Fox News Host Attacks Republican Senators for Supporting the Constitution – No, REALLY!

The emergence of a demagogic cult figure like Donald Trump tugs at the boundaries of American politics as the nation leaps recklessly into the realm of dystopian fiction. Who could have imagined a few years ago that the government of the United States could be led by an aspiring dictator whose public persona was wholly manufactured by reality TV and propaganda, much of which emanated from foreign sources?

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Unfortunately, that is the situation that this country finds itself in today. And it isn’t just Trump that is fomenting the dire circumstances that have captured the nation. Most of what was once the Republican Party has succumbed to the anti-democratic seduction of a self-professed strongman with divine providence who promises to cure all of our ills, and insists that only he can do so.

SEE THIS: Wannabe Messiah Trump Claims that Only He Can ‘End the Bloodshed and Bring Peace to the World’

Trump is now assembling the Cabinet for his upcoming reoccupation of the White House. And it is dreadfully apparent that his foremost prerequisites for service are…

True to from, Fox News is fulfilling its mission to fluff Trump on all matters. Even if doing so requires chastising otherwise devoted Trump flunkies and repudiating the Constitution. To that end, Fox’s Laura Ingraham posted a couple of messages on the former Twitter castigating GOP senators who weren’t sufficiently worshipful of Trump.

In the first message, Ingraham asked “Why does NDakota have a senator who is already undermining Pres-elect Trump?” She was referring to GOP Sen. Mike Rounds, who is actually the senator from South Dakota. What she was complaining about was that Rounds delivered a speech in which, according to Politico, he said “that there are still three branches of the U.S. government, and the Senate will guard its independence.”

OH NO! A United States senator indicated his support for the Constitution’s separation of powers doctrine. She believes that an elected representative who would exercise his constitutional duties is “undermining” the president. Because that would impose on the omnipotent powers bestowed on Trump by Gawd! Ingraham surely wasn’t going to abide that sort of usurpation of the divine authority of Trump.

The second message that Ingrahm posted asked “Why does Oklahoma have a Senator who hates Trump? Strange given that Okla. voters overwhelmingly support Trump.” This time she was referring to GOP Sen. James Lankford, whose state she managed to get right. However, her complaint was that Lankford told reporters that “he doesn’t know ‘one way or another’ if President-elect Trump and his new Department of Justice (DOJ) pick, Pam Bondi, will apply political interference from the nonpartisan department.”

MY GOODNESS! A United States senator acknowledged that the Constitution gives the Senate the duty to provide “advice and consent” to a president’s nominations to his Cabinet and other executive branch positions. It isn’t optional. It’s required. But to Ingraham it’s proof that the senator “hates Trump” if he seeks to make an informed decision. Because, once again, that would impose on the omnipotent powers bestowed on Trump by Gawd!

This is how far the GOP has declined into the abyss of Trump cultism. and their Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is along for the ride to the bottom. They are unwaveringly faithful to Trump, even when it is flagrantly contrary to the Constitution. And he hasn’t even been inaugurated yet. So buckle up, America. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.


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Has Fox News Finally Figured it Out? ‘This is Why Conservatives Call the GOP the Stupid Party’

If it seems to you like every day Republicans in Congress do something new to humiliate themselves, while advancing their ultra-rightist smear campaigns against President Biden and other Democrats, and sucking up to their Dear Leader Donald Trump, then it’s clear that you are paying attention.

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It’s almost as if the GOP is purposefully planning these embarrassing political pratfalls as their strategy for winning back the White House. What else could explain stunts like the one that Marjorie Taylor Greene just pulled by filing a motion to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson after only five months as Speaker? And recall that he got that post because Republicans ousted the previous Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, after only nine months.

SEE THIS: DO-NOTHING CONGRESS? The Republican House of Representatives is the Most Productive Ever (LOL)

The reaction to Green’s motion has been swift and hilarious. Most of her GOP colleagues have condemned her for reinforcing the accurate impression that the Republican Party is populated by idiots and is awash in chaos. But those condemning her are doing their own part in reinforcing that impression. They surely are not exhibiting the unity that Trump recently bragged about…

SEE ALSO: REALLY? Dementia Addled Trump Babbles that ‘I Have Never Seen the Republican Party So Unified’

And if that weren’t bad enough, Fox News isn’t taking any of this very well. It is presenting them with more obstacles to their propaganda mission of propping up Republicans and Trump-fluffing. That was glaringly evident in the monologue of Fox’s Laura Ingraham who whined that…

“I have been in Washington for 30 years. I have never witnessed what I’m witnessing now. A party with a narrow majority in the House of Representatives – everything on the line in the country – but committing a slow suicide. This is why conservatives call the GOP the stupid party.”

