Oliver Stone Channels Frank Capra For Bush Pic

Oliver Stone, the director of JFK and Nixon, is setting his sights on another president. He has begun work on a film chronicling the life and times of George W. Bush.

Bush the Movie

Variety reports that Stone is “not looking to make an anti-Bush polemic.” Too bad. Although any attempt to portray Bush honestly will look like a smackdown anyway. Stone is quoted in the article as saying…

“I have empathy for Bush as a human being, much the same as I did for Castro, Nixon, Jim Morrison, Jim Garrison and Alexander the Great […] I want a fair, true portrait of the man. How did Bush go from an alcoholic bum to the most powerful figure in the world? It’s like Frank Capra territory on one hand, but I’ll also cover the demons in his private life […] It includes his belief that God personally chose him to be president”

It’s certainly an intriguing story: An alcoholic bum is chosen by God to lead a nation into war, financial ruin and international ill repute. It has Capra written all over it. In fact if you look at Capra’s body of work you can almost find the Bush story already therein:

Bush the Movie

Rudy Call

Mr. 9/11 is burnishing his credentials with an accounting scandal to go along with his sex scandal and his terrorist association scandal and his corrupt police commissioner scandal and…

From Politico:
“As New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani billed obscure city agencies for tens of thousands of dollars in security expenses amassed during the time when he was beginning an extramarital relationship with future wife Judith Nathan in the Hamptons, according to previously undisclosed government records.”

I’m Going To Disneyland

I thought I was being funny when I made this:

But, as usual, reality trumps comedy: From ashes to ashes, at Disneyland

On Friday, workers at the Anaheim theme park spotted a guest on the ride sprinkling an unidentified substance into the water, prompting them to close the attraction and alert police […] the episode was a case of the surreptitious scattering of human ashes.

Alberto Gonzales Forgets Not To Resign

For immediate Release:

Fox News, the most powerful name in lies, is preparing it’s most exciting roster of new programming ever. And kicking off the new season will be the premier of Alberto Gonzales’ unforgettable nightly expose into … um … wait, don’t tell me … it’s on the tip of my tongue …

Oh, never mind. It was probably privileged anyway.

Just be sure not to miss it. Seriously. Anyone who misses it will be placed on the no-fly list, their phone will be tapped, and they may be subject to water boarding at Gitmo.

Last March, the forgettable Alberto Gonzales told reporters that…

“I’m not going to resign – I’m going to stay focused on protecting our kids.”

Apparently, the kids have slipped his memory. But I remember that this embarrassment to justice had no problem recalling some unnamed statutes that would allow him to prosecute journalists for doing their jobs:

“There are some statutes on the book which, if you read the language carefully, would seem to indicate that that [prosecution] is a possibility.”

Goodbye, and good riddance.

Paris Hilton: Bustin’ Out

It’s official! Justice in America has jumped the shark. Every prisoner with a rash should be paroled immediately. Every con who finds their cell too cold, or doesn’t care for the food should be sent home. Anyone who still thinks there isn’t a class division in legal matters should be institutionalized (they can have Paris’ cell).

Yet the “law-and-order” right-wing elitocrats will wave off Paris’ mockery of justice as trivial, even as they continue to call for the pardon of Scooter Libby. Paris might have killed a family of five that night she was driving drunk, but hey, she’s a Hilton. Libby might have tipped off international enemies as to the identity of our agents and sources, but hey, he’s a loyal Bushie.

Justice is blinded by the bling.

Update: Radar dug up campaign contributions to Lee Baca, the sheriff who ordered Hilton’s release. Contributors include Paris’ grandfather, William Barron Hilton and Rupert Murdoch.

Bill O’Reilly: Propaganda Pimp

Bill O’Reilly: Propaganda Pimp
In a roomful of egomaniacal bloviating pundits, Bill O’Reilly would stand out as a towering infernal display of delusional demagoguery. Almost any random sampling of The O’Reilly Fester will reveal a man obsessed with his own righteousness.

Click the link above to experience an interactive portrait of O’Reilly that puts his unique abuse of language on display.

