TRUMP IS RIGHT! In a Mad Rage, Felon of Foy Declares that ‘Nobody Can Ever Trust Fox News’

It must be exhausting to be Donald Trump, who somehow manages to maintain a near constant state of outrage 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If he isn’t unloading his perpetual fury at President Biden or some other unwitting Democrat for respectably serving the public, Trump is blasting his fellow Republicans for failing to be sufficiently worshipful.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Lies

The anger that emanates from Trump is like carpet bombing that indiscriminately destroys anything within its blast range. And he couldn’t care less if the victims are friend or foe. The only thing that matters to Trump is that some damage was done to whatever or whoever was on his list for retribution at the time. For instance, he recently lashed out at the city of Milwaukee, where the Republican convention will be held next month…

SEE THIS: Trump Horribly Bungles His ‘Horrible City’ Swipe at Milwaukee with Help from a Fox News Flunky

On Wednesday Trump fired wildly at a slew of his perceived enemies in an especially noxious tirade that he posted on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social. The brief assault threw rhetorical shrapnel in every direction. He ranted that…

“Nobody can ever trust Fox News, and I am one of them, with the weak and ineffective RINO, Paul Ryan, on its Board of Directors. He’s a total lightweight, a failed and pathetic Speaker of the House, and a very disloyal person. Romney was bad, but Paul Ryan made him look worse. As a team, they never had a chance. Rupert and Lachlan, get that dog off your Board – You don’t need him. ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Trump’s opening attack is one that is difficult to argue with. Indeed, “Nobody can ever trust Fox News.” It is an ultra-rightist disseminator of pure propaganda in service to Trump and his MAGA cult. So why, then, would Trump be blasting it?

It’s hard to say for sure, but it’s likely that Trump was triggered by a recent interview on Fox News of former GOP Speaker Paul Ryan, who now serves on Fox’s board of directors. Among other things, Ryan had the audacity to tell the truth about Trump to host Neil Cavuto. Which is all that was necessary to incur Trump’s seething wrath. Ryan said that…

“He has cost us a lot of seats…He cost us the Senate twice. He cost us the House because he is pushing through the primaries people who cannot win general elections but pledge fealty to him…We need legislators, not entertainers.” [And that] “If you put yourself above the Constitution, as he has done, I think that makes you unfit for office.”

Still, it’s ridiculous for Trump to react so viciously considering how much blind adulation he gets from almost everyone else on the network. The entire primetime lineup (Jesse Watters, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity), and much of the daytime programming (Fox & Friends, Outnumbered, and The Five), are unfailingly devoted to Trump. It is, after all, the network that settled a massive $787 million dollar lawsuit due to their flagrant lies and defamation on Trump’s behalf.

SEE ALSO: The Fox News 3/4 Billion Dollar Dominion Defamation Settlement is Also a Judgment Against Trump

Somehow, in light of all of that, Trump still abhors Fox and thinks that he can demand that Rupert Murdoch remove “that dog” Ryan, from the board because, in a toxically twisted paraphrase of a famous Beatles lyric, “ALL YOU NEED IS TRUMP.” Yet despite his condemnation of Fox News as wholly untrustworthy, Trump himself appears to trust it a great deal. A recent analysis of his comments on Truth Social reveals that he relies more on Fox News for support than any media enterprise…

“Donald Trump can’t quit Fox News. The Republican presidential candidate may lash out in strong terms at the right-wing channel for supposedly not being sufficiently loyal to him, but a fresh analysis of the content posted on his Truth Social page shows that he promotes the outlet more than any other. […] In the month of May, Trump posted 56 videos from Fox News, dwarfing the volume of content he posted from any other outlet, according to the analysis conducted by The Righting, a website that monitors right-wing media.”

Trump is exhibiting a fair measure of contradictory anxieties with his simultaneous love and hatred for Fox News. We can add that psychological diagnosis to previous assessments that he is a malignant narcissist who is suffering from severe cognitive decline. All of which should be sufficient to persuade decent, patriotic Americans to vote for Joe Biden, who has demonstrated in his first term as President that he is intelligent, effective, and compassionate.

We can forget about the MAGA cultists. Unfortunately for them and their families, they are lost to us now. But fortunately, there are many more Democrats who didn’t vote, and independents who are persuadable, and even Republicans who haven’t abandoned reality, to still achieve a landslide victory for Biden-Harris. So long as we all work hard to achieve that goal and to preserve the principles enshrined in the Constitution and, ultimately, American democracy.

UPDATE: Trump has another reason to be upset with Fox News. Their new poll has Biden beating him by two points. And he isn’t taking that very well.


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Trump Says He Watches a Lot of Fox News, That He Also Says is ‘Totally Fake’ and ‘Unwatchable’

The convolutions of Donald Trump’s character are too numerous and perverse to succinctly summarize. Suffice to say that he is a twisted bundle of frayed nerves and psychoses. His contradictions and hypocrisies are legendary. And anyone who thinks that they can anticipate his behavior – other than as hostile and self-serving – is fooling themselves.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Fake

In a new interview conducted by Raheem Kassam of the ultra-rightist National Pulse, Trump put this personality disorder on display. It was 36 minutes of incoherent rambling and rehashing of the same delusional talking points that he has been dispensing for years.