First of all, it isn’t conservatives calling the GOP “The Stupid Party” (which would make a great new name for them). It is mainstream Republicans and most Americans. If anything, it’s the conservatives like Greene and the GOP’s Freedom Caucus who are attacking Johnson, advocating extremist policies (i.e. banning abortion, cutting Social Security, etc.), and generally spreading around the stupid.

What’s more, Ingraham is complaining about the GOP being incapable of governing with their “narrow” and shrinking majority. But she is steadfastly against working with Democrats on compromise legislation such as funding the government, securing the border, or providing aid to Ukraine. She and her right-wing confederates have no positive solutions to the nation’s problems. Instead, they are laser focused on impeaching President Biden and maligning his family and Cabinet. It is that agenda that is causing their “slow suicide.”

However, Ingraham is not alone. Her Fox News comrade, and former Trump press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, joined the pile-on following Green’s Johnson-busting business. On Friday’s episode of Fox’s “Outnumbered” McEnany offered a uniquely perverse point of view…

“So, Marjorie Taylor Greene said ‘I have not talked to president Trump about this.’ Largely president Trump and Speaker Mike Johnson have had a great relationship. Speaker Mike Johnson just put out a piece congratulating him on securing the nomination. I think it’s a pretty big voice you would want to get input from since he’s the titular head of the party at the moment.”

What McEnany is proposing is that Trump be given the right of approval as to who Republicans in the House choose to lead their party. Never mind that the Constitution explicitly divides the government into three independent branches. McEnany would do away with the principle of “separation of powers” so that Trump could reign as a monarch, imposing his will on the legislative and judicial branches, in addition to the executive. Which, by the way, he does not currently occupy.

This is just further evidence that the Stupid Party is more of a cult than a political enterprise. And it’s Ministry of Propaganda (aka Fox News) is fully on board with elevating Dear Leader Trump to messiah status as they pray for him to be their savior. But if the abject foolishness of Republicans is regarded as the party having committed suicide, it is one that will benefit the nation and its citizens, So perhaps a more fitting description for the demise of the GOP is that it’s a mercy killing.


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Trump Gets Brutally Fact-Checked Following His Fawning Fox News Town Hall with Laura Ingraham

The frequency with which Donald Trump has been found to have deliberately lied has exceeded every standard for measurement. He simply does it too often, and too flagrantly, to keep up with. At this point it would be easier to document the extremely rare instances of Trump saying something that is even marginally true.

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On Tuesday night Fox News Senior Trump-Fluffer, Laura Ingraham, hosted yet another town hall for the former reality TV game show host. And true to form, throughout the event Trump awkwardly avoided any answers that resembled reality. It’s an achievement that would impress modern history’s most accomplished political prevaricators, from Richard Nixon to George Santos. And naturally, Fox News provided the platform for Trump’s puerile duplicity.

SEE ALSO: Trump-Fluffing Fox News Host Doesn’t Get It: You Have to Hate Trump to Love America

Following the free airtime that Fox News gifted to Trump’s reelection campaign, CNN’s Daniel Dale delved into the answers Trump gave and, to no one’s surprise, found that they were almost entirely bullpucky. In an abbreviated segment that only touched the surface of Trump’s dishonesty, Dale disclosed the following failures of the fact-challenged Trump and his facilitators on Fox News (video below)

On U.S. aid to Ukraine vs aid from the E.U.:
Trump: We’re in for over $200 billion. They’re in for $35 billion.
Dale: Those numbers appear pulled out of thin air. They’re not even close to true. According to one reputable tracker of aid to Ukraine, the Kiel Institute, which is based in Germany, is actually E.U. countries and E.U. institutions that are far outpacing the U.S. when it comes to aid commitments to Ukraine, $156 billion for the E.U. starting in 2022 around when the war began, to $73 billion to the U.S.

On allegedly stopping the Nord Stream 2 pipeline:
Trump: I stopped it. I told Germany you’re not having it. I told all of Europe you’re not having it…I ended it.
Dale: What Trump actually did was approve sanctions on some of the companies working on the project. But here’s the critical thing. He only did that about three years into his presidency, when the pipeline was already about 90 percent completed. And even after he imposed those sanctions, the Russian state-owned company behind the pipeline said, okay, fine, we’ll just complete it ourselves.

On his illegal possession of classified documents at Mar-a-Lago:
Trump: Everybody took them out. It only became a big subject when I took things out…The difference is I had what’s called the Presidential Records Act. I was allowed to do what I did.
Dale: Reagan and Bush did not take classified documents home. In fact, the National Archives debunked this claim last year when Trump made it then. He was not allowed to take these documents. It is in black and white in the Presidential Records Act that all official records belong to the government after a president leaves office.

On the FBI search of Mar-a-Lago:
Trump: We were talking, and then all of a sudden they raided Mar-a-Lago.
Dale: In fact, the FBI search in Mar-a-Lago came more than a year after the National Archives started its polite asking to try to get these documents back.

