The United States of America is currently burdened with a president who suffers from a sever case of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Donald Trump’s psychological impairments are obvious to objective observers and represent a clear and present danger to the welfare of the nation – and the world. He is utterly incapable of performing the duties of the presidency without placing his own interests before those of the people he is sworn to serve.
Trump’s raging ego and self-exaltation has been demonstrated time and time again in the two and half turbulent years that he has occupied the White House. He cannot admit mistakes even when the evidence is unarguably documented. He incessantly brags on his own behalf for “accomplishments” that don’t exist. Those include “resolutions” of problems that he created himself like a firefighter moonlighting as an arsonist. And he has repeatedly forced his subordinates to sit around a table and utter slobbering tributes to him in a perverse spectacle of supplication and sycophancy.
So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Trump continues to be plagued by one particularly humiliating failure. His historic loss of the popular vote to Hillary Clinton in the 2016 presidential election gnaws at him like a famished piranha. He can’t stop thinking about it, or lying about it. And that fetish reared its ugly head again in an interview with Chuck Todd on Meet the Press Sunday morning. The discussion was pure Trumpian bombast and delusion (video below):
Todd: You didn’t like the fact that you lost the popular vote. That bothered you didn’t it?
Trump: Well I think it was a – well again, I’ll say something that again is controversial. There were a lot of votes cast that I don’t believe. I look at California…
Todd: Mr. President, that’s just…
Trump: Excuse me. Take a look at Judicial Watch. Take a look at their settlement. California admitted to a million votes. They admitted to a million votes.
Todd: A million votes of what? What are you talking about?
Trump: Judicial Watch made a settlement.
Todd: About what?
Trump: There was much illegal voting. But let me tell you about popular vote. I like popular vote. I think I do better with the popular vote.
Trump is still insisting that millions of illegal votes were cast in California, despite having been thoroughly debunked without a shred of evidence. And his comment that there were “votes cast that I don’t believe’ is both deranged and frightening, given the approaching 2020 election.
But then Trump wades into lunatic territory with his demand to look at a settlement with the ultra-rightist Trump-fluffers at Judicial Watch. Trump claims that it reveals an admission by California authorities that “a million votes” were cast illegally. Trump couldn’t explain what he was talking about, even after prodding by Todd. So he clumsily changed the subject.
The settlement that Trump was referring to was one wherein California agreed to remove a million and half votes “inactive” voters from the registration lists. These were names of people who had not voted in several elections and had either died or moved. There was not a single one that had cast any vote, much less an illegal one. As reported by the Associated Press:
“At issue was how election officials were handling records of voters who hadn’t voted in repeated elections and were not part of active voter rolls in the state. […] Paul Mitchell of the nonpartisan research firm Political Data Inc. called the case insignificant because it involves inactive voters who ‘are not getting voting materials, they are not casting ballots, they are not showing up in precincts.'”
Trump’s flagrant lies sound more and more like the rambling blather of senile old coot with a tenuous grasp of reality. And it’s always aimed at glorifying himself in a manner that is wholly undeserved and positively loony. His preposterous self-image is all the more ridiculous considering that he is the only president in the history of Gallup polling to have never cracked 50 percent approval.
And yet, Trump still believes that, but for some imaginary voter fraud, he won the popular vote, and would do so again. This sort of mental infirmity would be bad enough in your crazy retired uncle who sits on the porch all day yelling at clouds. But for someone who holds the nuclear launch codes, and threatens to annihilate foreign countries, this is untenable and downright scary.
How Fox News Deceives and Controls Their Flock:
Fox Nation vs. Reality: The Fox News Cult of Ignorance.
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WATCH: Trump says he’s not prepared to lose in 2020 #MTP #IfItsSunday
Trump: “I'll say something that, again, is controversial. There were a lot of votes cast [in 2016] that I don't believe.”
— Meet the Press (@MeetThePress) June 23, 2019
chucky toad is absolute s*it as a host. Why the h**l is he STILL there? It would be nice if someone FIRED his worthless a*s.