RELATED: Trump Bombs on Meet the Press, Behaving Like a Petulant Toddler Who Couldn’t Stop Lying

The interview began with Kassam asking Trump about the state of immigration: “Did you ever think you’d see this level of American Carnage?” That was a throwback reference to Trump’s infamous “American Carnage” inauguration address. Trump’s reply was a typically tortured tirade that utterly avoided reality…

“No. Nobody has ever seen anything like this. […] Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from. We know they come from prisons. We know they come mental institutions, insane asylums. We know they’re terrorists. Nobody has ever seen anything like we’re witnessing right now. It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad.”

So in a single reply Trump asserted that “Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from,” then proceeds to tell Kassam where they are coming from. And, of course, it was all completely false and profoundly racist. He went on to lie that there were zero terrorists intercepted by border patrol during his occupation of the White House. (Fact Check: 216 people on the terrorist watchlist were apprehended this year. There were 280 in 2019 during the Trump administration).

The interview briefly touched on Trump’s television habits. We know that he was an avid viewer of Fox News and other right-wing media while allegedly serving as president. He was reported to have watched as much as eight hours of television every day. Most of that was Fox News or some other Trump-fluffing outlet that catered to his massive yet fragile ego. And apparently nothing has changed, according to Trump in the following portion of the interview (see video below beginning at 4:20)

Kassam: You make a point about the press and the media. And I think that most of the media is quite hostile towards you. I think one that I think people are surprised that have been hostile towards you has been Fox. Especially recently…
Trump: We’ve done well with Fox over the years. […] But somehow there’s just an edge there. You take a look at the anchors, look at Sean Hannity, Laura’s been great. They’ve been good. But there’s an overhang if you just feel, there’s something missing.
Kassam: But do you think [Rupert Murdoch] is going, he kind of went all in against you in this primary cycle. And I think he’s realized now that he’s not gonna win that battle. Do you think that’s why he’s kind of shuffling…
Trump: Well they put everything against DeSanctimonious. And he’s not a talented person. He’s just not a talented person. He only won because I endorsed him. He was at 3%, he was dead, and I endorsed him. […]

[Note: It’s always been curious how Trump frequently brags about having endorsed people who he considers losers and liars and incompetents, and then takes credit for their political victories. Why the heck did he endorse them?]

Trump: The anchors are so good. Jesse [Watters] has been great. Greg [Gutfeld] has been great. You look at what he’s done, right? They’ve all been good. You look on Saturday, it’s been fantastic with Pete Hegseth, Rachel [Campos-Duffy], Will [Cain]. So we get a lot of good support. And lately Brian Kilmeade’s been great. But Steve Doocy’s been terrible. I mean, to me he’s been just terrible. He’s hurting the show. Ainsley [Earhardt] is good. […]
Kassam: You still watch it a lot then?
Trump: Yeah, I watch it. I watch it. I watch it, and I watch Newsmax. I try not to watch the other…There’s so much fake news. I mean honestly, somebody like MSNBC, it’s so bad and so vicious, and same thing with CNN, but maybe even to a lesser extent. But I watch these two and honestly, it’s a campaign contribution what they do. It’s a campaign contribution. And they should pay a lot of money. Somebody has to pay for this. Because that’s an absolute campaign contribution. And they can’t be allowed to be able to get away with this. It’s so unfair.

So Trump watches quite a bit of Fox News, despite the fact that he has recently maligned them saying that “Fox News is dead,”, and that “Fox News daytime is not watchable,” and that “Fox News Polls are totally FAKE.”

Trump’s idea of a free press is one that is consistently adoring of him, and anything less than worshipful devotion is tantamount to treason. He recently used that exact language to condemn the media saying that “They are almost all dishonest and corrupt [and] should be investigated for its ‘Country Threatening Treason.’” He elaborated threatening that “when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized,” and that they should not “be entitled to use the very valuable Airwaves of the USA,” and that they “should pay a big price for what they have done.”

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media

The rest of the interview was boilerplate, dishonest Trumpisms about abortion after birth, which is not a thing; the January 6th insurrection that he incited; his efforts to overturn the election with fake electors; the Mueller report and what he calls the Russia, Russia, Russia scam; and of course, his perpetual preposterous whining about Biden being incompetent and/or corrupt. In other words, it was Trump being Trump, and abandoning what the rest of us recognize as a little thing called reality.


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Trump is Big Mad at Fox News For Daring to Talk About Republican Candidates Not Named Trump

The primary campaign for the Republican nomination for president is in full swing. And despite the fact that Donald Trump is himself a candidate, he has twelve challengers competing for the nod. That’s a pretty profound indication of how poorly he is regarded by his party peers. Former presidents are not often challenged for their party’s nomination.

