U.S. Intelligence Warns that Russia is Actively Undermining Biden to Boost Putin’s Puppet Trump

The frantic frenzy in the media for the past couple weeks over whether President Biden should continue his candidacy for the White House has taken on biblical proportions. It’s as if he had eaten an apple from the Tree of Knowledge and is now facing efforts to cast him out of Eden. When will they ask about Donald Trump eating the Big Mac of Madness and his eviction from Realityland?

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Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

The non-stop inquisition of Biden, and any stray Democrat that the press encounters, has become a compulsive disorder that the press can’t seem to exercise any self-control over. Meanwhile, there is nothing remotely equivalent being done to Trump, who is suffering from mental maladies that threaten far worse consequences for the nation and the world should he reoccupy the White House.

SEE THIS: Trump Denies Knowing Anything About the ‘Abysmal’ Project 2025 that He Definitely Knows About

Compounding the risks posed by a Trump reprise is a new report that U.S. Intelligence agencies have identified Russian operations aimed at influencing American elections and, specifically, backing Trump’s bid to assume the throne to which he believes he is entitled. As reported by NBC News

“Russia’s efforts to influence this year’s U.S. election through information warfare have the same aim as in previous elections — to undermine President Joe Biden’s campaign and the Democratic Party and weaken public confidence in the electoral process, intelligence officials said Tuesday.

“Russia’s election influence operations, which include covert social media accounts and encrypted direct messaging channels, are targeting key voter groups in swing states to exploit political divisions in the U.S. and erode support for Ukraine in the aftermath of Russia’s invasion, officials with the Office of the Director National Intelligence, or ODNI, told reporters.” […]

“Former U.S. intelligence officials and regional analysts say the Kremlin has long viewed Trump as more sympathetic to Russia, citing his frequently expressed skepticism toward the NATO alliance, his reluctance to criticize Putin and his critical portrayal of Ukraine’s government.”

Sound familiar? It’s precisely what Russia tried to do in 2020, and did successfully in 2016. It’s what Trump has referred to in his psychotic rants as the “Russia, Russia, Russia hoax.” However, it was never a hoax, and Trump knows it. He has even explicitly sought Russia’s help to hack Hillary Clinton’s email, and to spread disinformation throughout the country.

Trump’s affinity for Putin is well documented. He calls him a friend and a “genius” and has excused his crimes against humanity, saying that the United States does the same things. Trump will never criticize Putin for anything. But he constantly maligns America in the most abhorrent terms (e.g. corrupt, crime-ridden, weak, failing, etc.).

An example of that occurred Wednesday morning during an interview with Fox News wherein Trump was asked a question about Putin’s missiles targeting a children’s hospital in Ukraine. Trump replied by ignoring Putin’s atrocity and, instead, attacking Biden. Because America is always wrong and Putin is always right, in Trump’s twisted mind.

So it’s extraordinarily disturbing that the media is so fixated on whether Biden should remain in the race. Yet they never ask that question of Trump. If the debate were rationally formed it would be a contest between the elderly statesman Biden, or the elderly, convicted felon, Putin loving, wannabe dictator Trump. Under those conditions, which one ought to be driven from the race? It’s not a difficult choice.


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Don’t Even Try It? Trump Issues Threat to ‘Anyone Considering Doing Anything’ Before He’s Elected

Among the signs of Acute Delusional Disorder is the inability of a person “to tell what’s real from what’s imagined.” It produces “an unshakable belief in something that’s untrue.” And it’s not uncommon for those suffering from it to also be diagnosed with related personality disorders such as malignant narcissism.

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Donald Trump

Does that sound like anyone you know? Convicted Felon Donald Trump has been documented to have told more than 30,000 lies during his occupation of the White House, and for the years that have followed. Many of those lies involved beliefs that are demonstrably untrue, such his claim that everybody, including liberals, wanted Roe v Wade reversed; his insistence that China paid billions in tariffs; his assertion that Democrats favor abortion after birth; his “Big Lie” that he won the 2020 presidential election; and too many more to enumerate.

SEE THIS: WARNING: Lara Trump Swears to Track Down and Prosecute Election Cheaters – Like Donald Trump?

