Jon Stewart Is Leaving The Daily Show – Brian Williams Is Leaving NBC News – COINCIDENCE?

Breaking News in the Mediasphere: The controversy surrounding Brian Williams has led to an announcement by NBC management that, effective immediately, Williams will be put on a six month suspension without pay. They describe the punishment as “severe and appropriate” and leave the door open for a return, although without making any overt assurances of that outcome.

Within a couple of hours of that announcement, it was reported that Jon Stewart, host of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, will also be stepping down sometime this year. While there is no scandal associated with Stewart’s separation (that we know of), it is nevertheless a profound blow to the world of media. Stewart has been a sharp, insightful, and hilarious observer of news programming for the past seventeen years.

So what to make of these near simultaneous bulletins? After digesting all of the possible repercussions and consequences, intended and otherwise, there is only one reasonable conclusion that can be reached:

Jon Stewart NBC News

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That’s right. Jon Stewart will be taking over the NBC Nightly News and assuming the duties of managing editor for the network’s news division. It’s an obvious choice considering his long history of media criticism and deep understanding of the workings of contemporary journalism. Stewart knows precisely where the pitfalls are for reporting stories that have real impact on the lives of ordinary Americans. He, more than anyone else, will be able to avoid the sort of embarrassing gaffes that he so deftly mocked on The Daily Show.

As for Brian Williams… What better assignment for someone with an abundance of experience on late night talk shows like David Letterman and Jimmy Fallon (where Williams so brilliantly slow-jammed the news) than to take over the now empty seat on The Daily Show? Williams has proven that he has a quick wit and his spellbinding tales of wartime peril show that he can handle fake news as well as any satirist.

On a serious note, Jon Stewart would be sorely missed under any circumstances. But coming so soon after the loss of Stephen Colbert, the state of political satire is taking a real punch to the gut. Stewart has won nineteen Emmys as writer and producer during his tenure at The Daily Show. And despite the fact that right-wingers suffer a knee-jerk animosity for him, Stewart has been more than fair and balanced. This has even been documented by Fox News who have done more than forty stories (listed here and here) celebrating Stewart’s willingness to go after President Obama and other liberal people or ideas. And his reputation for honesty and accuracy far outshines that of Fox News (see Fox News vs Jon Stewart vs Politifact).

Of Course, whatever grief comedy lovers feel today may be temporary. Colbert will shortly reemerge as the host of CBS’ Late Night. And a new host for The Daily Show will be christened and could be just as talented and stinging as Stewart. Think Lewis Black, W. Kamau Bell, Jessica Williams, Jeff Jeffries, or maybe the husband wife team of Jason Jones and Samantha Bee. Could John Oliver be coaxed back? Dare we hope for Tina Fey? And then we still don’t know what Stewart plans for his next act.

Clearly the landscape is shifting. But hopefully there will be some settling before we get too far into the 2016 election cycle. Till then, thanks for all the good times, Jon, and best wishes for the future. And now…your moment of Zen:

WTF? Now Conservatives Love The Lamestream Media Because – Obama

The only thing that tingles the naughty parts of right-wingers more than bashing President Obama over some trumped up scandal or context-deprived sentence fragment, is railing against the greatest threat to America since gay, Ebola-infected, terrorist children sneaking across the border – The “Lamestream” Media (which, ironically, was responsible for most of the panic about gay, Ebola-infected, terrorist children sneaking across the border).

Ever since Sarah Palin’s speech writers pretended to coin the term, conservatives have vociferously criticized the conventional media outlets that they regarded as hopelessly corrupted by liberal bias and deference to the powers that be. They blasted the broadcast networks and cable news channels (except for Fox News, the biggest, most mainstream of them all) with condemnations of their allegedly slanted reporting and anti-American partisanship. Never mind that all of the major news enterprises are divisions of giant, multinational corporations that benefit directly from the hyper-capitalist, free-market mutations that Randian conservatives worship.

Invariably it is Fox News leading that attack pack to blister those associated with the big media organizations. And everyone on the far right gets in line to wield blows. But now they have an ally seeking to join the parade of criticism. An unwanted ally, apparently.

Fox News

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In what must be a deliberate attempt to upend the rightist ideologues’ mission, Obama made some remarks in an interview with, an alternative Internet media company, that has shaken the press sparling’s brains into a state of utter confusion. decrying what he called “the balkanization of the media,” Obama said that…

“You’ve got the Fox News/Rush Limbaugh folks and then you’ve got the MSNBC folks… [it] allows us to narrow our point of view. […and that…] My advice to a future president is increasingly try to bypass the traditional venues that create divisions and try to find new venues within this new media that are quirkier, less predictable.”

That, of course, is precisely what the right has been saying ever since the black guy occupied the White House. Rightist thought bleeders like Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck have relocated to cyberspace outposts where they enjoy the freedom to pontificate as incoherently as they please. And everyone from Wingnut Land has advocated the very same advice that Obama offered about finding new venues.

Despite that apparent agreement, conservative hypocrites, upon learning of Obama’s support for new and alternative media, have now flipped their stance and are furious that Obama would say anything derogatory about the conventional press. They have adjusted their blinders so that all they can see are Obama’s comments regarding Fox News and Rush Limbaugh. The single-note chorus erupting from the right-wing choir is that Obama is specifically blaming just those two sources for all of his problems, despite his having mentioned MSNBC in the very same breath. And the fact that he would consent to being interviewed by an Internet media publisher like Vox is an insult to the good people who toil so valiantly in the now wonderful mainstream media.

This is not new complaint from the right. They howl when Obama appears with popular comedians like Stephen Colbert and Zach Galifianakis. They grumble when he hosts Google Hangouts. More recently, they went totally bonkers when he allowed YouTube stars, with audiences bigger than Fox News, to interview him. On that subject, Fox contributor Jonah Goldberg of the ultra-rightist National Review whined that Obama “only likes to talk to people who think he’s awesome.” That will come as some surprise to Fox’s Bill O’Reilly and Bret Baier, who have both interviewed Obama.

The lesson here for the President is that he must hunker down in the White House basement and speak to no one. Because if he conducts an interview with ABC News he is a pandering to the lamestream elitists who are in the tank for him. And if he bypasses them he is insulting the indisputable dignity of the American press and proving that he’s afraid of tough questions. As always, Fox News and the right have constructed a bullet-proof, lose-lose scenario from which Obama cannot hope to escape. Unless, of course, he uses simple logic and reason, concepts that escape the ability of the right to comprehend.

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