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Donald Trump, Wah

Then again, former presidents are not often notorious losers who have been impeached twice, are awaiting trial on four criminal indictments for 91 felony counts, and have been adjudicated as rapists and business frauds. Trump is uniquely situated as a candidate who has accomplished all of that while exhibiting signs of cognitive decline, acute paranoia, delusions of grandeur, and sociopathy. Considering that record of mental instability and legal liability, his opinions on candidate qualifications are remarkably relevant…

SUCH AS: Donald Trump: Presidential Candidates Under Felony Indictment Have ‘No Right to Be Running’

In his previous campaigns in 2016 and 2020, Trump had unprecedented support from right-wing media, especially Fox News. That’s still true in this election cycle, but Trump isn’t quite satisfied with the level of support he’s receiving. In his mind he must have unwavering adoration without the slightest diversion from total worshipful devotion. Anything less than that is tantamount to treason. Literally…

SEE THIS: Wannabe Dictator Trump Promises to Prosecute the ‘Country Threatening Treason’ of the Media

In light of that, Trump has been making his dissatisfaction known in posts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social. On Tuesday he complained that his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) was not living up to his expectations…

“I watched Fox & Friends this morning, and it is totally unrecognizable. All they do is ‘gush’ over job seeking candidates that are 50 Points, plus, down to your favorite President, or speak endlessly about people that will never run and, without cheating, could never win…And what ever happened to Steve? No wonder their ratings are way down. MAGA!”

First of all, Trump is now admitting that he watches Fox News after repeatedly maligning it as “dead, totally fake, and unwatchable”. But more to the point, his complaint is centered on his notion that a “news” network shouldn’t report on all of the candidates in a primary race. It should only report on him.

While Trump is correct that he is currently leading his opponents by substantial margins, that isn’t a reason to curtail coverage of them. What’s more, contrary to Trump’s grumping, the only candidate that Fox News has ever “gushed over” is Trump. And we know that he knows that because of how frequently he thanks Sean Hannity, Jesse Watters, Mark Levin, and others for their unabashed gushing.

Finally, Trump takes a personal swing at Fox and Friends co-host, Steve Doocy. He doesn’t cite whatever it is that has offended him, but it is likely a minor criticism that Trump has magnified in his cartoon brain. As for Fox’s lower ratings, that’s mainly a function of the scandalous revelations that came out as a result of the defamation lawsuit by Dominion Voting Systems. Fox settled the suit for 3/4 of a billion dollars, but not until after it was revealed that most of their hosts and executives had been lying to their viewers for years.

SEE ALSO: With Lawsuits, Lost Hosts, and Lying Pundits, the Future of Fox News Has Never Been Weaker

Trump’s tantrum over how Fox News has betrayed him isn’t anything new. He has been attacking Fox for quite a while. Whenever he sees something that he regards as insufficiently worshipful, he lashes out. And his animus is backed up by acts of revenge, including his refusals to participate in GOP primary debates hosted by Fox, and his attempts to sabotage them. Which is why he scheduled a rally in Michigan tomorrow to compete with the second Fox hosted debate. And that follows his scheduling a Twitter interview with fired Fox host Tucker Carlson during the first Fox hosted debate. Because if there’s one thing for which you can count on Trump, it’s petty jealousy and vengeance.

SEE THIS: Trump Chickens Out of the Fox News GOP Debate, Will Be Fluffed By Tucker Carlson Instead

Trump’s desperation and bottomless hostility always manages to rise to the surface. No person or entity is safe. He will turn on his closest associates should they stray from utterly blind allegiance and adulation. And his attacks on Fox News are the best evidence of his twisted sense of one-way loyalty.

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Trump Goes on Psycho-Rant Accusing Fox News of Sabotaging Him with Bad Pictures and Polls

The fits of hysteria by Donald Trump are coming with more frequency and fury as he sinks deeper into the legal quagmire that he created for himself. With four criminal indictments and 91 felony counts pending, Trump appears to be succumbing to the realization that his worst nightmares are now his reality.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

In this distemperate state of mind, Trump is lashing out in every direction, including at those who are his allies and loyal defenders. Consequently, his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is taking a barrage of assaults despite their overwhelming adoration of Dear Leader Trump and their constant apologia for his heinous acts and rhetoric. Not that attacking Fox News is just a recent occurence for him…

SEE THIS: Trump To Be Interviewed on Fox News, the Network He Says is ‘Dead, Totally Fake, Unwatchable’

On Thursday morning Trump posted a series of scolds on his failing social media sham, Truth Social, aimed at the ultra-MAGA “news” network. He was clearly upset at them for being less than worshipful, and he was going to let them know about it. He led off with a post saying that…

“FoxNews is going all out, just as they did in 2016, to figure who in this very large, but failing, Republican field, can beat your favorite President, Donald John Trump. They use only the most negative polls.”

