Guilty Conscience? Trump Rattles Off Four Times ‘This Has Nothing to do with Russian Collusion’

Donald Trump’s campaign chairman and personal attorney/fixer are both officially felons. And now that there are verdicts in two of the most closely watched criminal cases of the year, Everyone was anxious to hear what the Unindicted Co-Conspirator-in-Chief would have to say about it. And if you were expecting a message of respect for the judicial process and the rule of law, you are going to be bitterly disappointed.

Donald Trump

Trump spoke briefly after the convictions of Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen as he deplaned for a rally in West Virginia. His comments were a mix of sympathy, defiance, and self-serving bluster that demonstrated his contempt for the legal system that is still closing in around him:

After briefly expressing how sad he is about Manafort, who he said is “good man,” Trump launched into a defense of himself that no one asked him about. He had a desperate need to make sure that everyone knew that “It doesn’t involve me” and that “This has nothing to do with Russian collusion.” In fact, he mentioned the Russia affair four times in less than one minute. He closed by repeating that Manafort’s conviction had nothing to with Russian collusion, and then called it a “witch hunt” for the second time in this short clip.

Any first-year psychology student would recognize Trump’s anxiety and repetitious dialogue as the ravings of someone consumed by fear and knowledge of guilt. He continuously yowled his self defense more than he did any support for his former campaign chairman, Manafort. What’s more he didn’t mention Cohen’s name at all. That could signal his preference for Manafort, who some speculate will get a pardon. As for Cohen, he explicitly incriminated Trump in the Stormy Daniels hush money affair, so his prospects are much gloomier. That may explain why Trump couldn’t even say his name.

For the record, this does involve Trump. Cohen’s plea deal references him as the “candidate” with whom he conspired to suppress the Daniels story. And it surely has something to do with Russian collusion from the standpoint that Manafort convictions might persuade him to be more cooperative with special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation.

It will be interesting to see what the Republicans in Congress have to say about Cohen’s pleading guilty to eight felony counts. During the Clinton administration they thought it justifiable to impeach the President for having lied about an extramarital affair. But Trump has now been implicated in both an affair and an illegal conspiracy to cover it up. Shouldn’t that warrant at least one of the Articles of Impeachment to be brought against him?

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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Trump’s Unique Madness: Everything He Opposes is the ‘Worst (Whatever) in History’

If there is one thing that Donald Trump has made eminently clear, it’s that he is a pathological exaggerator and dispenser of frenzied hyperbole (when he isn’t outright lying). Nothing he says can be taken seriously considering his unrestrained compulsion to distort and mislead whenever he needs to suppress negative reports of his habitual criminality.

Donald Trump, Don't Lie

Naturally, Trump’s tendency to cover up his wrongdoing by attacking his critics with outrageously slanderous statements is evident on Twitter, his communications platform of preference. And the method of attack is conspicuously uniform as he often repeats the same type of invective no matter the target of his assault or the subject matter. What follows is a collection of Trump’s tweets wherein he assails the worst (fill in the blank) in history, beginning with the most recent one directed at former CIA director John Brennan:

Apparently Trump doesn’t encounter any event that isn’t the worst of its kind in history. Conversely, he frequently describes himself as the best (fill in the blank) in history. There must be a psychiatric condition that this would fall under. Because it certainly isn’t the behavior of a sane man or “stable genius” either. Although it goes a long way toward establishing that Trump is a thoroughly unreliable source for anything. Which we already knew.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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