Trump’s Fear and Desperation Show as He Says Biden is Both ‘The Worst’ and ‘A Worthy’ Debater

As the first presidential debate of the 2024 election cycle approaches, the candidates are preparing for their epic battle in strikingly different ways. President Biden is studying policies and holding mock debates with experienced colleagues. While Donald Trump is cramming on his cult rally rants and scrambling for defenses of his felony convictions.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

One of the problems that Trump is going to face is that he has been maligning Biden for years as a senile commie who “can’t put two sentences together.” As a result, he has set a very low bar for Biden, who now only has to show up and express him himself without drooling in order to claim victory. Knowledgeable debaters know not to lower expectations for an opponent. But Trump doesn’t just lower expectations, he demolishes them…

SEE THIS: Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

So according to Trump, “Crooked Joe Biden is the WORST debater I have ever faced.” Which is a curious way to brag about the guy who beat you the last two times you debated him (debate one poll – – debate two poll), as well as in the general election that followed.

However, it appears that somebody on Trump’s team was able to cut through his ego and convince him that disparaging a debate opponent is a terrible strategy. So Trump has reversed course in his typically clumsy way. He now says that

“I assume he’s going to be somebody that will be a worthy debater. I don’t want to underestimate him.”

That’s right! Trump doesn’t want to underestimate Biden, who he regularly slanders as so cognitively impaired that he doesn’t even know where he is. And if Biden happens to present himself as a vigorous, articulate leader, Trump and his MAGA media minions attribute it to pharmaceutical enhancements. Never mind that there are no drugs that can transform a dementia patient into an eloquent and effective communicator. If there were, everyone would be using them.

Trump’s flip-flop on Biden’s mental acuity is evidence that he is scared witless about the upcoming debate. He knows that he was crushed in the past. And he knows that Biden, despite a lifelong problem with stuttering, can deliver passionate oratories that most people find compelling and relatable. Consequently, Trump now needs to frantically restructure his whole approach to attacking Biden. He can no longer deride him as “Sleepy Joe.” Especially after Trump was repeatedly caught falling asleep at his own criminal trial.

SEE ALSO: Trump Finally Wakes Up Long Enough to Deny that He’s Been Sleeping During His Criminal Trial

In addition to this backhanded acknowledgement of Biden’s debating skills, Trump is testing out other feeble themes to put a more positive spin on losing the debate next week. In one post to his floundering social media scam, Truth Social, Trump demonstrated his infamous false bravado saying that that “I look forward to seeing him at the Fake Debate on Thursday.” So now it’s a “fake” debate? That’s likely the first step to it officially becoming a “rigged” debate. Followed shortly by it being tagged a “stolen” debate.

Rest assured that Trump and his propaganda purveyors at Fox News and elsewhere will declare the he won the debate, no matter what happens. But in the preceding days they will try to make excuses for a pitiful defeat. They will accuse Biden of being on drugs. Sean Hannity has already been throwing around the name “Jacked Up Joe,” which actually sounds kind of awesome. And that’s not the worst of it…

MORE HERE: Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden
“If he does debate, we will see jacked up Joe 2.0. Whatever Red bull that he drank, or caffeine pills that he took, or whatever he might have taken, I promise you they’ll give it to him again.”

EVEN WORSE: Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him
“It will probably be a Nancy Kerrigan situation too, where right as Trump is walking out…I’m sure it will be something…sabotage.”

All of these allegations are, of course, the sort of projection that Trump and the MAGA cult routinely engage in. They accuse Biden of what they are doing, or what they wish they could do. And they all illustrate Trump’s fear of actually getting on a stage with the formidable “Dark Brandon.” Which, in the end, may result in Trump chickening out altogether. Which is also something that is being spoken about out loud in Trump Land.

SEE THIS: SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

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Trump Horribly Bungles His ‘Horrible City’ Swipe at Milwaukee with Help from a Fox News Flunky

It is universally agreed that Donald Trump has always run an unconventional campaign for the White House. He never engages in any of the customary meet and greets with prospective voters, or base building efforts to attract new supporters.

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Donald Trump, Fox News

Trump prefers instead to hold cult rallies where he keeps his distance from the unclean masses that worship their Dear Leader, or consorts with the upper-crusters from whom he wrangles millions of dollars in bribes…er…donations that are spent mostly on his legal fees and billion dollar judgments. And heaven forbid he ever pass any of those funds on to his GOP confederates, from whom he demands unflinching loyalty that is never reciprocated.