And that was just for starters. Some of the other lies and ludicrous claims that Trump unleashed, but that Dale didn’t have time to cover, included…

“If you have mail-in voting you automatically have fraud.”
Not only is there no evidence of that, but Trump routinely votes by mail.

First thing he’ll do on the border if reelected: “Drill baby, drill”
That, of course, has nothing to do with the border, Also, The U.S. is currently producing more oil than ever, and more than any other country.

“We have a new category of crime called migrant crime.”
Another crisis that Trump has made up. What’s more, crime is down nationally during the Biden administration.

On his $355 million judgment: “It’s a form of Navalny” (and communism and fascism).
This hardly requires a response. However… Alexey Navalny was a courageous advocate of democracy. Trump is a notorious coward and crybaby. and he clearly doesn’t know what the words communism or fascism mean.

It’s too bad that Trump’s cult followers aren’t going to hear the truth about his incessant lies. Although, even when they do they don’t believe it. That’s the nature of a cult. But it is still necessary to have honest rebuttals to the falsehoods spread by Trump, Fox News, and most of the MAGA-infected Republican Party. We can’t allow them to control the narrative in the media.


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WOW! Fox News Exposes Biden’s ‘Freak-O-Rama’ Plot to Swap Christmas Cheer with Marxist Hate

The tireless “journalists” at Fox News have managed to snag yet another exclusive story with the potential to blow the roof off of the White House. President Biden is once again being held to account by the intrepid Fox News sleuths for the corruption that is emblematic of the empire of criminality that Fox has built from the detritus of their perverse imaginations.

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This latest bombshell has nothing to do with their prior scoops that uncovered such atrocities as Biden riding a bicycle, or Biden eating an ice cream cone, or Biden lounging at the beach, or Biden creating 14 million jobs and a thriving economy. And let’s not forget the scandalous, impeachable revelation of Biden loaning his family money and them having the audacity to pay it back.

SEE THIS: Desperate Republicans Seek to Impeach President Biden Because – His Brother Repays Loans?

What’s wetting Fox’s panties now is that the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, helped to stage a musical performance at the White House that featured a diverse cast of talented dancers celebrating the traditional Christmas Nutcracker story (see video below). The HORROR!

Fox News host Laura Ingraham was so outraged by this spectacle that she devoted a prolonged segment to what she called “The Biden Freak-O-Rama.” And throughout her anti-Christmas condemnation of the footloose folderol, the chyron contained an ominous message reading “Out With Christmas Cheer, In With Marxist Hate.” With that lead-in Ingraham raged that…

“They’re reaching out to the flag burners and the America haters. If you felt embarrassed and angry to see this type of woke nonsense at the White House during a time Christians have considered holy for 2,000 years or so, well, that’s the point. They wanted to offend you. They did it on purpose because they think their supporters like that sort of thing. They do.”

That’s right! Colorfully attired tap dancing characters from heartwarming holiday fables are now synonymous with Marxists and flag burners. And you better get used to it because, according to Ingraham, Democrats and liberals are doing it intentionally to offend American Christians. Ingraham never explains why Democrats would want to deliberately offend such a huge swath of the nation’s voters, but rational explanations were never a part of the Republican/Fox News mission. That would require some measure of reason and honesty that is anathema to these MAGA-nuts.

In support of her dystopian misinterpretation of the unsweetened Nutcracker, Ingraham brought in Donald Trump’s Senior Fascist Advisor, Stephen Miller. And as expected, Miller agreed with, and elaborated on, Ingraham’s deranged denunciation of the Democratic display of despicable dancing…

“They hate normal. So when you look at these Antifa protests, when you look at these radical left women’s marches, when you look at these open borders marches, what do you see? You see people with purple hair and pink hair and a thousand face piercings and horrendous tattoos and bizarre outfits. You don’t see normal people, family people, people who build communities and pay taxes, and make things work. So this is just another example. The weirdness of it. The bizarreness. The freakishness…is the point.”

What’s truly sad is Miller’s nightmarish hallucinations wherein he sees only scary people with brightly colored hair, and “a thousand face piercings” (which would be quite a sight), and other manifestations of what he regards as abnormal, but which are, in reality, common exercise of self expression, independence, and liberty.

Somehow Miller, who seems to oppose personal freedom, manages to filter out all of the millions of other ordinary American women who choose to take part in their democratic society and have a say in improving it for everyone. Miller sees them all as freaks of some other species who hate the “normies.” That’s a common thread in the MAGA-verse…

SEE ALSO: Fox News Attacks Kamala Harris Over Fake War on Gas Stoves and Says Democrats ‘Hate Humans’

The opinions expressed by Ingraham and Miller are in line with most of the GOP confederates who see monsters crouching in every shadow and blame all of their irrational fears on Democrats and President Biden. It must be a truly horrific existence for them. It’s just too bad that they have a platform with which to infect so many other gullible people who have their own bigoted predispositions to hate anyone they deem as different than themselves. And for God’s sake, don’t ever dance in the White House.


