Is there any limit to the embarrassment that Donald Trump can cause to our nation? Being recognized as the biggest liar that has ever occupied the White House isn’t enough. Being a serial sexual predator isn’t enough. Taunting hostile, nuclear armed foreign leaders isn’t enough. Sucking up to brutal dictators like Vladimir Putin isn’t enough. When will it end?
Trump likes to claim that he is the bestest, smartest, most awesomest human being ever to walk this earth. But virtually everything he does or says contradicts that. His recent proclamation that he is “like, really smart” was laughable to anyone with a functioning cerebellum. And on Monday morning he proved that he is at least as dumb as we all fear.
In a brief encounter with the press (video below) Trump was asked whether the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program would be reinstated. Remember that the only reason it’s at risk is that he unilaterally terminated it by executive action. And now he is refusing to support a bipartisan congressional compromise. In his reply to the question he said:
“Honestly, I don’t think the Democrats want to make a deal. I think they talk about DACA, but they don’t want to help the DACA people. […] The folks from DACA should know the Democrats are the ones that aren’t going to make a deal.”
First of all, there are no “Daca” people or “folks from Daca.” Trump’s answer appears to suggest that thinks the people who need protection from deportation are foreigners from a place called Daca that they would be forced to return to. Probably, in Trump’s diseased brain, some “shithole country” in Central America or Africa. In reality, the “Dacanese” are undocumented immigrants who are eligible for residency and work permits under the DACA program. But even if you give Trump the benefit of a doubt (for the umpteenth time) for poorly expressing himself, he’s still an Olympic-grade moron for not being able to articulate a simple concept without utterly warping its meaning.
In the same video Trump was asked if he was a racist. He replied “I’m not a racist. I’m the least racist person you have ever interviewed.” But if you have to repeatedly defend yourself from charges of racism, you are undoubtedly a racist, plus an idiot and a liar who cannot avoid falling into the same – er – shithole.
Trump is also trying to evade responsibility for DACA not being resolved. He says that it’s the Democrats who don’t want to make a deal. Except that the Democrats already made a deal that Republicans in Congress signed on to, and it’s Trump who rejected it. And that’s after having said that he would sign whatever bill Congress agreed upon and sent to him, because he respects them. So Trump can’t be trusted to show respect, or keep promises, or renounce racism, or speak coherently, or be in any way smart or presidential. God help us all.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
Available now at Amazon.
Oh, shut the FUCK up, Donnie. Can’t you go five minutes without embarrassing yourself?! (And this country)
Meanwhile, the grand jury on Russia Russia Russia ordered Steve Bannon to testify….
The noose tightens….