SEE THIS: IT’S A CULT! Lara Trump Tells ‘Anyone Who is Not On Board with Donald Trump’ to Leave the GOP

Consistent with his unconventional style, Trump has added a new tool to his campaign bag of tricks. In a private meeting with congressional Republicans, Trump expressed his visceral distaste for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the city that will be hosting the Republican National Convention where next month, barring any unforeseen liberation from the grip of Felonious Punk, he will officially be nominated as the GOP’s candidate for president. Trump didn’t mince words, calling Milwaukee a horrible city.”

This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has observed Trump over the past few years. He frequently maligns America as a “failed nation” that is overrun by communists, criminals, and “corrupt radicals and thugs” who are determined to destroy the country and, more importantly from his perverse perspective, him. So why should Milwaukee get a reprieve?

As usual, Trump’s true feelings were recognized as repulsive and damaging by his pals in the press and political realm. They immediately set about to deny that any such insult was uttered. But true to form, Trump was too dense to realize himself that he might have been capable of making a mistake. So when Aishah Hasnie, a Fox News “reporter,” attempted to provide him an escape path, Trump flubbed it and ended up admitting that he made the grotesque comments.

Hasnie: Democrats are also hitting you on this comment that you made about Milwaukee, the host city for the RNC. And they seem to believe that you said that it was a horrible city. Can you just nip this in the bud and clarify what you meant?
Trump: It was very clear what I meant. I said, we’re very concerned with crime.

Note the Fox News Trump-fluffer’s characterization of the problem. She portrayed it as merely something that Democrats “believe that [Trump] said.” Never mind that it was exclusively Republicans who attended the meeting where Trump made the remarks. So it had to have been a Republican who leaked it to the press. Note also that the Foxie did not simply seek a comment from Trump, but she framed it as an opportunity for him to “nip this in the bud.” The Fox shill was virtually holding Trump’s hand to lead him to absolution. But Trump shook it loose and gave his own answer that served as a confession.

“I love Milwaukee, I have great friends in Milwaukee, but it’s as you know, the crime numbers are terrible. We have to be very careful. But I was referring to also the election, the ballots, the way it went down, it was very bad in Milwaukee. Very, very bad. And the people understand that and they agree with me. Everybody agrees. No, that was a fake story that came out.”

Did you catch the rosy chyron in that video clip editorializing that “TRUMP LOVES MILWAUKEE.” Yeah, right! More to the point, Trump does not deny that he made the disparaging remarks about Milwaukee. He just tries to pretend that he was talking about something else. But even in that attempt, he struggles with his own feeble excuse. He rambles first about the comment having something to do with crime. But then he quickly swerves to claim instead that it was related to imaginary allegations of election fraud. And as always, in Trump’s decaying cranium, “everybody agrees” with him about everything all the time.

For the record, crime in Milwaukee has been on a steep decline during President Biden’s term in office, and while both the city and the state are run by Democrats. And those facts were actually reported by the Fox News affiliate in Milwaukee.

“With the first quarter review, Milwaukee police say homicides have decreased 39% – down to 23 from 38 this time in 2023. Property crime is down 11%. Auto thefts are down 10% – down to 1,295 from 1,431 this time in 2023.”

Undeterred by reality, Fox News continues to gaslight their glassy-eyed audience. For instance, Sean Hannity asked GOP House Speaker, MAGA Mike Johnson, (a completely impartial source) about the Milwaukee maligning…

Hannity: Can we just settle one thing once and for all here? President Trump, it’s been attributed to him that he took a shot at Milwaukee. did he do that?
Johnson: No. I didn’t hear it and I was sitting right next to him.

Well then. That settles it. Johnson is either acutely hard of hearing, or is outright lying. Because he is disagreeing with Trump as to whether or not he said it. Perhaps Johnson is accusing Trump of lying. Hannity never bothered to mention what Trump said to his Fox News colleague above. Considering how long Fox News has been in the deception business, it’s astonishing how bad they are it.

UPDATE: Trump is now lying (again) that he never said Milwaukee is a “horrible city,” even though he previously admitted that he said it. Now he’s saying that “They lie and they make up a story that I said something bad about Milwaukee. […] I just ask you this, who would do that? Who would say something bad about a place that you want to win?” Trump, of course, frequently says terrible things about many cities, and repeatedly disparages the whole country as a “failing” “banana republic.”


