Lying Liar Donald Trump’s New Attack On Hillary Clinton Proves He Is Running Out Of Material

Anyone who has been paying attention to the cognitive meltdown known as the Donald Trump campaign for president already knows how immature he has been with regard to his name-calling and whining about his rivals and the mean poopyheads at the Republican National Committee who are all out to get him.

Hillary Clinton

Also apparent to conscious observers is his robo-Trump stump speeches that incessantly repeat the same nonsensical talking points and crowd pleasing hate-speech. Sing along with me: build the wall; make Mexico pay for it; waterboard ISIS; repeal ObamaCare; get ’em [protesters] outta here; I’ll pay your legal fees if you hurt them; I love the vets [when he isn’t stealing from them]; protect the 2nd Amendment; Little Marco; Lyin’ Ted; I’m leading every poll; everyone loves Trump; only I can make America great again; etc. ad nauseum.

Trump’s modus operandi is to coin juvenile slogans that disparage his opponents. It’s a type of shorthand, anti-branding designed to stick to his targets like rhetorical tar. It works because his followers are too dumb to comprehend more complex policy proposals, which Trump refuses to provide anyway. The simple-minded buzzwords make it easy for his realityTV-forged fans to follow along.

Today Trump made his first official foray into general election politicking with a swipe at Hillary Clinton. He has previously tried to tag her as “low-energy” (which he recycled from Jeb Bush) and lacking stamina. But Clinton’s obvious vitality on the campaign trail made those barbs impotent. He also tried to tarnish her with her husband’s infidelity, but since that doesn’t actually reflect on her, and his own marital peccadilloes are far worse (and creepier), that didn’t work either. So now Trump is floating this:

“Her whole life has been a lie. A big, fat, beautiful lie. Everything about her is a lie.”

First of all, Trump has already assigned this theme to his GOP challenger, Ted Cruz. So it might be hard to undo the marketing effort already underway and flip it to a new foe. But more importantly it exposes Trump as having utterly exhausted his ability to develop any new thoughts. He’s just recycling insults that have worked for him before with the GOP lightweights he has been baffling with tactics derived from Celebrity Apprentice. It’s almost as if he doesn’t even realize he has used them before as he fires them off and hopes they hit the side of the barn.

What’s more, Trump is opening himself up for criticism that is far more applicable to him. News Corpse has been cataloging Trump’s falsehoods for several months and the result is a portrait pathological lying (see the Trump Bullshitopedia). And Trump’s obsessive privacy has concealed much of his flagrant dishonesty. He still has not released a single year of his tax returns. To follow him is to rely on the sort blind faith that empowers cults.

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Clinton, on the other hand, has been in public life for more than thirty years and no one has been able to make a charge of dishonesty stick. She has been absolved of every wingnut conspiracy theory that has been lodged against her. She isn’t a perfect person (who is), but she has led a life that is an open book and people are able to draw their own conclusions as to her veracity. Trump, however, has constructed a wall around himself and his inner dealings. And yet, the corruption and deceit that has filtered out is more than sufficient to recognize a con man when you see one. So good luck, Donnie, with your new anti-branding of Clinton. You’re gonna need it.