On Sunday morning, Trump’s daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump, who he installed as co-chair of the Republican National Committee, visited with the Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Maria Bartiromo. Part of their televised mutual admiration group therapy session included Lara revealing another one of Trump’s delusions of grandeur…

“You also heard whenever [Trump] was in Virginia at that campaign rally, him say ‘to anyone out there who is considering doing anything before I become president again, don’t even try it.’ The fact you have Donald Trump is leading the country right now when he is not officially yet back in the White House speaks volumes to the American people and, I think, to the rest of the world.”

That statement does, indeed, speak volumes. But not in the way that Lara thinks. It speaks to Trump’s delusional perception of himself as still possessing the powers of the presidency. It speaks to his authoritarian aspirations to wield that imaginary power with impotent threats that he has no ability to carry out. It speaks to his anti-American tendencies to obstruct any progress on behalf of the people unless it is overseen and sanctioned by him.

What’s more, Lara is actually advocating that Trump add to the list of felonies he is already guilty of. In saying that “He is leading despite the fact that Joe Biden is technically the President,” Lara is confessing that Trump is violating federal law (the Logan Act) that prohibits “negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments.”

Trump himself has confessed these illegal acts in comments wherein he implied that he can personally arrange negotiated solutions with Vladimir Putin to problems with Russia, such as the war in Ukraine and the incarceration of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. Trump has said that those problems would be resolved after the election, but only if he is the winner. So he’s virtually conspiring with Putin to hold U.S. objectives hostage and to obstruct resolutions unless his demands to reoccupy the White House are satisfied.

Lara’s comments not only expose the unlawfulness that is inherent in the Trump family, they reveal a toxic strain anti-Americanism that has infected the whole of the MAGA cult. They support Trump’s criminality, just as they have supported it when he was convicted of 34 felonies in Manhattan; and when he was found liable for $454 million for financial fraud; and when he was adjudicated as a rapist and ordered to pay $88 million to his victim. Not to mention the fraud he engaged in with his phony university and charitable foundation.

To describe Trump’s activities as akin to a crime syndicate would be unquestionably accurate. It would also be monstrously disturbing due to the fact that he is the chosen candidate of the Republican Party for president. And it doesn’t help matters to know that Fox News continues to buttress the depraved corruption of both the Trump family and the MAGA GOP.


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Trump Brags that He and Putin are Holding Wall Street Journal Reporter Evan Gershkovich Hostage

The hatred that Donald Trump has for the media has been a core component of what passes for his ideology from before he was even a political candidate. And after he began his career in politics he escalated his animosity by repeatedly referring to the press in Stalinist terms as “the enemy of the people.” In virtually every public appearance Trump will insult journalists and news networks as “fake,” “corrupt,” and always out to get him.

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Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin

Trump’s assault on the Constitution’s protection of a free press is part of a calculated strategy to discredit any reporting about him that is less than reverential. He wants his cult followers to dismiss truthful accounts of his noxious words and behavior, and to believe only what he tells them to believe. That sort of messiah worship is, in fact, the prime directive of a cult. And at least so far as his glassy-eyed disciples go, it’s working.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Poll Shows Republicans Trust Only Criminal Messiah Trump to Tell Them the Truth

On Wednesday Trump posted a comment on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, that is emblematic of both his aversion toward the press and his affinity toward his hero and role model, Vladimir Putin. In the comment Trump boasted that…

“Evan Gershkovich, the Reporter from The Wall Street Journal, who is being held by Russia, will be released almost immediately after the Election, but definitely before I assume Office. He will be HOME, SAFE, AND WITH HIS FAMILY. Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, will do that for me, but not for anyone else, and WE WILL BE PAYING NOTHING!”

Gershkovich has been held captive in Russia for just over a year on trumped up charges of espionage. The Biden administration has been working continuously to secure his freedom, just as they did for WNBA star Brittney Griner and Marine veteran Trevor Reed. But this interference by Trump isn’t going to help. To the contrary, it appears to be an unlawful attempt to conduct foreign policy and endanger the lives of Americans in Russia and elsewhere abroad.

In asserting that Putin will only release Gershkovich to Trump, and only after he is reelected, what Trump is implying is that he and Putin are conspiring to hold Gershkovich hostage in exchange for helping Trump’s reelection campaign. If Trump really has the influence that he is claiming (which is doubtful), why doesn’t he just tell Putin to release Gershkovich now?