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SCAREDY TRUMP? Sean Hannity Concocts an Excuse for Trump to Chicken Out of Debate with Biden

In about two weeks (June 27) the first debate between President Biden and convicted felon Donald Trump is scheduled to take place in Atlanta, Georgia. Regardless of what happens during the debate, it will be a historic event due to the fact that it will be the first time that a convicted felon is a participant, thanks to the weakness and cult worship of the Republican Party.

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Donald Trump Chicken

There has been a great deal of speculation as to the expected performance of both candidates. Republicans are certain that Biden will display the ravages of age and its cognitive consequences. Never mind that he is only three years older than Trump, and that Trump has shown far more evidence of declining mental faculties. But even if Biden is vigorous, thoughtful, and informed, Republicans will dismiss it and accuse him of being on performance enhancing drugs.

SEE THIS: Adderall J. Trump Thinks He Can ‘Demand’ Biden Take a Drug Test Before the Debates – Or What?

Despite the GOP’s confidence that Trump is a “stable genius” (in his own words) who will slaughter Biden, who they contend is a senile communist, they are not as anxious to meet Biden in a debate as they pretend to be. On Monday night Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity, moderated a discussion about the upcoming debate wherein he proposed that Trump ought not to show up at all.

“There are some even saying that Donald Trump might be wise to just pass on the first debate, wait until he’s nominated, then debate him.”

For the record, when Hannity says that “some” are saying, he means someone on his or Trump’s staff. Perhaps Trump himself. After all, Trump failed to show up for any of the Republican primary debates. And he surely recalls being soundly beaten by Biden in the 2020 debates.

SEE ALSO: Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

What Hannity is doing is presenting a pre-fab excuse for Trump to chicken out and avoid debating Biden altogether. Hannity could not help but notice the bizarre behavior by Trump at his recent cult rally in Las Vegas where Trump revealed his fears of electrocution and/or shark attacks; his outrage at stage hands who sabotaged his TelePrompTers; his praise of the traitorous January 6th “warriors”; and other assorted buffoonery. Consequently, Hannity felt compelled to provide Trump with an escape hatch in order to prevent a monumental humiliation.

Hannity’s excuse doesn’t even make any sense. What difference would it make to wait until after he’s nominated? What’s he afraid of? And this isn’t the first time that Hannity has speculated about Trump blowing the debate to “Jacked up Joe,” who Hannity claimed – with zero evidence – would be on pharmaceutical boosters.

Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden
“If he does debate, we will see jacked up Joe 2.0. Whatever Red bull that he drank, or caffeine pills that he took, or whatever he might have taken, I promise you they’ll give it to him again”

What’s more, Fox News went even farther with their conspiratorial crackpottery alleging that Team Biden was plotting a physical assault on Trump in the debate hall just prior to it beginning.

Fox News Floats Conspiracy Theory that Biden is Plotting to Assault Trump to Avoid Debating Him
“It will probably be a Nancy Kerrigan situation too, where right as Trump is walking out…”

This is not the sort of rhetoric that is espoused by people confident of success or the capabilities of their candidate. They are clearly afraid of a brewing catastrophe. And that fear is likely to have originated with the candidate himself. Trump is a notorious coward who tries to cover up his fears with false bravado. But these feeble excuses floated by his Fox News flunkies is only going to make things worse for him should he end up weaseling out. Which at this point appears to be an increasingly likely scenario.


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Trump and Fox News Legal ‘Experts’ Call for a Mistrial After Falling for an Obvious Hoax

Last week a unanimous jury found Donald Trump guilty of 34 felonies affirming that he had falsified business records when he paid off a porn star to buy her silence, and covered it up in order to deceive the public just prior to an election, Since then Trump and his apologists have been frantically trying to whitewash the convictions in order to deceive the public just prior to another election.

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Fox News, Bullshit Factory

Those efforts on behalf of the Republican Party’s convicted felon nominee for president have predictably fallen flat. For the most part they have only served to remind voters that Trump is a morally vacant criminal who whines incessantly while blaming others for his problems.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

Proving the old adage that “when the going gets tough, the wimps get desperate,” Trump and his confederates are latching onto a preposterous “news” item that they seem to think will lead to his legal salvation. The story centers around a notice filed by Judge Juan Merchan that a comment was posted on the Court’s Facebook page that the Trump faithful believe is a lifesaver for their Dear Leader. The comment said simply that…

“My cousin is a juror. He says Trump is getting convicted.”