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WTF? Fox News Hosts Argue to End Trump Prosecutions Because of – Hamas Terrorism in Israel?

It has been a week since the terrorists of Hamas launched a savage surprise assault on civilians in Israel. That assault predictably led to the Israeli Defense Forces mounting a campaign to root out the perpetrators and to prevent further hostilities against innocent citizens from many countries, including the United States. It was the commencement of a conflagration that will likely produce even more tragic casualties.

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Here at home, the ultra-rightist propaganda machine we know as Fox News set out to relieve the Hamas terrorists from responsibility and instead assign blame to President Biden and, more broadly, to America. The “Blame America First” brigade manufactured wholly dishonest allegations that the Biden administration was somehow responsible for the attack. Donald Trump was among the anti-America crowd with his preposterous assertion that “American taxpayer dollars helped fund these attacks, which many reports are saying came from the Biden Administration.” It is smear campaign so ridiculous that even a Fox News reporter shot it down.

SEE THIS: Even Fox News Exposes GOP Lies on the War in Israel and How the Party Harms National Security

Undeterred by facts or reason, shills at Fox News have escalated their traitorous tirades. And having apparently run out of their garden variety garbage, they are now stirring up cocktails of crackpottery that are absurd even by their screwball standards.

On Tuesday night’s episode of Laura Ingraham’s program, she endeavored to combine two subjects that couldn’t be farther apart. In a segment wherein she criticized President Biden for daring to speak eloquently about America’s commitment to Israel and our rejection of hate groups here at home, Ingraham spit out a puzzling and perverse argument on behalf of her Dear Leader Trump…

Biden (on video): Let’s be real clear. There is no place for hate in America.
Ingraham: Okay. Well, if he’s really against hate, then he should call a prosecutorial cease-fire against his political adversaries like the former president, and direct his DOJ and DHS to stop making conservative Americans feel like they are the enemy or like they’re the violent extremists out there.

HUH? What does Biden’s message opposing hate have to do with the prosecution of Trump on 91 felony counts for which there is abundant evidence of his guilt? Her use of the terms of war (i.e. “cease fire”) are deliberate attempts to inflame irrational outrage on the part of her cult viewers. And the Departments of Justice and Homeland Security are doing their jobs to protect Americans and hold violent lawbreakers, including Trump, accountable.

What’s more, Biden has been acting ethically in office by not interfering with the administration of justice, which Ingraham is now imploring him to do. That sort of interference and abuse of power is what Trump has explicitly promised to do if he were to be reelected. But it is contrary to the principles of law that have governed this nation since its founding.

In addition to Ingraham, Fox’s Mark Levin likewise conflated Trump’s legal tribulations with the terrorism in the Middle East. Levin made the following comments on his program, which Trump promptly quoted on his failing social media scam, Truth Social

“Meanwhile, this lowlife, Jack Smith, and his master, the lowlife attorney general, continue their fascistic campaign against Trump, even now, as it becomes crystal clear to more and more Americans that Trump brought historic peace to the Middle East while the regime has blown it up and betrayed the Israelis.”

That comment is wrong on so many levels. First of all, Trump is hiding behind Levin’s words to avoid – he thinks – being found in contempt of court for violating the order to refrain from disparaging the court’s officers. Secondly, he still has no idea what “fascism” means. Third, he is quite obviously lying about having “brought peace to the Middle East.” He is also lying about Biden having “betrayed the Israelis,” who have been profusely expressing their gratitude to Biden and America for their unwavering support.

SEE ALSO: While Fox News Bashes Biden on Israel, Netanyahu Thanks Him for His ‘Incredible Support’

Of course, both Levin and Ingraham are making no sense at all with their juxtaposition of Trump’s legal problems with the Hamas attacks. But then, when have the brazenly biased attacks by Fox News ever made any sense? That isn’t even their purpose. The only objective of the mostly incomprehensible commentaries on Fox News is to enrage their audience and incite hostilities toward Democrats. And that doesn’t require logic or facts or anything resembling reality.


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Fox News Hack Laura Ingraham Proves that She Has Absolutely No Idea Who Donald Trump Is

Last April Fox News agreed to settle a defamation lawsuit filed by Dominion Voting Systems for 3/4 of a billion dollars. It was a de facto admission that they had deliberately disseminated lies pertaining to non-existent election fraud in the 2020 presidential race.