Trump has apparently noticed that there is a large field of challengers for the Republican nomination for president. They include governors and senators, and even his former VP, Mike Pence (who is beginning to turn on as well). That fact alone indicates that the party principals’ level of respect and/or fear is fading. Trump went on to whine that…

“Why doesn’t Fox and Friends show all of the Polls where I am beating Biden, by a lot. They just won’t do it! Also, they purposely show the absolutely worst pictures of me, especially the big ‘orange’ one with my chin pulled way back. They think they are getting away with something, they’re not. Just like 2016 all over again…And then they want me to debate!”

Trump’s is typically preoccupied with perceptions of him and matters that weigh on his massive yet fragile ego, rather than anything that concerns the American people. So he is outraged that Fox News would air pictures or polls that portrayed him as the loser that he is. Fox News can’t help it if he looks ridiculous in his orange face paint, or that he is losing to President Biden in most polls. It appears that Trump’s ire was triggered by the following segments on Fox News…

For the record, Biden is ahead of Trump 44% to 41% in the latest Fox News poll. In fact, Contrary to Trump’s lies, in the twenty most recent polls, from early July to the present, Trump leads Biden in only two of them. Meanwhile, Trump has been hammering his former Attorney General, Bill Barr, who has lately been affirming the validity of the charges against Trump.

“Why does FoxNews constantly put on slow thinking and lethargic Bill Barr, who didn’t have the courage or stamina to fight the Radical Left lunatics […] Unless FoxNews starts putting the RIGHT people on, their Ratings will never recover.”

It was thoughtful of Trump to offer advice to Fox on how they can improve their ratings. Never mind that it was Trump and his election fraud lies that cost Fox nearly a billion dollars in the defamation lawsuit settlement with Dominion Voting Systems.

Trump also offered some advice to the the GOP, saying that “Republicans must get tougher and smarter, FAST!” By which he means they must be more sycophantic and extremist in their defense of Trump. Which is why they lost in 2020, 2022, and are trailing for 2024. So if the past is any indication, it would be highly advantageous for Fox News and Republicans to take Trump’s advice to heart. Advantageous, that is, for Democrats.


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Trump Viciously Attacks Fox News, the Network He Says is ‘Dead, Totally Fake, Unwatchable’

Being the subject of multiple civil and criminal investigations can lead to some bizarre behavior. And when those investigations turn to indictments, that behavior becomes even more frenzied and downright deviant. It can lead to frantic outbursts that serve only to reveal one’s festering fears and result in further incriminating statements.

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Donald Trump Fox News

Case in point: Donald Trump, who is exhibiting extreme anxiety as he anticipates the imminent issuance of criminal indictments by Grand Juries in Washington, D.C., Florida, and Georgia. The special counsel, Jack Smith, just met with what’s left of Trump’s legal team in order to beg the Justice Department to refrain from charging Trump. But if Trump’s reaction after the meeting is any indication, that didn’t go very well for him.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump is Panicking Over the Likelihood that He is About to Be Criminally Indicted

Another example of Trump’s gnawing nervousness is his desperate decision to accept an invitation to be interviewed on Fox News by Bret Baier. It will air on June 19, and will be a pre-taped conversation, presumably to edit out any potentially defamatory comments and embarrassingly idiotic Trumpisms. What makes this peculiar is that Trump has spent much of the last few years mercilessly thrashing Fox News for being less than unwaveringly supportive and adoring. Among the aspersions he has cast are that…

SEE MORE HERE: Trump’s Year of Vicious Bashing – and Devoted Sucking Up To – Fox News

Nevertheless, Trump has agreed to grace Fox with his presence. But only because he needs all the unflinching fluffing he find. So he’s condescended to sit down with Bret Baier for a free, hour long infomercial for his 2024 campaign. Apparently his nauseating tongue bath with Sean Hannity a few weeks ago – wherein Hannity made sure that every question he asked had the answer embedded in it so that Trump wouldn’t have to strain himself coming up with a plausible excuse or a believable lie – wasn’t sufficient.

RELATED: On Fox News Trump Confesses that He Stole Classified Documents, Despite Hannity’s Coaching

However, if anyone thinks that Baier is going to be any less obsequious than Hannity, you can disabuse yourself of that fallacy right now. Baier’s biases were discovered in the defamation lawsuit against Fox News by Dominion Voting Systems. Internal communications revealed Baier was worried about losing viewers after Trump lost the 2020 election. In one message he “noted the audience’s anger and suggested rescinding the [Arizona] call, even awarding the state to Trump.” In another he complained that “It’s hurting us. The sooner we pull it — even if it gives us major egg. And we put it back in his column. The better we are. In my opinion.”

But don’t kid yourself that Baier is genuinely interested in being fair to Trump. Just as Trump needs Fox News, Fox News needs Trump. Baier knows that Trump lost and has been lying about alleged election fraud. In a subsequent message, Baier admitted that “There is NO evidence of Fraud. None. [and] We have to prevent this stuff … We need to fact check.” So, do you think that Baier will ask Trump about that? Don’t hold your breath.