HOLY CRAPOLI! Stop the presses. A weird dude on Facebook made an alarming remark with no evidence that any of it is remotely true. There is no evidence that he has a cousin who is a juror. And no evidence that his alleged cousin told him anything about the trial. So obviously the Trump contingent must drop everything and obsessively promote it.

What there is evidence of, though, is that the whole affair is a hoax. And that’s straight from the person who posted the comment in the first place. This “Michael Anderson” fellow admitted the fraud, referring to himself as a “professional sh*tposter.”

That confession, however, didn’t stop Trump from embracing the bullshittery and linking to it with a hysterical and impotent demand for a “MISTRIAL!” And he wasn’t the only one. His faithful Fox News legal “experts” weighed in with their own demands to erase Trump’s conviction. Fox host Mark Levin advanced the hoax bellowing “Surprise. surprise. Crooked juror in Trump case. How many more?” And Fox legal analyst Gregg Jarrett discussed the matter with Fox’s Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity…

Sean Hannity: I assume a motion for mistrial is being written now and going out as we speak.
Gregg Jarrett: Absolutely. If it is true – and that’s a big if – if it is true it is grounds to vacate the conviction and order a new trial.

Both Levin and Jarrett are allegedly attorneys. And they were both frequently quoted by Trump outside of the New York courtroom as proof of his innocence. Clearly they were wrong about that at least 34 times. And they are wrong about this as well. But Hannity went even further with a declaration that this phony revelation by a shameless Facebook fraudster is “HUGE!”

This mass delusion by Trump and his MAGA media minions on Fox News is emblematic of the lengths they will go to to spread flagrant lies. And despite the facts being readily available, none of these liars have bothered to issue apologies or retractions.

In fact, they have been joined by other Trump cult devotees in Congress such as Marjorie Taylor Greene and Andy Biggs. So it’s likely that there will be more to follow. This is what happens when a cult leader is threatened by reality and his desperate disciples can’t figure out how to cope.


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POOR BABY: Trump Insists He’s a ‘Legitimate Person’ Who is ‘Under Siege’ in a ‘Banana Republic’

This week the Wall Street Journal published an article with a brazenly biased headline saying that “Behind Closed Doors, Biden Shows Signs of Slipping.” The article featured quotes and baseless allegations that were almost exclusively by partisan Republicans known for their tendency to shamelessly lie to malign President Biden.

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Fox News Sean Hannity

CNN’s Oliver Darcy delivered a detailed and damning dissection of the Journal’s purely political hit piece. They could have covered Trump, a candidate showing actual signs of a degenerating grip on reality, but no. That would have meant being honest journalists, which is contrary to their corporate mission.

SEE THIS: Crybaby Trump Whines that ‘I Am a Political Prisoner,’ then Proves He Has No Idea What that Means

After breaking down the numerous journalistic flaws in the Journal’s “reporting,” Darcy asked “Where are the stories about Trump’s former inner circle raising questions about his mental fitness?” Those stories could have included actual on-the-record sources that know Trump well, such as his former communications director, Alyssa Farah Griffin, or his former U.N. ambassador, Nikki Haley. Darcy also wrote that…

“Republicans accusing their political foe of lacking the mental fitness to hold office is nothing surprising. Such accusations are made every night on Fox News. And Donald Trump, who at 77 years old has also shown plenty of signs of waning mental faculties, including repeatedly falling asleep at his own high-stakes hush money trial, has made the accusation a centerpiece of his campaign. In other words, these accusations from the right aren’t exactly news.”

It may be too much to expect that a Rupert Murdoch rag like the WSJ would actually produce fair coverage of the candidates in this year’s presidential election. Although, Democrats hardly need any help from right-wing propagandists to demonstrate the mental unfitness of Trump. He does that exceptionally well all by himself. Virtually every word that comes out of his mouth is evidence of his acute cognitive decline.

A perfect example of this occurred on Wednesday during an interview of Trump by his bestie, Sean Hannity of Fox News. Hannity spent half of his time trying guide Trump through leading questions that Trump was too dense to pick up on. For instance, Hannity would pose questions like “You wouldn’t engage in retribution against your political enemies, would you?” To which Trump would equivocate saying that “It has to stop,” but adding that “I would have every right to go after them.”