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It was just days following the settlement that Fox fired their top rated host, Tucker Carlson. And while they didn’t associate his termination with the lawsuit, it’s hard not to presume that there’s a connection. Not that they didn’t have a boatload of other reasons to set him adrift…

SEE THIS: A Post-Mortem on Tucker Carlson Following His Unusually Abrupt Departure From Fox News

As a result of the Carlson pink slip, Fox had to revamp their primetime lineup. So they took that opportunity to prop up their most pro-Trump truth manglers, Jesse Watters, Sean Hannity, Greg Gutfeld, and Laura Ingraham. For the most part, Fox got precisely what they wanted with this roster.

However, on Friday, Ingraham must have suffered a minor brain malfunction and said something that was partially rational and less than adoring of Trump (which will likely earn her a sharp rebuke from her cult messiah). In a monologue framed as political advice for the former White House occupier, Ingraham said that…

“Attacking popular governors and senators in battleground states is more than unwise, it’s self destructive. Why do it? Voters in a general election want to vote for a winner, not a whiner. So, please, for the love of god, stop talking about 2020. That will not bring a single voter out to support you that didn’t support you before. You need to grow the pot, not shrink it. Be magnanimous and be the elder statesman that Biden is not. Obviously capable of it. That will reassure people and, look, you’re policies worked before, they’re gonna work again.”

The first reaction by anyone familiar with the perverse personality of Trump would be wonder whether Ingraham had ever met him, or even heard of him. Let’s break down her suggestions in order to see if they make any sense at all.

To begin with, asking Trump not to attack people – even governors and senators of his own party – is like asking Hannibal Lector to lay off of human meat for lent. He doesn’t care if it’s unwise or self-destructive. He only cares that everyone worship him unwaveringly at all times. His most bitter assaults are usually reserved for fellow Republicans who he regards as apostates (or would if knew what the word meant).

Trump is not going to appreciate Ingraham implying that he is a “whiner.” Particularly in connection with his fixation on the 2020 election defeat that he still pretends to have won. She is right that Americans don’t want to keep hearing him yammer about election fraud that, even after sixty court cases, he has been unable to turn up a shred of proof. And forget about convincing him to stop talking about 2020. For him it’s an obsession that he can’t shake. Never mind that he has done nothing but lose since the anomaly in 2016. And he’s done nothing but whine about it ever since.

SEE ALSO: Victim-in-Chief: Trump is the most Cowardly, Whining, Crybaby to Ever Be President

Ingraham correctly points out that election victories hinge on efforts to “grow the pot, not shrink it.” But in Trump’s delusional mind, he already has an overflowing pot containing virtually every voting age American. Which may be why he has done nothing whatsoever to expand his base of voters that were not enough for victory in 2020. If anything, he has whittled his base down to just his most glassy-eyed cult disciples.

RELATED: Donald Trump is The Biggest Loser: Post-Midterm Poll Affirms What Everyone Already Knows

Ingraham concluded by suggesting that Trump should “be magnanimous” and present himself as an “elder statesman.” Which makes one wonder if she has any idea at all who Trump is. Has he ever displayed either of those characteristics in any measure? Trump is the textbook antithesis of diplomacy. He is a frothing brute who alienates our allies and embraces our enemies. And it is bizarre that Ingraham thinks her advice will be received with anything other than unbridled wrath, as he has done before.

SEE THIS: Fox News Hack Laura Ingraham Draws Trump’s Wrath for Showing a Poll that Affirms He’s a Loser

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Fox News Hack Laura Ingraham Draws Trump’s Wrath for Showing a Poll that Affirms He’s a Loser

The 2024 primary for the Republican nomination for president is already in full swing with five declared candidates vying to upset the party’s entrenched cult messiah, Donald Trump. And that doesn’t even include undeclared, but probable, candidates Ron DeSantis and Mike Pence, and at least eight others.

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Laura Ingraham, Fox News

For his part, Trump has been waging a feeble campaign from the safety of his Mar-a-Lago bunker, where he frantically posts demented comments on his floundering Twitter scam, Truth Social. Occasionally he will venture out to attend a cult rally or participate in a dreadful, so-called town hall on CNN.

SEE THIS: How Horrible Was CNN’s Lie-Riddled Trump Town Hall? Let’s See What CNN Has to Say About It

On Tuesday morning Trump excoriated his Ministry of Propaganda, Fox News, for failing to be unflinchingly worshipful. It’s a posture he has assumed frequently as of late. Earlier this week he complained about a segment that didn’t damn DeSantis to hell, saying that “He sucks, and so does Fox News.” But on this occasion, the target of Trump’s tantrum was one of his most devoted boosters on the network, Laura Ingraham. Trump bellowed that…

“Laura Ingraham on FoxNews just did a hit piece on me (there go her ratings!) showing some polls which indicate that Ron DeSanctimonious may do better against Biden than I would, when actually polls show that I do MUCH better against Biden than ‘Rob.’ The poll your looking at now, which has me doing far better against Crooked Joe, was just put out by FOX, I am sure unhappily. I’m also leading DeSanctus by over 40 points in Primary Voting. Watch Greg Kelly on Newsmax at 10:00 P.M.”