Clearly both Trump and Putin are using this situation to benefit themselves. They both want Trump back in the White House. Putin wants him there because he is a malleable and obedient servant who fulfills the interests of Russia, such as dismantling NATO and defunding Ukraine. Trump wants to be there for the power tripping he enjoys so much, and to avoid prison and the other consequences of his illegal activities.

It is reprehensible that Trump would use and exacerbate the suffering of an American – and a journalist to boot – to achieve his own selfish desires. But it isn’t surprising. Gershkovich is not the only American that Russia is unjustly incarcerating. Former Marine Paul Whelan has been there for five years. He was abducted during Trump’s term, and Trump did nothing to secure his release. Biden tried to include Whelan in the exchange with Griner and Reed, but Putin stubbornly refused. Perhaps he was saving him for this arrangement with Trump.

Whelan and his family are probably wondering what happened to that special relationship that Trump supposedly has with Putin. It’s notable that Trump didn’t even mention Whelan in his comment. So why should anyone believe Trump now when he says he can get Putin to release Gershkovich?

The obvious answer is that they should not believe him. Trump is only interested in one person, and that’s Trump. Always has been, and always will be. And anyone who doesn’t believe that is already a fully indoctrinated MAGA cult member.


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Trump’s Lawyer on Fox News Refuses to Rule Out Getting Russia to Pay His $454 Million Judgment

The trials and tribulations of Donald Trump continue to trigger his ultra-thin, spray-tanned skin. He is currently sweating out at least 88 felony charges on matters ranging from election interference, to stealing and hoarding classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago hotel/home. He’s already been been found civilly liable for defamation and sexual assault, and financial fraud.

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Donald Trump Vladimir Putin

With regard to the financial fraud affair, Trump was ordered to pay $454 million in penalties for deliberately misstating the value of his assets in order to fraudulently obtain more favorable terms for loans and tax obligations. Ever since then, Trump has been whining petulantly about being held accountable for his gross misconduct, for which he thinks he should have “total immunity.”

SEE THIS: Felonious Punk Trump Demands ‘TOTAL IMMUNITY’ – Even for Acts that ‘CROSS THE LINE’

The nearly half billion dollars Trump now owes is weighing considerably on him financially and emotionally. He is complaining that he cannot come up with the money to pay the judgement, or a bond to guarantee it. Never mind that he and his attorneys have previously insisted that he has more than enough to cover the judgment. In a deposition he gave last year Trump claimed that “We have a lot of cash. Substantially in excess of $400 million in cash…and going up very substantially every month.”

That appears to be another Trump lie. In a comment posted to his floundering Truth Social scam, he is now declaring that the judgment is “impossible” for him pay. He called the judge a “Radical Left…true Trump Hater” and lied that “When I win the Appeal, all of that money is gone.” For the record, he is unlikely to win the appeal,, but even if he did, the money would then be returned to him.

Meanwhile, Trump’s parking lot lawyer, Alina Habba, was on Fox News again demonstrating her extraordinary ability to make things far worse for her client than prior to her babbling interview. In an exchange with Fox News host Marth MacCallum, Habba implicated Trump in some international intrigue…

MacCallum: Is there any effort on the part of your team to secure this money through another country, Saudi Arabia or Russia, as Joy Behar seems to think?”
Habba: Well, there’s rules and regulations that are public. I can’t speak about strategy, that requires certain things and we have to follow those rules. Like I said, this is manifest injustice. It is impossible — it is an impossibility. I believe they knew that…It’s the demise of our country, not the demise of Trump.

And there you have it. Habba could have easily denied that Trump would ever consider seeking funds from foreign dictators to satisfy his personal legal bills. But she didn’t. And the prospect of Trump keeping that option open makes him a grave threat to national security. He would be beholden to the likes of Vladimir Putin or Mohammed bin Salman.

Even before this revelation, it was apparent that Trump is threat to American democracy. He incited a violent insurrection in an attempt steal the 2020 election. He has yearned for the tyrannical powers of dictators like Putin, Xi Jinping, and Kim Jong Un. He pledges to persecute and imprison his political foes. He has said that he would “terminate” parts of the Constitution.

SEE ALSO: Trump Literally Calls for Termination of the Constitution and FREAKS OUT Over Bogus Fox News Story

Trump even said explicitly – more than once – that he would rule as a dictator “on day one.” And anyone who believes that he would relinquish his dictatorship the next day is terminally naïve, or a MAGA cult disciple. Which is, of course, redundant. It would have made much more sense if that’s what Habba really had in mind when she warned about “the demise of our country.” But unfortunately, she is just as compromised and anti-American as Trump.


