After twelve years, Fox News “liberal” Alan Colmes has announced that he is leaving his TV perch, the “Hannity And Not Hannity Show.” Many viewers are now asking themselves, “Alan who?”
Colmes was never a particularly effective foil for Hannity. He was more like Ed McMahon, taking the show into and out of commercial breaks. Hannity controlled the air time and the tone of the program. Colmes himself offered a pretty accurate description of his role when he was interviewed by the New York Times in 1996:
In the interim the production crew called the show ”Hannity and LTBD.’‘ LTBD stood for ”Liberal to Be Determined.’‘ ”It was fill in the blank,” said Mr. Colmes … ”I was the blank.”
He certainly was. And despite press release niceties, don’t look for Colmes to get his own show. The Hannity hour was the only program on Fox that ever had a “liberal” name on the marquee. Now it is being speculated that Hannity will continue the show solo – not much different from the past twelve years. At least he would have an opportunity to parade his ego without pesky interruptions.
In the past few weeks Fox News has renewed contracts with Hannity and Bill O’Reilly. They have launched a new program with Mike Huckabee. And the Glenn Beck Show is premiering in January. All of this activity is occurring as the Obama administration is getting ready to move in to Washington. So contrary to some of the naive conjecture that Rupert Murdoch was softening his political views, Fox is actually calling up reinforcements for what will likely be an even nastier battle. It cannot be regarded as coincidental that Fox is hardening its lineup at this moment in time.
Fasten your seat belts.
Alan never allowed a conservative point of view be explained,matter of fact,it appeared to me,that he never listened to the guest,but,was always rude. Sean is sensitive,informing,although stands his ground,the guests are all treated with respect. That to me,is what makes the Hannity Colmes Show,now to be the Hannity Show, the best…Thank you
CEO’s for thinking of us viewers……
“Hannity will continue the show solo – not much different from the past twelve years”
WTF are you talking about? Are you one of those liberals that comment on shows like H&C without ever watching it? Seems like it because you dont have a clue what your talking about making statements like you did in this blog lol. This is no shock though.
Sean is sensitive?” That’s so funny I almost missed your ridiculous assertion that he is also “informing.”
Thanks for stopping by, Maxine. You’re a hoot.
I’ll Amen this. I just watched him tonight on Hannity and Colmes and have said all along, get that idiot off the show. He is rude and never lets anyone talk. If I were the guest I would get up and leave and tell them, excuse me, I thought you wanted me to speak. Good Riddance Alan.
You must love Bill O’Reilly too. He is always so polite and never interrupts.
There is a reason Colmes won’t get his own show – NO ONE WANTS TO LISTEN TO LIBERALS WHO DON’T HAVE A BRAIN. That’s why liberals are pushing the “fairness doctrine”. Does anyone believe NPR could make it on it’s own? Put it out in the market and see how long it will last. Liberal ideas can’t stand in the public square. Liberalism is alive because of a one sided media and the uninformed.
Thanks Alan for showing us the liberal way . . .
Another neocon who [apparently] slept through election day.
I think you mean “…slept through the 2000’s.”
For Kewen’s information, if right-wing broadcasting corporations didn’t keep progressive hosts off of the radio, they would be kicking winger butt. People like Ed Schultz, Randi Rhodes, Stephanie Miller, etc., frequently beat their conservative competition in markets where they play head to head. Al Franken beat O’Reilly in NY and other big markets.
Alan never allowed a conservative point of view be explained,matter of fact,it appeared to me,that he never listened to the guest,but,was always rude. Sean is sensitive,informing,although stands his ground,the guests are all treated with respect
That’s either pretty good sarcasm or we aren’t watching the same show.
We are and were watching the same show,you just forgot to turn you voumne on…..
at least the show will go on after 12 long years.
WTF are you talking about? Are you one of those liberals that comment on shows like H&C without ever watching it? Seems like it because you dont have a clue what your talking about making statements like you did in this blog lol. This is no shock though.
Quite a number of years ago a conservative friend of mine told me I had to watch Hannity & Colmes. It was great, stimulating debate.
I watched it a couple of times back then and, no bull, didn’t know which one was the liberal. Sure, it wasn’t Sean but Colmes? I figured I’d misunderstood and there was no liberal on the show.
Sean would spout off some rabid conservative talking point and Alan not only generally didn’t protest (when he did it was meek), he’d bobble head along in placid agreement like the dog at his master’s feet.
One of the first shows I witnessed (if not the first) Sean was savaging some poor lib. The guy’s all but beaten to the floor. It goes on and on and on and on. Alan’s sitting on his hands. At the end of the segment pathetic putz Colmes chimes in “Maybe next time I’ll get to ask a question” (or words to that affect).
Sure, under a blizzard of criticism Colmes got markedly better over the intervening years but still was underwhelming. Basically, he’s the token liberal filling the chair and knows his place. Got to remain pliable like modeler’s clay or the conservative Fox News viewers will turn off their set to go read Rush’s latest newsletter.
Sean dominates the show. The topics are typically red meat conservative ones so Colmes often is left playing defense.
Do I watch every night? Hardly. The show’s crap unless you’re a conservative wanting your viewpoints validated. Pretty much what all the programming at Fox News is.
I do find it interesting The New York Times is reporting “fair and balanced” Fox News is planning not to replace alleged lib Alan in favor of letting Sean spew right-wing talking points solo. Though I imagine Fox News will relent in the end and return to the formula using some pliable lib like suck-up Kirsten Powers. Sure, like Alan, she scores from time to time but more often than not she leaves the conservatives cheering for more.
Kirsten Powers is already showing up on rightist web sites as their favorite to replace Colmes. But I don’t think Hannity will share the show anymore. And I also don’t think Colmes will get his own Fox show.
And all these years I thought Hannity had a Ventriloquism show on Fox! Seriously, Hannity is the worst thing the Republicans have going for them. Not an objective bone in his body and as ignorant as the day is long. And you guys want to know why you lost the election???
According to Hannity, Republicans lost because they are not enough like Hannity.
I finally figured out what your problem is. Bad parenting which according to Fox & Friends creates liberals. 😉
So it really is my mother’s fault! I knew it.
But isn’t this also contrary to the wingnutism of personal responsibility?
We are watching the same show,you apparently,forgot to turn your volumne on…..
I am so glad that you finally got Alan Colmes off your show. He was just an annoyance. Now, do me a favor, Sean, dump that egomaniac, Geraldo Rivers. What a loser he is. You don’t need any anti-Americans on your show…we have enough exposure to them elsewhere…no, everywhere …in the mainstream, warped media. You’re a great American, Sean and let’s keep it that way.