What triggered Trump was a segment on Ingraham’s show Monday night, wherein her conservative pundit guest blasphemed Trump’s divine infallibility saying that…

“Donald Trump, in almost all the polls that we’ve seen that have been done so far, granted it’s early, is behind Joe Biden. Now Joe Biden is running pretty badly against generic Republicans, maybe against a Tim Scott or against a Ron DeSantis type figure, but he’s consistently beating Donald Trump.”

Ingraham should know better than to ever say anything that isn’t utterly adoring of Trump. Doing so lands you a spot on his ever-growing enemies list. And to suggest that President Biden could defeat Trump – which he did decisively already – is unadulterated heresy.

Trump is doing his part to destroy Fox News, which may be the only thing he has ever done to benefit American society. However, his assault on Ingraham may be wasted considering that she is already rumored to have lost her primetime spot in the wake of the firing of Tucker Carlson. Fox has announced programming changes that would move wingnuts Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld to primetime, which would mean Ingraham is pushed out.

Newsmax has been the beneficiary of the Carlson dumping as Fox News ratings have cratered since then, and some of that audience has migrated to Newsmax. Trump’s post exacerbates that exodus as he urges his cult followers to flip over to the ultra-rightist Newsmax during Ingraham’s 10:00pm time period.

As for the battle between Trump and DeSantis, there are several polls that show DeSantis doing better than Trump against Biden. But Trump is known for denying reality and/or deceiving his followers to insist that he is always winning whatever fight he’s in. Never mind that he has been singularly responsible for Republican losses in 2020 and 2022. And there’s no reason not to assume that he won’t have the same impact in 2024. Even without Fox News to prop him up.

RELATED STORY: With Lawsuits, Lost Hosts, and Lying Pundits, the Future of Fox News Has Never Been Weaker

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FAILING UP: CNN Boss Chris Licht Promotes Trump Town Hall Host, Kaitlan Collins, to Primetime

Last week CNN aired a town hall with Donald Trump, the twice-impeached leader of a seditionist conspiracy who was recently found liable for rape and defamation, and is currently being investigated for a multitude of crimes, including financial and tax fraud, hush money payments, hoarding classified materials, election interference, and plotting a violent coup.

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The town hall was broadly disparaged as an infomercial for Trump’s aspirations to return to the White House in 2024. He was given wide latitude to lie, with only paltry pushback by the moderator, Kaitlan Collins. The audience was stacked with Trump supporters who applauded his most heinous remarks and laughed when he insulted the victim of his sexual assault. The program was so awful that many insiders at CNN were among the harshest critics…

SEE THIS: How Horrible Was CNN’s Lie-Riddled Trump Town Hall? Let’s See What CNN Has to Say About It

In the days following the town hall, CNN’s ratings plummeted to fourth place, below the ultra-rightist gadfly network, Newsmax. So naturally, this week CNN is rewarding Collins for her hosting of the debacle with a new primetime show:

“On the heels of her performance moderating a town hall with former President Donald Trump, CNN CEO Chris Licht named Kaitlan Collins the new host of the network’s 9 p.m. hour starting in June.”

This schedule change was actually rumored to be in the works prior to the town hall, which was to serve as both an introduction and an advertisement for Collins in her new role. Which, in retrospect, doesn’t seem like it was a very good idea.

CNN appears to be making good on the journalistically inappropriate promise of its CEO, Chris Licht, to make the network “more Republican friendly.” They are replacing the more left-leaning journalist, Don Lemon, with Collins, a former correspondent with the Tucker Carlson founded “Daily Caller.” Never mind that Collins’ primetime debut has garnered mostly criticism and ridicule. One of the few people to praise the show was Trump himself (of course), who credited it with moving Fox News more to the right.

REALTED: Ratings Envy? Trump Says that His CNN Town Hall Spurred Fox News to Cover His Iowa Cult Rally

Perhaps Licht thinks that he can scoop up the disaffected Fox News viewers who are rapidly abandoning the network for having fired their High Priest of White Nationalism, Tucker Carlson. If so, then Licht is even dumber than Carlson looks. Fox’s audience has been trained to despise CNN, and they won’t be de-programmed by a one-night special broadcast.

As for Fox News, they are implementing some program changes as well. They just announced that Sean Hannity will be moved into Carlson’s earlier timeslot. And insiders are saying that Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld are also going to be given shows in primetime.

This presents a dilemma for Fox. There aren’t enough hours in primetime for everyone currently being talked about to have a show there. Since Hannity isn’t going anywhere, if Watters and Gutfeld get promoted, then Laura Ingraham is either fired or moved out of primetime.