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Putin Toady Tucker Carlson is Now Calling Jon Stewart ‘A Tool of the Regime in a Sinister Way’

The bitter feud that has long been simmering between Daily Show host, Jon Stewart, and fetid fish stick heir, Tucker Carlson, is heating up in the wake of Carlson’s latest bootlicking “interview” of Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin. And that increase in temperature isn’t helping to stem the stench of Tucker’s treasonous tendencies.

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Fox News, Vladimir Putin, Tucker Carlson

Three weeks ago Carlson jetted off to Russia for a visit with Putin, his hero and role model for American totalitarianism. The resulting discussion could not have been more or a PR coup for Putin if it had been scripted by a Kremlin press agent. Which it very well might have been. Carlson never challenged Putin’s blatant lies and self-serving distortions of reality. But then why would anyone expect him to? Carlson has literally bragged about his support for Russia over America, saying “Why shouldn’t I root for Russia, because I am.”

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson Snuggles Up to His Master, Vladimir Putin, in a Humiliating Parade of Propaganda

Carlson followed up his Putin-fluffing interview with a VIP tour of Moscow’s glorious grocery stores and subway stations. He gushed with wide-eyed praise for them as being far superior to anything in the U.S. That led to another brutal smackdown by Stewart who mocked Carlson as the sort of “useful idiot” that Russia relies on to advance their propaganda.

SEE ALSO: Jon Stewart Mercilessly Shreds Tucker Carlson’s Vile Veneration of Vladimir Putin and Russia

So naturally, Carlson decided to fight back this week, defending himself as a patriot, saying that “I’m an American. I’m like a decent person. I just want to be able to walk to the grocery store without being murdered.” Which he apparently thinks Americans can’t do. And he might want to ask all the dead or imprisoned Russians about the risks of being a Putin critic.

But Carlson was just getting started. He then lashed out at Stewart, saying that he was “trying to prepare the population for accepting a lot less. He is really a tool of the regime in a sinister way, always has been.” Of course, the “regime” that Carlson is talking about is American democracy, not the Russian dictatorship that Carlson is such an obvious tool of.

To the contrary, in his role as a political satirist Stewart has been a constant critic of government and its enablers. He has never sucked up to the powerful the way that Carlson does to Putin. What Carlson is really whining about is that Stewart criticized him. And like Trump, and other malignant narcissists, Carlson could not abide that. Which led to another ridiculous stab at defending himself and pretending that he doesn’t worship Putin…

“The idea that I would be flacking for Putin when my relatives fought in the Revolutionary War…Like, I’m as American as you could be. It’s like crazy to me.”

First of all, assuming that Carlson is telling the truth about his distant relatives (which is a risky assumption), national loyalty isn’t handed down from generation to generation. Secondly, Carlson doesn’t say which side his relatives were allegedly fighting for. And given his predisposition toward monarchical tyranny, they may very well have been fighting for the British.

Finally, the idea that Carlson is a flack for Putin is anything but crazy. It’s been proven by his own words and behavior for years. And even worse, the Republican Party, following Trump’s lead, has also succumbed to the will of Putin and Russia. The MAGA right-wing today is firmly in Putin’s camp.


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The Biden-Harris Campaign Posts MSNBC Video of Trump’s Tyrannical Tendencies on Truth Social

The new year has barely begun, but in its infancy there have already been some significant events that will likely shape the rest of the year as it progresses toward a profoundly significant election. Among them are the judgments against Donald Trump for defamation, rape, and financial fraud, that total nearly half a billion dollars that he likely doesn’t have.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

As the 2024 presidential election cycle heats up, both Democrats and Republicans are beginning to sharpen their focus on their opponents. For Donald Trump that sharpening comes in the form of ever increasing crackpottery, including his noxious infatuation with his idol, Vladimir Putin, who he says he will “encourage” to attack our NATO allies unless they pay protection money.

SEE THIS: Trump is Running a Mob-Style Protection Racket Whose Victims Include NATO and Taylor Swift

For Democrats, their sharpening is aligned with the principles they embrace as a party that is committed to advancing the interests of all Americans. President Biden has already been focusing his campaign on substantive issues that the American people care about, such as jobs, abortion, climate and environment, healthcare, gun reforms, tax equity, diplomacy, and saving democracy. While Trump has been ranting feverishly about “witch hunts,” “election interference,” and scary brown immigrants.

