Donald Trump has a well-established and all-consuming hatred for the media. That’s despite his fierce embrace of it when he needs to disseminate his lies and propaganda. It’s further affirmation that he is an unstable heap of contradictions and logical short-circuits. One day he is bellowing in Stalinist terms that “the media is the enemy of the people.” The next day he’s retweeting the Washington Post or Fox News (about which he has an abundance of other acute cognitive lapses.
Trump’s aversion to media is rooted in two character flaws that dominate his warped persona: dishonesty and fear. With regard to his ceaseless deceit, Trump is a pathological liar who has been documented as having told more than 18,000 lies since his inauguration. With regard to his snow-flakiness, Trump trembles like a reed in a hurricane whenever the press dares to tell the truth about him. For an alleged “leader of the free world,” Trump whines like a colicky infant in the face of ordinary scrutiny by the media. His obsession exceeds the standard parameters of paranoia.
Last year Trump’s White House press office blew a gasket when Brian Karem, a report for Playboy Magazine, engaged in banter with Nazi-apologist, and Trump shill, Sebastion Gorka. Afterward, press secretary Stephanie Grisham suspended Karem’s White House press pass. Karem sued to get his credentials restored and won a court judgment on the basis that his constitutional rights of freedom of the press (1st Amendment) and due process (5th Amendment) were infringed. The White House appealed the ruling and Karem once again prevailed. But in the course of the proceedings we learned something peculiar about Trump and his regime. The ruling in the case admonished, and even mocked, White House attorneys saying that…
“Raising the specter of the absurd, the White House argues that it cannot be the case that ‘the Press Secretary would be powerless to take action even were a reporter to “moon” the President, shout racial epithets at a foreign dignitary, or sexually harass another member of the press corps.’” […] “The White House can rest assured that principles of due process do not limit its authority to maintain order and decorum at White House events by, for example, ordering the immediate removal of rogue, mooning journalists.”
That’s right, in seeking to censor a journalist, Trump’s lawyers argued that there was some risk that reporters would bare their behinds to the President and they sought legal relief from that terrifying prospect. Of all the things that Trump is afraid of, this may be the most delectably bizarre. Perhaps this fear played a role in Trump retreating to the White House bunker this week when protesters where gathered across the street at Lafayette Park. And one cannot help but wonder if this contributed to Trump’s decision to deploy the military against American citizens, each of which is armed with a possibly loaded derriere.
It gives a hole new meaning to the threat of assassination. Butt, to be fair, Trump has never been able to deal with other people’s wise cracks. And it would get confusing if he weren’t the only arsehole in the room. So getting rid of Karem and the other potential mooners is a policy that he could really get behind. In fact, that’s something everyone can drink to. So bottoms up, America!
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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