HUH? Fox News Doofus Thinks that the Democratic Women at the State of the Union Like Trump

Anyone who has spent any time watching Fox News is well aware that it is a blatantly biased mouthpiece for conservative Republicans in general and the President in particular. It is often referred to (by me) as “State TV” because of its devoted support for everything Donald Trump does and says. And when they aren’t furiously defending the President, they are viciously attacking his critics.

Fox News Friends

That creates plenty of opportunities for them to embarrass themselves with painfully ignorant rants and diatribes that are entirely devoid of facts, logic, or reason. Their hosts and guests are notoriously ill-informed or deliberately dishonest. But every now and then they outdo themselves with comments that are so profoundly stupid it’s hard to comprehend they could make them without the aid of some powerful psychotropic medications. And Wednesday morning, following Trump’s State of the Union address, there was just such an event.

During the speech, Trump pointed out that there were more women serving in the current session of Congress than ever before. That brought the mostly Democratic women in the audience to their feet as they cheered and congratulated themselves on their victories. This startled Trump who said that “You weren’t supposed to do that.” It’s hard to tell if he was referring to their applause or to the fact they got elected. But it was Fox News who really excelled at misunderstanding what had taken place. Steve Doocy, co-host of Fox and Friends, opened the program with this bit of celebration on Trump’s behalf:

“How do you like him now? Well the ladies of the freshman class of the Democrat Party seemed to like the President a lot last night. They gave him a standing ovation when he was talking about how many women were in the workforce and how many of them were elected in this past election.”

Holy Crap! Is Doocy having a stroke? Does he really believe that these Democratic women were standing up for Trump? The whole reason the were all wearing white was to make a statement that was critical of the Trump/GOP agenda that is rife with misogyny and discrimination. And their outburst was an obvious expression of satisfaction for having achieved so many electoral victories on behalf of women, and at the expense of Trump and the mostly Republican men they defeated.

They were protesting Trump, not applauding him. It’s one thing for Trump to misunderstand this reaction. He is a malignant narcissist who is mentally incapable of recognizing any derogatory sentiments aimed at him. His sickness results in his only seeing how much everyone – in his warped mind – loves and admires him. But watching these Fox News hacks so badly mangle reality makes one wonder if they are also severely delusional, or just determined to distort reality for their audience of Deplorables no matter what depths of absurdity they have to sink to. Either way, it exposes them as utterly useless as commentators on current events or more pointedly, the complexity of politics. But then, we always knew that about them.

How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
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4 thoughts on “HUH? Fox News Doofus Thinks that the Democratic Women at the State of the Union Like Trump

  1. As he was receiving the feigned praise from the newly elected women and also the sarcastic applause from Nancy Pelosi, notice how he actually thanked the speaker and strutted around with his chin held high as if he thought he was being adored by all. Truly, the emporer has no clothes. He just has no idea that we can see that.

    • I also believe Doocy knew full well trump was being mocked but Doocy knows his audience is dumber than a bag of hammers and just needed to be lead by the nose into thinking their dear leader was being applauded.

  2. These are the freeks Trump uses as policy advisers and that should scare the hell out of everyone!

  3. Apparently the right wing and it’s financiers are going to double down on their anti-women campaign because they feel their agenda increasingly threatened. Look for multi million dollar publicity and political campaigns against congressional women.

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