On Thursday the Biden-Harris campaign team took a step outside of the safe harbor of friendly media to confront Trump’s MAGA Republicans where they live – on Trump’s failing social media scam, Truth Social They posted a video clip of a discussion on MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House” that featured former Republican congressman, David Jolly. In the clip Jolly noted that Trump has never criticized Putin, and fails to recognize that he is a dictator. Elaborating, he said (Note: this tweet is the same as the post on Truth Social)

“Let’s talk about why Donald Trump won’t say anything. Clearly he’s under the influence of Vladimir Putin, or he has sympathies for Vladimir Putin’s agenda, and he refuses to stand up for the national security interests of the United States […] This is more than Trump now. This appears to be the Republican orthodoxy that’s providing equity to Russia and to Putin, and it’s very dangerous [and that] Vladimir Putin and Russia are a threat to Western security interests. But so is Donald Trump.”

The truth of Jolly’s commentary is obvious to clear-eyed observers who have followed Trump and his adoration of Putin. But Trump’s cult disciples on Truth Social are generally shielded from this sort of honest appraisal. They may still be unaware of its existence unless they deliberately seek it out. But the act of placing it in their domain is a fun exercise in trolling. And it could result in some of them getting exposed accidently.

The Biden-Harris campaign is making a point simply by posting the video. They aren’t afraid to engage with MAGA on their own turf. Trump however, will never venture outside of his hermetically sealed MAGA bunker, surrounded by sycophants and bootlickers. Even though the results of that cowardice may ultimately do him more harm than good.

SEE ALSO: Trump Gets Brutally Fact-Checked Following His Fawning Fox News Town Hall with Laura Ingraham

The criticism in Jolly’s commentary has been expressed by others, including by some of Trump’s former insiders. But it needs to be disseminated more widely throughout the campaign season. Trump’s worshipful embrace of Putin, and his envy of Putin’s domineering authoritarianism, is a threat to American democracy. And it cannot be permitted to take hold.

Consequently, the Biden-Harris campaign should continue to deliver that message everywhere. Not because it is likely to convince Trump cultists to change their views. But because it needs to fill the information vacuum and set the narrative for the coming election. And also because it’s just darn funny to rub their noses in some truth every now and then.


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Jon Stewart Mercilessly Shreds Tucker Carlson’s Vile Veneration of Vladimir Putin and Russia

The return of Jon Stewart to “The Daily Show” is proving to be a stark reminder of just how much the world of media satire has been missing for the past nine years. His ability to wrap fact-filled commentaries in a humorous package with biting deliveries is unparalleled in contemporary comedy.

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Jon Stewart, Donald Trump

Monday night’s episode was a perfect example of this as Stewart refocused his attention an old and pitiful adversary, Tucker Carlson. Stewart frequently creamed Carlson’s ivory tower white nationalism when he was a Fox News Trump-fluffer. And even before that, when Carlson co-hosted CNN’s Crossfire. On Monday Stewart referenced an infamous exchange from that era saying that “I know I’ve said this before, but you’re such a dick.”

WATCH THE ORIGINAL: Fox News Hack Tucker Carlson Lamely Tries to Insult Jon Stewart, Gets Another Brutal Beat Down

Stewart was not swayed by Carlson’s worshipful propaganda (video below). He reviewed Carlson’s lapdog interview of his hero, Vladimir Putin, describing his enrapt facial expression throughout as “like you’re constipated while jerking off to a Sears catalog.” Carlson spent most of his two hour audience with Putin gazing adoringly at him as he disseminated flagrantly self-serving disinformation and outright lies. None of which were challenged by Carlson.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson Snuggles Up to His Master, Vladimir Putin, in a Humiliating Parade of Propaganda

Stewart brutally took apart Carlson’s slobbering adoration of Russia’s subway stations and grocery stores, including his feigned surprise that the value of groceries there had “radicalized” him against U.S. leaders, whom he apparently believes set the prices for groceries. Stewart mocked Carlson saying…

“And it will radicalize you! Unless you understand basic economics. See, $104.00 for groceries sounds like a great bargain unless you realize Russians earn less than $200.00 a week. But that’s the kind of context that a — what did you call yourself earlier? — a “journalist” would have provided.