And there’s more where that came from. Many other Fox News regulars were found to be dismissive of Trump’s “Big Lie.” Including Tucker Carlson, who said that “I hate [Trump] passionately [and he is] a demonic force.” and Rupert Murdoch, who said that it’s “Really crazy stuff. […] We don’t want to antagonize Trump further.” Let’s see if Baier bothers to mentions any of that, along with the standard GOP propaganda that will surely dominate this farce.

SEE ALSO: In Dominion v Fox News, Network Cries ‘We Can’t Make People Think We’ve Turned Against Trump’

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Fox News Hack Laura Ingraham Draws Trump’s Wrath for Showing a Poll that Affirms He’s a Loser

The 2024 primary for the Republican nomination for president is already in full swing with five declared candidates vying to upset the party’s entrenched cult messiah, Donald Trump. And that doesn’t even include undeclared, but probable, candidates Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence, and at least eight others.

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Laura Ingraham, Fox News

For his part, Trump has been waging a feeble campaign from the safety of his Mar-a-Lago bunker, where he frantically posts demented comments on his floundering Twitter scam, Truth Social. Occasionally he will venture out to attend a cult rally or participate in a dreadful, so-called town hall on CNN.

SEE THIS: How Horrible Was CNN’s Lie-Riddled Trump Town Hall? Let’s See What CNN Has to Say About It

On Tuesday morning Trump excoriated his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, for failing to be unflinchingly worshipful. It’s a posture he has assumed frequently as of late. Earlier this week he complained about a segment that didn’t damn DeSantis to hell, saying that “He sucks, and so does Fox News.” But on this occasion, the target of Trump’s tantrum was one of his most devoted boosters on the network, Laura Ingraham. Trump bellowed that…

“Laura Ingraham on FoxNews just did a hit piece on me (there go her ratings!) showing some polls which indicate that Ron DeSanctimonious may do better against Biden than I would, when actually polls show that I do MUCH better against Biden than ‘Rob.’ The poll your looking at now, which has me doing far better against Crooked Joe, was just put out by FOX, I am sure unhappily. I’m also leading DeSanctus by over 40 points in Primary Voting. Watch Greg Kelly on Newsmax at 10:00 P.M.”

What triggered Trump was a segment on Ingraham’s show Monday night, wherein her conservative pundit guest blasphemed Trump’s divine infallibility saying that…

“Donald Trump, in almost all the polls that we’ve seen that have been done so far, granted it’s early, is behind Joe Biden. Now Joe Biden is running pretty badly against generic Republicans, maybe against a Tim Scott or against a Ron DeSantis type figure, but he’s consistently beating Donald Trump.”

Ingraham should know better than to ever say anything that isn’t utterly adoring of Trump. Doing so lands you a spot on his ever-growing enemies list. And to suggest that President Biden could defeat Trump – which he did decisively already – is unadulterated heresy.

Trump is doing his part to destroy Fox News, which may be the only thing he has ever done to benefit American society. However, his assault on Ingraham may be wasted considering that she is already rumored to have lost her primetime spot in the wake of the firing of Tucker Carlson. Fox has announced programming changes that would move wingnuts Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld to primetime, which would mean Ingraham is pushed out.

Newsmax has been the beneficiary of the Carlson dumping as Fox News ratings have cratered since then, and some of that audience has migrated to Newsmax. Trump’s post exacerbates that exodus as he urges his cult followers to flip over to the ultra-rightist Newsmax during Ingraham’s 10:00pm time period.

As for the battle between Trump and DeSantis, there are several polls that show DeSantis doing better than Trump against Biden. But Trump is known for denying reality and/or deceiving his followers to insist that he is always winning whatever fight he’s in. Never mind that he has been singularly responsible for Republican losses in 2020 and 2022. And there’s no reason not to assume that he won’t have the same impact in 2024. Even without Fox News to prop him up.

RELATED STORY: With Lawsuits, Lost Hosts, and Lying Pundits, the Future of Fox News Has Never Been Weaker

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Trump’s 2023 New Year’s Wish: Hopefully American Newspapers Will Go Out of Business

As 2022 winds to close, Donald Trump finds himself in an accelerating downward spiral of legal, political, and personal distress. His mood is decidedly dour and consumed by hate. And true to form, he is handling it like a colicky infant who thinks his whining and tantrums will deliver relief from the misery that is plaguing him from all sides.

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Donald Trump, Newspapers, Baby, Hate

Trump’s 2022 tribulations are bound to torment him well into 2023. They include disclosure of the financial fiascos revealed in his tax returns that were just released after years of fearful defiance; the criminal charges stemming from his incitement of the January 6th insurrection and his theft and hoarding of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago hotel/home; the ongoing probes by Special Counsel Jack Smith and the Department of Justice; and his plummeting political prospects of returning to the White House in 2024.

RELATED: Trump’s Dreary Campaign Announcement Speech Drew Dismal TV Ratings

On this New Year’s Eve Trump is fixated on the media that he despises for daring to report what he actually does and says. He is an avowed opponent of of the First Amendment. His assaults on the free press were a hallmark of his presidency, and they have continued uninterrupted in the months since his defeat for reelection.