Despite his hedging, Trump has every intention of persecuting Biden and other Democrats. He and his MAGA confederates have been explicitly calling for the arrest, incarceration, and even execution of Democrats and other critics.. It’s literally laid out in their horrifyingly totalitarian Project 2025 Agenda.

However, Trump’s latest affirmation of how he is showing “Signs of Slipping” is not even behind closed doors. It’s right out in the open, and broadcast on Fox News. During the segment with Hannity wherein Trump embraced his hostile and imaginary “right to go after” his foes, he unleashed the following stream of nonsensicality…

“Look, what I’ve gone through nobody’s ever gone through. I’m a very legitimate person. I built a great business. Everything’s been…I’ve been under siege. Nobody has ever seen anything like this in this country. Now in other countries, in other third world countries, or Banana Republics as they say, a Banana Republic. We’ve become a Banana Republic. At the border we’ve become a Banana Republic. With so many other elements of our country we’ve become a Banana Republic. You take a look at what’s happening with inflation. That’s a Banana Republic inflation what we have.”

Holy Shih Tzu! It appears that Trump learned a new phrase – Banana Republic – so he felt compelled to repeat it six times in less than twenty seconds. It’s behavior that is more commonly observed in proud toddlers who are eager to show off what new knowledge or skill they acquired. In toddlers, it’s kind of cute. In 77 year old malignant narcissists, with a weakening grasp on reality and aspirations of authoritarian power, it’s sad and somewhat frightening.

Trump’s remarks also display the severe anxiety and gnawing victimhood (“under siege”) that has become a hallmark of his perverse persona. In his mind there is no one that has ever lived who was ever more tormented by evil forces, despite the abundance of magnificence that he believes he is responsible for. He is, after all, a “legitimate person.” As opposed to what? A Looney Tunes cartoon character? (Okay, that example may be a little too on the nose).

Finally, Trump has proven that he has no idea what the phrase “Banana Republic” means. He just uses it as an all-purpose pejorative. He mistakenly believes that only small impoverished nations hold their former leaders accountable when they violate the law. And now he’s learning the hard way that even America has standards for legal conduct that do not permit him to get away with criminal acts, like he has for much of his business career. And unfortunately for him, his legal problems have only just begun.


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Lara Trump Tells Fox News that She Wants 5 Debates with Biden – That She Says are All Rigged

This week President Biden accepted two offers to debate Donald Trump. Shortly thereafter, Trump accepted Biden’s challenge, although not without griping about the hosting networks and some of the rules. The debates will take place on June 27 on CNN, and September 10 on ABC, providing ample time for voters to observe the candidates as they face off on live TV.

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Joe Biden, Donald Trump

It is customary for presidential candidates to have a couple of debates, and another between the vice-presidential candidates. This year however, we have a unique situation wherein both candidates have already occupied the White House and, thus, are not exactly unknown quantities who require more exposure in order to be recognized or to unveil their political platforms. These two candidates have been sparring publicly non-stop for four years already.

SEE THIS: Trump Calls Biden ‘the WORST Debater’ Despite Biden Crushing Him in the 2020 Debates and Election

Nevertheless, Trump’s daughter-in-lawlessness, Lara Trump – who was also appointed to head the Republican National Committee (RNC) by her Sugardaddy-in-law – isn’t satisfied. And she made her objections known to Sean Hannity on Fox News, where she spends most of her time, rather than performing the duties of an RNC chair. Lara whined to Hannity that…

“What Donald Trump has said is that he wants more debates. […] Let’s do one every single month leading up to this election cause we need these two men on a stage. […] We need to hear from Donald Trump about his vision for the future of this country. […] It’s rigged so heavily in Joe Biden’s favor, but everything always is.”

That’s right! Lara wants at least five debates between Biden and Trump. Even though she believes that that they are all rigged in Biden’s favor. It’s hard to imagine what she thinks would be accomplished by that, other than providing more airtime for Trump to lie and rant incoherently, while boring the crap out of viewers. Does she really think that Trump needs more time to lay out his alleged “vision for the future,” which consists mainly of exalting himself as a cult leader who demands the unflinching loyalty of dictators like his heroes Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un?