All of these changes are going to inject some chaos into the cable news wars. CNN is driving viewers away by sucking up to the right. Fox News is alienating their followers by terminating their heroes. And all of that is going to create opportunities for MSNBC, whose schedule is remaining relatively stable.

It may take several weeks for all of this to shake out. But if CNN and Fox News continue to battle it out for the wingnut demographic, they will both continue to lose audience share to MSNBC and the various incarnations of “Bachelors” and “Idols” that are being served up on the broadcast networks. Stay tuned.

SEE ALSO: Trump Spills that CNN Made Him ‘a Deal I Couldn’t Refuse’ to Get Him to Do Their Town Hall

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Despondent Fox News Host is ‘Pissed’ About Election Losses and Blames Everyone But Trump

Leave it to Fox News to thoroughly fail to learn the obvious lessons of one of the most pitifully catastrophic election cycles the Republican Party has ever suffered. The anguish on the faces of their hosts, and exclusively right-wing guests, tells a story of a willfully blind confederacy of crackpots.

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Laura Ingraham, Fox News, Goofy

On Tuesday the final Senate election for the 2022 midterms resulted in another victory for Democrats as Sen. Raphael Warnock defeated Donald Trump’s hand-picked GOP nominee, Herschel Walker. The race was called by Fox News during Laura Ingraham’s program, and she didn’t bother to conceal her searing dismay. In a fit of fury she ranted that…

“We felt this coming. To me, it never felt like the Senate Republicans wanted this guy in office. He was a Trump pick. They didn’t like that. They probably liked Herschel as a person, but there wasn’t the intensity on the part of the Republicans as there was on the part of Democrats. I felt it, you felt it, but we don’t change anything. We have the same people in place in leadership. The same people in place, apparently, at the RNC. Perhaps that’s not changing. We just keep doing the same thing over and over again. I’m pissed tonight, frankly. I’m mad.”

WHUT? For weeks Ingraham and everyone else at Fox News predicted that Walker would easily beat Warnock. They hosted his surrogates (Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, etc.) every other day. They maligned Warnock and Democrats as losers. They held multiple “town halls” giving Walker millions of dollars worth of free airtime. Tucker Carlson even had the audacity to whine about that…

RELATED: HUH? Senior Fox News Misinformer, Tucker Carlson, Declares that ‘Misinformation Can Be True’

While Ingraham mentioned obliquely that Walker was “a Trump pick,” she deftly avoided assigning any blame to Trump for having pushed such a pathetically unqualified stooge to challenge Warnock, an inspiring and articulate incumbent. She never acknowledged that Walker’s only assets as a candidate were his fawning adoration of Trump, and his race, because Republicans believed that Black Georgians were shallow enough to vote for a retired football player, even though he couldn’t complete a coherent sentence.

RELATED: Herschel Walker Challenges Joy Reid to a Debate – But is Silent After She Accepts

According to Ingraham, the fault lies with the GOP establishment who have presided over at least three losing election cycles. She’s actually right about that. If Republicans were smart (a far-fetched assumption), they would oust the entire GOP operation. However, they still wouldn’t advance their future electoral prospects unless they recognize that the Republican Party has been subservient to their Dear Leader Trump. He is the root of their problems. But they are to chickenshit to admit it, or doing anything about it.

Ingraham’s guests were just as deluded. Federalist editor, Molly Hemingway, noted that Walker’s loss was “really offensive for Republican voters [who] just see kind of failure across the board.” Former Trump White House counselor, Kellyanne Conway praised Walker as “one of the most improved candidates.” Seriously?

Elsewhere on Fox News, Sean Hannity babbled “I think Republicans have been unwilling, for whatever reason – reluctant, resistant – to voting early and voting by mail.” Gee, could the reason have anything to do with Trump’s relentless bashing of mail and early voting as corrupt and riddled with fraud? And Marjorie Taylor Greene insisted that “This is Mitch McConnell’s fault. This is Lindsey Graham’s fault. I’m not blaming Herschel Walker. I’m blaming the campaign team.”

Meanwhile, Trump himself weighed in shortly after the race was called with his customary incisive and thought-provoking commentary. On his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social, Trump calmly observed in all caps that “OUR COUNTRY IS IN BIG TROUBLE. WHAT A MESS!” That’s coming from the guy who is most responsible for the losses of nearly every major, contested race this cycle for Senate and governor. Yet he still gets a pass from Fox News.

SEE THIS: Trump’s Truthless Temper Tantrum Over the Midterm Election Results is Just So Trumpy

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Fox News and Trump FREAK OUT Over the FBI Seizing MyPillow Guy Mike Lindell’s Phone

Now they’ve done it. The Marxist Biden Deep State Justice Department thugs have done the unthinkable. They have assaulted the servile liberties of the gratingest American businessman and Internet loudmouth since – well, since real estate barren, casino bankrupter, charity skimmer, and twice-impeached former reality TV game show host, Donald Trump. That’s right, the MyPillow guy, Mike Lindell, joins the ranks of those persecuted by President Biden’s FBI stormtroopers.