Consequently, no one will be surprised by the yammering on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, where he posted a link to an article in the Washington Post about the hard times that American newspapers are facing. He said that

“Many of these newspapers are going out of business because they only know how to report Fake News. Hopefully the Amazon Washington Post and the Failing New York Times will soon be among the group! Nobody will continue to sustain such losses, especially for a product undeserving of our once great Nation.”

Trump is veritably giddy that American businesses are hurting. So much for “America First.” And it’s ironic that he’s citing the Washington Post, that he thinks is “fake news,” as his source. Apparently when he sees a headline that he likes – in this case Newspapers are disappearing where democracy needs them most – WaPo becomes a reputable news enterprise. However, It’s unlikely that Trump read beyond the headline, because this article laments the failures of small, conservative newspapers that mostly serve rural communities that are largely populated by Republicans.

Trump did once say once that he “loves the poorly educated,” so his aversion to the availability of news would be consistent with achieving that state of ignorance for his cult followers. Trump went on to post more attacks on the media, digging into his kindergarten bag of insults to say that…

“The Failing New York Times is Fake and Corrupt News. Their motto should be, ALL THE FAKE NEWS THAT’S UNFIT TO PRINT. They are the Enemy of the People!”

It’s nauseating how Trump is so eager to trash American businesses and so full of hope for hardship for American workers. But it’s no less than what is expected from him after establishing himself as the nation’s most anti-American politician. It’s notable, though, that Trump also took a swipe at his Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News), whining that…

“Wow!!! So while Trump Hating CNN & MSNBC (MSDNC!) RATINGS are both at record lows, numbers that they have never seen before (‘they’re toast’), Fox News Ratings are also way down because they never say ‘Trump’ or TRUTH, never talk about the Rigged Presidential Election, and is a Fake Polling Network. Our giant MAGA base, much bigger than anyone knows, does not like watching Fox play their games. Their Ratings will continue to sink. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

For the record, Trump has predicted the demise of CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, and most other news organizations, for years. And as usual, his predictions have failed to comport with reality. For someone who worked on television for fourteen years, he is profoundly ignorant of how it operates. Ratings are down for virtually everything on TV due to increased competition, such as that from streaming services and the return of patrons to movie theaters.

However, Trump’s animosity toward Fox News is particularly curious considering it’s the home of devout Trump-fluffers like Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and the “Curvy Couch” potatoes of Fox and Friends. But he is known for disparaging anyone who is less than totally worshipful, so even his toadies at Fox News are targets of his wrath. Which is endlessly entertaining for the rest of America.

RELATED: Trump’s Year of Vicious Bashing – and Devoted Sucking Up To – Fox News

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Crybaby Trump Lashes Out at ‘Fake News’ for Reporting Accurately that He’s the Biggest Loser

The Republican Party and their mouthpieces in conservative media are licking their wounds as they come to the realization that their promised “red wave” sweeping GOP candidates to victory never rose to more than a trickle. Now they are testing out various lies and distractions to avoid accepting the fact that their agenda and candidates are simply repulsive.

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Donald Trump

Nowhere is that desperation to deceive themselves and their disciples more apparent than in the reaction by former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump. In the immediate aftermath of the 2022 midterm election, Trump bragged about the nonexistent Republican victory and how successful he was with his endorsements. Of course, neither of those things even remotely resembled reality. So he quickly backpedaled to grasp onto his old faithful excuse for everything: the radical, communist, fake news media.

RELATED: Trump’s Truthless Temper Tantrum Over the Midterm Election Results is Just So Trumpy

Trump spent much of the morning on Thursday posting frantic comments on his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, in a futile attempt to assuage his depression. As usual, he displayed signs of a severe separation from reality and a grossly malignant brand of narcissism. He began by writing that…

“There is a Fake Story being promulgated by third rate reporter Maggie Hagaman of the Failing New York Times, that I am blaming our great former First Lady, Melania, and Sean Hannity, that I was angry with their pushing me to Endorse Dr. Oz […] I was not at all ANGRY. Fake News!”

Sure. Trump was “not at all angry” that so many of his hand-picked sycophants went down to humiliating defeats. That’s why he deliberately misspelled the name of his favorite New York Times reporter, Maggie Haberman to insult her as a “hag” (a change from his prior nickname, “Maggot”). He also calls her a “third rate reporter” despite having granted her many interviews. He is probably still hurt by Haberman’s recent book, “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.”

Trump also tried feebly to distance himself from failed Senate candidate, Mehmet Oz, saying that “he was not a ‘denier’ (his mistake!)'” Yeah, that was the problem. Then Trump went on to write that…

“I’d like to apologize to Melania and Sean Hannity for all of the Fake News […] The Fake News Media is ‘Crazed’ and totally out of control […] They MAKE UP stories and then push them down your throats. Our Country is in big trouble!”