And let’s face it, with more airtime Trump would only engage in more attacks on Biden and more infantile insults on his other perceived enemies. He doesn’t actually have a “vision” that is based on policies that could positively impact the American people. Lara didn’t even present any in her spiel to Hannity. She just complained that Hollywood, and the music industry, and the media, and the judicial system, are all against Trump. Do we need five debates to make those annoying complaints more apparent?

Another curious part of Lara’s plea for more debates is that ordinarily the candidates who are leading want fewer debates. That was even Trump’s reasoning for refusing to participate in any of the Republican primary debates. He insisted that because he was beating all of his challengers, he didn’t have to show up to debate them. Apparently it wasn’t necessary then for him to reveal his alleged vision, or to contrast it with his opponents.

So does Trump’s craving for more debates against Biden indicate that he is afraid that he is losing to Biden? Does he have internal polling that shows him behind or losing ground? Or is he just posturing for effect and doesn’t intend to show up for those, or any of the debates? It would not be the first time that he has chickened out. In fact, it’s pretty much his standard operating position. Lying, whining, and chickening out are the Trump brand.


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Sean Hannity of Fox News is Already Making Excuses for Why Trump Will Lose Debates to Biden

The 2024 presidential election continues unfold amidst the spectacle of one of the candidates being tried on multiple felony charges of election interference and campaign finance fraud. And Donald Trump’s legal problems will surely be among the topics of discussion at any of the candidate debates, should they actually take place.

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Donald Trump, Joe Biden

There is some question as to whether the debates will occur, primarily because the Republican Party has refused to agree to the sponsorship by the bipartisan Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) that has been been conducting them since 1987.

SEE THIS: Cowardly Republican Party to Require Their Presidential Candidates to Boycott 2024 Debates

The Republican National Committee (RNC) issued their rejection of the CPD because it wouldn’t submit to their demands, consisting wholly of complaints that crybaby Trump made in 2020 due to his cognitive inadequacies and inability to engage in a substantive dialogue.

Now, in advance of the proposed debates by the CPD, Trump’s MAGA media minions are already making excuses for why Trump is going to lose those debates to President Biden, despite their insistence that he is mentally deficient and, according to Trump, “can’t put two sentences together.” On his Fox News program Friday night, Sean Hannity whined that…

“If he does debate, we will see jacked up Joe 2.0. Whatever Red bull that he drank, or caffeine pills that he took, or whatever he might have taken, I promise you they’ll give it to him again

Hannity was referring to his prior allegations that Biden was “medicated” during his State of the Union address. Hannity, and every other Trump-fluffer, were unable to accept the fact that Biden had just delivered an eloquent and passionate speech, so they resorted to a smear campaign based on nothing but their infantile imaginations. And Trump joined in as well, shouting in all caps that “THE DRUGS ARE WEARING OFF!”

SEE ALSO: Trump’s Live-Bleating of Biden’s State of the Union Address Was Predictably Petty and Pathetic

It’s apparent that Hannity is convinced that Trump is the mentally deficient candidate who will humiliate himself in a debate with Biden, who will show up much better prepared and composed. Trump will demonstrate his notorious ignorance of the issues, along with his petulant temper and vulgarity.

Consequently, months before the debates are scheduled to occur, Hannity is laying the groundwork to account for Trump’s expected embarrassing exhibition. Unfortunately for Hannity and Trump, that isn’t going to work for either one of them. Trump will undoubtedly shame himself with a predictably pitiful performance, and Hannity will shamelessly ignore reality by praising Trump’s failure. Meanwhile, Democrats will be hoarding the popcorn.


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YEAH RIGHT! Sean Hannity Thinks He Can Convince Democrats to Ditch Biden and Vote for RFK Jr

The campaign of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a bad joke from the start. He began seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party in a futile challenge to President Joe Biden. Recognizing the failure of that effort, he ditched the party and declared himself an independent.

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Fox News, Sean Hannity, Joe Biden

Kennedy is hardly independent. He was recruited to run by Trump whisperer, Steve Bannon. His biggest donor also happens to be Trump’s biggest donor. He proudly poses for pictures with the likes of Russian asset Mike Flynn, and GOP dirty trickster Roger Stone, who are both longtime Trump flunkies. And he has been promoted regularly on Fox News.

