JesusCare Being Pushed By Fox News As An Alternative To ObamaCare

Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act (aka ObamaCare) has been accelerating every month since the mangled launch of the Internet health insurance exchanges. Despite the early difficulties, nearly four million people have acquired insurance that is comprehensive and inexpensive. Millions more are now covered by Medicaid or policies purchased by their parents. Americans overall have indicated in most polls that they prefer keeping ObamaCare in place and fixing any problems, rather than repealing it.

Those facts are the incentive for Fox News to redouble their efforts to sabotage the new law by proposing irresponsible alternatives that virtually guarantee to cause suffering, both physically and financially. On New Year’s Eve Fox News offered up eight alternatives to ObamaCare that failed utterly in providing the protection that is expected of an insurance plan. And now Fox is following up with what may be the most absurd suggestion on the list.

Fox News JesusCare

On Fox & Friends First, and later on America’s Newsroom, the anti-health network ran stories about what they called a Christian alternative to ObamaCare. But what they were peddling is just a medical expense sharing collective that has numerous deficiencies such as no coverage for preexisting conditions, no coverage for routine medical services like annual physical exams, no coverage for “products of un-Biblical lifestyles,” such as contraception or substance rehab, or some preventive medicine, including colonoscopies and mammograms.

What’s more, in order to participate the applicant must pledge their Christian faith and promise not to drink, take drugs or have sex outside of a traditional marriage. And perhaps most worrisome is the fact that, because these organizations are not insurance companies, they are not legally obligated to reimburse anyone for anything and there is no regulatory oversight that protects the consumer.

JesusCare is about as effective a replacement for ObamaCare as faith healing. It may pay for a flu shot, but if you need an appendectomy or are diagnosed with diabetes, you are either going to have to go without care or descend into a financial abyss. Either way, you and your family will suffer unnecessarily.

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For Fox News to continue to do stories promoting this sort of fringe enterprise is downright dangerous. And the only reason they persist is because they are so fixated on doing harm to ObamaCare by attempting to constrain participation. Like the Republican Party, who early on declared that they hope President Obama fails, Fox News wants ObamaCare to fail. And they don’t seem to mind that the people who will be hurt are Americans who were gullible enough to take their bad advice.

The Delusions Of Sarah Palin: Putin’s Bear Wrestling vs. Obama’s Mom Jeans

Yesterday Sarah Palin demonstrated the world-class idiocy that has become the hallmark of her public persona. She pretended that she had predicted the current events in Ukraine, but her version of reality was unrecognizable to anyone who actually has a grip on it. To make matters worse, Palin popped in to Sean Hannity’s show to sop up some fawning validation from her Fox News colleague.

Fox News

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Hannity jumped in with praise for the phony Palin prediction, but it was Palin herself who dragged the whole segment into a pit of pitifulness. Her moronic stammering and belching of buzzwords was almost painful to watch (video below). She often didn’t even seem to know the meanings of the words she strung together, such as when she lambasted President Obama for weakness that she imagined in “the perception of him and his potency.” This may be the first time in history that a president’s potency has been discussed in public.

It went downhill from there, if you can believe it. In a non-sequitur response to a question from Hannity about whether Putin had designs on more than just Crimea, Palin lurched into an obviously prepackaged insult that she was determined to slip in, whether it was contextually appropriate or not. The alleged punch line went like this:

“People look at Putin as one who wrestles bears and drills for oil. They look at our president as one who wears mom jeans.”

Seriously? This is what passes for foreign policy analysis on Fox News? Palin didn’t bother to identify the people who she thinks look up to Putin. Most of the world sees him as an autocratic aggressor who is violating international law. There was no mention of the complexities of the regional dispute and ethnic division? Nothing about the pending sanctions or the suspension of G8 summit activities. Both Palin and Hannity failed to note the successful unification of the western allies against Russia’s aggression. Palin didn’t offer a single proposal of her own to resolve the situation. Nor did she notice that Obama’s proposals were in line with what every knowledgeable diplomat in the U.S. and our allies have had to say on the subject.

Instead, Palin’s juvenile taunt served to aggrandize Putin in her own image – he as a bear wrestler, she as a moose slayer. And they both loves them some oil drillin. Palin, along with most of her right-wing comrades have been heaping praise on Putin as a leader, while purposefully tarnishing the reputation of their own president in the midst of a serious crisis. This is behavior they fiercely damned during the Bush administration if anyone uttered an opinion that was the least bit derogatory about George W. What was regarded as treasonous in the previous administration is now a daily affirmation from the conservative pews, without regard to the damage it does to our national interest.