Glenn Beck Wants Americans To Pay More For Gas To Help Russia And Saudi Arabia

Welcome to the Bizarro World of Glenn Beck. Two years ago, when gas prices were soaring, Beck engaged in conspiracy theorizing that blamed President Obama for deliberately causing the spike as some sort of plot to advance social justice or environmentalism. Beck asserted that the high cost of fuel would lead to war with the Middle East as a collapsing America became desperate for cheap energy.

Glenn Beck

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Guess what happened in the past two years? Gas prices have plummeted and Beck now regards that as a portent of doom. He says that it is “not good for America,” and will lead to war with the Middle East and Russia (video below).

Beck: When oil goes under the $80.00 a barrel mark, and it’s sustained there for very long, it puts pressure on the economic viability of all the countries that produce crude oil, for instance Russia and Saudi Arabia. When that happens their economies begin to destabilize and when you destabilize the world even more, it causes more problems.

It’s awfully compassionate for Beck to be so concerned about the stabilization of two countries for which he has previously expressed nothing but hate. But it is curious that his interest in their economic viability comes at the expense of American oil consumers. So why would Beck propose that Americans pay more at the pump in order to help out a couple of countries that he doesn’t much care for?

Beck: We’re not far from war as it is and the economy is in real trouble here. When you have people like Saudi Arabia (unscrupulous) and Russia (totally unscrupulous) and they want their money, they’ll get it.

So according to Beck, expensive oil was going to send us to war, and cheap oil is also going to send us to war. Either oil has to level at just the right price for Goldilocks Beck or we need to dispense with it entirely. But then those options may also lead to war. Beck hasn’t specifically addressed them yet.

What’s more, Beck’s admonitions about the pressure on the economic viability of countries that produce crude oil will also affect the United States, which happens to be the world’s largest producer of crude oil. Consequently, his theory that such countries would become economically destabilized applies more to the U.S. than it does to Russia and Saudi Arabia. Maybe his real concern is associated with the welfare of oil companies like his pals the Koch brothers. If they become economically destabilized who would bankroll the wars on women, voters, the environment, seniors, and Christmas?

If all of that seems just a tad bit insane, you have the disadvantage of a rational mind and the unfortunate ability to engage in critical thinking. These are mental hardships that Beck and his disciples never have to worry about. But as Ricky Gervais so brilliantly put it…

“Ignorance might be bliss for the ignorant, but for the rest of us it’s a fucking pain in the ass.”

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3 thoughts on “Glenn Beck Wants Americans To Pay More For Gas To Help Russia And Saudi Arabia

  1. Yes, well, how much do you pay for gas, Beckie?

    Of course, this all falls under Rule VI of The Rules of Republican Bipartisanship in the Age of Obama: Find a way to condemn Obama for something that would have been great news under a good Republican president. Still, it took Beck a while to come up with this spin, so got to give him credit for that.

  2. I actually heard last week that Texans were mad about gas prices, because it meant they would see less revenue. Oh, go climb in your super truck and drive out to see Bundy.

  3. We should ban all oil exports from America and refine all the oil into gasoline for our own use, we should not have to pay 3.00 a gallon for gas ever again.

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