SEE THIS: Fox and Friends Slobber Over RFK Jr and Mock Democrats for Repudiating Him as a Republican Rat

In a flagrant dismissal of reality, Thursday night’s episode of Sean Hannity’s Fox News program featured Hannity giving a preposterous campaign speech aimed at converting Democrats from Biden supporters to Kennedy. You have to wonder who Hannity thinks he was preaching to. It’s not as if there are any Democrats watching his show or looking to him for advice on who to vote for. Nevertheless, Hannity spewed the following pro-Kennedy nonsense (with relevant annotations)…

“If you are a left-wing voter, Kennedy frankly gives you all the nutty Biden, Bernie Sanders, Green New Deal, climate denial, religious cult policies…”
[Hannity apparently thinks that he can be more persuasive by insulting the people he’s trying to persuade]

“…maybe without the corruption and sleaze and chaos, and he definitely knows what day of the week it is. Gotta give him credit for that. Let’s not forget, at just 70 years of age RFK Jr. is more than a decade younger than Joe Biden, and he’s more with it.”
[There is zero evidence any corruption by Biden. And Hannity’s attacks on Biden’s mental acuity are unfounded and tiresome. What’s more, Trump is also about a decade older than Kennedy, with real cognitive defects]

“He also supports affirmative action. He cut ads for the likes of Al Gore. He supported Hillary Clinton. He supported Obama. He supported every Democratic presidential candidate there is. So, for conservatives that maybe like his position on COVID, OK. Now take a look at the rest of the record. We’re only giving you fact-based information here.”
[Here is where Hannity gets to his real point. He isn’t really trying to persuade Biden voters (who aren’t watching his show) to vote for Kennedy. He’s trying to persuade Trump voters (his viewers) not to]

All told, Kennedy would be a much better alternate choice for Trump voters. He would fit right in with them because, for much of his political life, he has been a confirmed conspiracy theory crackpot. His unsavory associations with ultra right-wingers are anathema to Democratic principles. The GOP has adopted him as one of their own, and he is now the MAGA Republican Party’s favorite anti-Democratic stooge.

To anyone with open eyes and functional brain cells, it’s clear that Kennedy is a Republican stalking horse for Biden, if not an outright plant. And if you need any further evidence of Kennedy’s tight relationship with conservatives, check out this article from Mother Jones: “RFK Jr. Fundraisers Tied to J6ers, QAnoners, Christian Nationalists, and Far-Right Extremists.” That isn’t exactly a Democratic resume, is it?


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LOCK HER UP: NY Attorney General Letitia James Took Off Her Shoes During Trump’s Fraud Hearing

This week there was a historic court judgment against a former president of the United States. Donald Trump was found to have committed massive fraud in an effort to enrich himself via favorable loan and insurance rates that he was not entitled to. The court imposed a $350 million penalty on Trump.

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Donald Trump WTF

Needless to say, Trump and his legal team were not pleased with that ruling. As usual Trump delivered a stream of frenzied posts on his failing social media scam, Truth Social, that continued his relentless and childish insults aimed at the judge, the prosecutors, witnesses, and media.

SEE THIS: ‘It May Just Be that Mr. Trump is Incoherent’ – Says NBC Legal Analyst About Trump’s Testimony

However, in a bid to outdo Trump’s own berserk behavior, his lawyer, Alina Habba, rushed into the warm arms of Sean Hannity on Fox News to whine about what a terrible world they are forced to live in. A world where criminals are held accountable for their crimes, and where there are consequences for deliberate violations of the law.

What made Habba’s appearance on Hannity’s show even more amusing, is how she chose to defend Trump following the devastating judgment against him. Did she bring up any legal arguments that attest to his innocence? Did she cite any flaws in the court’s procedures? Did she offer any proof of bias? Nope. Here is what Habba felt was her most compelling rebuttal to the ruling…

“Ms. James had her shoes off in court. Let’s not forget that. I called it out in the closing arguments. But it’s true. She had a Starbucks coffee in her hand. She wasn’t doing work, and she wasn’t sitting at the counsel table. She was in the back with her shoes off and a coffee. And at the end of the day, we’re sitting there looking at this going ‘this is the state of our country.'”