Right. Because Melania and Hannity are the victims in all of this, poor things. And Trump once again complains that reporters had no sources for their stories. What Trump is really upset about is that so many of his insiders are willing to become confidential sources in order to tell the truth about him. And then he continued…

“Despite having picked so many winners, I have to put up with the Fake News. For me, Fox News was always gone […] but now they’re really gone. Such an opportunity for another media outlet to make an absolute fortune.”

For the record, most of the “winners” Trump picked were Republicans in safe districts who were expected to win. But in most of the races that were competitive, his candidate lost or squeaked by. And it’s cute that Trump is bashing Fox News here, so soon after apologizing to Sean Hannity. He just can’t figure out who he hates from one moment to the next. But Trump still wasn’t done whining…

“For those many people that are being fed the fake narrative from the corrupt media that I am Angry about the Midterms, don’t believe it. I am not at all angry […] Remember, I am a ‘Stable Genius.'”

If Trump is really not angry, that would just indicate an even greater measure of cognitive collapse. A normal human would be angry after an electoral smackdown like the one he just suffered. But apparently, being a “stable genius” immunizes one from human emotions.

Although, Trump does have some justification for being mad at the press. There were numerous post-election articles published that appropriately assigned the blame to Trump for the GOP meltdown. The problem for Trump is that many of them were by staunchly conservative outlets. Media Matters compiled some examples that include… “Conservatives point finger at Trump after GOP’s underwhelming election results: ‘He’s never been weaker.’”

Daily Wire: “Donald Trump certainly is not the leader of the Republican Party. … His priority is not the Republican Party.”

Wall Street Journal: “Trump is the Republican party’s biggest loser.”

NY Post: “Here’s how Donald Trump sabotaged the Republican midterms.”

National Review: “Trump is the Republican establishment now. He’s the default, the Man, the swamp. And he’s a loser.”

There are many more such articles, as well as commentaries by right-wingers disenchanted with Trump and his destructive, divisive, deceitful, and delusional diatribes. And these are the views of his friends. No wonder he’s going berserk … er … more berserk.

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SCARY: Trump Posts Infantile Mauling of Fox News for Daring to Interview a (GASP) Democrat

On this All Hallows Eve there are armies of ghouls and goblins wandering the streets of America searching for brains. You can recognize them by their red hats and confederate flags. And it’s abundantly clear why they are so fixated on finding brains: They have an acute deficiency of them in their own hollow skulls.

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Donald Trump, Fox News, Halloween

The leader of the zombie pack is their cult messiah Donald Trump. And on the day before Halloween he took to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, to terrorize his already fearful glassy-eyed disciples. Amongst a barrage of dozens of posts exalting his own self-proclaimed divinity, Trump included one that was specifically crafted to foment the foreboding fright that he regularly injects into their tortured souls.

RELATED: MAGA ‘Patriot’ Trump Says that America is ‘Crooked and Evil’ and its ‘Next Stop, Communism’

Trump’s complaint centered on his morbidly obsessive need to insure that everyone in politics and the press agree with his utterly ignorant and unrealistic views, or be chastised for their betrayal. So Trump whined

“Why would Fox News have SleazeBall Congressman Al Green on to spew his stupidity? It’s time to get back to basics. Let him, and other Slime like him, continue to ruin MSDNC & CNN, which are dying. Keep them off Conservative Media, if that’s an accurate definition of what Fox has become?”

Uh-Oh. The sleaze and slime squads are swarming the TV screens of America with their dire debunking of Republican propaganda. That’s what Trump was so triggered by in his pseudo-tweet. Democratic Rep. Al Green was interviewed by Mike Emanuel on Fox News (video below) and had the audacity to reveal the truth about both the economy and the crime rates, two issues that top voters’ interests, and that have been exploited by the GOP. Green began by stating the facts about higher gas prices, a key factor inflation…

“Let’s talk about what has really created inflation. This inflation is caused by oil companies not wanting to increase refinery capacity. They don’t want to increase refining capacity because they are making huge profits by not doing so, […] the oil companies are making huge profits. Why would they want to bring prices down? That’s not an incentive. They want to keep prices high.”

Fox’s Emanuel had no response for that exposition of truth, so he just segued to a different topic: crime. And on this subject Green was equally prepared with the facts. He started out by noting that crime rates were higher in Republican Kevin McCarthy’s Bakersfield, California district than they were in Nancy Pelosi’s San Francisco district. Then he elaborated saying that…

“I think we ought to compare states as well as cities. My colleagues are very good at creating alternative facts. But the truth is, according to statistical information, in 2020 the per capita murder rates were 40% higher in states won by Donald Trump, than those won by Joe Biden. Empirical evidence. Eight of ten states with the highest murder rates in 2020 voted for the Republican presidential nominee in every election in this century.”

Clearly Democrats have been better stewards of the nation with regard to both crime and economics. And Fox News couldn’t even dispute those facts. But that didn’t stop Trump from throwing the sort of childish tantrum that has become his hallmark. And, of course, Fox helped Trump to distort the record that shows the superiority of the Democrats, who also favor democracy over the authoritarian tyranny that Trump and his minions are trying to impose.