“But here’s the reality: You f*cking know all this. Because you aren’t as dumb as your face would have us believe. Perhaps if your handlers had allowed, you would have seen there was a hidden fee to your cheap groceries and orderly streets. Ask Alexei Navalny or any of his supporters.”

Whereupon Stewart played a video of Navalny mourners being harassed and arrested by Russian police, observing that “The difference between our urinal-caked, chaotic subways, and your candelabra, beautiful subways, is the literal price of freedom.” Stewart concluded by noting that to today’s right-wing Trump MAGA cult, Putin is an ally and a friend, saying “I mean liberty is nice, but have you seen Russia’s shopping carts?”

Carlson appears to be determined to prove that he is as much a Russian asset as Donald Trump. But it isn’t because of any principles that he adheres to. It’s out of the desperation that comes from being a washed up pseudo-pundit whose puerile perspectives have gotten him fired from CNN, PBS, MSNBC, and even Fox News.

So like the rest of the MAGA Republicans scrambling to avoid the inevitable anguish of irrelevancy, he’s clinging to Trump and the futile hope that such pathetic toadyism will save him. Yeah, that’ll work. Just keep hanging on and maybe you can share an apartment in Moscow with him. Or a prison cell.


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Putin Puppet Tucker Carlson a Few Days Before the Navalny Murder: ‘Every Leader Kills People’

Friday morning delivered news of the tragic death of Alexei Navalny, the Russian opposition leader and Vladimir Putin’s most outspoken critic. Navalny’s passing in a Russian prison is heartbreaking, but not surprising.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

The death of such a prominent opponent of Putin comes at a time when the U.S. Congress is struggling to pass legislation that would provide Ukraine support for their battle against Russia’s aggression and slaughter of innocent civilians. Democrats have voted overwhelming in favor of that legislation, which also included aid for Israel and American immigration reforms, while Republicans have done Putin’s – and Donald Trump’s – bidding by blocking it.

SEE THIS: Traitor Trump Posts Video of Putin Supporting Him and Attacking the ‘Rottenness’ of U.S. Politics

Navalny’s death also came just a few days after Tucker Carlson traveled to Russia for a slobbering propaganda production, wherein he did an embarrassingly obsequious interview of Putin that omitted little or no references to the Russian dictator’s war crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere, his assassinations of his foes, or the incarceration of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich. Carlson also neglected to bring up Putin’s persecution of Navalny.

SEE ALSO: Tucker Carlson Snuggles Up to His Master, Vladimir Putin, in a Humiliating Parade of Propaganda

In the hours that have passed since the reporting of Navalny’s death, neither Trump nor Carlson has posted a single comment of condemnation or consolation. Carlson, however, had something to say on the broader subject of Putin’s murderous reign just after concluding his Russian holiday. It came in response to an interviewer’s inquiry in the following exchange…

Interviewer: You should challenge some ideas. For instance, you didn’t talk about freedom of speech in Russia, you did not talk about Navalny, about assassinations, about restrictions on opposition
Tucker Carlson: Every leader kills people, including my leader. Every leader kills people. some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people. Sorry, that’s why I wouldn’t want to be a leader.

So Carlson believes that it’s perfectly acceptable and routine for authoritarian tyrants to commit extrajudicial murders. It’s just a fact of life to him. He asserts that all leaders engage in the practice of political assassinations. Even, according to Carlson, American leaders. And he specifically includes President Biden (“my leader”). Perhaps he would like to tells us who, and if he’s cool with that too?

This is another nauseating position that is held by the MAGA Cult of Trump. Add it to Trump’s recent remarks that he would “encourage” Putin to attack America’s NATO allies. But it is only the latest toxic tantrum thrown by Tucker. His party in Putinland produced several pieces of pure pro-Russian propaganda. For instance, he declared that Moscow “is so much nicer than any city in my country.” And that was just the beginning…

MORE HERE: Tucker Carlson Explains Why He’s in Moscow Sucking Up to His BFF Vladimir Putin

Carlson was bewitched by what he regarded as the freedom and the beauty of Russia. But his impression was tainted by a perverse distortion of reality. He lauded the access to cheap fast foods that actually cost more as a percentage of income than in the U.S.