That’s right! New York Attorney General Letitia James had the audacity to briefly remove her shoes while watching the proceedings. And to make matters worse, she was DCWB (Drinking Coffee While Barefoot). These will surely be among Habba’s main points in her motion to appeal. But she went on to say that…

“AGs are so comfortable in court that they know they don’t even have to do the job. They don’t have to do the work. They’re going to let their people do it, and they’re going to sit there and they’re going to win. That’s a problem. So we will go to the next level. We are going to people that aren’t running on a campaign, running to get Trump before they are event in office, and we will win.”

Apparently Habba thinks that Attorneys General take the lead in prosecutions conducted by their office. That is almost never true. They are managers, more often than litigators. So James was, in fact, doing her job. Not that Habba really cares about that.

As for James being “comfortable in court” with the prospect of winning, why wouldn’t she be? The mountain of evidence against Trump was as good a predictor of success as any prosecutor has ever had. Judge Engoron noted that “this defense is wholly undercut by the overwhelming evidence adduced at trial.”

So shoes or not, James was understandably comfortable. And Trump is just as understandably scared. This was a devastating civil judgment, but the criminal cases are still to come.


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WTF? Trump Attorney Says He Should Be Free to Defame, Wrongfully Jail, and Incite Insurrections

The legal tribulations of Donald Trump have driven him to the farthest reaches of sanity. He has been fiercely defending himself with arguments that assert, not that he is innocent, but that he is entitled to commit any crimes he wants with impunity. it’s what Trump claims is “presidential immunity,” which he believes indemnifies him from everything from jaywalking to hurling his critics off the roof of Trump Tower.

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Trump Fear

In addition to having what he thinks is a universal Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card, Trump also asserts that any criticism of him is “election interference.” That includes any discussion of all of the documented evidence of his multitude of crimes. So when anyone mentions that he has been found liable for sexual assault and defamation, or that he is currently facing 91 felony charges for crimes ranging from financial fraud to undermining democracy, they are guilty of interfering with his divine right to be re-elected.

SEE THIS: Trump Lawyer Complains that Just Factually Reporting His Legal Problems is Election Interference

To underscore these wholly deviant legal analyses, Trump’s attorney, Alina Habba, visited with Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Sean Hannity, Thursday night. During their chitchat Habba uttered several eye-rollers that were especially troubling for an alleged lawyer. Topping the list was her theory on the boundless authority of presidents in America.

“What I argue is not for President Trump, it’s for all presidents. It’s for the executive branch. We have to have them be able to govern this country in a way without the fear of someone saying you defamed me, you put me in jail for the wrong reason, you were an insurrectionist, when you were actually just asking for election integrity. Actually asking for us to take a close examination to preserve American constitutional democracy.

“That’s what president Trump has done. And presidential immunity is very important. It’s never been questioned because nobody’s ever been prosecuted like Donald Trump.”

Really? Habba’s observation that “nobody’s ever been prosecuted like Donald Trump” is not the exculpatory revelation that she thinks it is. To the contrary, she is reminding everyone that Trump is a historically unprecedented, recidivist, and unrepentant lawbreaker. That said, let’s take a closer look at Habba’s legal theorizing.

When Habba says that presidents should be able to govern without fear of defaming others, she is asserting that they should be allowed to deliberately lie without having to worry about any consequences for it.

When Habba says that presidents should be free from worrying about unjustly incarcerating people, she is arguing for the right of presidents to lock up their opponents on bogus charges.

When Habba says that presidents must not be burdened with concerns about engaging in insurrections, she is indemnifying them from committing treason.

First of all, would Habba really be comfortable with President Biden having these “freedoms”? But more to the point, fear of consequences for defamation, wrongful jailing, overthrowing the government, and other assaults on democracy, are not the legal hamstringing of a political leader. They are proper and healthy constraints on behavior that is anti-constitutional and anti-American.

However, in Habba’s mind – and in Trump’s – that fear is an imposition on what they regard as their immaculate mandate to reign as tyrants. It interferes with their yearning to rule unencumbered by law or the will of the people.

Habba further demonstrated her disrespect for the Constitution when she told Hannity that the 14th Amendment is just “some obscure section of some statute.” She also sent a subtle, mob-style threat to Trump’s Supreme Court appointees that they had better fall in line, saying that “people like Kavanaugh, who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place, [will] step up.”

The one thing that we can be assured of with Habba is that the more she talks, the more likely it is that Trump will be convicted. Which is a trait she shares with Trump himself. So therefore Ms. Habba, please proceed.


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