For almost as long as Glenn Beck has been attacking Van Jones, he has also been smearing Cass Sunstein, President Obama’s nominee for Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. However, this afternoon the Senate passed a cloture vote cutting off debate and permitting a final vote on Sunstein’s confirmation.
The 63-35 vote for cloture included Republicans Orrin Hatch (R-UT), Robert Bennett (R-UT), Judd Gregg (R-NH), Richard Lugar (R-IN), Susan Collins (R-ME), Olympia Snowe (R-ME). Democrats voting against: Blanche Lincoln (D-AR), James Webb (D-VA).
Beck has been bashing Sunstein as another dangerous radical who is bent on destroying America. He has taken out of context remarks by Sunstein that Beck characterizes as insane (well, Beck should know). For instance, Beck says that Sunstein wants animals to get lawyers to represent them in cruelty cases against humans. Beck also said that Sunstein is in favor of forced organ donations. The truth is very different. Sunstein is an academic who has written on many issues from a theoretical perspective. That’s what academics do. But Beck isolates these professorial musings and recasts them as zany plots to impose some sort of tyrannical dictatorship that exists only in Beck’s diseased mind. And the funny thing is, Sunstein had been favorably received by many conservatives when his nomination was announced.
Beck seemed so dejected when announcing the results of the cloture vote. It was as if he couldn’t quite comprehend that the world wasn’t bending to his will. When the vote passed, Beck told his audience that their lives had changed FOREVER! Beck described the office Sunstein will hold as the most powerful position anywhere. He said that Sunstein will be able to tweak any and every law to pursue whatever ends he desires – and those desires, you can rest assured, are evil. Listening to Beck you would think that Sunstein’s post was even more powerful than Obama’s.
But this is just the typical hyperbole that Beck employs to scare the bejeebus out of his slack-jawed viewers. If whatever Beck is talking about at the moment isn’t the most fearsome thing of all time, his audience will become distracted by a leaf fluttering outside the window and it will take half an hour to get them worked up again. Beck was even downplaying the Van Jones matter, saying that while everyone wanted us to focus on Jones, the real threat was Sunstein. Of course it was Beck that was blathering incessantly about Jones for some sixteen programs. Now he accuses “someone” of using Jones as a diversion while the Senate secretly pushed Sunstein through.
Don’t expect Beck to loosen his grip. He will certainly resume his attack on Sunstein. But the truth is that Sunstein will shortly be confirmed by the Senate, which means he is not actually a “czar” at all (actually, there no czars. The whole concept was developed to deceive and frighten ignorant wingnuts). And Beck will expand his smear campaign to bash Mark Lloyd and Carol Browner and whoever else Beck thinks he spread his lies about. That is, if we let him.
You’re a moron. And I am not a slack jawed anything. Beck tells the truth, and you just can’t stand it. You’re too immersed in the dictator’s lies. Why don’t you wake up or at least stop writing even more lies.
beck tells the truth? name even one thing he has told the truth about in the last week? i bet you cant find a single thing. why dont you wake up and stop being a shill for a fraud like glenn beck? you must be really enjoyable at parties.
I’d like to know what you consider to be a lie in this post. Can you be specific?
Beck would not know the truth if it got up and hit him on the head,the man is a rolled gold cretin and those like you who take his word as gospel are not much brighter.
Oh sweet jebus… Are Beck’s sheeple going to be regulars now? E, you ARE slack-jawed! Worse you’re ignorant and willfully so. I defy you to give an intelligent definition of “dictator” or “socialism” or “fascist” or to even outline the duties of the Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. I defy you to list how many “czars” George W. Bush had, who invented the term “czar” for administrators (hint: it was Nixon) and describe how much real authority there is in the term “czar” (again, a hint: none). If you defend a man who is so consistently wrong, so emotionally infantile and so eagerly manipulative in pursuit of self-aggrandizement while being so irresponsibly negligent of his actions, you are a slack jawed minion of stupidity. The fact that Beck even has an audience is a personal insult to someone who loves his country and despairs that the know-nothings are making a bid for an Idiocricy. You can’t imagine how much I loathe that you dipshits are now trying to come around here and ruin a wonderful blog that I enjoy with the most moronic posts that, if they weren’t electronically written would be misspelled scribblings in crayon.
I think your questions are going to take him some time to answer. Check back after Hell freezes over. 😉
b8ovin, well played indeed..i actually enjoy reading the rants of the Becksters..i am one who firmly and absolutely believes that no matter how many facts and figure you throw in there faces there will always remain the idiot fringe…i mean you can’t cure stupid canyou??
I agree. I think that their remarks here and elsewhere are the best advertisement of their lunacy.
What amazes me is how the libtards think they are so intelligent because they went to colleges and studied under people who have done nothing in their lives but spew the same drivel the did back in the 60’s when they were dropping LSD. The only thing they could do after dodging the draft by going to college was to get a job teaching in said college. Having a diploma from most of the uber-liberal institutions only means that you satisfactorily spewed back the nonsense you were fed. If that makes you an intellectual then so be it.
Of course it also amazes me that the libtards go around espousing their superior intellect when they are the first to scream and yell that Democrats are, 9-1 more likely to not know how to fill out a ballot (FL).
I won’t continue about how Johnson’s “War on Poverty” only kept poor people poor, and abortion is nothing but legalized genocide against blacks. The fact that blacks still vote Democratic does speak well for Democrat’s ability to make them think they are actually helping them.
As to the “slack-jawed” right. Yes there as many crazies on that side as I’m seeing libtards here. However that doesn’t mean that Mr. Beck hasn’t fully researched and studied the stories he presents. Research is something students who graduated from some institutions seem to be incapable of comprehending as they are only capable of regurgitating what they have been fed by their professors.
And I’m not the least bit surprised that someone who disparages education as much as you repeatedly uses idiotic name-calling (libtards? Really?) to attempt to make a point, and still fails to make one.
“The only thing they could do after dodging the draft” hmmmmm, like Dick Cheney? Like Rush “i got a boil on my arse” Limbaugh? Like Tom “chickenshit” DeLay? Like William “king of the chickenhawks” Kristol?? Emetib, facts are a bitch aren’t they??
This is all such BS.