RELATED: Fox News Covers Positive GDP Report as a Dystopian Debacle By Democrats in ‘Dire Straits’

Along with his comment whining about Green and Fox News, it’s notable that Trump posted 90 other comments since the assassination attempt intended for Pelosi, but still made no mention of the attack, nor any condemnation, nor any expression of sympathy. However, it may be better that Trump says nothing about that than risk making yet another stupid remark that reflects badly on his subservient Republican comrades.

UPDATE: Trump posted 18 more self-exalting, messianic comments including one with the QAnon slogan, WWG1WGA (where we go 1, we go all), and one that labels President Biden “PedoHitler.” He also raged some more about Fox News saying that…

“Fox News treats “TRUMP” every bit as badly as they did in 2015, before I later won the Election. Fox was brutal then, and not too good now. This lightweight failure in the Obama Administration, Fox News Contributer Marie Harf, is allowed to say anything she wants, without rebuttal – and others likewise. I beat Crooked Hillary Clinton, and then beat Biden by much more. Fox is afraid to say what REALLY happened in that farce of an Election – IT WAS RIGGED AND STOLLEN. Get tough Republicans!!!”

So Trump thinks that Fox News slobbering all over him, and airing all of his rallies in 2015 and 2016 uninterrupted, was bad treatment? And he’s still lying that he beat Biden? He lost the popular vote to both Clinton (by 3 million) and Biden (by 7 million). Trump was upset because of this segment with Harf on Fox News, where she was not only rebutted, but repeatedly interrupted. And if Republicans had any toughness they would help to prosecute and punish Trump. But they’re weak and scared and corrupt.

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Trump Threatens to Sue Fox News For Airing Lincoln Project Ad that Reveals the Victims of His Grifting

Poor crybaby Donald Trump is all verklempt again Thursday morning. It isn’t because his criminal cohort Steve Bannon was indicted again for stealing money from Trump supporters. And it wasn’t because the law is “persecuting” him for his treasonous theft of highly sensitive national security materials, instead of President Biden or his arch-nemesis Hillary Clinton.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

Nope. What is eating Trump up this morning is that Fox News apparently ran an ad by the Lincoln Project, a group of relatively sane, non-MAGA Republicans. And as he is known to do, Trump freaked out over that act of betrayal of Dear Leader. In Trump’s dystopian world, no one is allowed to express an independent thought, especially if it is even marginally critical of the cult master. So in retaliation for Fox’s disloyalty, Trump posted the following comment on his floundering Twitter rip off, Truth Social

“The Perverts and Lowlifes of the Lincoln Project are back on, where else, Fox News. I thought they ran away to the asylum after their last catastrophic campaign, with charges made against them that were big time sleaze, and me getting many millions more votes in 2020 than I got in 2016. The Paul Ryun run Fox only has high standards for ‘Trump’ ads, but not for anyone else. The Perverts should not be allowed to ‘false advertise,’ and Fox News should not allow it to happen. See you all in Court!!!”

It’s ironic that the guy known for spanking porn stars and coveting his daughter is calling others “perverts.” It’s also curious that he’s so bug-eyed over a television ad by people he thinks suffered a “catastrophic” defeat in their last campaign. But it’s typical – and tedious – that he’s still bragging about getting more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, while ignoring the fact that it was seven million fewer votes than Biden got.

RELATED: Trump’s Obama Envy May Be Tormenting Him Even More than the Possibility of Prison

More notable is that Trump is, once again, threatening to sue the object of his hostility. This time it’s his own Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News. Setting aside that he thinks that Paul Ryan (whose name Trump can’t spell) is running the network, Trump has the preposterous notion that he can sue Fox for false advertising.

First of all, it is the Lincoln Project’s ad, not Fox News. So he’s threatening to sue the wrong party. Secondly, the ad isn’t false. It is simply reporting factually that Trump has blatantly and repeatedly ripped off his own followers. See for yourself…

“Trump told you the election was stolen to rip you off; to sucker you; to take your hard-earned money and shovel it into his pockets. […] It was a sucker’s game all along. And you know who the sucker is? It’s you.”

If Trump were serious about suing (which he rarely is), he would find himself in court having to go through discovery, wherein he would have to provide the Lincoln Project with personal documentation that would likely prove the accuracy of the ad. The case would also force Trump to sit through the Lincoln Project’s defense that would include voluminous proof of Trump’s illegal and unethical grifting.

RELATED: Trump Rips Off His Gullible Cult Followers, Spends $650K of Their Money on Portraits of Himself

For its part, one of the Lincoln Project’s founders, Rick Wilson, “double dog dared” Trump to sue them. And it’s all you need to know about their attitude toward the lying, frightened, and impotent, twice impeached, Putin loving, traitor, and former reality TV game show host…

RELATED: Rick Wilson is LIVID! And Every American Who Wants Justice for January 6th Should Be Too

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