity to do a REAL Debate against me, scheduled for September 4th.” So he is resorting again to childish insults and lies. Harris will demonstrate her mental capacity for him if he bothers to show up for any debate. But as of now, the only one that is scheduled is on September 10, to be hosted by ABC News. Trump’s comment also said “I’ll see her on September 4th or, I won’t see her at all.” So what happened to “any time, anywhere, any place”?

For the record, the Kamala Harris campaign has already responded to Trump’s cowardly refusal to honor his original agreement…


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Trump and Fox News Attack Kamala Harris for Praising Diplomacy that Freed Prisoners From Russia

Late Thursday night President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris welcomed three Americans back home who had been imprisoned in Russia on trumped up charges. It was an occasion that inspired pride and gratitude across the nation for the historic diplomatic achievement that made it possible for these families to be reunited in freedom.

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Kamala Harris, Donald Trump baby

Sadly, there were pockets of unpatriotic dissenters who weren’t particularly happy about any of this. And no one will be surprised to learn that Donald Trump and Fox News led the contingent of malcontents that found only gloom in the news that the rest of the country celebrated. They have a distinct predilection for opposition to anything benefitting their political foes, no matter how good it is for the country.

SEE THIS: Fox News is Officially an Arm of Chinese State Media, Regurgitating its Attacks on Kamala Harris

Trump has provided an abundance of evidence of this compulsively anti-American psychosis that has infected the MAGA movement. And on Friday morning he confirmed it with a post to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. It came in the form of Fox News meme that declared “Kamala Harris ripped for word salad about ‘diplomacy’ as she makes unscripted comments.”

The first notable dishonesty in the graphic that Trump posted was what was left out of the title. It linked to a Fox News article that offered a bit more detail about the source of the allegation that Harris was “ripped.” The full headline read “JD Vance rips Kamala Harris for more word salad — ‘significance of the power of diplomacy'” So for some reason they found it necessary to hide the fact that it was Trump’s weird VP running mate that was maligning Harris.

More to the point, the complaint that Trump and Fox News have about Harris’ remarks is profoundly petty and a deliberate misinterpretation of reality. Harris’s comments were a gracious and appropriate compliment praising the work of those who secured the freedom of the unjustly held prisoners. She said that…

“This is an extraordinary day and I’m very thankful for our president. This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy and strengthening alliances. This is an incredible day and you can see it in the families and in their eyes.”

Word Salad? Trump doesn’t know the meaning of the words. Literally. Despite the fact that his public statements are – as he might describe them – the best word salads ever at a level that no one has ever seen before.

In the hours since the release of the former prisoners, Trump has only briefly expressed any gratitude. And even that was just to preface his criticisms. However, he has disgorged a flurry of furious complaints and insults. He said that “Our ‘negotiators’ are always an embarrassment to us!” He falsely implied that the Biden administration paid for the release and was encouraging future hostage taking. And he described it as “a win for Putin.” Which is peculiar because that should be something that Trump would approve of, given his allegiance to, and infatuation with, the the Russian dictator.

Trump’s hostile reaction to any good news for America that occurs while Biden is still President, is as abhorrent as it is predictable. He has a confirmed “Blame America First” mentality. In his twisted mind, anyone other than him is an idiot who hates the country. And if you’re looking for a good example of projection, you just found it.


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Hannity Thinks Trump Shouldn’t Debate Kamala Harris Because the Moderators Will Be Mean to Him

Whenever Donald Trump makes the mistake of displaying his true nature as a hate mongering ignoramous, he can rely on Fox News to come to his rescue with an adoring spin cycle to whitewash what ever rancid rhetoric he glibly unloaded at one of cult rallies or during a Nerfball interview on some other MAGA media outlet.

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Fox News Sean Hannity

On Wednesday Trump provided an exquisite example of this team gamesmanship between himself and Fox News. It came after Trump put on a blatantly racist show before the National Association of Black Journalists where he questioned whether Kamala Harris was Black, insulted the Black journalists hosting the event, accused Harris of being a “DEI hire,” and, for good measure, disses his own VP pick, JD Vance, as having “virtually no impact.”

SEE ALSO: SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

These are all great messages leading up to the next debate between Trump and his new opponent, Vice-President Harris. That is, if Trump bothers to show up. Although he had already agreed to the September 10 date, he has more recently been backpedaling with lame excuses as to why he might skip the debate. And nothing affirms strong character like running away from an opponent that you are obviously are afraid of.

Cue Sean Hannity of Fox News. On Wednesday night Hannity rushed to try to bail Trump out by providing him with an opening to ditch the debate entirely. He began by bashing ABC News as a dishonest network with unfair journalists. Which is textbook projection on Hannity’s part because that’s how Fox News is known to the rest of the world. He continued saying that…

“Maybe it’s time for Trump to reject any appearance at ABC. For example, why would he show up at their debate if these ‘journalists’ clearly have opinion want to debate Trump themselves? Maybe he should just accept the Fox News Channel’s offer to debate?”

Of course! Because Fox News doesn’t have any “journalists” with opinions, do they? All kidding aside, Hannity’s proposal is just an attempt to grease the skids for Trump to chicken out. Convicted felon Trump is noticeably nervous about the prospect of facing former prosecutor Harris. It’s why his entire campaign is narrowly focused on infantile insults and flagrant lies, rather than any substantive, policy-driven criticism.

Harris recently challenged Trump directly saying that “If you’ve got something to say, say it to my face.” Trump replied by saying that he would “probably” debate “but I can also make a case for not doing it.” Well, now Hannity has helped him to make that case. Although Hannity’s help is a pitifully weak effort that consists of baseless claims about ABC’s fairness, and a self-serving pitch for Fox News to get the hosting privileges. Perhaps Hannity will propose himself and Kayleigh McEnany as moderators.

With the debate only six weeks away, Trump is going to have to make a decision soon. Rest assured that his decision will be based on the level of his fear. Will he be too afraid to go head-to-head with Harris? Or will be too afraid to look scared by dodging her? Those are his choices. And he is surely clawing the faux-gold wallpaper at Mar-a-Lago today trying to make up what’s left of his mind.


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