The Media Celebrates Karl Rove’s Non-Indictment

It’s interesting to observe what American media considers to be good news these days. This morning a statement was released by Karl Rove’s attorney stating that Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald does not expect to seek charges against Rove. Much of the media’s characterization of this announcement plays as if Rove had received an award.

The New York Times said that the decision:
“lifted a pall that had hung over Mr. Rove,” and that it, “removes a potential political stumbling block for a White House that is heading into a long and difficult election season for Republicans,” and that it, “should help the White House in what has been an unsuccessful effort to put the leak case behind it.”

The ABC News/Associated Press reports that the news is:
lifting a heavy burden from one of President Bush’s most trusted advisers,” and that it, “cheered Republicans and a White House beleaguered by war and low approval ratings.”

Reuters says that the news gave:
“a much-needed boost for President George W. Bush, who has been battered by bad news ahead of November’s congressional elections.”

MSNBC hails that:
“Now with the cloud of indictment lifted, Rove is liberated.”

On NPR they noted that:
The news about Rove triggered what was described as elation at the White House.

What they are not saying is that Rove’s evasion of culpability may be temporary. Fitzpatrick’s notice stated that, “he does not expect to seek charges…” That is hardly an unequivocal exoneration. And let’s not forget that Scooter Libby is still under indictment and others, including Dick Cheney, are still being investigated.

I think it’s funny (not ha ha funny) that the media, and even much of the blogiverse, thinks it is positive for Rove that he hasn’t been indicted. Since when is “not being indicted” an affirmation of good character? As if that is the penultimate honor in our society – to be suspected of dishonesty, corruption and treason, but not get indicted for it. Isn’t that the dream we all have for our children?