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Donald Trump, Mike Lindell, MyPillow

In a plaintive whimpering video, Lindell revealed that the FBI had surrounded him at a Hardee’s eatery and forced him to surrender his cell phone. As the Daily Beast reported: “The search warrant requests data from Lindell’s phone, including any information it contains about damage to Dominion voting machines.” Shortly thereafter, Lindell managed to find some other device so that he could post a video announcing the seizure, despite the FBI requesting that he keep quiet about it.

Not surprisingly, this atrocity was quickly picked up by Fox News, where their Senior Fascismo Conspiracy Monger, Tucker Carlson was predictably perturbed. Upon learning of the phone abduction, Carlson unleashed a typically angst-ridden response…

“This is a Fox New Alert! A shocking one. We told you last night that the Biden administration has politicized law enforcement to the point where it feels Soviet and we were not overstating it. The FBI has just raided the guy who sells pillows on this channel. Not because the pillows are bad, but because of who he voted for.”

No, Carlson isn’t overstating it at all. He’s calmly and rationally issuing a “shocking” “Fox News Alert” to announce that the “Soviet” FBI “raided” his top advertiser for having voted for Trump.

Setting aside that Fox News uses the “Alert’ label for everything from earthquakes to surfing dogs, Carlson is falsely implying that the FBI raided Lindell’s home, which they did not. They simply approached him at a fast food restaurant and politely (according to Lindell) asked for his phone. They presented him with the search warrant, that was authorized by a judge, and advised him they were seeking information related to criminal activity.

Carlson, however, can’t be bothered with facts. He’s fixated on the heinousness of law enforcement doing their job. But Carlson wasn’t alone. His primetime colleague, Laura Ingraham, was also compelled to attack the agents for their audacious attention to those pesky legalities. She had the following exchange with her similarly outraged guest, ultra-rightist judicial pundit, Mike Davis…

Ingraham: It’s almost as if they’re seizing phones of anyone who might have communicated with the President, or anyone who’s close with the president. Am I out on a limb here or what?
Davis: This is scary stuff, Laura. We started out where they were going after Trump for non-crimes of keeping his presidential records at Mar-a-Lago. Now they’re going after his supporters. They’re going after his supporters for apparently the non-crime of questioning an election. You have to have a predicate crime in order to have Grand Jury subpoenas and warrants. What’s the crime they’re investigating? Questioning the election? We’re not a Marxist hellhole yet. I’m not understanding how the Biden Justice Department thinks that they can investigate these as crimes.

Yes, Laura. It’s fair to say that you are way out on a limb. For the record, the FBI isn’t “seizing phones of anyone who might have communicated with the [former] President.” They are seizing phones of anyone who might have been connected to a federal crime.

As for Davis, he is even farther out on that limb when he says that Trump hoarding – and lying about – highly sensitive national security materials at his Palm Beach hotel/home is a “non-crime.” And the FBI isn’t “going after” people who question the election. They’re going after coup plotters who tried to undermine democracy and overthrow the rightfully elected government. Davis pretends that he doesn’t know what the predicate for the subpoena was. But if he really doesn’t know, he’s both ignorant and dishonest.

The concerns of Carlson and Ingraham for Lindell can be traced to their dependence on him for advertising dollars. They have both lost most of their national advertisers and now rely on MyPillow as their biggest source of ad revenue. MyPillow accounts for at least 20% of the ads on Carlson’s show. In fact, MyPillow ads are running at an all time high on Fox News. And the second biggest advertiser is Fox News itself, promoting other Fox programs.

What makes this even more humorous is that Lindell had recently pulled all of his ads from Fox News in a fit because they wouldn’t run his ad promoting an election deniers conference that he held. Apparently he got over it.

Finally, Trump could not resist the impulse to weigh in this. He posted this comment on his floundering Twitter ripoff, Truth Social

“Breaking News: Mike Lindell, “THE Pillow Guy,” was just raided by the FBI. We are now officially living in a Weaponized Police State, Rigged Elections, and all. Our Country is a laughing stock all over the World. The majesty of the United States is gone. Can’t let this happen. TAKE BACK AMERICA!”

If the United States is a “laughing stock all over the World,” it’s just the residue of Trump’s prior occupation of the White House and his continued whining about having so decisively lost reelection to Joe Biden. But the fact that Lindell and other Trump co-conspirators are being scrutinized by the FBI is rapidly restoring credibility to America’s laws and Constitution.

RELATED: LOL: Sean Hannity Thinks He’s Helping Trump By Scrolling a Long List of His Crimes on Fox News

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