Lethal Anniversary: Fox News Host Brags About a Year of Giving Deadly COVID Advice

The past year has been one that most Americans will recall as one of of the most unimaginable and unpredictable of their lifetimes. It’s a year that featured the devastation of a global pandemic, the dethroning of an aspiring dictator, the rise of a powerful civil rights movement, and innumerable alterations to the daily work and recreational activities that were once considered routine.

Fox News, Cov-Aid

However, there is one thing that remained remarkably stable during these surreal days of COVID. That’s the determination of Fox News to unrelentingly disseminate disinformation on behalf of the upper-crusty elites and power hungry right-wing politicos. And it was more than merely producing a constant barrage of flagrant falsehoods. The presenters on Fox News shamelessly doubled down on their deliberately dishonest propaganda, even when the truth was planted squarely in their faces.

Case in point, on Thursday evening Fox’s Laura Ingraham took her turn at contradicting the guidance of the nation’s health experts, including those at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). This is partly why studies found that watching Fox News increased coronavirus fatalities. While Ingraham was maligning the learned opinions of epidemiologists and public health professionals, she was concurring with her utterly unqualified colleagues like Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson.

What everyone at Fox News seems to agree upon is that the wearing of masks is not only unnecessary, but it’s potentially harmful and driven by a cabal of pharmaceutical companies, communists, and the same “Deep State” government operatives that stole the presidential election from Donald Trump.

It’s a downright diabolical plot by confirmed capitalists to keep the country locked down so as to crush capitalism. Don’t hurt yourself trying to make sense of that. And the same goes for what Ingraham said on her program Thursday night:

“For over a year this show has told you that, again, staying outside during COVID…is safe. And wearing masks outdoors, it’s now become a mental illness. and it’s brought on by the government’s worthless virtue signaling. And finally, some in the larger media and the medical community have begun to waken from their COVID slumber.”

That’s right. Ingraham is actually bragging that she has opposed the wearing of masks for over a year. Recall that last year at this time the coronavirus had resulted in about 42,000 deaths. So it was already a grim contributor to the suffering and grief of tens of thousands of American families. And Ingram is now taking pride in the role she played in increasing that death toll by over half a million (that’s 500,000 more).

What’s more, Ingraham continues to mislead her audience with admonitions against masks, despite the fact that the nation is still way below the needed percentage of vaccinated persons to achieve herd immunity, and COVID variants continue to emerge. And yet, she says that people who exercise caution and common sense are the ones who are mentally ill.

Finally, Ingraham seems to think that just because some doctors are beginning to revisit their guidance as vaccinations increase and transmissions decline, that they are waking “from their COVID slumber.” She apparently can’t comprehend the notion that prior guidance was justified by the facts at the time, and that new facts driven by the ever-changing science might produce new guidance.

This is especially true after a year has gone by wherein many Americans went to great lengths to behave responsibly. Now Ingraham and Fox News want to dismiss that sacrifice and risk reverting to a more perilous time by advocating for more ignorant and reckless behavior. That’s the lesson that Fox has learned after the past dreadful year. Ironically, this happens to be the one year anniversary of Donald Trump’s proposal to inject bleach as a means of treating the coronavirus. Perhaps Ingraham would like to revert to that.

Science has always been a challenge for Fox News and their viewers. They are far better able to absorb mindless buzzwords like “virtue signaling,” “cancel culture,” and a new one for the wingnuttery, “woke.” So Fox News regurgitates these manifestations of meaningless pop rhetoric while their cult followers consume it like colloquial candy. That’s how Fox keeps them addicted to the televangelism of Rupert Murdoch and the Trumpian Republican Party. And it’s how they put everyone else in the country – and the world – at greater risk.

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2 thoughts on “Lethal Anniversary: Fox News Host Brags About a Year of Giving Deadly COVID Advice

  1. Apparently there are benefits to washing your hands frequently and wearing a mask. Because people are doing these things we have an unprecedented low in cases of the flu. Maybe because of washing hands and wearing a mask I haven’t had a cold this year.

  2. OT: We have another anniversary today.

    Today marks the 12th anniversary of the date Sean Hannity (Coward) promised to Charles Grodin that he would get his fat ass waterboarded “for the troops’ families” and never mentioned it again.

    That was April 22, 2009. The date Sean Hannity (Coward) proved he has no credibility, no principles, and no honor, and NO ONE should be paying attention to him.

    Torture fan Sean Hannity still hasn’t been waterboarded like he promised

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