Carlson also extolled the virtues of grocery shopping in Russia that he said would “radicalize you against our leaders,” despite his pitifully ignorant grasp of real world economics.

Carlson was also impressed by some of the showcase subways in Moscow, while neglecting to show the ones that are dingy and dilapidated.

The overall conclusions by Carlson were that Russia is a far better country than America. He says it has a higher standard of living for less money. He said that it is on par with other nations, including the U.S., with regard to social and political liberty. He even praised the Russian press as only slightly more censorious than the their counterparts in America…

“Press restriction is universal in the United States, I know because I’ve lived it. Ask my former – I’ve had a lot of jobs. And I’ve done this for 34 years and I know how it works and there’s more censorship in Russia than there is in the United States but there is a great deal in the United States.”

Notice that Carlson cut himself off before saying “Ask my former…” employer, Fox News. That’s because he was fired by Fox for lying after they were forced into a $787 million defamation settlement. And he makes vague allusions to the fact that he was also fired by CNN, MSNBC, and PBS.

That resume of repeated failure is a reflection on Carlson, not the freedom of the press in America. But he will continue to lie to his shrunken audience and suck up to his keepers in the Kremlin. Because, at this point, that’s all he has left.

UPDATE: The next day, Carlson made a statement about Navalny, calling it “horrifying.” However, he never mentioned his hero, Putin, or attributed the murder to him.


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Tucker Carlson Snuggles Up to His Master, Vladimir Putin, in a Humiliating Parade of Propaganda

In what may be the most predictable presentation of pro-Russian propaganda of the year, former Fox News Trump-fluffer, Tucker Carlson, posted his embarrassingly obsequious “interview” of Russia’s dictator, Vladimir Putin. The two hour torture featured Carlson employing his constipated stare as his hero regurgitated well-worn talking points.

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Fox News, Vladimir Putin, Tucker Carlson

Carlson’s adventures in Putinland are not particularly surprising. He has been hankering for this hook-up for years, despite the perils of visiting a country where actual journalists seem to keep falling out of windows. That, however, isn’t something that Carlson needs to worry about because, unlike actual journalists, he is a renowned purveyor of “alternative facts” who is only allowed entry to Russia because they already know that his work will be slobberingly sycophantic.

SEE THIS: Tucker Carlson Explains Why He’s in Moscow Sucking Up to His BFF Vladimir Putin

True to form, Carlson spent most of the two hours enraptured by his master’s voice as he disseminated flagrantly self-serving disinformation. CNN’s Oliver Darcy succinctly summarized the sit-down, saying that Carlson…

“…largely refrained from challenging the Russian authoritarian, whose brutal war on Ukraine has led to the needless deaths of hundreds of thousands of people. Those expecting a hard-hitting face-off will have surely walked away sorely disappointed by the long-winded and rambling interview, in which Tucker himself at times appeared lost. […] Carlson allowed the autocrat a free lane to manipulate the public and tell his version of history, no matter how deceptive it may have been.”

Darcy also observed the transparency of Putin’s exploitation of Carlson noting that “Putin’s own spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, told reporters this week that Carlson was selected because he ‘has a position that is different from the rest’ of Western media.” In other words, Carlson was pre-approved by the Kremlin’s Office of Authorized Up-Sucking.

At no time during the Veneration of Vlad did Carlson challenge Putin’s blatant lies and distortions of reality. He didn’t bother to mention that Russia has committed war crimes in Ukraine and elsewhere; imprisoned and attempted to murder opposition leader Alexei Navalny and other Putin critics; and only briefly referred to the incarceration of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich for more than a year.

With regard to Ukraine, Carlson got Putin to agree to end his unprovoked slaughter if the U.S. would stop providing aid and Zelenskyy would unilaterally surrender Ukraine’s sovereignty. With regard to Gershkovich, Carlson asked Putin to release him to Carlson’s custody in a grotesque scheme to grab some undeserved glory. He said that “He’s a kid, and maybe he was breaking your law in some way, but he’s not a super spy.” That didn’t go over well with fellow Wall Street reporter Ted Mann, who tweeted…

All of this affirms Carlson’s loyalty to Putin’s autocracy over democracy. It’s a record of betrayal that Carlson has been forging for several years. Carlson has literally bragged about his support for Russia over America, saying “Why shouldn’t I root for Russia, because I am.” For some additional background on Carlson’s long held admiration for Putin, see the following…

Fox News Senior Putin Apologist, Tucker Carlson, Pleads to Keep the Russian Dictator in Power
“We can force Vladimir Putin from office entirely […but…] Would the next Russian president be an improvement over Putin?” Do you suppose that Carlson would have used the same argument for keeping Hitler in power?