Bush Names Bill O’Reilly To Fill In For Tony Snow

Tony Snow’s recently diagnosed recurrence of cancer could not have come at a worse time for the Bush White House. Any president always has a need for a spokesperson that can present his vision and keep a disorderly flock of reporters in line. But current events are weighing on this administration with domestic scandals at the Department of Justice, a new and hostile Congress, foreign affairs heating up over Iran’s arrest of British soldiers, and, of course, the long-running and unpopular war in Iraq.

If there were ever a time that a president depended on an agile and articulate spokesman, it is now. And that is why the White House, looking to the bench that produced its previous stars, introduced the press gathered in the briefing room today to his new press secretary, Bill O’Reilly.

“Bill will be a valuable addition to our team,” said Bush. “He’s going to help us to prevaricate our agenda to the American people.”

O’Reilly didn’t waste any time taking the reins of his new post. With a gentle elbow jab, O’Reilly subtly nudged the President from the podium. Facing a curious and expectant press corps for the first time, he confidently assured them the President would be alright just as soon as he caught his breath. When David Gregory of NBC asked if the President could use a little help getting back to his feet, O’Reilly defiantly objected to Gregory’s negativity.

O’Reilly: “The President is in great shape and doesn’t need liberal media kooks like you implying that his administration is falling down on the job.”

Gregory: “I just thought he might…”

O’Reilly: “Oh, don’t give me that crap.”

Gregory: “…need a hand.”

O’Reilly: “Cut his mic. Somebody cut his mic right now. Lester, do you have a question?”

Les Kinsolving of WorldNetDaily: “Thanks Bill. Yesterday Matt Drudge reported that a homeless veteran accused someone that he thought looked like Nancy Pelosi of running off with his Persian cat. Is the President planning to have Speaker Pelosi arrested and is he at all concerned about the presence of Persian felines, that may in fact be Iranian, prowling the back alleys of America?”

Before O’Reilly could respond, Helen Thomas rose to leave the room, presumably to answer her ringing cell phone.

O’Reilly: “And just where do you think you’re going?”

Thomas: “I have to take this call.”

O’Reilly: “Sure you do. It’s typical of all you secular-progressives that can’t take the heat. They’re afraid to come on ‘The Fact…’ um, to come to the press briefing because they’re afraid to confront me. Go ahead, take your call you little baby. Any other questions?”

Gregory: “Is the President breathing? Don’t you think he should see a doctor or…”

O’Reilly: “I thought I told you to shut up. If that’s your microphone he’s using, Norah, you’re in big trouble. You know what? This press conference is over.”

With that, O’Reilly left the room. Gregory and Fox News correspondent, Carl Cameron, helped Bush up and leaned him against the podium.

Bush: “There see,” wheezed the President. “A valuable addition to our team. You didn’t get any more out of him than you did any of our other press secretaries, did you?”

Get well soon, Tony.

Adult Behavior

Adult BehaviorIn today’s White House press briefing, Tony Snow had some interesting comments regarding the testimony of Karl Rove and other Bush cronies and their involvement in GonzoGate: The Fired U.S. Attorneys Affair.

Question: We spoke with the Senate Judiciary Committee and the House Judiciary Committee. Senate says there is no precedent for having an official of this nature come and speak to the Committee without a transcript. The House also says they can’t find any precedent. Why should this case set a precedent?

Snow: Well, the fact is what they’re trying to do is to establish their own set of precedents. What we’re trying to do is to set a precedent for adult behavior in a way that is going to reflect well on a situation and offer an opportunity.

What do you suppose Snow means by “adult behavior?” And whom is he calling childish? Members of Congress? The American people? All that is being asked is that Rove and Co. testify under oath and in public. To resist this suggests that you intend to lie and/or have something to hide. But the White House is resisting and even insisting that the “interview” take place behind closed doors, no oath be given, and no transcript taken. When Democrats balk at this Skull & Bones approach to governing, Snow impunes their maturity. He later portrays this blatant stonewalling as a gift…

“I can’t imagine a more generous offer.”

He has a pretty sorry imagination. Or maybe he just thinks that telling the truth is obscene and should be subject to censorship.