The news this weekend that White House staffer Jake Brewer died in a biking accident has shaken his family, friends, and co-workers in the administration. He was riding in a charity event to raise money to fight cancer when tragedy struck. Brewer is survived by his wife, conservative journalist and Fox News contributor Mary Katharine Ham, his daughter daughter Georgia, and another child on the way.
Ms. Ham left a moving tribute to her husband on her Instagram page saying that…
“I lost part of my heart and the father of my sweet babies. I don’t have to tell most of you how wonderful he was. It was self-evident. His life was his testimony, and it was powerful and tender and fierce, with an ever-present twinkle in the eye. I will miss him forever, even more than I can know right now.”
And President Obama expressed condolences in a message that said…
“I am heartbroken at the tragic loss of one of my advisors, Jake Brewer. […] Jake was one of the best. Armed with a brilliant mind, a big heart, and an insatiable desire to give back, Jake devoted his life to empowering people and making government work better for them. […] Michelle and I are praying for all of Jake’s family and his many friends, most of all his wife, Mary Katharine Ham, their daughter, Georgia, and their growing family. They’ll always have a family here at the White House.”
But sadly, as is too often the case (see the Collected Hate Speech of the Fox Nation Community), the cretins who watch Fox News considered this a good time to hurl insults at their political foes and wish death on the President. It apparently made no difference that Brewer’s wife was a respected conservative author and journalist (her book “End of Discussion” was released just two months ago). To their credit, there were many commenters who repudiated the hateful remarks (for a change), but that doesn’t entirely relieve the sting. I take no pleasure in posting what these low lifes say, but they need to be shamed and a record of this disgraceful and disrespectful behavior needs to be kept.
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Stay classy, foxtards.
The farther right the attitude, the lower the mental capacity for intellectual thought and the higher the incidence of vile asininity and cretinous malice.
What is wrong with the human race when people can post things like that? I don’t care how much someone hates President Obama it’s no excuse to publicly air such despicable comments. I’m pretty sure most of the posters even went to church yesterday shortly before or after exhibiting such hate.
I wish I could write that these comments are unbelievable. But with FOX, they are just the usual, dysfunctional, paranoic hogwash. And because most Americans who are able to think rationally don’t buy into this and all the other crap FOX regurgitates on its programs, they can get by with it. The ruination of our country, FOX is!
And his wife is one of the FoxPods’ own people, but that, of course, matters nothing so long as the Retarded Nation have their opportunity to attack someone from the White House stolen by the Kenyan native from Australia. If someone did that to an employee of Fox Spews who had been killed in a tragic accident, the FoxPods would have demanded that they be hung in front of Rockefeller Center. Disgusting creatures all…
Rabid RightWingers think EVERYTHING is a TRAGEDY, unless it occurs, & impacts, Left-Of-Center Folk….
Remember, these people love and respect all life, as long as it’s still in the womb. Once you’re born though, if you disagree with them on any issue whatsoever, well f-you, die, you piece of garbage!
I am a liberal and even though these comments are horrible and those people should be publically shamed, I see the same type of comments from my side of the political spectrum towards people on the right. I got into a big argument with a leftie over comments he made towards Kim Davis that were so personal and disgusting I would have thought a juvenile delinquent in middle school was writing them. So, my short comment is, challenge people on our side also because shame can be given to both sides.
You’re so right about that, justasimplecomment. I don’t like when anyone does it. It’s so ugly and unnecessary.
EXACLTY. I have seen and dealt with it myself. It comes from BOTH sides. It is WRONG, no matter what side.
It’s tru. There are a-holes on both sides. But I don’t think you’ll find these kinds of comments on the websites of other major news organizations. I’ve looked and it seems to be unique to Fox (at least on this scale).
I’m going to check put Michelle Malkins site. I’ll bet that rabid little Shi-Tzu has post there will make this look like poetry.
In all things….kindness and compassion for your brothers and sisters. Without that…what is the purpose?
Lovely American “Christians” at work.
Hey, those comments are disgusting. They really are. However, they come from both sides. I have had democrats, the ones I usually side with 99% of the time, tell others and myself to kill myself because they DISAGREE with my view(s). WTH is that? So let’s not act like this is solely a Right Wing thing, it is an extreme on both sides, thing. DISGUSTING. Godspeed, Jake Brewer.
I agree that people from any political camp can sink to these levels. But the problem that I’m addressing here is that a major news enterprise is hosting these comments. Fox News moderates their comment sections and deletes those they consider inappropriate, but they left all of these online. Fox even closes comments entirely on some articles. That would have been a good policy for this article.
You DID NOTICE that NONE of the rude/nasty commenters DO NOT show their face on their Facebook page?????
Is it even surprising really? If ISIS were a Christian Organization it would be the far right chapter of FOXNews viewers. The worst portion of like almost every Western society ever has been the ultra conservative section when it comes to vile hatred and a lack of human characteristics and intellect.
Is it even surprising really? If ISIS were a Christian Organization it would be the far right chapter of that News Stations viewers. The worst portion of like almost every Western society ever has been the ultra conservative section when it comes to vile hatred and a lack of human characteristics and intellect.
Since I never had any respect for the Fox News audience I can’t very well claim to have lost respect for them now. Those animals can’t help themselves.