Tucker Carlson of Fox News Rattles Off His Ridiculous Reasons for Why You Shouldn’t Hate Putin
Carlson demonstrates his habit of asking asinine questions: “Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic…” And he went on for several more minutes of that idiocy absolving Putin of any wrongdoing.

WTF? Fox News Traitor Tucker Carlson Takes Russia’s Side Against Democracy and America
“Why would we take Ukraine’s side? Why wouldn’t we have Russia’s side? I’m totally confused.”

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Tucker Carlson Explains Why He’s in Moscow Sucking Up to His BFF Vladimir Putin

This week it was discovered that former Fox News Trump-fluffer, Tucker Carlson, is in Moscow, reportedly to interview the Russian dictator and MAGA hero, Vladimir Putin. It is not especially surprising that Carlson would travel to a country where journalists are routinely arrested or shoved out of windows. Although, that’s not something that he would have to worry about, because he can hardly be described as a journalist.

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Fox News, Tucker Carlson

Furthermore, Carlson is a slobbering sycophant of Putin and has not been shy about about saying so. So it’s unlikely that he would stir the Kremlin’s wrath while he’s there. In fact, Carlson has literally bragged about his support for Russia over America and its allies, saying “Why do I care about what’s going on in the conflict between Ukraine and Russia? And why shouldn’t I root for Russia, because I am.”

Now Carlson has posted a video wherein he seeks to explain the reasons for his pilgrimage to Putinland. True to form, it’s a self-serving four minutes of blatant lies and propaganda. The crux of his message (video below) asserts that…

“Two years into a war that’s reshaping the entire world, most Americans are not informed. They have no real idea what’s happening in this region. […] No one has told them the truth. Their media outlets are corrupt. They lie to their readers and viewers.”

That’s actually true, so long as Carlson is referring to himself and his flagrant dishonesty as revealed in his own communications that were disclosed during the Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit against Fox News. Those lies cost Fox News $787 million. In general, however, Carlson is just insulting the American people who he apparently believes are ignorant lemmings being led around by pseudo-journalists like himself. Which is also true, so long as he’s referring to Fox News viewers and Trump’s MAGA cult.

SEE THIS: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

Carlson then complains that American media reports on Ukraine have been “pep sessions” and propaganda for Ukrainian President Zelenskyy. Then he asserts that “not a single western journalist has bothered to interview the president of the other country involved in this conflict, Vladimir Putin.” That’s actually not true.

While Putin does not often make himself available to western media that he doesn’t control, there have been a few notable exceptions. For instance, NBC News interviewed Putin on June 14, 2021. Financial Times interviewed Putin on July 5, 2019. Megyn Kelly interviewed Putin, March 10, 2018.

The notion that Carlson is the guy to set the American people straight on Putin and his intentions in Ukraine, and more broadly, Eastern Europe and the World, is preposterous. While he yammers about propaganda in the Western press, he leaves out the fact that he is one of its foremost agents of “alternative facts.” And he wouldn’t be allowed entry to Russia, much less an interview with Putin, if they didn’t already know that it would be a pusillanimous puff piece. After all, that’s pretty much all Carlson has ever produced in the past. For example…

Fox News Senior Putin Apologist, Tucker Carlson, Pleads to Keep the Russian Dictator in Power
“We can force Vladimir Putin from office entirely […but…] Would the next Russian president be an improvement over Putin?” Do you suppose that Carlson would have used the same argument for keeping Hitler in power?

Tucker Carlson of Fox News Rattles Off His Ridiculous Reasons for Why You Shouldn’t Hate Putin
Carlson demonstrates his habit of asking asinine questions: “Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreeing with him? Has he shipped every middle-class job in my town to Russia? Did he manufacture a worldwide pandemic…” And he went on for several more minutes of that idiocy absolving Putin of any wrongdoing.

WTF? Fox News Traitor Tucker Carlson Takes Russia’s Side Against Democracy and America
“Why would we take Ukraine’s side? Why wouldn’t we have Russia’s side? I’m totally confused.”

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